def SecondPiolaStress(self, F, p=None, deviatoric=False):
        import dolfin
        from pulse import kinematics
        material = self.material
        I = kinematics.SecondOrderIdentity(F)

        f0 = material.f0
        f0f0 = dolfin.outer(f0, f0)

        I1 = dolfin.variable(
        I4f = dolfin.variable(

        Fe =
        Fa =
        Ce = Fe.T * Fe

        # fe = Fe*f0
        # fefe = dolfin.outer(fe, fe)

        # Elastic volume ratio
        J = dolfin.variable(dolfin.det(Fe))
        # Active volume ration
        Ja = dolfin.det(Fa)

        dim = self.geometry.dim()
        Ce_bar = pow(J, -2.0 / float(dim)) * Ce

        w1 = material.W_1(I1, diff=1, dim=dim)
        w4f = material.W_4(I4f, diff=1)

        # Total Stress
        S_bar = Ja * (2 * w1 * I + 2 * w4f * f0f0) * dolfin.inv(Fa).T

        if material.is_isochoric:

            # Deviatoric
            Dev_S_bar = S_bar - (1.0 / 3.0) * dolfin.inner(
                S_bar, Ce_bar) * dolfin.inv(Ce_bar)

            S_mat = J**(-2.0 / 3.0) * Dev_S_bar
            S_mat = S_bar

        # Volumetric
        if p is None or deviatoric:
            S_vol =, dim))
            psi_vol = material.compressibility(p, J)
            S_vol = J * dolfin.diff(psi_vol, J) * dolfin.inv(Ce)

        # Active stress
        wactive =, diff=1)
        eta =

        S_active = wactive * (f0f0 + eta * (I - f0f0))

        S = S_mat + S_vol + S_active

        return S
Beispiel #2
    def define_deformation_tensors(self):
        Define kinematic tensors needed for constitutive equations. Tensors
        that are irrelevant to the current problem are set to 0, e.g. the
        deformation gradient is set to 0 when simulating fluid flow. Secondary
        tensors are added with the suffix "0" if the problem is time-dependent.
        The names of member data added to an instance of the MechanicsProblem
        class are:

        - :code:`deformationGradient`
        - :code:`deformationGradient0`
        - :code:`velocityGradient`
        - :code:`velocityGradient0`
        - :code:`jacobian`
        - :code:`jacobian0`


        # Exit function if tensors have already been defined.
        if hasattr(self, 'deformationGradient') \
           or hasattr(self, 'deformationRateGradient'):
            return None

        # Checks the type of material to determine which deformation
        # tensors to define.
        if self.config['material']['type'] == 'elastic':
            I = dlf.Identity(self.mesh.geometry().dim())
            self.deformationGradient = I + dlf.grad(self.displacement)
            self.jacobian = dlf.det(self.deformationGradient)

            if self.config['formulation']['time']['unsteady']:
                self.velocityGradient = dlf.grad(self.velocity)
                self.deformationGradient0 = I + dlf.grad(self.displacement0)
                self.velocityGradient0 = dlf.grad(self.velocity0)
                self.jacobian0 = dlf.det(self.deformationGradient0)
                self.velocityGradient = 0
                self.deformationGradient0 = 0
                self.velocityGradient0 = 0
                self.jacobian0 = 0
            self.deformationGradient = 0
            self.deformationGradient0 = 0
            self.jacobian = 0
            self.jacobian0 = 0

            self.velocityGradient = dlf.grad(self.velocity)
            if self.config['formulation']['time']['unsteady']:
                self.velocityGradient0 = dlf.grad(self.velocity0)
                self.velocityGradient0 = 0

        return None
    def __init__(self, u):
        '''Deformation measures.'''

        self.d = d = len(u)
        self.I = I = Identity(d)
        self.F = F = variable(I + grad(u))

        self.C = C = F.T * F
        self.E = 0.5 * (C - I)
        self.J = det(F)

        self.I1 = tr(C)
        self.I2 = 0.5 * (tr(C)**2 - tr(C * C))
        self.I3 = det(C)
Beispiel #4
    def dw_int(self, u, v):
        Construct internal energy.

        u: Function

        v: TestFunction
        # u Function (in the nonlinear case)
        assert isinstance(u, dlfn.function.function.Function)
        # v TestFunction
        assert isinstance(v, dlfn.function.argument.Argument)

        assert hasattr(self, "_elastic_ratio")
        assert hasattr(self, "_I")

        # deformation gradient
        F = self._I + grad(u)
        # right Cauchy-Green tensor
        C = F.T * F
        # volume ratio
        J = dlfn.det(F)

        # 2. Piola-Kirchhoff stress
        S = self._I - J**(-self._elastic_ratio) * inv(C)

        dE = dlfn.Constant(0.5) * (F.T * grad(v) + grad(v).T * F)

        return inner(S, dE)
Beispiel #5
    def postprocess_cauchy_stress(self, displacement):
        Compute Cauchy stress from given numerical solution.

        displacement: Function
            Computed numerical displacement
        assert hasattr(self, "_elastic_ratio")
        assert hasattr(self, "_I")

        assert isinstance(displacement, dlfn.function.function.Function)
        # displacement gradient
        H = grad(displacement)
        # deformation gradient
        F = self._I + H
        # right Cauchy-Green tensor
        C = F.T * F
        # volume ratio
        J = dlfn.det(F)

        # dimensionless 2. Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor (symbolic)
        S = self._I - J**(-self._elastic_ratio) * inv(C)

        # dimensionless Cauchy stress tensor (symbolic)
        sigma = (F * S * F.T) / J

        return sigma
Beispiel #6
def get_volume(geometry, u=None, chamber="lv"):

    if "ENDO" in geometry.markers:
        lv_endo_marker = geometry.markers["ENDO"]
        rv_endo_marker = None
        lv_endo_marker = geometry.markers["ENDO_LV"]
        rv_endo_marker = geometry.markers["ENDO_RV"]

    marker = lv_endo_marker if chamber == "lv" else rv_endo_marker

    if marker is None:
        return None

    if hasattr(marker, "__len__"):
        marker = marker[0]

    ds = df.Measure(
        "exterior_facet", subdomain_data=geometry.ffun, domain=geometry.mesh

    X = df.SpatialCoordinate(geometry.mesh)
    N = df.FacetNormal(geometry.mesh)

    if u is None:
        vol = df.assemble((-1.0 / 3.0) *, N) * ds)
        F = df.grad(u) + df.Identity(3)
        J = df.det(F)
        vol = df.assemble((-1.0 / 3.0) * + u, J * df.inv(F).T * N) * ds)

    return vol
Beispiel #7
def extrapolate_setup(extype, mesh_file, d, w, phi, dx_f, d_,

    alpha = 1. / det(Identity(len(d_["n"])) + grad(d_["n"]))
    F_extrapolate = alpha*inner(grad(d), grad(phi))*dx_f \
                    - inner(Constant((0, 0)), phi)*dx_f

    return dict(F_extrapolate=F_extrapolate)
Beispiel #8
    def compute(self, get):
        u = get("Velocity")

        S = (grad(u) + grad(u).T) / 2
        Omega = (grad(u) - grad(u).T) / 2
        Q = 0.5 * (Omega**2 - S**2)
        expr = Q**3 / 3 + det(grad(u))**2 / 2

        return self.expr2function(expr, self._function)
Beispiel #9
def cal_neoHookean(F, physParams):
        neoHookean elastic energy density: psi
    lmbda, mu = physParams.lmbda,
    ln = dl.ln
    J = dl.det(F)
    Ic = * F)  # Invariants of deformation tensors
    return (lmbda / 4) * (J**2 - 2 * ln(J) - 1) + (mu / 2) * (Ic -
                                                              2) - mu * ln(J)
Beispiel #10
m0 = 543.09
m1 = 4.73
m2 = 4.57
m3 = 5.27
m4 = 4.49
m5 = 4.49
m6 = 12.02 
m = (m0,m1,m2,m3,m4,m5,m6)
parameters = dl.interpolate(dl.Constant(m),parameterV)

d    = len(u)
I    = dl.Identity(d)            # Identity tensor
F    = I + dl.grad(u)            # Deformation gradient
C    = F.T*F                     # Right Cauchy-Green tensor
J    = dl.det(F)                 # Jacobian of deformation gradient
Cbar = C*(J**(-2.0/3.0))           # Deviatoric Right Cauchy-Green tensor
E    = dl.Constant(0.5)*(Cbar-I) # Deviatoric Green strain

c0,c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6 = dl.split(parameters)

Q = c1*(E[0,0]**2)+c2*(E[1,1]**2)+c3*(E[2,2]**2) + c4*(dl.Constant(4.0)*(E[1,2]**2)) #+c5*(dl.Constant(4.0)*(E[0,1]**2))#)#+c6*(dl.Constant(4.0)*(E[0,2]**2))
Energy = dl.Constant(0.5)*c0*(dl.exp(Q)-dl.Constant(1.0))
IncompressibilityConstraint = (J-dl.Constant(1.0))
Lagrangian = p*IncompressibilityConstraint*dl.dx  + Energy*dl.dx
yhat = dl.interpolate(dl.Constant((1,1,1,1)),TaylorHoodV)
residual_form = dl.derivative(Lagrangian,y,yhat) 
residual_form_a = dl.derivative(residual_form, a,atest)
residual_form_y = dl.derivative(residual_form, y,ytest)

residual_form_ya = dl.assemble(dl.derivative(residual_form_y, a,atrial))
Beispiel #11
def Jacobian(F):
    """Determinant of the deformation gradient
    return det(F)
Beispiel #12
def get_residual_form(u,

    df.dx = df.dx(metadata={"quadrature_degree": 4})
    # stiffness = rho_e/(1 + 8. * (1. - rho_e))

    if method == 'SIMP':
        stiffness = rho_e**3
        stiffness = rho_e / (1 + 8. * (1. - rho_e))

    # print('the value of stiffness is:', rho_e.vector().get_local())
    # Kinematics
    d = len(u)
    I = df.Identity(d)  # Identity tensor
    F = I + df.grad(u)  # Deformation gradient
    C = F.T * F  # Right Cauchy-Green tensor
    # Invariants of deformation tensors
    Ic =
    J = df.det(F)
    stiffen_pow = 1.
    threshold_vol = 1.

    eps_star = 0.05
    # print("eps_star--------")

    if additive == 'strain':
        print("additive == strain")

        if iteration_number == 1:
            print('iteration_number == 1')
            eps = df.sym(df.grad(u))
            eps_dev = eps - 1 / 3 * * df.Identity(2)
            eps_eq = df.sqrt(2.0 / 3.0 * df.inner(eps_dev, eps_dev))
            # eps_eq_proj = df.project(eps_eq, density_function_space)
            ratio = eps_eq / eps_star
            ratio_proj = df.project(ratio, V_density)

            c1_e = k * (5.e-2) / (1 + 8. * (1. - (5.e-2))) / 6

            c2_e = df.Function(V_density)
            c2_e.vector().set_local(5e-4 * np.ones(V_density.dim()))

            fFile = df.HDF5File(df.MPI.comm_world, "c2_e_proj.h5", "w")
            fFile.write(c2_e, "/f")

            fFile = df.HDF5File(df.MPI.comm_world, "ratio_proj.h5", "w")
            fFile.write(ratio_proj, "/f")
            iteration_number += 1
            E = k * stiffness
            phi_add = (1 - stiffness) * ((c1_e * (Ic - 3)) + (c2_e *
                                                              (Ic - 3))**2)

            ratio_proj = df.Function(V_density)
            fFile = df.HDF5File(df.MPI.comm_world, "ratio_proj.h5", "r")
  , "/f")

            c2_e = df.Function(V_density)
            fFile = df.HDF5File(df.MPI.comm_world, "c2_e_proj.h5", "r")
  , "/f")
            c1_e = k * (5.e-2) / (1 + 8. * (1. - (5.e-2))) / 6

            c2_e = df.conditional(df.le(ratio_proj, eps_star),
                                  c2_e * df.sqrt(ratio_proj),
                                  c2_e * (ratio_proj**3))
            phi_add = (1 - stiffness) * ((c1_e * (Ic - 3)) + (c2_e *
                                                              (Ic - 3))**2)
            E = k * stiffness

            c2_e_proj = df.project(c2_e, V_density)
            print('c2_e projected -------------')

            eps = df.sym(df.grad(u))
            eps_dev = eps - 1 / 3 * * df.Identity(2)
            eps_eq = df.sqrt(2.0 / 3.0 * df.inner(eps_dev, eps_dev))
            # eps_eq_proj = df.project(eps_eq, V_density)
            ratio = eps_eq / eps_star
            ratio_proj = df.project(ratio, V_density)

            fFile = df.HDF5File(df.MPI.comm_world, "c2_e_proj.h5", "w")
            fFile.write(c2_e_proj, "/f")

            fFile = df.HDF5File(df.MPI.comm_world, "ratio_proj.h5", "w")
            fFile.write(ratio_proj, "/f")

    elif additive == 'vol':
        print("additive == vol")
        stiffness = stiffness / (df.det(F)**stiffen_pow)

        # stiffness = df.conditional(df.le(df.det(F),threshold_vol), (stiffness/(df.det(F)/threshold_vol))**stiffen_pow, stiffness)
        E = k * stiffness

    elif additive == 'False':
        print("additive == False")
        E = k * stiffness  # rho_e is the design variable, its values is from 0 to 1

    nu = 0.4  # Poisson's ratio

    lambda_ = E * nu / (1. + nu) / (1 - 2 * nu)
    mu = E / 2 / (1 + nu)  #lame's parameters

    # Stored strain energy density (compressible neo-Hookean model)
    psi = (mu / 2) * (Ic - 3) - mu * df.ln(J) + (lambda_ / 2) * (df.ln(J))**2
    # print('the length of psi is:',len(psi.vector()))
    if additive == 'strain':
        psi += phi_add
    B = df.Constant((0.0, 0.0))

    # Total potential energy
    '''The first term in this equation provided this error'''
    Pi = psi * df.dx -, u) * df.dx -, u) * tractionBC

    res = df.derivative(Pi, u, v)

    return res
Beispiel #13
bcs.append(DirichletBC(V, zeros, fixed_vertex_000, "pointwise"))
bcs.append(DirichletBC(Vz, zero, fixed_vertex_010, "pointwise"))

### Define hyperelastic material model

material_parameters = {'E': Constant(1.0), 'nu': Constant(0.0)}

E, nu = material_parameters.values()

d = len(u)  # Displacement dimension

I = dolfin.Identity(d)
F = dolfin.variable(I + dolfin.grad(u))

C = F.T * F
J = dolfin.det(F)
I1 =

# Lame material parameters
lm = E * nu / ((1.0 + nu) * (1.0 - 2.0 * nu))
mu = E / (2.0 + 2.0 * nu)

# Energy density of a Neo-Hookean material model
psi = (mu / 2.0) * (I1 - d - 2.0 * dolfin.ln(J)) + (lm / 2.0) * dolfin.ln(J)**2

# First Piola-Kirchhoff
pk1 = dolfin.diff(psi, F)

# Boundary traction
N = dolfin.FacetNormal(mesh)
PN =, N)
Beispiel #14
 def _I3(self, F):
     C = RightCauchyGreen(F, self._isochoric)
     return det(C)
Beispiel #15
def J_(d):
    return det(F_(d))
Beispiel #16
def I3(F, isochoric=False):
    C = RightCauchyGreen(F, isochoric)
    return det(C)
Beispiel #17
    'fiber_files': fiber_files,
    'fiber_names': fiber_names,
    'element': 'p%i' % pd

from fenicsmechanics.materials.solid_materials import AnisotropicMaterial, FungMaterial

mat1 = AnisotropicMaterial(fiber_dict1, mesh)

hdf5_name = "fibers/n_all.h5"
f = dlf.HDF5File(MPI_COMM_WORLD, hdf5_name, 'w')
f.write(n1, "n1")
f.write(n2, "n2")

fiber_dict2 = {
    'fiber_files': hdf5_name,
    'fiber_names': fiber_names[:2],
    'element': 'p%i' % pd

mat2 = AnisotropicMaterial(fiber_dict2, mesh)

material_dict = {'kappa': 1e4, 'fibers': fiber_dict2}
mat3 = FungMaterial(mesh, inverse=True, incompressible=False, **material_dict)

u = dlf.Function(W)
F = dlf.Identity(2) + dlf.grad(u)
J = dlf.det(F)
P = mat3.stress_tensor(F, J)
Beispiel #18
# prob.check_partials(compact_print=True)

eps = df.sym(df.grad(displacements_function))
eps_dev = eps - 1 / 3 * * df.Identity(2)
eps_eq = df.sqrt(2.0 / 3.0 * df.inner(eps_dev, eps_dev))
eps_eq_proj = df.project(eps_eq, density_function_space)
ratio = eps / eps_eq

fFile = df.HDF5File(df.MPI.comm_world, "eps_eq_proj_1000.h5", "w")
fFile.write(eps_eq_proj, "/f")

F_m = df.grad(displacements_function) + df.Identity(2)
det_F_m = df.det(F_m)
det_F_m_proj = df.project(det_F_m, density_function_space)

fFile = df.HDF5File(df.MPI.comm_world, "det_F_m_proj_1000.h5", "w")
fFile.write(det_F_m_proj, "/f")
f2 = df.Function(density_function_space)

#save the solution vector
        ) << displacements_function
stiffness = df.project(density_function / (1 + 8. * (1. - density_function)),
    'solutions/case_1/hyperelastic_cantilever_beam/stiffness.pvd') << stiffness
Beispiel #19
def Extrapolate_setup(d, phi, dx_f, d_, **semimp_namespace):
    alfa = 1. / det(Identity(len(d_["n"])) + grad(d_["n"]))
    F_extrapolate = alfa*inner(grad(d), grad(phi))*dx_f - inner(Constant((0, 0)), phi)*dx_f

    return dict(F_extrapolate=F_extrapolate)
Beispiel #20
def J_(d):
    Determinant of the deformation gradient
    return det(F_(d))
Beispiel #21
        "material": material,
        "bc": {
            "dirichlet": make_dirichlet_bcs,
            "neumann": [[T, 1]]

    df.parameters["adjoint"]["stop_annotating"] = True
    solver = LVSolver(params)

    uh, ph = solver.get_state().split(deepcopy=True)
    F = df.grad(uh) + df.Identity(2)
    J = df.project(df.det(F), DG1)

    err_u.append(df.errornorm(u_exact, uh, "H1", mesh=mesh))
    err_p.append(df.errornorm(p_exact, ph, "L2", mesh=mesh))
    err_J.append(df.errornorm(df.Expression("1.0"), J, "L2", mesh=mesh))

    if 0:
        u = df.interpolate(u_exact, P2)
        p = df.interpolate(p_exact, P1)

        df.plot(u - uh, title="u-uh")
        df.plot(p - ph, title="p-ph")
        df.plot(ph, title="ph")
        df.plot(p, title="p")
        df.plot(u, mode="displacement")
        df.plot(uh, interactive=True, mode="displacement")
Beispiel #22
def truth_solve(mu_unkown):
    print("Performing truth solve at mu =", mu_unkown)
    (mesh, subdomains, boundaries, restrictions) = read_mesh()
    # (mesh, subdomains, boundaries, restrictions) = create_mesh()
    dx = Measure('dx', subdomain_data=subdomains)
    ds = Measure('ds', subdomain_data=boundaries)
    W = generate_block_function_space(mesh, restrictions)

    # Test and trial functions
    block_v = BlockTestFunction(W)
    v, q = block_split(block_v)
    block_du = BlockTrialFunction(W)
    du, dp = block_split(block_du)
    block_u = BlockFunction(W)
    u, p = block_split(block_u)

    # gap
    # V2 = FunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1)
    # gap = Function(V2, name="Gap")

    # obstacle
    R = 0.25
    d = 0.15
    x_0 = mu_unkown[0]
    y_0 = mu_unkown[1]
    obstacle = Expression("-d+(pow(x[0]-x_0,2)+pow(x[1]-y_0, 2))/2/R", d=d, R=R , x_0 = x_0, y_0 = y_0, degree=0)

    # Constitutive parameters
    E = Constant(10.0)
    nu = Constant(0.3)
    mu, lmbda = Constant(E/(2*(1 + nu))), Constant(E*nu/((1 + nu)*(1 - 2*nu)))

    B  = Constant((0.0, 0.0, 0.0))      # Body force per unit volume
    T  = Constant((0.0, 0.0, 0.0))      # Traction force on the boundary

    # Kinematics
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    mesh_dim = mesh.topology().dim()                    # Spatial dimension
    I = Identity(mesh_dim)                 # Identity tensor
    F = I + grad(u)                 # Deformation gradient
    C = F.T*F                       # Right Cauchy-Green tensor
    J = det(F)                      # 3rd invariant of the deformation tensor

    # Strain function
    def P(u):                       # P = dW/dF:
        return mu*(F - inv(F.T)) + lmbda*ln(J)*inv(F.T)
    def eps(v):
        return sym(grad(v))
    def sigma(v):
        return lmbda*tr(eps(v))*Identity(3) + 2.0*mu*eps(v)
    # Definition of The Mackauley bracket <x>+
    def ppos(x):
        return (x+abs(x))/2.
    # Define the augmented lagrangian
    def aug_l(x):
        return x + pen*(obstacle-u[2])

    pen = Constant(1e4)

    # Boundary conditions
    # bottom_bc = DirichletBC(W.sub(0), Constant((0., 0., 0.)), boundaries, 2)
    # left_bc = DirichletBC(W.sub(0), Constant((0., 0., 0.)), boundaries, 3)
    # right_bc = DirichletBC(W.sub(0), Constant((0., 0., 0.)), boundaries, 4)
    # front_bc = DirichletBC(W.sub(0), Constant((0., 0., 0.)), boundaries, 5)
    # back_bc = DirichletBC(W.sub(0), Constant((0., 0., 0.)), boundaries, 6)
    # # sym_x_bc = DirichletBC(W.sub(0).sub(0), Constant(0.), boundaries, 2)
    # # sym_y_bc = DirichletBC(W.sub(0).sub(1), Constant(0.), boundaries, 3)
    # # bc = BlockDirichletBC([bottom_bc, sym_x_bc, sym_y_bc])
    # bc = BlockDirichletBC([bottom_bc, left_bc, right_bc, front_bc, back_bc])

    bottom_bc = DirichletBC(W.sub(0), Constant((0., 0., 0.)), boundaries, 2)
    left_bc_x = DirichletBC(W.sub(0).sub(0), Constant(0.), boundaries, 3)
    left_bc_y = DirichletBC(W.sub(0).sub(1), Constant(0.), boundaries, 3)
    right_bc_x = DirichletBC(W.sub(0).sub(0), Constant(0.), boundaries, 4)
    right_bc_y = DirichletBC(W.sub(0).sub(1), Constant(0.), boundaries, 4)
    front_bc_x = DirichletBC(W.sub(0).sub(0), Constant(0.), boundaries, 5)
    front_bc_y = DirichletBC(W.sub(0).sub(1), Constant(0.), boundaries, 5)
    back_bc_x = DirichletBC(W.sub(0).sub(0), Constant(0.), boundaries, 6)
    back_bc_y = DirichletBC(W.sub(0).sub(1), Constant(0.), boundaries, 6)
    # sym_x_bc = DirichletBC(W.sub(0).sub(0), Constant(0.), boundaries, 2)
    # sym_y_bc = DirichletBC(W.sub(0).sub(1), Constant(0.), boundaries, 3)
    # bc = BlockDirichletBC([bottom_bc, sym_x_bc, sym_y_bc])
    bc = BlockDirichletBC([bottom_bc, left_bc_x, left_bc_y, \
                           right_bc_x, right_bc_y, front_bc_x, front_bc_y, \
                           back_bc_x, back_bc_y])

    # Variational forms
    # F = inner(sigma(u), eps(v))*dx + pen*dot(v[2], ppos(u[2]-obstacle))*ds(1)

    # F = [inner(sigma(u), eps(v))*dx - aug_l(l)*v[2]*ds(1) + ppos(aug_l(l))*v[2]*ds(1),
    #     (obstacle-u[2])*v*ds(1) - (1/pen)*ppos(aug_l(l))*v*ds(1)]

    # F_a = inner(sigma(u), eps(v))*dx
    # F_b = - aug_l(p)*v[2]*ds(1) + ppos(aug_l(p))*v[2]*ds(1)
    # F_c = (obstacle-u[2])*q*ds(1)
    # F_d = - (1/pen)*ppos(aug_l(p))*q*ds(1)
    # block_F = [[F_a, F_b],
    #            [F_c, F_d]]

    F_a = inner(P(u), grad(v))*dx - dot(B, v)*dx - dot(T, v)*ds \
        - aug_l(p)*v[2]*ds(1) + ppos(aug_l(p))*v[2]*ds(1)

    F_b = (obstacle-u[2])*q*ds(1) - (1/pen)*ppos(aug_l(p))*q*ds(1)

    block_F = [F_a,
    J = block_derivative(block_F, block_u, block_du)

    # Setup solver
    problem = BlockNonlinearProblem(block_F, block_u, bc, J)
    solver = BlockPETScSNESSolver(problem)
        "linear_solver": "mumps",
        "absolute_tolerance": 1E-4,
        "relative_tolerance": 1E-4,
        "maximum_iterations": 50,
        "report": True,
        "error_on_nonconvergence": True

    # solver.parameters.update({
    #     "linear_solver": "cg",
    #     "absolute_tolerance": 1E-4,
    #     "relative_tolerance": 1E-4,
    #     "maximum_iterations": 50,
    #     "report": True,
    #     "error_on_nonconvergence": True
    # })

    # Perform a fake loop over time. Note how up will store the solution at the last time.
    # Q. for?
    # A. You can remove it, since your problem is stationary. The template was targeting
    #    a final application which was transient, but in which the ROM should have only
    #    described the final solution (when reaching the steady state).
    # for _ in range(2):
    #     solver.solve()
    a1 = solver.solve()
        # save all the solution here as a function of time

    # Return the solution at the last time
    # Q. block_u or block
    # A. I think block_u, it will split split among the components elsewhere
    return block_u
    def __init__(self, mesh):

        self.mesh = mesh

        # Write mesh to file (for debugging only)
        # write_mesh(self.mesh, '/tmp/meshfromslicer.vtu')

        # define function space
        element_degree = 1
        quadrature_degree = element_degree + 1
        print("Degree of element: ", element_degree)
        print("Degree of quadrature: ", quadrature_degree)
        self.V = dolfin.VectorFunctionSpace(self.mesh, "Lagrange",

        # Mark boundary subdomains
        zmin = min(self.mesh.coordinates()[:, 2])
        zmax = max(self.mesh.coordinates()[:, 2])
        print("zmin:", zmin)
        print("zmax:", zmax)
        bot = dolfin.CompiledSubDomain("near(x[2], side) && on_boundary",
        top = dolfin.CompiledSubDomain("near(x[2], side) && on_boundary",

        # Define Dirichlet boundary (z = 0 or z = 1)
        c = dolfin.Constant((0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
        self.r = dolfin.Expression((
            "scale*(x0 + (x[0] - x0)*cos(theta) - (x[1] - y0)*sin(theta) - x[0])",
            "scale*(y0 + (x[0] - x0)*sin(theta) + (x[1] - y0)*cos(theta) - x[1])",

        self.bcs = [
            dolfin.DirichletBC(self.V, c, bot),
            dolfin.DirichletBC(self.V, self.r, top)

        # Define functions
        du = dolfin.TrialFunction(self.V)  # Incremental displacement
        v = dolfin.TestFunction(self.V)  # Test function
        # Displacement from previous iteration
        self.u = dolfin.Function(self.V)
        # Body force per unit volume
        self.B = dolfin.Constant((0.0, 0.0, 0.0))
        # Traction force on the boundary
        self.T = dolfin.Constant((0.0, 0.0, 0.0))

        # Kinematics
        d = len(self.u)
        I = dolfin.Identity(d)  # Identity tensor
        F = I + dolfin.grad(self.u)  # Deformation gradient
        C = F.T * F  # Right Cauchy-Green tensor

        # Invariants of deformation tensors
        Ic =
        J = dolfin.det(F)

        # Elasticity parameters
        E = 10.0
        nu = 0.3
        mu = dolfin.Constant(E / (2 * (1 + nu)))
        lmbda = dolfin.Constant(E * nu / ((1 + nu) * (1 - 2 * nu)))

        # Stored strain energy density (compressible neo-Hookean model)
        psi = (mu / 2) * (Ic - 3) - mu * dolfin.ln(J) + (lmbda /
                                                         2) * (dolfin.ln(J))**2

        dx = dolfin.Measure("dx",
                            metadata={'quadrature_degree': quadrature_degree})
        ds = dolfin.Measure("ds",
                            metadata={'quadrature_degree': quadrature_degree})
        Pi = psi*dx -, self.u)*dx - \
  , self.u)*ds
        self.F = dolfin.derivative(Pi, self.u, v)
        self.J = dolfin.derivative(self.F, self.u, du)
Beispiel #24
def main(traction, outfile='displacement.json'):

    # Create the Beam geometry
    # Length
    L = 10
    # Width
    W = 1

    print('Got traction of {} kN'.format(traction))

    # Create mesh
    mesh = dolfin.BoxMesh(dolfin.Point(0, 0, 0), dolfin.Point(L, W, W), 30, 3,

    # Mark boundary subdomians
    left = dolfin.CompiledSubDomain("near(x[0], side) && on_boundary", side=0)
    bottom = dolfin.CompiledSubDomain("near(x[2], side) && on_boundary",

    boundary_markers = dolfin.MeshFunction("size_t", mesh,
                                           mesh.topology().dim() - 1)

    left_marker = 1
    bottom_marker = 2

    left.mark(boundary_markers, left_marker)
    bottom.mark(boundary_markers, bottom_marker)

    f = dolfin.File('boundary_markers.pvd')
    f << boundary_markers

    P2 = dolfin.VectorElement("Lagrange", mesh.ufl_cell(), 2)
    P1 = dolfin.FiniteElement("Lagrange", mesh.ufl_cell(), 1)
    state_space = dolfin.FunctionSpace(mesh, P2 * P1)
    state = dolfin.Function(state_space)
    state_test = dolfin.TestFunction(state_space)
    u, p = dolfin.split(state)
    v, q = dolfin.split(state_test)

    # Some mechanical quantities
    I = dolfin.Identity(3)
    gradu = dolfin.grad(u)
    F = dolfin.variable(I + gradu)
    J = dolfin.det(F)

    # Material properites
    mu = dolfin.Constant(100.0)
    lmbda = dolfin.Constant(1.0)
    epsilon = 0.5 * (gradu + gradu.T)
    # Strain energy
    W = lmbda / 2 * (**2) \
        + mu * * epsilon)

    internal_energy = W - p * (J - 1)

    # Neumann BC
    N = dolfin.FacetNormal(mesh)
    p_bottom = dolfin.Constant(traction)
    external_work = dolfin.inner(v, p_bottom * dolfin.cofac(F) * N) \
        * dolfin.ds(bottom_marker, subdomain_data=boundary_markers)

    # Virtual work
    G = dolfin.derivative(internal_energy * dolfin.dx, state,
                          state_test) + external_work

    # Anchor the left side
    bcs = dolfin.DirichletBC(state_space.sub(0),
                             dolfin.Constant((0.0, 0.0, 0.0)), left)

    # Traction at the bottom of the beam
    dolfin.solve(G == 0, state, [bcs])

    # Get displacement and hydrostatic pressure
    u, p = state.split(deepcopy=True)

    point = np.array([10.0, 0.5, 1.0])
    disp = np.zeros(3)
    u.eval(disp, point)

    print(('Get z-position of point ({}): {:.4f} mm'
           '').format(', '.join(['{:.1f}'.format(p) for p in point]),
                      point[2] + disp[2]))

    with open(outfile, 'w') as f:
            'point': point.tolist(),
            'displacement': disp.tolist()

    print('Output saved to {}'.format(outfile))

    V = dolfin.VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1)
    u_int = dolfin.interpolate(u, V)
    moved_mesh = dolfin.Mesh(mesh)
    dolfin.ALE.move(mesh, u_int)
    f = dolfin.File('mesh.pvd')
    f << mesh
    f = dolfin.File('bending_beam.pvd')
    f << moved_mesh
Beispiel #25
def test_separated_parametrized_forms_vector_3():
    a3 = inner(det(expr3)*(expr4 + expr3*expr3)*expr1, grad(v))*dx + inner(grad(u)*expr2, v)*dx + expr1*inner(u, v)*dx
    a3_sep = SeparatedParametrizedForm(a3)
    log(PROGRESS, "*** ###              FORM 3             ### ***")
    log(PROGRESS, "We try now with a more complex expression of for each coefficient")
    log(PROGRESS, "\tLen coefficients:\n" +
        "\t\t" + str(len(a3_sep.coefficients)) + "\n"
    assert 6 == len(a3_sep.coefficients)
    log(PROGRESS, "\tSublen coefficients:\n" +
        "\t\t" + str(len(a3_sep.coefficients[0])) + "\n" +
        "\t\t" + str(len(a3_sep.coefficients[1])) + "\n" +
        "\t\t" + str(len(a3_sep.coefficients[2])) + "\n" +
        "\t\t" + str(len(a3_sep.coefficients[3])) + "\n" +
        "\t\t" + str(len(a3_sep.coefficients[4])) + "\n" +
        "\t\t" + str(len(a3_sep.coefficients[5])) + "\n"
    assert 1 == len(a3_sep.coefficients[0])
    assert 1 == len(a3_sep.coefficients[1])
    assert 1 == len(a3_sep.coefficients[2])
    assert 1 == len(a3_sep.coefficients[3])
    assert 1 == len(a3_sep.coefficients[4])
    assert 1 == len(a3_sep.coefficients[5])
    log(PROGRESS, "\tCoefficients:\n" +
        "\t\t" + str(a3_sep.coefficients[0][0]) + "\n" +
        "\t\t" + str(a3_sep.coefficients[1][0]) + "\n" +
        "\t\t" + str(a3_sep.coefficients[2][0]) + "\n" +
        "\t\t" + str(a3_sep.coefficients[3][0]) + "\n" +
        "\t\t" + str(a3_sep.coefficients[4][0]) + "\n" +
        "\t\t" + str(a3_sep.coefficients[5][0]) + "\n"
    assert "{ A | A_{i_{34}, i_{35}} = ({ A | A_{i_{32}, i_{33}} = ({ A | A_{i_{29}, i_{30}} = sum_{i_{31}} f_7[i_{29}, i_{31}] * f_7[i_{31}, i_{30}]  })[i_{32}, i_{33}] * f_7[0, 0] * f_7[1, 1] })[i_{34}, i_{35}] * f_5 }" == str(a3_sep.coefficients[0][0])
    assert "{ A | A_{i_{34}, i_{35}} = ({ A | A_{i_{32}, i_{33}} = f_8[i_{32}, i_{33}] * f_7[1, 0] * -1 * f_7[0, 1] })[i_{34}, i_{35}] * f_5 }" == str(a3_sep.coefficients[1][0])
    assert "{ A | A_{i_{34}, i_{35}} = ({ A | A_{i_{32}, i_{33}} = f_8[i_{32}, i_{33}] * f_7[0, 0] * f_7[1, 1] })[i_{34}, i_{35}] * f_5 }" == str(a3_sep.coefficients[2][0])
    assert "{ A | A_{i_{34}, i_{35}} = ({ A | A_{i_{32}, i_{33}} = ({ A | A_{i_{29}, i_{30}} = sum_{i_{31}} f_7[i_{29}, i_{31}] * f_7[i_{31}, i_{30}]  })[i_{32}, i_{33}] * f_7[1, 0] * -1 * f_7[0, 1] })[i_{34}, i_{35}] * f_5 }" == str(a3_sep.coefficients[3][0])
    assert "f_6" == str(a3_sep.coefficients[4][0])
    assert "f_5" == str(a3_sep.coefficients[5][0])
    log(PROGRESS, "\tPlaceholders:\n" +
        "\t\t" + str(a3_sep._placeholders[0][0]) + "\n" +
        "\t\t" + str(a3_sep._placeholders[1][0]) + "\n" +
        "\t\t" + str(a3_sep._placeholders[2][0]) + "\n" +
        "\t\t" + str(a3_sep._placeholders[3][0]) + "\n" +
        "\t\t" + str(a3_sep._placeholders[4][0]) + "\n" +
        "\t\t" + str(a3_sep._placeholders[5][0]) + "\n"
    assert "f_42" == str(a3_sep._placeholders[0][0])
    assert "f_43" == str(a3_sep._placeholders[1][0])
    assert "f_44" == str(a3_sep._placeholders[2][0])
    assert "f_45" == str(a3_sep._placeholders[3][0])
    assert "f_46" == str(a3_sep._placeholders[4][0])
    assert "f_47" == str(a3_sep._placeholders[5][0])
    log(PROGRESS, "\tForms with placeholders:\n" +
        "\t\t" + str(a3_sep._form_with_placeholders[0].integrals()[0].integrand()) + "\n" +
        "\t\t" + str(a3_sep._form_with_placeholders[1].integrals()[0].integrand()) + "\n" +
        "\t\t" + str(a3_sep._form_with_placeholders[2].integrals()[0].integrand()) + "\n" +
        "\t\t" + str(a3_sep._form_with_placeholders[3].integrals()[0].integrand()) + "\n" +
        "\t\t" + str(a3_sep._form_with_placeholders[4].integrals()[0].integrand()) + "\n" +
        "\t\t" + str(a3_sep._form_with_placeholders[5].integrals()[0].integrand()) + "\n"
    assert "sum_{i_{39}} sum_{i_{38}} f_42[i_{38}, i_{39}] * (grad(v_0))[i_{38}, i_{39}]  " == str(a3_sep._form_with_placeholders[0].integrals()[0].integrand())
    assert "sum_{i_{39}} sum_{i_{38}} f_43[i_{38}, i_{39}] * (grad(v_0))[i_{38}, i_{39}]  " == str(a3_sep._form_with_placeholders[1].integrals()[0].integrand())
    assert "sum_{i_{39}} sum_{i_{38}} f_44[i_{38}, i_{39}] * (grad(v_0))[i_{38}, i_{39}]  " == str(a3_sep._form_with_placeholders[2].integrals()[0].integrand())
    assert "sum_{i_{39}} sum_{i_{38}} f_45[i_{38}, i_{39}] * (grad(v_0))[i_{38}, i_{39}]  " == str(a3_sep._form_with_placeholders[3].integrals()[0].integrand())
    assert "sum_{i_{40}} ({ A | A_{i_{36}} = sum_{i_{37}} f_46[i_{37}] * (grad(v_1))[i_{36}, i_{37}]  })[i_{40}] * v_0[i_{40}] " == str(a3_sep._form_with_placeholders[4].integrals()[0].integrand())
    assert "f_47 * (sum_{i_{41}} v_0[i_{41}] * v_1[i_{41}] )" == str(a3_sep._form_with_placeholders[5].integrals()[0].integrand())
    log(PROGRESS, "\tLen unchanged forms:\n" +
        "\t\t" + str(len(a3_sep._form_unchanged)) + "\n"
    assert 0 == len(a3_sep._form_unchanged)
Beispiel #26
def J_(U):
    return det(F_(U))
    E = Constant(1000.0)  # Young's modulus
    nu = Constant(0.3)  # Poisson's ratio

    # Lame material parameters
    lm = E * nu / ((1.0 + nu) * (1.0 - 2.0 * nu))
    mu = E / (2.0 + 2.0 * nu)

    if large_deformations:

        I = dolfin.Identity(len(u))
        F = dolfin.variable(I + dolfin.grad(u))  # Deformation gradient
        C = F.T * F  # Right Cauchy-Green deformation tensor

        I1 =
        det_F = dolfin.det(F)

        # Strain energy density of a Neo-Hookean material
        psi = (mu / 2.0) * (I1 - len(u) - 2.0 * dolfin.ln(det_F)) + (
            lm / 2.0) * dolfin.ln(det_F)**2

        # First Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor
        pk1 = dolfin.diff(psi, F)


        I = dolfin.Identity(len(u))
        e = sym(grad(u))

        # Cauchy stress tensor
        s = 2 * mu * e + lm * * I