Beispiel #1
    def updateCoefficients(self):

        # Init coefficient matrix
        x, y = SpatialCoordinate(self.mesh)

        self.a = 0.5 * as_matrix(
            [[cos(self.gamma[0]), sin(self.gamma[0])],
             [- sin(self.gamma[0]), cos(self.gamma[0])]]) \
            * as_matrix([[1, sin(self.gamma[1])], [0, cos(self.gamma[1])]]) \
            * as_matrix([[1, 0], [sin(self.gamma[1]), cos(self.gamma[1])]]) \
            * as_matrix(
            [[cos(self.gamma[0]), - sin(self.gamma[0])],
             [sin(self.gamma[0]), cos(self.gamma[0])]])
        self.b = as_vector([Constant(0.0), Constant(0.0)])
        self.c = -pi**2

        self.u_ = exp(x * y) * sin(pi * x) * sin(pi * y)

        # Init right-hand side
        self.f = - sqrt(3) * (sin(self.gamma[1])/pi)**2 \
            + 111111
        # TODO work here

        # Set boundary conditions
        self.g = Constant(0.0)
Beispiel #2
    def updateCoefficients(self):

        # Init coefficient matrix
        x, y = SpatialCoordinate(self.mesh)

        self.a = 0.5 * as_matrix(
            [[cos(self.gamma[0]), sin(self.gamma[0])],
             [- sin(self.gamma[0]), cos(self.gamma[0])]]) \
            * as_matrix([[20, 1], [1, 0.1]]) \
            * as_matrix(
            [[cos(self.gamma[0]), - sin(self.gamma[0])],
             [sin(self.gamma[0]), cos(self.gamma[0])]])

        self.b = as_vector([Constant(0.0), Constant(1.0)])

        self.c = Constant(-10.0)

        self.u_ = (2*x-1.) \
            * (exp(1 - abs(2*x-1.)) - 1) \
            * (y + (1 - exp(y/

        # Init right-hand side
        self.f = inner(self.a, grad(grad(self.u_))) \
            + inner(self.b, grad(self.u_)) \
            + self.c * self.u_

        # Set boundary conditions
        self.g = Constant(0.0)
 def __init__(self, mock_problem, expression_type, basis_generation):
     self.V = mock_problem.V
     # Parametrized function to be interpolated
     mu = SymbolicParameters(mock_problem, self.V, (1., ))
     x = SpatialCoordinate(self.V.mesh())
     f = (1 - x[0]) * cos(3 * pi * mu[0] * (1 + x[0])) * exp(-mu[0] *
                                                             (1 + x[0]))
     folder_prefix = os.path.join("test_eim_approximation_09_tempdir",
                                  expression_type, basis_generation)
     assert expression_type in ("Function", "Vector", "Matrix")
     if expression_type == "Function":
         # Call Parent constructor
         EIMApproximation.__init__(self, mock_problem,
                                   folder_prefix, basis_generation)
     elif expression_type == "Vector":
         v = TestFunction(self.V)
         form = f * v * dx
         # Call Parent constructor
         EIMApproximation.__init__(self, mock_problem,
                                   folder_prefix, basis_generation)
     elif expression_type == "Matrix":
         u = TrialFunction(self.V)
         v = TestFunction(self.V)
         form = f * u * v * dx
         # Call Parent constructor
         EIMApproximation.__init__(self, mock_problem,
                                   folder_prefix, basis_generation)
     else:  # impossible to arrive here anyway thanks to the assert
         raise AssertionError("Invalid expression_type")
Beispiel #4
 def __init__(self, V, **kwargs):
     # Call parent
                      expression_type, basis_generation,
     # Minimal subset of a ParametrizedDifferentialProblem
     self.V = V
     self._solution = Function(V)
     self.components = ["u", "s", "p"]
     # Parametrized function to be interpolated
     x = SpatialCoordinate(V.mesh())
     mu = SymbolicParameters(self, V, (-1., -1.))
     self.f00 = 1. / sqrt(
         pow(x[0] - mu[0], 2) + pow(x[1] - mu[1], 2) + 0.01)
     self.f01 = 1. / sqrt(
         pow(x[0] - mu[0], 4) + pow(x[1] - mu[1], 4) + 0.01)
     # Inner product
     f = TrialFunction(self.V)
     g = TestFunction(self.V)
     self.inner_product = assemble(inner(f, g) * dx)
     # Collapsed vector and space
     self.V0 = V.sub(0).collapse()
     self.V00 = V.sub(0).sub(0).collapse()
     self.V1 = V.sub(1).collapse()
Beispiel #5
    def recompute_dJ(self):
        Create gradient expression for deformation algorithm
        # FIXME: probably only works with one obstacle
        # Recalculate barycenter and volume of obstacle
        self.integrand_list = []
        dJ = 0
        solver.dJ_form = []
        for i in range(1, self.N):
            # Integrand of gradient
            x = SpatialCoordinate(self.multimesh.part(i))
            u_i = self.u.part(i)
            dJ_stokes = -inner(grad(u_i), grad(u_i))
            dJ_vol = -Constant(2 * self.vfac) * (self.Vol - self.Vol0)
            dJ_bar = Constant(2 * self.bfac) / self.Vol * (
                (self.bx - x[0]) * self.bxoff + ( - x[1]) * self.byoff)
            integrand = dJ_stokes + dJ_vol + dJ_bar
            dDeform = Measure("ds", subdomain_data=self.mfs[i])
            from femorph import VolumeNormal
            n = VolumeNormal(self.multimesh.part(i))
            s = TestFunction(self.S[i])

            self.integrand_list.append(n * integrand)

            dJ = inner(s, n) * integrand * dDeform(self.move_dict[i]["Deform"])
Beispiel #6
    def solve(self, dt):
        self.u = Function(self.V0)
        self.w = TestFunction(self.V0)
        self.du = TrialFunction(self.V0)

        x = SpatialCoordinate(self.mesh0)

        L = inner( self.S(), self.eps(self.w) )*dx(degree=4)\
        - inner( self.b, self.w )*dx(degree=4)\
        - inner( self.h, self.w )*ds(degree=4)\
        + inner( 1e-6*self.u, self.w )*ds(degree=4)\
        - inner( min_value(x[2]+self.ut[2]+self.u[2], 0) * Constant((0,0,-1.0)), self.w )*ds(degree=4)

        a = derivative(L, self.u, self.du)

        problem = NonlinearVariationalProblem(L, self.u, bcs=[], J=a)
        solver = NonlinearVariationalSolver(problem)


        self.ut.vector()[:] = self.ut.vector()[:] + self.u.vector()[:]

        ALE.move(self.mesh, Function(self.V, self.u.vector()))

        self.v.vector()[:] = self.u.vector()[:] / dt
        self.n = FacetNormal(self.mesh)
Beispiel #7
        def __init__(self, ui, time_step_method, rho, mu, u, p0, dt, bcs, f, my_dx):
            super(TentativeVelocityProblem, self).__init__()

            W = ui.function_space()
            v = TestFunction(W)

            self.bcs = bcs

            r = SpatialCoordinate(ui.function_space().mesh())[0]

            def me(uu, ff):
                return _momentum_equation(uu, v, p0, ff, rho, mu, my_dx)

            self.F0 = rho * dot(ui - u[0], v) / dt * 2 * pi * r * my_dx
            if time_step_method == "forward euler":
                self.F0 += me(u[0], f[0])
            elif time_step_method == "backward euler":
                self.F0 += me(ui, f[1])
                assert (
                    time_step_method == "crank-nicolson"
                ), "Unknown time stepper '{}'".format(
                self.F0 += 0.5 * (me(u[0], f[0]) + me(ui, f[1]))

            self.jacobian = derivative(self.F0, ui)
            self.reset_sparsity = True
Beispiel #8
    def updateCoefficients(self):

        x, y, z = SpatialCoordinate(self.mesh)

        # Init coefficient matrix
        self.a = as_matrix([[Constant(1.),

        # Set up explicit solution
        print('Chosen alpha is {}'.format(self.alpha))
        print('Solution is in H^{}'.format(1.5 + self.alpha))

        r = sqrt((x - .5)**2 + (y - .5)**2 + (z - .5)**2)
        self.u_ = r**self.alpha

        # Init right-hand side
        self.f = inner(self.a, grad(grad(self.u_)))

        # Set boundary conditions to exact solution
        self.g = self.u_
Beispiel #9
    def updateCoefficients(self):

        x, y = SpatialCoordinate(self.mesh)
        # r = .1*sqrt((x-np.pi)**2 + (y-np.pi)**2)
        # self.u_ = pow(r,1.5) * sin(x) * sin(y)

        # Set up explicit solution
        self.u_ = sin(x) * sin(y)

        # Init coefficient matrix
        self.a1 = as_matrix([[2, .5], [
            0.5, 1.5
        ]]) + conditional(x * y > 0, 1., -1.) * as_matrix([[1., .5], [.5, .5]])
        self.a2 = as_matrix([[1.5, .5], [
            0.5, 2.
        ]]) + conditional(x * y > 0, 1., -1.) * as_matrix([[.5, .5], [.5, 1.]])
        self.a = self.gamma[0] * self.a1 + (1. - self.gamma[0]) * self.a2

        # Init right-hand side
        self.f1 = inner(self.a1, grad(grad(self.u_)))
        self.f2 = inner(self.a2, grad(grad(self.u_)))
        self.fcond = conditional(x * y > 0, 0., 1.)
        # self.f = self.fcond * self.f1 + (1.-self.fcond) * self.f2
        self.f = self.gamma[0] * self.f1 + (1. - self.gamma[0]) * self.f2
        # conditional(x*x*x-y>0.0,2.0,1.0)]])

        # self.f = inner(self.a, grad(grad(self.u_)))

        # Set boundary conditions to exact solution
        self.g = Constant(0.0)
    def updateCoefficients(self):

        # Init coefficient matrix
        x = SpatialCoordinate(self.mesh)[0]

        self.a = as_matrix([[.5 * (x * self.gamma[0] * self.sigmax)**2]])
        self.b = as_vector([x * (self.gamma[0] * ( - self.r) + self.r)])
        self.c = Constant(0.0)

        # Init right-hand side
        self.f = Constant(0.0)
        self.u_ = exp(
            (( - self.r)**2 / (2 * self.sigmax**2) * self.alpha /
             (1 - self.alpha) + self.r * self.alpha) *
            (self.T[1] - self.t)) * (x**self.alpha) / self.alpha
        self.u_T = (x**self.alpha) / self.alpha

        # Set boundary conditions
        # self.g_t = lambda t : [(Constant(0.0), "near(x[0],0)")]
        self.g = Constant(0.0)
        # self.g_t = lambda t : self.u_t(t)

        self.gamma_star = [
            Constant(( - self.r) / (self.sigmax**2 * (1 - self.alpha)))

        self.loc = conditional(x > 0.5, conditional(x < 1.5, 1, 0), 0)
Beispiel #11
def test_local_assembler_on_facet_integrals():
    mesh = UnitSquareMesh(MPI.comm_world, 4, 4, 'right')
    Vdgt = FunctionSpace(mesh, 'DGT', 1)

    v = TestFunction(Vdgt)
    x = SpatialCoordinate(mesh)

    w = (1.0 + x[0] ** 2.2 + 1. / (0.1 + x[1] ** 3)) * 300

    # Define form that tests that the correct + and - values are used
    L = w('-') * v('+') * dS

    # Compile form. This is collective
    L = Form(L)

    # Get global cell 10. This will return a cell only on one of the
    # processes
    c = get_cell_at(mesh, 5 / 12, 1 / 3, 0)

    if c:
        # Assemble locally on the selected cell
        b_e = assemble_local(L, c)

        # Compare to values from phonyx (fully independent
        # implementation)
        b_phonyx = numpy.array([266.55210302, 266.55210302, 365.49000122, 365.49000122, 0.0, 0.0])
        error = sum((b_e - b_phonyx)**2)**0.5
        error = float(error)  # MPI.max does strange things to numpy.float64

        error = 0.0

    error = MPI.max(MPI.comm_world, float(error))
    assert error < 1e-8
    def updateCoefficients(self):

        # Init coefficient matrix
        P, Inv = SpatialCoordinate(self.mesh)

        self.a = as_matrix([[+.5 * (P * self.sigma)**2, 0], [0, 0]])

        # def K(t): return self.K0 + beta_SA * sin(4*pi*(t - t_SA))
        def K(t):
            return self.K0

        self.b = as_vector([
            +self.alpha * (K(self.t) - P),
            -(self.gamma[0] + self.cost(self.gamma[0]))

        self.c = Constant(-self.r)

        # Init right-hand side
        self.f = -(self.gamma[0] - self.cost(self.gamma[0])) * P

        self.u_T = -2 * P * ufl.Max(1000 - Inv, 0)
        # self.u_T = Constant(0.0)

        # Set boundary conditions
        # self.g_t = lambda t : [(Constant(0.0), "near(x[0],0)")]
        self.g = self.u_T
Beispiel #13
    def initControl(self):
        self.controlSpace = [FunctionSpace(self.mesh, "DG", 0)]

        x, y = SpatialCoordinate(self.mesh)
        u_ = (2*x-1.) \
            * (exp(1 - abs(2*x-1.)) - 1) \
            * (y + (1 - exp(y/
        cs = self.controlSpace[0]
        du = self.u - u_

        du_xx = Dx(Dx(du, 0), 0)
        du_xy = Dx(Dx(du, 0), 1)
        du_yx = Dx(Dx(du, 1), 0)
        du_yy = Dx(Dx(du, 1), 1)

        du_xx_proj = project(du_xx, cs)
        du_xy_proj = project(du_xy, cs)
        du_yx_proj = project(du_yx, cs)
        du_yy_proj = project(du_yy, cs)

        # Use the UserExpression
        gamma_star = Gallistl_Sueli_1_optControl(du_xx_proj, du_xy_proj,
                                                 du_yx_proj, du_yy_proj,
                                                 self.alphamin, self.alphamax)
        # Interpolate evaluates expression in centers of mass
        # Project evaluates expression in vertices
        self.gamma = [gamma_star]
Beispiel #14
def get_voltage_current_matrix(phi, physical_indices, dx, Sigma, omega, v_ref):
    """Compute the matrix that relates the voltages with the currents in the
    coil rings. (The relationship is indeed linear.)

    This is according to :cite:`KP02`.

    The entry :math:`J_{k,l}` in the resulting matrix is the contribution of
    the potential generated by coil :math:`l` to the current in coil :math:`k`.
    mesh = phi[0].function_space().mesh()

    r = SpatialCoordinate(mesh)[0]

    num_coil_rings = len(phi)
    J = numpy.empty((num_coil_rings, num_coil_rings), dtype=numpy.complex)
    for l, pi0 in enumerate(physical_indices):
        partial_phi_r, partial_phi_i = phi[l].split()
        for k, pi1 in enumerate(physical_indices):
            # -1i*omega*int_{coil_k} sigma phi.
            int_r = assemble(Sigma[pi1] * partial_phi_r * dx(pi1))
            int_i = assemble(Sigma[pi1] * partial_phi_i * dx(pi1))
            J[k][l] = -1j * omega * (int_r + 1j * int_i)
        # v_ref/(2*pi) * int_{coil_l} sigma/r.
        # 1/r doesn't explode since we only evaluate it in the coils where
        # r!=0.
        # For assemble() to work, a mesh needs to be supplied either implicitly
        # by the integrand, or explicitly. Since the integrand doesn't contain
        # mesh information here, pass it through explicitly.
        J[l][l] += v_ref / (2 * pi) * assemble(Sigma[pi0] / r * dx(pi0))
    return J
Beispiel #15
def compute_velocity_correction(
    ui, p0, p1, u_bcs, rho, mu, dt, rotational_form, my_dx, tol, verbose
    """Compute the velocity correction according to

    .. math::

        U = u_0 - \\frac{dt}{\\rho} \\nabla (p_1-p_0).
    W = ui.function_space()
    P = p1.function_space()

    u = TrialFunction(W)
    v = TestFunction(W)
    a3 = dot(u, v) * my_dx
    phi = Function(P)
    if p0:
        phi -= p0
    if rotational_form:
        r = SpatialCoordinate(W.mesh())[0]
        div_ui = 1 / r * (r * ui[0]).dx(0) + ui[1].dx(1)
        phi += mu * div_ui
    L3 = dot(ui, v) * my_dx - dt / rho * (phi.dx(0) * v[0] + phi.dx(1) * v[1]) * my_dx
    u1 = Function(W)
        a3 == L3,
            "linear_solver": "iterative",
            "symmetric": True,
            "preconditioner": "hypre_amg",
            "krylov_solver": {
                "relative_tolerance": tol,
                "absolute_tolerance": 0.0,
                "maximum_iterations": 100,
                "monitor_convergence": verbose,
    # u = project(ui - k/rho * grad(phi), V)
    # div_u = 1/r * div(r*u)
    r = SpatialCoordinate(W.mesh())[0]
    div_u1 = 1.0 / r * (r * u1[0]).dx(0) + u1[1].dx(1)
    info("||u||_div = {:e}".format(sqrt(assemble(div_u1 * div_u1 * my_dx))))
    return u1
Beispiel #16
    def updateControl(self):
        """ The optimal continuous control in this example depends on the
        gradient. """

        x, y = SpatialCoordinate(self.mesh)
        # Dxu = project(Dx(self.u,0),FunctionSpace(self.mesh, "DG", 0))
        Dxxu = Dx(Dx(self.u, 0), 0)
        Dxxu = self.H[0, 0]
        self.gamma[0] = .5 * (x**2) * Dxxu
Beispiel #17
    def __init__(self,
        super(StokesHeat, self).__init__()

        theta_dirichlet_bcs = theta_dirichlet_bcs or {}
        theta_neumann_bcs = theta_neumann_bcs or {}
        theta_robin_bcs = theta_robin_bcs or {}

        # Translate the Dirichlet boundary conditions into the product space.
        self.dirichlet_bcs = helpers.dbcs_to_productspace(
            WPQ, [u_bcs, p_bcs, theta_dirichlet_bcs])

        self.uptheta = Function(WPQ)
        u, p, theta = split(self.uptheta)
        v, q, zeta = TestFunctions(WPQ)

        mesh = WPQ.mesh()
        r = SpatialCoordinate(mesh)[0]

        # Right-hand side for momentum equation.
        f = rho(theta) * g  # coupling
        if extra_force is not None:
            f += as_vector((extra_force[0], extra_force[1], 0.0))
        self.stokes_F = stokes.F(u, p, v, q, f, r, mu, my_dx)

        self.heat_F = heat.F(
            convection=u,  # coupling

        self.F0 = self.stokes_F + self.heat_F
        self.jacobian = derivative(self.F0, self.uptheta)
Beispiel #18
    def updateCoefficients(self):

        x, y = SpatialCoordinate(self.mesh)

        self.a = as_matrix([[1., 0.], [0., 1.]])
        self.u_ = sin(pi * x) * sin(pi * y)

        self.f = inner(self.a, grad(grad(self.u_)))

        self.g = Constant(0.0)
Beispiel #19
 def _init_geometric_functions(self):
     Helper initializer to compute original volume and barycenter
     of the obstacle.
     x = SpatialCoordinate(self.mesh)
     VolOmega = assemble(Constant(1)*dx(domain=self.mesh))
     self.Vol0 = Constant(1 - VolOmega)
     self.bx0 = Constant((Constant(1./2)-assemble(x[0]*dx))/self.Vol0)
     self.by0 = Constant((Constant(1./2)-assemble(x[1]*dx))/self.Vol0)
Beispiel #20
    def updateCoefficients(self):

        x, y = SpatialCoordinate(self.mesh)

        self.a = as_matrix([[1., 0.], [0., 1.]])
        self.u_ = x * (1 - x) + y * (1 - y)
        # self.u_ = sin(x)*exp(cos(y))

        self.f = inner(self.a, grad(grad(self.u_)))

        self.g = self.u_
Beispiel #21
    def updateCoefficients(self):

        x, y = SpatialCoordinate(self.mesh)

        # Init coefficient matrix
        self.a = as_matrix([[1.0, self.kappa], [self.kappa, 1.0]])

        # Init right-hand side
        self.f = (1 + x**2) * sin(pi * x) * pi**2

        # Set boundary conditions to exact solution
        self.g = Constant(0.0)
Beispiel #22
    def updateCoefficients(self):
        # Init coefficient matrix
        x, y = SpatialCoordinate(self.mesh)

        self.a = as_matrix([[.02, .01],
                            [0.01, conditional(x**3 - y > 0.0, 2.0, 1.0)]])

        # Init right-hand side
        self.f = -1.0

        # Set boundary conditions to exact solution
        self.g = Constant(0.0)
Beispiel #23
    def updateCoefficients(self):

        x, y = SpatialCoordinate(self.mesh)

        self.a = as_matrix([[Constant(1.), Constant(self.kappa)],
        self.u_ = sin(2 * pi * x) * sin(2 * pi * y)

        self.f = inner(self.a, grad(grad(self.u_)))

        self.g = Constant(0.0)
Beispiel #24
 def compute_volume_bary(self):
     Compute barycenter and volume of obstacle with current mesh
     x = SpatialCoordinate(self.mesh)
     VolOmega = assemble(Constant(1)*dx(domain=self.mesh))
     self.Vol = Constant(1 - VolOmega)
     self.bx = Constant((Constant(1./2)-assemble(x[0]*dx))/self.Vol) = Constant((Constant(1./2)-assemble(x[1]*dx))/self.Vol)
     self.bx_off = self.bx - self.bx0
     self.by_off = - self.by0
     self.vol_off = self.Vol - self.Vol0
    def initControl(self):

        # Initialize control spaces
        self.controlSpace = [FunctionSpace(self.mesh, "DG", 1)]

        # Initialize controls
        x = SpatialCoordinate(self.mesh)[0]

        u_x = Dx(self.u, 0)
        u_xx = Dx(u_x, 0)
        g1 = conditional(
            x > 0, -( - self.r) * u_x / (x * self.sigmax**2 * u_xx), 0)
        self.gamma = [g1]
Beispiel #26
    def updateCoefficients(self):

        x, y = SpatialCoordinate(self.mesh)
        z = -1. / ln(sqrt(pow(x, 2) + pow(y, 2)))

        # Init coefficient matrix
        self.a = as_matrix([[5 * z + 15, 1.], [1., 1 * z + 3]])
        self.u_ = pow(pow(x, 2) + pow(y, 2), 7. / 8)
        # Init right-hand side
        self.f = inner(self.a, grad(grad(self.u_)))

        # Set boundary conditions to exact solution
        self.g = self.u_
Beispiel #27
    def updateCoefficients(self):
        # Init coefficient matrix
        x, y = SpatialCoordinate(self.mesh)

        off_diag = conditional(x * y > 0, 1.0, -1.0)
        self.a = as_matrix([[2.0, off_diag], [off_diag, 2.0]])

        self.u_ = x * y * (1 - exp(1 - abs(x))) * (1 - exp(1 - abs(y)))

        # Init right-hand side
        self.f = inner(self.a, grad(grad(self.u_)))

        # Set boundary conditions to exact solution
        self.g = self.u_
Beispiel #28
    def updateCoefficients(self):
        x, y = SpatialCoordinate(self.mesh)
        z = pow(sqrt(pow(x, 2) + pow(y, 2)), .5)

        # Init coefficient matrix
        self.a = as_matrix([[z + 1., -z], [-z, 5 * z + 1.]])

        self.u_ = sin(2 * pi * x) * sin(2 * pi * y) * exp(x * cos(y))

        # Init right-hand side
        self.f = inner(self.a, grad(grad(self.u_)))

        # Set boundary conditions to exact solution
        self.g = self.u_
Beispiel #29
    def updateCoefficients(self):
        # Init coefficient matrix
        x, y = SpatialCoordinate(self.mesh)
        self.a = as_matrix([[1., 0.],
                            [0., (pow(pow(x, 2) * pow(y, 2), 1.0 / 3) + 1.0)]])

        # Init exact solution
        self.u_ = exp(-10 * (pow(x, 2) + pow(y, 2)))

        # Init right-hand side
        self.f = inner(self.a, grad(grad(self.u_)))

        # Set boundary conditions to exact solution
        self.g = self.u_
Beispiel #30
    def updateCoefficients(self):

        x, y = SpatialCoordinate(self.mesh)

        self.a = as_matrix([[1.0, 0.], [0., 1.]])

        # Init right-hand side
        xi = 0.5 + pi / 100
        self.u_ = conditional(x <= xi, 0.0, 0.5 * (x - xi)**2)
        # self.f = inner(self.a, grad(grad(self.u_)))
        self.f = conditional(x <= xi, 0.0, 1.0)

        # Set boundary conditions to exact solution
        self.g = self.u_