Beispiel #1
    def __get_compiled_functions__(self, order=1):

        # constructs arguments of function f(y(1),y,y(-1),e,p)

        vv = self.symbols['variables']
        syms = [(v,1) for v in vv] + [(v,0) for v in vv] + [(v,-1) for v in vv]
        syms += [(s,0) for s in self.symbols['shocks']]
        params = self.symbols['parameters']

        # contsruct list of equations to differentiate
        # TODO: replace ugly splits, by call to equation parser:
        eqs = []
        for eq in self.symbolic.equations:
            m = str.split(eq,'=')
            if len(m) == 2:
                s = '{} - ({})'.format(m[1].strip(),m[0].strip())
                s = str.strip(s)
                s = eq

        from dolo.compiler.function_compiler_sympy import compile_higher_order_function

        f_dynamic = compile_higher_order_function(eqs, syms, params,
                                                order=order, funname='f_dynamic')

        e = self.calibration['shocks']
        f_static = lambda y, p: f_dynamic(numpy.concatenate([y,y,y,e]),p, order=0)

        functions = {
            'f_static': f_static,
            'f_dynamic': f_dynamic,

        return functions
Beispiel #2
    def __get_compiled_functions__(self, order=1):

        # constructs arguments of function f(y(1),y,y(-1),e,p)

        vv = self.symbols['variables']
        syms = [(v,1) for v in vv] + [(v,0) for v in vv] + [(v,-1) for v in vv]
        syms += [(s,0) for s in self.symbols['shocks']]
        params = self.symbols['parameters']

        # contsruct list of equations to differentiate
        # TODO: replace ugly splits, by call to equation parser:
        eqs = []
        for eq in self.symbolic.equations:
            m = str.split(eq,'=')
            if len(m) == 2:
                s = '{} - ({})'.format(m[1].strip(),m[0].strip())
                s = str.strip(s)
                s = eq

        from dolo.compiler.function_compiler_sympy import compile_higher_order_function

        f_dynamic = compile_higher_order_function(eqs, syms, params,
                                                order=order, funname='f_dynamic')

        e = self.calibration['shocks']
        f_static = lambda y, p: f_dynamic(numpy.concatenate([y,y,y,e]),p, order=0)

        functions = {
            'f_static': f_static,
            'f_dynamic': f_dynamic,

        return functions
Beispiel #3
    def __compile_functions__(self):

        # constructs arguments of function f(y(1),y,y(-1),e,p)

        vv = self.symbols["variables"]
        syms = [(v, 1) for v in vv] + [(v, 0) for v in vv] + [(v, -1) for v in vv]
        syms += [(s, 0) for s in self.symbols["shocks"]]
        params = self.symbols["parameters"]

        # contsruct list of equations to differentiate
        # TODO: replace ugly splits, by call to equation parser:
        eqs = []
        for eq in self.symbolic.equations:
            m = str.split(eq, "=")
            if len(m) == 2:
                s = "{} - ({})".format(m[1].strip(), m[0].strip())
                s = str.strip(s)
                s = eq

        from dolo.compiler.function_compiler_sympy import compile_higher_order_function

        f_dynamic = compile_higher_order_function(eqs, syms, params, order=3, funname="f_dynamic")

        e = self.calibration["shocks"]
        f_static = lambda y, p: f_dynamic(numpy.concatenate([y, y, y, e]), p, order=0)

        self.functions = {"f_static": f_static, "f_dynamic": f_dynamic}
def model_to_fg(model, order=2):
    # compile f, g function at higher order

    all_variables = sum(
        [model.symbols[e] for e in model.symbols if e != 'parameters'], [])
    all_dvariables = ([(d, 0) for d in all_variables] +
                      [(d, 1)
                       for d in all_variables] + [(d, -1)
                                                  for d in all_variables])
    psyms = [(e, 0) for e in model.symbols['parameters']]

    if hasattr(model.symbolic, 'definitions'):
        definitions = model.symbolic.definitions
        definitions = {}

    d = dict()

    for k in definitions:
        v = parse_equation(definitions[k], all_variables, to_sympy=True)
        kk = stringify((k, 0))
        kk_m1 = stringify((k, -1))
        kk_1 = stringify((k, 1))
        d[sympy.Symbol(kk)] = v
        d[sympy.Symbol(kk_m1)] = timeshift(v, all_variables, -1)
        d[sympy.Symbol(kk_1)] = timeshift(v, all_variables, 1)

    f_eqs = model.symbolic.equations['arbitrage']
    f_eqs = [parse_equation(eq, all_variables, to_sympy=True) for eq in f_eqs]
    f_eqs = [eq.subs(d) for eq in f_eqs]

    g_eqs = model.symbolic.equations['transition']
    g_eqs = [
        parse_equation(eq, all_variables, to_sympy=True, substract_lhs=False)
        for eq in g_eqs
    from collections import OrderedDict
    dd = OrderedDict()
    for eq in g_eqs:
        dd[eq[0]] = eq[1].subs(dd).subs(d)
    g_eqs = dd.values()

    f_syms = [(e,0) for e in model.symbols['states']] + \
                [(e,0) for e in model.symbols['controls']] + \
                [(e,1) for e in model.symbols['states']] + \
                [(e,1) for e in model.symbols['controls']]

    g_syms = [(e,-1) for e in model.symbols['states']] + \
                [(e,-1) for e in model.symbols['controls']] + \
                [(e,0) for e in model.symbols['shocks']]

    params = model.symbols['parameters']

    f = compile_higher_order_function(f_eqs,

    g = compile_higher_order_function(g_eqs,
    # cache result
    model.__higher_order_functions__ = dict(f=f, g=g)
    model.__highest_order__ = order

    return [f, g]
def model_to_fg(model, order=2):

    if hasattr(model, '__higher_order_functions__') and model.__highest_order__  >= order:
        f = model.__higher_order_functions__['f']
        g = model.__higher_order_functions__['g']
        return [f, g]

    all_variables = sum([model.symbols[e] for e in model.symbols if e != 'parameters'], [])
    all_dvariables = ([(d, 0) for d in all_variables] +
                      [(d, 1) for d in all_variables] +
                      [(d, -1) for d in all_variables])
    psyms = [(e,0) for e in model.symbols['parameters']]

    if hasattr(model.symbolic, 'definitions'):
        definitions = model.symbolic.definitions
        definitions = {}

    ddef = dict()
    for k in definitions:
        v = parse_equation(definitions[k], all_dvariables + psyms, to_sympy=True)
        ddef[sympy.Symbol(k)] = v

    # all_sym_variables = [std_date_symbol(s,0) for s in all_variables]

    params = model.symbols['parameters']

    f_eqs = model.symbolic.equations['arbitrage']
    f_eqs = [parse_equation(eq, all_dvariables + psyms, to_sympy=True) for eq in f_eqs]
    f_eqs = [eq.subs(ddef) for eq in f_eqs]  # TODO : replace it everywhere else

    y_eqs = model.symbolic.equations['auxiliary']
    syms = [(e, 0) for e in model.symbols['states']] + \
           [(e, 0) for e in model.symbols['controls']] + \
           [(e, 0) for e in model.symbols['auxiliaries']]

    # Solve recursively
    y_eqs = [parse_equation(eq, all_dvariables+psyms, to_sympy=True, substract_lhs=False) for eq in y_eqs]
    d = {}
    for eq in y_eqs:
        d[eq[0]] = eq[1].subs(d)

    # Construct dictionary
    for k in list(d.keys()):
        d[timeshift(k,all_variables,1)] = timeshift(d[k],all_variables,1)
        d[timeshift(k,all_variables,-1)] = timeshift(d[k],all_variables,-1)
    f_eqs = [eq.subs(d) for eq in f_eqs]

    g_eqs = model.symbolic.equations['transition']
    g_eqs = [parse_equation(eq, all_dvariables + psyms, to_sympy=True, substract_lhs=False) for eq in g_eqs]

    from collections import OrderedDict
    dd = OrderedDict()
    for eq in g_eqs:
        dd[eq[0]] = eq[1].subs(dd).subs(d)
    g_eqs = dd.values()

    syms = [(e,-1) for e in model.symbols['states']] + \
           [(e,-1) for e in model.symbols['controls']] + \
           [(e,-1) for e in model.symbols['auxiliaries']] + \
           [(e,0) for e in model.symbols['shocks']] + \
           [(e,0) for e in model.symbols['states']]

    f_syms = [(e,0) for e in model.symbols['states']] + \
                [(e,0) for e in model.symbols['controls']] + \
                [(e,1) for e in model.symbols['states']] + \
                [(e,1) for e in model.symbols['controls']]

    g_syms = [(e,-1) for e in model.symbols['states']] + \
                [(e,-1) for e in model.symbols['controls']] + \
                [(e,0) for e in model.symbols['shocks']]

    f = compile_higher_order_function(f_eqs, f_syms, params, order=order,
        funname='f', return_code=False, compile=False)
    g = compile_higher_order_function(g_eqs, g_syms, params, order=order,
        funname='g', return_code=False, compile=False)

    # cache result
    model.__higher_order_functions__ = dict(f=f, g=g)
    model.__highest_order__ = order

    return [f, g]
Beispiel #6
def model_to_fg(model, order=2):
    # compile f, g function at higher order

    all_variables = sum(
        [model.symbols[e] for e in model.symbols if e != "parameters"], [])
    all_dvariables = ([(d, 0) for d in all_variables] +
                      [(d, 1)
                       for d in all_variables] + [(d, -1)
                                                  for d in all_variables])
    psyms = [(e, 0) for e in model.symbols["parameters"]]

    definitions = model.definitions

    d = dict()

    for k in definitions:
        v = parse_equation(definitions[k], all_variables, to_sympy=True)
        kk = stringify_symbol((k, 0))
        kk_m1 = stringify_symbol((k, -1))
        kk_1 = stringify_symbol((k, 1))
        d[sympy.Symbol(kk)] = v
        d[sympy.Symbol(kk_m1)] = timeshift(v, all_variables, -1)
        d[sympy.Symbol(kk_1)] = timeshift(v, all_variables, 1)

    f_eqs = model.equations["arbitrage"]
    f_eqs = [parse_equation(eq, all_variables, to_sympy=True) for eq in f_eqs]
    f_eqs = [eq.subs(d) for eq in f_eqs]

    g_eqs = model.equations["transition"]
    g_eqs = [
        parse_equation(eq, all_variables, to_sympy=True, substract_lhs=False)
        for eq in g_eqs
    # solve_recursively
    dd = dict()
    for eq in g_eqs:
        dd[eq[0]] = eq[1].subs(dd).subs(d)
    g_eqs = dd.values()

    f_syms = ([(e, 0) for e in model.symbols["states"]] +
              [(e, 0) for e in model.symbols["controls"]] +
              [(e, 1) for e in model.symbols["states"]] +
              [(e, 1) for e in model.symbols["controls"]])

    g_syms = ([(e, -1) for e in model.symbols["states"]] +
              [(e, -1) for e in model.symbols["controls"]] +
              [(e, 0) for e in model.symbols["exogenous"]])

    params = model.symbols["parameters"]

    f = compile_higher_order_function(

    g = compile_higher_order_function(
    # cache result
    model.__higher_order_functions__ = dict(f=f, g=g)
    model.__highest_order__ = order

    return [f, g]
Beispiel #7
def model_to_fg(model, order=2):
    # compile f, g function at higher order

    all_variables = sum(
        [model.symbols[e] for e in model.symbols if e != 'parameters'], [])
    all_dvariables = ([(d, 0) for d in all_variables] + [
        (d, 1) for d in all_variables
    ] + [(d, -1) for d in all_variables])
    psyms = [(e, 0) for e in model.symbols['parameters']]

    definitions = model.definitions

    d = dict()

    for k in definitions:
        v = parse_equation(definitions[k], all_variables, to_sympy=True)
        kk = stringify_symbol((k, 0))
        kk_m1 = stringify_symbol((k, -1))
        kk_1 = stringify_symbol((k, 1))
        d[sympy.Symbol(kk)] = v
        d[sympy.Symbol(kk_m1)] = timeshift(v, all_variables, -1)
        d[sympy.Symbol(kk_1)] = timeshift(v, all_variables, 1)

    f_eqs = model.equations['arbitrage']
    f_eqs = [parse_equation(eq, all_variables, to_sympy=True) for eq in f_eqs]
    f_eqs = [eq.subs(d) for eq in f_eqs]

    g_eqs = model.equations['transition']
    g_eqs = [
        parse_equation(eq, all_variables, to_sympy=True, substract_lhs=False)
        for eq in g_eqs
    dd = dict()
    for eq in g_eqs:
        dd[eq[0]] = eq[1].subs(dd).subs(d)
    g_eqs = dd.values()

    f_syms = [(e,0) for e in model.symbols['states']] + \
                [(e,0) for e in model.symbols['controls']] + \
                [(e,1) for e in model.symbols['states']] + \
                [(e,1) for e in model.symbols['controls']]

    g_syms = [(e,-1) for e in model.symbols['states']] + \
                [(e,-1) for e in model.symbols['controls']] + \
                [(e,0) for e in model.symbols['exogenous']]

    params = model.symbols['parameters']

    f = compile_higher_order_function(

    g = compile_higher_order_function(
    # cache result
    model.__higher_order_functions__ = dict(f=f, g=g)
    model.__highest_order__ = order

    return [f, g]
def model_to_fg(model, order=2):
    # compile f, g function at higher order

    all_variables = sum([model.symbols[e] for e in model.symbols if e != 'parameters'], [])
    all_dvariables = ([(d, 0) for d in all_variables] +
                      [(d, 1) for d in all_variables] +
                      [(d, -1) for d in all_variables])
    psyms = [(e,0) for e in model.symbols['parameters']]

    sds = StandardizeDatesSimple(all_dvariables)

    if hasattr(model.symbolic, 'definitions'):
        definitions = model.symbolic.definitions
        definitions = {}

    d = dict()

    for k in definitions:
        v = parse_equation(definitions[k], all_dvariables + psyms, to_sympy=True)
        kk = std_date_symbol(k, 0)
        d[sympy.Symbol(kk)] = v

    for k in list(d.keys()):
        d[timeshift(k, all_variables, 1)] = timeshift(d[k], all_variables, 1)
        d[timeshift(k, all_variables, -1)] = timeshift(d[k], all_variables, -1)

    f_eqs = model.symbolic.equations['arbitrage']
    f_eqs = [parse_equation(eq, all_dvariables + psyms, to_sympy=True) for eq in f_eqs]
    f_eqs = [eq.subs(d) for eq in f_eqs]

    g_eqs = model.symbolic.equations['transition']
    g_eqs = [parse_equation(eq, all_dvariables + psyms, to_sympy=True, substract_lhs=False) for eq in g_eqs]
    from collections import OrderedDict
    dd = OrderedDict()
    for eq in g_eqs:
        dd[eq[0]] = eq[1].subs(dd).subs(d)
    g_eqs = dd.values()

    f_syms = [(e,0) for e in model.symbols['states']] + \
                [(e,0) for e in model.symbols['controls']] + \
                [(e,1) for e in model.symbols['states']] + \
                [(e,1) for e in model.symbols['controls']]

    g_syms = [(e,-1) for e in model.symbols['states']] + \
                [(e,-1) for e in model.symbols['controls']] + \
                [(e,0) for e in model.symbols['shocks']]

    params = model.symbols['parameters']

    f = compile_higher_order_function(f_eqs, f_syms, params, order=order,
        funname='f', return_code=False, compile=False)

    g = compile_higher_order_function(g_eqs, g_syms, params, order=order,
        funname='g', return_code=False, compile=False)
    # cache result
    model.__higher_order_functions__ = dict(f=f, g=g)
    model.__highest_order__ = order

    return [f, g]