def enroll(): display_courses(courses) course = int(input("Which one?")) foundCourse = searchId(courses, course) display_student(c1ass) student = int(input("Which student? ")) foundStudent = searchId(c1ass, student) mark = Mark(foundCourse, foundStudent) foundCourse.c1ass.append(mark)
def addMark(): NumMark=[] option= input("Type info :") if (option == "info" ): ID = int(input("student ID:")) courseID = int(input("course ID:")) Mark= int(input("the mark:")) m = Mark(ID,courseID,Mark) NumMark.append(m) if (option != "info"): print ("Error") else: break
def input_mark(): c_id=txt_couId.get() if (c_id=="") or (c_id not in courseID): messagebox.showerror(message="Error: Please enter the Course ID") elif c_id in courseID: s_id=txt_stuId.get() if (s_id=="") or (s_id not in studentID): messagebox.showerror(message="Error: Please enter the Student ID") elif s_id in studentID: score=float(txt_marks.get()) if score<0 or score >20: messagebox.showerror(message="Error: Please enter the mark in range(0,20)") else: score=float(txt_marks.get()) mark = math.floor(score) m = Mark(s_id,c_id,mark) mark_detail.append(mark) marks.append(m) mark_screen.destroy()
def joinCourse(): display(AllCourses) course = (int)(input("Select the course Id you want student to join: ")) foundCourse = Course(0, "Null", 0) foundCourse = searchId(AllCourses, course) while not foundCourse: course = (int)(input("Course not found! Try again? ")) foundCourse = searchId(AllCourses, course) display(AllStudents) student = (int)( input("Select the Id of the student will join this course: ")) foundStudent = Student(0, "Null", "Null") foundStudent = searchId(AllStudents, student) while not foundStudent: student = (int)(input("Student not found? Try again? ")) foundStudent = searchId(AllStudents, student) mark = Mark(foundCourse, foundStudent, foundCourse.Credit) foundCourse.StudentsList.append(mark) foundStudent.CoursesList.append(mark)
def assign_mark(): screen.addstr("Enter the courseID you want to input mark: ") c_id = (screen.getstr().decode()) screen.clear() screen.refresh() if c_id in courseID: screen.addstr("Enter the StudentID you want to input mark: ") s_id=screen.getstr().decode() screen.clear() screen.refresh() if s_id in studentID: while True: screen.addstr("Enter mark of this student in courses: ") mark=math.floor(float(screen.getstr().decode())) if mark<0 or mark>20: curses.init_pair(1, curses.COLOR_RED, curses.COLOR_WHITE) try: screen.addstr("Error!!!\n", curses.color_pair(1)) except curses.error: pass screen.refresh() curses.napms(1000) screen.clear() screen.refresh() screen.addstr("Please enter number in range (0,20): \n") mark=math.floor(float(screen.getstr().decode())) else: break else: exit() else: exit() f = open('Marks.txt','a') f.write("CourseID: " + c_id + "\n" + "StudentID: " + s_id + "\n" + "Mark_detail: " + str(mark)) f.close() mark_detail.append(mark) m = Mark(s_id,c_id,mark) marks.append(m)
def student_mark(s_count, s_list, c_count, c_list): outp.show_c_info(c_count, c_list) c_id = input("Choose the 'ID' of the course to update student mark : ") while True: if not any( == c_id for course in c_list): c_id = input("No course found, please try again : ") else: break for i in range(len(c_list)): if c_list[i].id == c_id: c_name = c_list[i].name c_credit = c_list[i].credit print() print("Course : " + c_name) print("Update students marks from the list below :") outp.show_s_info(s_count, s_list) print() s_mark = [] for i in range(s_count): course = c_name course_credit = c_credit s_id = input("Student ID : ") while True: if not any( == s_id for student in s_list): s_id = input("No student found, please try again : ") else: break id = s_id for j in range(len(s_list)): if s_list[j].id == s_id: name = s_list[j].name m = float(input("Student Mark : ")) mark = float(math.floor(m)) s_mark.append(M.Mark(id, name, course, mark, course_credit)) s_mark = sorted(s_mark, key=lambda x: return s_mark
def mark_information(): op.addstr("Enter the course id: ") cid = (op.getstr().decode()) op.clear() op.refresh() if cid in courseID: op.addstr("Enter the student id: ") sid=op.getstr().decode() op.clear() op.refresh() if sid in studentID: while True: op.addstr("Enter the marks: ") value=math.floor(float(op.getstr().decode())) if value<0 or value>10: op.addstr("this mark does not exit!") else: break else: exit() else: exit() Mark(cid,sid,value)
screen.addstr("Enter number of courses: ") ncourse = int(screen.getstr().decode()) for i in range(0, ncourse): c = Course("", "", "") c.input_cinfo() course_list.append(c) if len(course_list) == 0: f = open("courses.txt", "w") else: f = open("courses.txt", "a") f.write(c.getcid() + "\n" + c.getcname() + "\n" + str(c.getcredits()) + "\n") f.close() screen.addstr("__________Input mark for each course____________ \n") for j in range(len(course_list)): screen.addstr("for course {} \n".format(course_list[j].getcname())) for i in range(len(student_list)): mark = Mark(student_list[i], course_list[j], "") mark.inputmark() mark_list += [mark] if len(mark_list) == 0: f = open("marks.txt", "w") else: f = open("marks.txt", "a") f.write(mark.getstudent().getsname() + "\n" + mark.getcourse().getcname() + "\n" + str(mark.getmark()) + "\n") f.close() screen.clear() screen.refresh()
from domain.Student import * from domain.Course import * from domain.Mark import * screen = curses.initscr() screen.addstr("Enter number of students: ") nstu = int(screen.getstr().decode()) for i in range(0, nstu): s = Student("", "", "", "") s.input_sinfo() student_list.append(s) screen.addstr("Enter number of courses: ") ncourse = int(screen.getstr().decode()) for i in range(0, ncourse): c = Course("", "", "") c.input_cinfo() course_list.append(c) screen.addstr("__________Input mark for each course____________ \n") for j in range(len(course_list)): screen.addstr("for course {} \n".format(course_list[j].getcname())) for i in range(len(student_list)): mark = Mark(student_list[i], course_list[j], "") mark.inputmark() mark_list += [mark] screen.clear() screen.refresh()