Beispiel #1
def network_esd_ps(stack_folder, overlap, master_date, max_baseline, max_offset=0.02):
    # Based on ps point esd is calculated using a network approach

    dates, overlap_path, diff_matrix, var_matrix, to_angle_matrix, weight_matrix, processing = prepare_esd(stack_folder, overlap)
    folder = dates[0][0:4] + dates[0][5:7] + dates[0][8:10]
    os.chdir(os.path.join(stack_folder, folder, overlap[0:7]))

    nBurst = int(overlap.split('_')[3])
    line_start, line_length, first_pixel_this, first_pixel_next, pixel_length, this_nr_oflines, \
    this_nr_ofpixels, next_nr_oflines, next_nr_ofpixels, PRF = get_coordinates(nBurst)

    ps_file = os.path.join(overlap_path, 'ps')
    ps_dat = np.memmap(ps_file, 'bool', mode='r', shape=(line_length, pixel_length))

    ps_id = np.where(ps_dat == 1)
    if not ps_id:  # If there are no ps points
        return diff_matrix, var_matrix, weight_matrix, to_angle_matrix
        ps_num = len(ps_id[0])

    df_dc_ps = np.memmap(os.path.join(overlap_path, 'df_dc_ps'), 'float32', mode='r+', shape=ps_num)[:]

    for date, n in zip(dates, range(len(dates))):
        for date_2, num in zip(dates, range(len(dates))):
            # Only calculate the upper triangle, as the others will be the same
            if processing[n, num] == 1:

            timediff = datetime.strptime(date_2, '%Y-%m-%d') - datetime.strptime(date, '%Y-%m-%d')
            if timediff > timedelta(minutes=1) and timediff < timedelta(days=max_baseline):

                first_master = np.memmap(os.path.join(overlap_path, date + '_1_ps'), 'complex64', mode='r',
                first_slave = np.memmap(os.path.join(overlap_path, date_2 + '_1_ps'), 'complex64', mode='r',
                second_master = np.memmap(os.path.join(overlap_path, date + '_2_ps'), 'complex64', mode='r',
                second_slave = np.memmap(os.path.join(overlap_path, date_2 + '_2_ps'), 'complex64', mode='r',

                double_diff = (first_master * first_slave.conj()) * (second_master * second_slave.conj()).conj()

                # Now select all pixels with an offset of less than x milipixel
                double_diff[np.isnan(double_diff)] = 0.050
                val = (np.abs(np.angle(double_diff)) < max_offset)
                w = np.sum(val)

                if w > 0:
                    pixel_diff = np.angle(np.sum(double_diff[val])) * (PRF / (2 * np.pi * np.nanmean(df_dc_ps[val])))
                    pixel_var = np.var(np.angle(double_diff[val]) * (PRF/(2*np.pi*df_dc_ps[val])))
                    temp_baseline_w = np.exp(-(float(timediff.days) / 100))
                    weight_matrix[0, n, num] = temp_baseline_w * w
                    var_matrix[0, n, num] = pixel_var * temp_baseline_w
                    diff_matrix[0, n, num] = pixel_diff
                    # Phase ramp per pixel
                    to_angle_matrix[0, n, num] = (PRF/(2*np.pi*np.nanmean(df_dc_ps[val]))) * (line_start - 1)

    return diff_matrix, var_matrix, to_angle_matrix, weight_matrix, dates
Beispiel #2
def find_ps_overlapping(stack_folder, overlap):
    # This is used to find the ps point in overlapping areas

    nBurst, burst, next_burst = get_burst(overlap)
    esd_folder = os.path.join(stack_folder, 'esd')
    overlap_path = os.path.join(esd_folder, overlap)
    files = os.listdir(os.path.join(overlap_path))
    dates = sorted([f[:-2] for f in files if (f.endswith('_1') and len(f) > 10)])
    folder = dates[0][0:4] + dates[0][5:7] + dates[0][8:10]
    os.chdir(os.path.join(stack_folder, folder, overlap[0:7]))

    line_start, line_length, first_pixel_this, first_pixel_next, pixel_length, this_nr_oflines, \
    this_nr_ofpixels, next_nr_oflines, next_nr_ofpixels, PRF = get_coordinates(nBurst)

    # Remove earlier generated files for ps
    files = next(os.walk(overlap_path))[2]
    files = [os.path.join(overlap_path, name) for name in files if (name.endswith('ps') or name.startswith('ps'))]
    for filename in files:

    # Gather data in one matrix
    first, second = gather_stack(overlap_path, line_length, pixel_length)

    # First calculate the ps point for first overlap
    mean = np.mean(first, axis=2)
    std = np.std(first, axis=2)

    with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
        c = np.true_divide(std, mean)
        c[~ np.isfinite(c)] = 10000
    ps1 = (c < 0.3)
    ps1_file = os.path.join(overlap_path, 'ps_1')
    ps1_dat = np.memmap(ps1_file, 'bool', mode= 'w+', shape=(line_length, pixel_length))
    ps1_dat[:,:] = ps1[:,:]

    # Then calculate the ps point for second overlap
    mean = np.mean(second, axis=2)
    std = np.std(second, axis=2)

    with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
        c = np.true_divide(std, mean)
        c[~ np.isfinite(c)] = 10000
    ps2 = (c < 0.3)
    ps2_file = os.path.join(overlap_path, 'ps_2')
    ps2_dat = np.memmap(ps2_file, 'bool', mode= 'w+', shape=(line_length, pixel_length))
    ps2_dat[:,:] = ps2[:,:]

    ps_file = os.path.join(overlap_path, 'ps')
    ps_dat = np.memmap(ps_file, 'bool', mode='w+', shape=(line_length, pixel_length))
    ps_dat[:, :] = ((ps1_dat * ps2_dat) == 1)
Beispiel #3
def select_ps_data(stack_folder, overlap):
    # This function creates seperate files for the values of the ps points only.

    esd_folder = os.path.join(stack_folder, 'esd')
    overlap_path = os.path.join(esd_folder, overlap)
    files = os.listdir(os.path.join(overlap_path))
    dates = sorted([f[:-2] for f in files if (f.endswith('_1') and len(f) > 10)])

    folder = dates[0][0:4] + dates[0][5:7] + dates[0][8:10]
    os.chdir(os.path.join(stack_folder, folder, overlap[0:7]))

    nBurst = int(overlap.split('_')[3])
    line_start, line_length, first_pixel_this, first_pixel_next, pixel_length, this_nr_oflines, \
    this_nr_ofpixels, next_nr_oflines, next_nr_ofpixels, PRF = get_coordinates(nBurst)

    ps_file = os.path.join(overlap_path, 'ps')
    ps_dat = np.memmap(ps_file, 'bool', mode='r', shape=(line_length, pixel_length))
    ps_num = np.sum(ps_dat)

    # Save only the ps points to file.
    for date in dates:
        slave_ps_name = os.path.join(overlap_path, date + '_1_ps')
        master_ps_name = os.path.join(overlap_path, date + '_2_ps')

        if not os.path.exists(slave_ps_name) or not os.path.exists(master_ps_name):
            slave_ps = np.memmap(slave_ps_name, 'complex64', mode='w+', shape=(ps_num))
            master_ps = np.memmap(master_ps_name, 'complex64', mode='w+', shape=(ps_num))
            slave = np.memmap(os.path.join(overlap_path, date + '_1'), 'complex64', mode='r',
                                     shape=(line_length, pixel_length))
            master = np.memmap(os.path.join(overlap_path, date + '_2'), 'complex64', mode='r',
                                    shape=(line_length, pixel_length))
            if ps_num > 0:
                slave_ps[:] = slave[ps_dat]
                master_ps[:] = master[ps_dat]
    # Do the same for the df_dc file
    if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(overlap_path, 'df_dc_ps')):
        df_dc_ps = np.memmap(os.path.join(overlap_path, 'df_dc_ps'), 'float32', mode='w+', shape=(ps_num))
        df_dc = np.memmap(os.path.join(overlap_path, 'df_dc'), 'float32', mode='r',
                          shape=(line_length, pixel_length))
        if ps_num > 0:
            df_dc_ps[:] = df_dc[ps_dat]
Beispiel #4
def save_overlapping(stack_folder, master_date, dates, overlap):

    nBurst, burst, next_burst = get_burst(overlap)

    esd_folder = os.path.join(stack_folder, 'esd')
    if not os.path.exists(esd_folder):
        print('ESD folder does not exist')
    overlap_path = os.path.join(stack_folder, 'esd', overlap)
    if not os.path.exists(overlap_path):

    path = swath_path(stack_folder, dates[0], burst)
    print('reading metadata from ' + path)

    line_start, line_length, first_pixel_this, first_pixel_next, pixel_length, this_nr_oflines, \
    this_nr_ofpixels, next_nr_oflines, next_nr_ofpixels, PRF = get_coordinates(nBurst)

    burst1 = 'burst_' + str(nBurst) + '/'
    burst2 = 'burst_' + str(nBurst + 1) + '/'

    # First get the data for the master and df_dc
    master_path = os.path.join(overlap_path, master_date)
    df_dc_path = os.path.join(overlap_path, 'df_dc')

    master_1 = master_file(burst)
    master_2 = master_file(next_burst)

    if not os.path.exists(master_path + '_1') or not os.path.exists(master_path + '_2'):
        master_1 = freadbk(burst1 + master_1, line_start, first_pixel_this, line_length,
                          pixel_length, 'cpxint16', this_nr_oflines, this_nr_ofpixels)
        master_2 = freadbk(burst2 + master_2, 1, first_pixel_next, line_length, pixel_length,
                          'cpxint16', next_nr_oflines, next_nr_ofpixels)
        master_1_file = np.memmap(master_path + '_1', 'complex64', shape=master_1.shape, mode='w+')
        master_2_file = np.memmap(master_path + '_2', 'complex64', shape=master_2.shape, mode='w+')
        master_1_file[:] = master_1
        master_2_file[:] = master_2

    if not os.path.exists(df_dc_path):
        df_dc = get_f_DC_difference(nBurst)
        df_dc_file = np.memmap(df_dc_path, 'float32', shape=df_dc.shape, mode='w+')
        df_dc_file[:,:] = df_dc[:,:]

    # Then loop over the slaves
    for date in dates:
        if date == master_date:

        path = swath_path(stack_folder, date, burst)

        data_path = os.path.join(overlap_path, date)

        burst1 = 'burst_' + str(nBurst) + '/'
        burst2 = 'burst_' + str(nBurst + 1) + '/'

        if not os.path.exists(data_path + '_1') or not os.path.exists(data_path + '_2'):
            slave_1 = freadbk(burst1 + 'slave_rsmp_reramped.raw', line_start, first_pixel_this, line_length, pixel_length , 'complex64',  this_nr_oflines, this_nr_ofpixels)
            slave_2 = freadbk(burst2 + 'slave_rsmp_reramped.raw', 1, first_pixel_next, line_length, pixel_length, 'complex64', next_nr_oflines, next_nr_ofpixels)
            slave_1_file = np.memmap(data_path + '_1', 'complex64', shape=slave_1.shape, mode='w+')
            slave_2_file = np.memmap(data_path + '_2', 'complex64', shape=slave_2.shape, mode='w+')
            slave_1_file[:] = slave_1
            slave_2_file[:] = slave_2
Beispiel #5
def network_esd_coh(stack_folder, overlap, master_date, max_baseline, ra=10, az=2):

    dates, overlap_path, diff_matrix, var_matrix, to_angle_matrix, weight_matrix, processed = prepare_esd(stack_folder, overlap)
    folder = master_date[0:4] + master_date[5:7] + master_date[8:10] + "_" + dates[0][0:4] + dates[0][5:7] + dates[0][8:10]
    os.chdir(os.path.join(stack_folder, folder, overlap[0:7]))

    nBurst = int(overlap.split('_')[3])
    line_start, line_length, first_pixel_this, first_pixel_next, pixel_length, this_nr_oflines, \
    this_nr_ofpixels, next_nr_oflines, next_nr_ofpixels, PRF = get_coordinates(nBurst)

    # Gather data in one matrix
    first, second = gather_stack(overlap_path, line_length, pixel_length, abs=False)

    # Remove the empty rows / columns
    columns = np.where((np.min(np.abs(np.sum(first, axis=0)), axis=1) != 0) *
                       (np.min(np.abs(np.sum(second, axis=0)), axis=1) != 0) == True)[0]
    rows = np.where((np.min(np.abs(np.sum(first, axis=1)), axis=1) != 0) *
                       (np.min(np.abs(np.sum(second, axis=1)), axis=1) != 0) == True)[0]
    first = first[rows[0]:rows[-1]+1, columns[0]:columns[-1]+1, :]
    second = second[rows[0]:rows[-1]+1, columns[0]:columns[-1]+1, :]

    # Multilook the df_dc
    df_dc = np.memmap(os.path.join(overlap_path, 'df_dc'), 'float32', mode='r+', shape=(line_length, pixel_length))
    df_dc_ml = multilook(df_dc[rows[0]:rows[-1]+1, columns[0]:columns[-1]+1], az, ra)

    for date, n in zip(dates, range(len(dates))):

        # First select the dates we want to compare with
        c_dates = []
        nums = []
        for date_2, num in zip(dates, range(len(dates))):
            # Only calculate the upper triangle, as the others will be the same
            timediff = datetime.strptime(date_2, '%Y-%m-%d') - datetime.strptime(date, '%Y-%m-%d')

            if timediff > timedelta(minutes=1) and timediff < timedelta(days=max_baseline) and processed[n, num] != 1:

        if len(c_dates) != 0:
            # Then create ifgs of first and second
            shape_ifg = (first.shape[0], first.shape[1], len(nums))
            first_ifg = np.memmap(os.path.join(overlap_path, 'first_ifg'), 'complex64', shape=shape_ifg, mode='w+')
            first_ifg[:] = first[: ,: ,n][:, :, None] * first[:, :, nums].conj()
            second_ifg = np.memmap(os.path.join(overlap_path, 'second_ifg'), 'complex64', shape=shape_ifg, mode='w+')
            second_ifg[:] = second[:, :, n][:, :, None] * second[:, :, nums].conj()

            # And the double difference
            double_diff = np.memmap(os.path.join(overlap_path, 'double_diff'), 'complex64', shape=shape_ifg, mode='w+')
            double_diff[:] = first_ifg * second_ifg.conj()
            double_diff = multilook(double_diff, az, ra, summation=True)
            diff_phase = np.angle(double_diff)
            diff_amp = np.abs(double_diff)

            # Calculate coherence
            amp_sq = np.memmap(os.path.join(overlap_path, 'amp_sq'), 'float32', shape=shape_ifg, mode='w+')
            amp_sq[:] = (np.real(first_ifg) ** 2 + np.imag(first_ifg) ** 2) * (np.real(second_ifg) ** 2 + np.imag(second_ifg) ** 2)
            coh_amp_sq = multilook(amp_sq, az, ra, summation=True)
            coh = diff_amp / np.sqrt(coh_amp_sq)

            # Calculate weights
            coh[coh == 1] = 0
            weight = 2 * az * ra * coh**2 / (1 - coh**2)
            tot_weight = np.sum(np.sum(weight, axis=0), axis=0)

            to_angle = PRF / (2 * np.pi * df_dc_ml)
            shift_pix = diff_phase * to_angle[:, :, None]
            shift = np.sum(np.sum(shift_pix * weight, axis=0), axis=0) / tot_weight
            to_angle_weighted = np.sum(np.sum(to_angle[:, :, None] * weight, axis=0), axis=0) / tot_weight
            var = np.sum(np.sum((shift[None, None, :] - shift_pix)**2 * weight, axis=0), axis=0) / tot_weight

            var_matrix[0, n, nums] = var
            diff_matrix[0, n, nums] = shift
            to_angle_matrix[0, n, nums] = to_angle_weighted
            weight_matrix[0, n, nums] = tot_weight

    return diff_matrix, var_matrix, to_angle_matrix, weight_matrix, dates