Beispiel #1
    def gen_linear_archive(self):
        config = self._request.get_configuration()
        data = self._request.get_data()
        root = config["datadir"]
        archives = {}
        archive_list = tools.get_entries(config, root)
        fulldict = {}

        template = config.get('archive_template',
                    '<a href="%(base_url)s/%(Y)s/%(b)s">%(Y)s-%(b)s</a><br />')
        for mem in archive_list:
            timetuple = tools.filestat(self._request, mem)
            timedict = {}
            for x in ["B", "b", "m", "Y", "y"]:
                timedict[x] = time.strftime("%" + x, timetuple)

            if not (timedict['Y'] + timedict['m']) in archives:
                archives[timedict['Y'] + timedict['m']] = (template % fulldict)

        result = []
        for key in sorted(archives.keys(), reverse=True):
        self._archives = '\n'.join(result)
Beispiel #2
    def __init__(self, request, filename, root, datadir=""):
        :param request: the Request object

        :param filename: the complete filename for the file in question
                         including path

        :param root: i have no clue what this is

        :param datadir: the datadir
        base.EntryBase.__init__(self, request)
        self._config = request.get_configuration()
        self._filename = filename.replace(os.sep, '/')
        self._root = root.replace(os.sep, '/')

        self._datadir = datadir or self._config["datadir"]
        if self._datadir.endswith(os.sep):
            self._datadir = self._datadir[:-1]

        self._timetuple = tools.filestat(self._request, self._filename)
        self._mtime = time.mktime(self._timetuple)
        self._fulltime = time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S", self._timetuple)

        self._populated_data = 0
Beispiel #3
    def gen_linear_archive(self):
        config = self._request.get_configuration()
        data = self._request.get_data()
        root = config["datadir"]
        baseurl = config.get("base_url", "")

        archives = {}
        archive_list = tools.walk(self._request, root)
        items = []

        fulldict = {}

        theme = data.get(
            "theme", config.get("default_theme", "html"))

        template = config.get(
            '<a href="%(base_url)s/%(Y)s/index.%(f)s">%(Y)s</a><br />')

        for mem in archive_list:
            timetuple = tools.filestat(self._request, mem)

            timedict = {}
            for x in ["m", "Y", "y", "d"]:
                timedict[x] = time.strftime("%" + x, timetuple)

            fulldict["f"] = theme
            year = fulldict["Y"]

            if not year in archives:
                archives[year] = template % fulldict
                ["%(Y)s-%(m)s" % fulldict,
                 "%(Y)s-%(m)s-%(d)s" % fulldict,

        arc_keys = archives.keys()

        result = []
        for key in arc_keys:
        self._archives = '\n'.join(result)
        self._items = items
Beispiel #4
def cmd_persistdate(command, argv):
    from douglas.cmdline import import_config
    config = import_config()

    datadir ='datadir')

    if not datadir:
        raise ValueError(' has no datadir property.')

    from douglas import tools
    from import Douglas

    p = Douglas(, {})
    req = p.get_request()
    tools.run_callback('start', {'request': req})

    filelist = tools.get_entries(config, datadir)
    print '%d files' % len(filelist)
    for fn in filelist:
        lines = open(fn, 'r').readlines()
            metadata = get_metadata(lines)
        except IndexError as exc:
            print '%s errored out: %s' % (fn, exc)

        if 'published' in metadata:
            print '%s already has metadata...' % fn

        print 'working on %s...' % fn
        timetuple = tools.filestat(req, fn)
        published = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', timetuple)
        lines.insert(1, '#published %s\n' % published)
        fp = open(fn, 'w')
Beispiel #5
    def run_static_renderer(self, incremental=False):
        """This will go through all possible things in the blog and
        statically render everything to the ``static_dir`` specified
        in the config file.

        This figures out all the possible ``path_info`` settings and
        calls ```` a bazillion times saving each file.

        :param incremental: Whether (True) or not (False) to
                            incrementally render the pages.  If we're
                            incrementally rendering pages, then we
                            render only the ones that have changed.

        config = self._request.get_configuration()
        data = self._request.get_data()
        print "Performing static rendering."
        if incremental:
            print "Incremental is set."

        staticdir = config.get("static_dir", "")
        datadir = config["datadir"]

        if not staticdir:
            print "Error: You must set static_dir in your config file."
            return 0

        themes = config.get("static_themes", ["html"])
        index_themes = config.get("static_index_themes", ["html"])

        renderme = []

        monthnames = config.get("static_monthnames", True)
        monthnumbers = config.get("static_monthnumbers", False)
        yearindexes = config.get("static_yearindexes", True)

        dates = {}
        categories = {}

        # first we handle entries and categories
        listing = tools.walk(self._request, datadir)

        for mem in listing:
            # skip the ones that have bad extensions
            ext = mem[mem.rfind(".")+1:]
            if not ext in data["extensions"].keys():

            # grab the mtime of the entry file
            mtime = time.mktime(tools.filestat(self._request, mem))

            # remove the datadir from the front and the bit at the end
            mem = mem[len(datadir):mem.rfind(".")]

            # this is the static filename
            fn = os.path.normpath(staticdir + mem)

            # grab the mtime of one of the statically rendered file
                smtime = os.stat(fn + "." + themes[0])[8]
                smtime = 0

            # if the entry is more recent than the static, we want to
            # re-render
            if smtime < mtime or not incremental:

                # grab the categories
                temp = os.path.dirname(mem).split(os.sep)
                for i in range(len(temp)+1):
                    p = os.sep.join(temp[0:i])
                    categories[p] = 0

                # grab the date
                mtime = time.localtime(mtime)
                year = time.strftime("%Y", mtime)
                month = time.strftime("%m", mtime)
                day = time.strftime("%d", mtime)

                if yearindexes:
                    dates[year] = 1

                if monthnumbers:
                    dates[year + "/" + month] = 1
                    dates[year + "/" + month + "/" + day] = 1

                if monthnames:
                    monthname = tools.num2month[month]
                    dates[year + "/" + monthname] = 1
                    dates[year + "/" + monthname + "/" + day] = 1

                # toss in the render queue
                for f in themes:
                    renderme.append((mem + "." + f, ""))

        print "rendering %d entries." % len(renderme)

        # handle categories
        categories = categories.keys()

        # if they have stuff in their root category, it'll add a "/"
        # to the category list and we want to remove that because it's
        # a duplicate of "".
        if "/" in categories:

        print "rendering %d category indexes." % len(categories)

        for mem in categories:
            mem = os.path.normpath(mem + "/index.")
            for f in index_themes:
                renderme.append((mem + f, ""))

        # now we handle dates
        dates = dates.keys()

        dates = ["/" + d for d in dates]

        print "rendering %d date indexes." % len(dates)

        for mem in dates:
            mem = os.path.normpath(mem + "/index.")
            for f in index_themes:
                renderme.append((mem + f, ""))

        # now we handle arbitrary urls
        additional_stuff = config.get("static_urls", [])
        print "rendering %d arbitrary urls." % len(additional_stuff)

        for mem in additional_stuff:
            if mem.find("?") != -1:
                url = mem[:mem.find("?")]
                query = mem[mem.find("?")+1:]
                url = mem
                query = ""

            renderme.append((url, query))

        # now we pass the complete render list to all the plugins via
        # cb_staticrender_filelist and they can add to the filelist
        # any (url, query) tuples they want rendered.
        print "(before) building %s files." % len(renderme)
                           {'request': self._request,
                            'filelist': renderme,
                            'themes': themes,
                            'incremental': incremental})

        renderme = sorted(set(renderme))

        print "building %s files." % len(renderme)

        for url, q in renderme:
            url = url.replace(os.sep, "/")
            print "rendering '%s' ..." % url

            tools.render_url_statically(dict(config), url, q)

        # we're done, clean up
Beispiel #6
 def check_mtime(cfg, now, path):
     mtime = time.mktime(filestat(cfg, path))
     return mtime < now
Beispiel #7
    def run_compile(self, incremental=False):
        """Compiles the blog into an HTML site.

        This will go through all possible things in the blog and
        compile the blog to the ``compiledir`` specified in the config

        This figures out all the possible ``path_info`` settings and
        calls ```` a bazillion times saving each file.

        :param incremental: Whether (True) or not (False) to compile
            incrementally. If we're incrementally compiling, then only
            the urls that are likely to have changed get re-compiled.


        cfg = self._request.get_configuration()
        compiledir = cfg['compiledir']
        datadir = cfg['datadir']

        if not compiledir:
            print 'Error: You must set compiledir in your config file.'
            return 0

        print 'Compiling to "{0}".'.format(compiledir)
        if incremental:
            print 'Incremental is set.'
        print ''

        themes = cfg['compile_themes']
        index_themes = cfg['compile_index_themes']

        dayindexes = cfg['day_indexes']
        monthindexes = cfg['month_indexes']
        yearindexes = cfg['year_indexes']

        renderme = []
        dates = {}
        categories = {}

        # first we handle entries and categories
        listing = tools.get_entries(cfg, datadir)

        for mem in listing:
            # Skip files that have extensions we don't know what to do
            # with.
            ext = os.path.splitext(mem)[1].lstrip('.')
            if not ext in cfg['extensions'].keys():

            # Get the mtime of the entry.
            mtime = time.mktime(tools.filestat(self._request, mem))

            # remove the datadir from the front and the bit at the end
            mem = mem[len(datadir):mem.rfind('.')]

            # This is the compiled file filename.
            fn = os.path.normpath(compiledir + mem)

            if incremental:
                # If we're incrementally rendering, we check the mtime
                # for the compiled file for one of the themes. If the entry
                # is more recent than the compiled version, we recompile.
                # Otherwise we skip it.
                    smtime = os.stat(fn + '.' + themes[0])[8]
                    if smtime < mtime or not incremental:

                except (IOError, OSError):

            # Figure out category indexes to re-render.
            temp = os.path.dirname(mem).split(os.sep)
            for i in range(len(temp)+1):
                p = os.sep.join(temp[0:i])
                categories[p] = 0

            # Figure out year/month/day indexes to re-render.
            mtime = time.localtime(mtime)
            year = time.strftime('%Y', mtime)
            month = time.strftime('%m', mtime)
            day = time.strftime('%d', mtime)

            if yearindexes:
                dates[year] = 1

            if monthindexes:
                dates[year + '/' + month] = 1

            if dayindexes:
                dates[year + '/' + month + '/' + day] = 1

            # Toss each theme for this entry in the render queue.
            for f in themes:
                renderme.append((mem + '.' + f, ''))

        print '- Found {0} entry(es) ...'.format(len(renderme))

        if categories:
            categories = sorted(categories.keys())

            # if they have stuff in their root category, it'll add a "/"
            # to the category list and we want to remove that because it's
            # a duplicate of "".
            if '/' in categories:

            print '- Found {0} category index(es) ...'.format(len(categories))

            for mem in categories:
                mem = os.path.normpath(mem + '/index.')
                for f in index_themes:
                    renderme.append((mem + f, ''))

        if dates:
            dates = ['/' + d for d in sorted(dates.keys())]

            print '- Found {0} date index(es) ...'.format(len(dates))

            for mem in dates:
                mem = os.path.normpath(mem + '/index.')
                for f in index_themes:
                    renderme.append((mem + f, ''))

        additional_stuff = cfg['compile_urls']
        if additional_stuff:
            print '- Found {0} arbitrary url(s) ...'.format(

            for mem in additional_stuff:
                if mem.find('?') != -1:
                    url = mem[:mem.find('?')]
                    query = mem[mem.find('?')+1:]
                    url = mem
                    query = ''

                renderme.append((url, query))

        # Pass the complete render list to all the plugins via
        # cb_compile_filelist and they can add to the filelist any
        # (url, query) tuples they want rendered.
        total = len(renderme)
                           {'request': self._request,
                            'filelist': renderme,
                            'themes': themes,
                            'incremental': incremental})

        renderme = sorted(set(renderme))
        print '- Found {0} url(s) specified by plugins ...'.format(
            len(renderme) - total)

        print ''
        print 'Compiling {0} url(s) total.'.format(len(renderme))
        print ''

        print 'Rendering files ...'
        for url, q in renderme:
            url = url.replace(os.sep, '/')
            print '   Rendering {0} ...'.format(url)
            tools.render_url_statically(dict(cfg), url, q)

        # We're done, clean up