Beispiel #1
def bisectUsingTboxBins(options):
    """Download treeherder binaries and bisect them."""
    testedIDs = {}
    desiredArch = '32' if options.buildOptions.enable32 else '64'
    buildType = downloadBuild.defaultBuildType(options.nameOfTreeherderBranch,

    # Get list of treeherder IDs
    urlsTbox = downloadBuild.getBuildList(buildType,

    # Download and test starting point.
    print '\nExamining starting point...'
    sID, startResult, _sReason, _sPosition, urlsTbox, testedIDs, _startSkippedNum = testBuildOrNeighbour(
        options, 0, urlsTbox, buildType, testedIDs)
    if sID is None:
        raise Exception('No complete builds were found.')
    print 'Numeric ID ' + sID + ' was tested.'

    # Download and test ending point.
    print '\nExamining ending point...'
    eID, endResult, _eReason, _ePosition, urlsTbox, testedIDs, _endSkippedNum = testBuildOrNeighbour(
        len(urlsTbox) - 1, urlsTbox, buildType, testedIDs)
    if eID is None:
        raise Exception('No complete builds were found.')
    print 'Numeric ID ' + eID + ' was tested.'

    if startResult == endResult:
        raise Exception(
            'Starting and ending points should have opposite results')

    count = 0
    print '\nStarting bisection...\n'
    while count < MAX_ITERATIONS:
        sps.vdump('Unsorted dictionary of tested IDs is: ' + str(testedIDs))
        count += 1
        print 'Test number ' + str(count) + ':'

        sortedUrlsTbox = sorted(urlsTbox)
        if len(sortedUrlsTbox) >= 3:
            mPosition = len(sortedUrlsTbox) // 2
            print '\nWARNING: ' + str(sortedUrlsTbox) + ' has size smaller than 3. ' + \
                'Impossible to return "middle" element.\n'
            mPosition = len(sortedUrlsTbox)

        # Test the middle revision. If it is not a complete build, test ones around it.
        mID, mResult, _mReason, mPosition, urlsTbox, testedIDs, middleRevSkippedNum = testBuildOrNeighbour(
            options, mPosition, urlsTbox, buildType, testedIDs)
        if mID is None:
            print 'Middle ID is None.'

        # Refresh the range of treeherder IDs depending on mResult.
        if mResult == endResult:
            urlsTbox = urlsTbox[0:(mPosition + 1)]
            urlsTbox = urlsTbox[(mPosition):len(urlsTbox)]

        print 'Numeric ID ' + mID + ' was tested.',

        #  Exit infinite loop once we have tested the starting point, ending point and any points
        #  in the middle with results returning "incomplete".
        if (len(urlsTbox) - middleRevSkippedNum) <= 2 and mID in testedIDs:
        elif len(urlsTbox) < 2:
            print 'urlsTbox is: ' + str(urlsTbox)
            raise Exception('Length of urlsTbox should not be smaller than 2.')
        elif (len(testedIDs) - 2) > 30:
            raise Exception('Number of testedIDs has exceeded 30.')

        print showRemainingNumOfTests(urlsTbox)

    sps.vdump('Build URLs are: ' + str(urlsTbox))
    assert getIdFromTboxUrl(
        urlsTbox[0]) in testedIDs, 'Starting ID should have been tested.'
    assert getIdFromTboxUrl(
        urlsTbox[-1]) in testedIDs, 'Ending ID should have been tested.'
    outputTboxBisectionResults(options, urlsTbox, testedIDs)
Beispiel #2
def bisectUsingTboxBins(options):
    Downloads treeherder binaries and bisects them.
    testedIDs = {}
    desiredArch = '32' if options.buildOptions.enable32 else '64'
    buildType = downloadBuild.defaultBuildType(options.nameOfTreeherderBranch, desiredArch, options.buildOptions.enableDbg)

    # Get list of treeherder IDs
    urlsTbox = downloadBuild.getBuildList(buildType, earliestBuild=options.startRepo, latestBuild=options.endRepo)

    # Download and test starting point.
    print '\nExamining starting point...'
    sID, startResult, sReason, sPosition, urlsTbox, testedIDs, startSkippedNum = testBuildOrNeighbour(
        options, 0, urlsTbox, buildType, testedIDs)
    if sID is None:
        raise Exception('No complete builds were found.')
    print 'Numeric ID ' + sID + ' was tested.'

    # Download and test ending point.
    print '\nExamining ending point...'
    eID, endResult, eReason, ePosition, urlsTbox, testedIDs, endSkippedNum = testBuildOrNeighbour(
        options, len(urlsTbox) - 1, urlsTbox, buildType, testedIDs)
    if eID is None:
        raise Exception('No complete builds were found.')
    print 'Numeric ID ' + eID + ' was tested.'

    if startResult == endResult:
        raise Exception('Starting and ending points should have opposite results')

    count = 0
    print '\nStarting bisection...\n'
    while count < MAX_ITERATIONS:
        sps.vdump('Unsorted dictionary of tested IDs is: ' + str(testedIDs))
        count += 1
        print 'Test number ' + str(count) + ':'

        sortedUrlsTbox = sorted(urlsTbox)
        if len(sortedUrlsTbox) >= 3:
            mPosition = len(sortedUrlsTbox) // 2
            print '\nWARNING: ' + str(sortedUrlsTbox) + ' has size smaller than 3. ' + \
                'Impossible to return "middle" element.\n'
            mPosition = len(sortedUrlsTbox)

        # Test the middle revision. If it is not a complete build, test ones around it.
        mID, mResult, mReason, mPosition, urlsTbox, testedIDs, middleRevSkippedNum = testBuildOrNeighbour(
            options, mPosition, urlsTbox, buildType, testedIDs)
        if mID is None:
            print 'Middle ID is None.'

        # Refresh the range of treeherder IDs depending on mResult.
        if mResult == endResult:
            urlsTbox = urlsTbox[0:(mPosition + 1)]
            urlsTbox = urlsTbox[(mPosition):len(urlsTbox)]

        print 'Numeric ID ' + mID + ' was tested.',

        #  Exit infinite loop once we have tested the starting point, ending point and any points
        #  in the middle with results returning "incomplete".
        if (len(urlsTbox) - middleRevSkippedNum) <= 2 and mID in testedIDs:
        elif len(urlsTbox) < 2:
            print 'urlsTbox is: ' + str(urlsTbox)
            raise Exception('Length of urlsTbox should not be smaller than 2.')
        elif (len(testedIDs) - 2) > 30:
            raise Exception('Number of testedIDs has exceeded 30.')

        print showRemainingNumOfTests(urlsTbox)

    sps.vdump('Build URLs are: ' + str(urlsTbox))
    assert getIdFromTboxUrl(urlsTbox[0]) in testedIDs, 'Starting ID should have been tested.'
    assert getIdFromTboxUrl(urlsTbox[-1]) in testedIDs, 'Ending ID should have been tested.'
    outputTboxBisectionResults(options, urlsTbox, testedIDs)