def start_selfplay(self, batch_num=10000, c_puct=5, n_playout=400, best_model=None): """ 启动持续的selfplay,用于为模型train生成训练数据 Params: batch_num selfplay对战次数 c_puct MCTS child搜索深度 n_playout 模型训练时每个action的mcts模拟次数 """"__start_selfplay__") # 1.init net & ai player model_last_mdy_time = os.stat(best_model).st_mtime if os.path.exists( best_model) else time.time() # 模型最后更新时间 policy_value_net = self._load_policy_value_net(best_model) ai_player = AIPlayer(policy_value_net.policy_value_fn, c_puct=c_puct, n_playout=n_playout, is_selfplay=1) # 2.start selfplay try: for i in range(batch_num): # 对战盘数 # 2.1使用MCTS蒙特卡罗树搜索进行自我对抗"selfplay batch start: {}".format(i + 1)) winner, play_data = self._selfplay(ai_player) "selfplay batch res. batch:{}, winner:{}, step_num:{}". format(i + 1, winner, len(play_data))) # 2.2保存本局数据到databuffer目录文件 data_file = self._get_databuffer_file(event=n_playout, winner=winner, step_num=len(play_data)) utils.pickle_dump(play_data, data_file)"selfplay batch save. batch:{}, file:{}".format( i + 1, data_file)) # 2.3检查是否有新的模型需要reload model_time = os.stat(best_model).st_mtime if os.path.exists( best_model) else time.time() # 模型最后更新时间 if model_time > model_last_mdy_time: "selfplay reload model! new:{} > old:{}".format( utils.get_date(os.stat(best_model).st_mtime), utils.get_date(model_last_mdy_time))) model_last_mdy_time = os.stat( best_model).st_mtime if os.path.exists( best_model) else time.time() # 模型最后更新时间 policy_value_net = self._load_policy_value_net(best_model) ai_player = AIPlayer(policy_value_net.policy_value_fn, c_puct=c_puct, n_playout=n_playout, is_selfplay=1) except KeyboardInterrupt:'\n\rselfplay quit')
def save_model(self, model_file): """保存模型参数到文件""" net_params = self.get_policy_param() #pickle.dump(net_params, open(model_file, 'wb'), protocol=4) utils.pickle_dump(net_params, model_file)
def save_model(self, model_file): """ save model params to file """ net_params = self.get_policy_param() # get model params #pickle.dump(net_params, open(model_file, 'wb'), protocol=4) utils.pickle_dump(net_params, model_file)
def execute(self): """执行业务逻辑"""'API REQUEST INFO[' + self.request.path + '][' + self.request.method + '][' + self.request.remote_ip + '][' + str(self.request.arguments) + ']') session_id = self.get_argument('session_id', '') res = { 'session_id': session_id, 'player': -1, 'step': 0, 'move': '', 'san': '', 'end': False, 'winner': -1, 'curr_player': 0, 'state': {}, 'ponder': '', 'score': -1 } move = self.get_argument('move', '') if session_id == '': return {'code': 2, 'msg': 'session_id不能为空', 'data': res} try: # 1.新的对局 session = {} if session_id not in"[{}] init new game!".format(session_id)) # plays id session['human_player_id'] = int( self.get_argument('human_player_id', '1')) # human默认执黑 session['ai_player_id'] = (session['human_player_id'] + 1) % 2 # ai与human相反 session['players'] = { session['human_player_id']: 'Human', session['ai_player_id']: 'AI' } session['step'] = 0 session['actions'], session['mcts_probs'] = [], [] # 初始化棋盘 session['game'] = Game() session['game'].board.init_board() # 初始化AI棋手 #session['ai_player'] = AIPlayer(self.best_policy.policy_value_fn, n_playout=50) session['ai_player'] = StockfishPlayer()[session_id] = session else: session =[session_id] # clear old games for k in list( if int(time.time() ) - int(k) / 1000 > 60 * 40: # 超过40分钟的session清理 del ([k]) logging.warning("[{}] timeout clear!".format(k)) # 2.get ai move res['players'], res['human_player_id'], res[ 'ai_player_id'] = session['players'], session[ 'human_player_id'], session['ai_player_id'] res['curr_player'] = session['game'].board.current_player_id res['availables'] = [ session['game'].board.action_to_move(act) for act in session['game'].board.availables ] res['state'] = session['game'].board.state() action = -1 if res['curr_player'] == session[ 'ai_player_id']: # 轮到ai时,忽略传入的move参数 action, probs, ponder, res['score'] = session[ 'ai_player'].get_action(session['game'].board, return_prob=1, return_ponder=1, return_score=1) move = session['game'].board.action_to_move(action) res['ponder'] = session['game'].board.action_to_move(ponder) "[{}] {} AI move: {} Score: {} Ponder: {}".format( session_id, res['curr_player'], move, res['score'], res['ponder'])) # save state session['actions'].append( session['game'].board.current_actions()) session['mcts_probs'].append(probs) else: # 轮到human走 if len(move) < 4: # 没有传入move"[{}] {} Human need give move !".format( session_id, res['curr_player'])) return {'code': 2, 'msg': '轮到人类走子', 'data': res}"[{}] {} Human move: {}".format( session_id, res['curr_player'], move)) action = session['game'].board.move_to_action(move) if action not in session[ 'game'].board.availables: # human action不合法 "[{}] {} Human action ({},{}) invalid !".format( session_id, res['curr_player'], move, action)) return { 'code': 3, 'msg': '错误的落子位置:{}'.format(move), 'data': res } # save state session['actions'].append( session['game'].board.current_actions()) probs = np.zeros(session['game'].board.action_ids_size) probs[action] = 0.01 session['mcts_probs'].append(probs) # move if len(move) >= 4 and action != -1: # do move res['san'] = session['game'].board.move_to_san(move) session['game'].board.do_move(action) # do move try: if len(res['ponder']) > 2: res['ponder'] = session['game'].board.move_to_san( res['ponder']) except: logging.warning(utils.get_trace()) session['step'] += 1 res['player'], res['move'], res['step'] = res[ 'curr_player'], move, session['step'] res['end'], res['winner'] = session['game'].board.game_end() res['curr_player'] = session['game'].board.current_player_id res['availables'] = [ session['game'].board.action_to_move(act) for act in session['game'].board.availables ] res['state'] = session['game'].board.state( ) # res['state'][move[:2]] + move[:2] # save state -> databuffer if res['end']: # 从当前玩家视角确定winner winners_z = np.zeros( len(session['game'].board.book_variations['all'])) if res['winner'] != -1: # 不是和棋 for i in range(len(winners_z)): if (i + res['winner']) % 2 == 0: winners_z[i] = 1.0 # 更新赢家步骤位置=1 else: winners_z[i] = -1.0 # 更新输家步骤位置=-1 play_data = list( zip(session['actions'], session['mcts_probs'], winners_z))[:] data_file = session['game']._get_databuffer_file( event='vs', winner=res['winner'], white=session['players'][0], black=session['players'][1], step_num=len(play_data)) utils.pickle_dump(play_data, data_file) "api vs play save to databuffer: {}".format(data_file)) return {'code': 0, 'msg': 'success', 'data': res} except: logging.error('execute fail [' + str(move) + '][' + session_id + '] ' + utils.get_trace()) return {'code': 5, 'msg': '请求失败', 'data': res} # 组织返回格式 return {'code': 0, 'msg': 'success', 'data': res}
def pgn_to_databuffer(self, pgn_file): """将pgn棋谱转为databuffer用于模型训练""""__pgn_to_databuffer__ {}".format(pgn_file)) from xpinyin import Pinyin pinyin = Pinyin() # 1.加载棋谱 pgn = open(CUR_PATH + "/data/pgn/" + pgn_file) # 2.读取第一局 game = chess.pgn.read_game(pgn) batch = 0 while game: # 棋谱包含多局 batch += 1 winner = self._get_pgn_winner(game.headers['Result']) event = pinyin.get_pinyin( game.headers['Event'].replace(' ', '').replace( '.', '').replace('-', '').replace('/', '').replace( '(', '').replace(')', '').replace("'", ""), "") white = pinyin.get_pinyin( game.headers['White'].replace(' ', '').replace( ',', '').replace('-', '').replace('/', '').replace( '(', '').replace(')', '').replace("'", ""), "") black = pinyin.get_pinyin( game.headers['Black'].replace(' ', '').replace( ',', '').replace('-', '').replace('/', '').replace( '(', '').replace(')', '').replace("'", ""), "") players = [white, black] # 3.重放对局过程,获得playdata # 初始化棋盘 self.board.init_board() self.board.graphic() actions, mcts_probs = [], [] # 重放走子 step = 0 # for move in game.mainline_moves(): moves = game.mainline_moves().__iter__() move = next(moves, None) while move: step += 1"step: {}, curr: {} {}, winner: {}".format( step, Board.PLAYERS[self.board.current_player_id].upper(), players[self.board.current_player_id], self.board.current_player_id == winner)) actions.append(self.board.current_actions()) # 执行落子 action = self.board.move_to_action(move) if action == -1: logging.error("invalid move! {}".format(move)) break probs = np.zeros(self.board.action_ids_size) if self.board.current_player_id == winner: probs[action] = 1.0 else: probs[action] = 0.8 if pgn_file == 'chessease.pgn': #非top大师棋谱,权重调低 probs[action] *= 0.1 mcts_probs.append(probs)"{}'s probs: {}".format( Board.PLAYERS[self.board.current_player_id].upper(), {self.board.action_to_move(action): probs[action]})) self.board.do_move(action) self.board.graphic() # next move move = next(moves, None) # 检查游戏是否结束 end, win = self.board.game_end() agreement = "" if end or move is None: if end is False and move is None: # 人工投降或协议和棋了 agreement = "Agreement" # 从当前玩家视角确定winner winners_z = np.zeros(len( self.board.book_variations['all'])) if winner != -1: # 不是和棋 for i in range(len(winners_z)): if (i + winner) % 2 == 0: winners_z[i] = 1.0 # 更新赢家步骤位置=1 else: winners_z[i] = -1.0 # 更新输家步骤位置=-1 if winner != -1:"Game end. {} Winner is {}".format( agreement, Board.PLAYERS[winner])) else:"Game end. {} Tie".format(agreement)) # print(actions, mcts_probs, winners_z) # print(list(zip(actions, mcts_probs, winners_z))[:]) play_data = list(zip(actions, mcts_probs, winners_z))[:] if len(play_data) < 7: # 6步不足以将杀,肯定是人工协议和棋,没有训练意义 continue if len(play_data ) < 30 and winner == -1: # 30步内和棋肯定是人工协议和棋,没有训练意义 continue # 4.保存本局数据到databuffer目录文件 data_file = self._get_databuffer_file( date=game.headers['Date'].replace('.', '').replace( '?', '0'), event=event, winner=winner, white=white, black=black, step_num=len(play_data), agreement=agreement) utils.pickle_dump(play_data, data_file) "pgn_to_databuffer save. pgn:{}, batch:{}, databuffer:{}" .format(pgn_file, batch, data_file)) # 5.读取棋谱下一局 game = chess.pgn.read_game(pgn)