def write_header(fh, profile, args): email_address = os.environ.get("DEBEMAIL", None) if email_address is None: email_address = os.environ.get("EMAIL", None) name = os.environ.get("DEBFULLNAME", None) if not name: pwd_entry = pwd.getpwnam(os.getlogin()) gecos_name = pwd_entry.pw_gecos.split(",", 1) if len(gecos_name) > 1: name = gecos_name[0] if not email_address: email_address = socket.getfqdn(socket.gethostname()) if args.maintainer: (name, email_address) = email.utils.parseaddr(args.maintainer) logger.debug("Using %s <%s> as uploader identity" % (name, email_address)) if not name or not email_address: raise DcutError( "Your name or email could not be retrieved." "Please set DEBEMAIL and DEBFULLNAME or provide" " a full identity through --maintainer" ) fh.write("Archive: %s\n" % (profile["fqdn"])) fh.write("Uploader: %s <%s>\n" % (name, email_address)) return (name, email_address)
def preload(self, configs): """ See :meth:`dput.config.AbstractConfig.preload` """ parser = configparser.ConfigParser() if configs is None: configs = dput.core.DPUT_CONFIG_LOCATIONS for config in configs: if not os.access(config, os.R_OK): logger.debug("Skipping file %s: Not accessible" % ( config )) continue try: logger.trace("Parsing %s" % (config)) parser.readfp(open(config, 'r')) except IOError as e: logger.warning("Skipping file %s: %s" % ( config, e )) continue except configparser.ParsingError as e: raise DputConfigurationError("Error parsing file %s: %s" % ( config, e )) self.parser = parser self.configs = configs self.defaults = self._translate_strs(self.get_config("DEFAULT")) self.parser.remove_section("DEFAULT")
def determine_logfile(changes, conf, args): """ Figure out what logfile to write to. This is mostly an internal implementation. Returns the file to log to, given a changes and profile. """ # dak requires '<package>_<version>_<[a-zA-Z0-9+-]+>.changes' # XXX: Correct --force behavior logfile = changes.get_changes_file() # XXX: Check for existing one xtn = ".changes" if logfile.endswith(xtn): logfile = "%s.%s.upload" % (logfile[:-len(xtn)], conf['name']) else: raise UploadException("File %s does not look like a .changes file" % ( changes.get_filename() )) if ( os.access(logfile, os.R_OK) and os.stat(logfile).st_size > 0 and not args.force ): raise UploadException("""Package %s was already uploaded to %s If you want to upload nonetheless, use --force or remove %s""" % ( changes.get_package_name(), conf['name'], logfile )) logger.debug("Writing log to %s" % (logfile)) return logfile
def _auth(self, fqdn, ssh_kwargs, _first=0): if _first == 3: raise SftpUploadException("Failed to authenticate") try: self._sshclient.connect(fqdn, **ssh_kwargs) logger.debug("Logged in!") except socket.error as e: raise SftpUploadException("SFTP error uploading to %s: %s" % ( fqdn, repr(e) )) except paramiko.AuthenticationException: logger.warning("Failed to auth. Prompting for a login pair.") # XXX: Ask for pw only user = self.interface.question('please login', 'Username') # 4 first error pw = self.interface.password(None, "Password") if user is not None: ssh_kwargs['username'] = user ssh_kwargs['password'] = pw self._auth(fqdn, ssh_kwargs, _first=_first + 1) except paramiko.SSHException as e: raise SftpUploadException("SFTP error uploading to %s: %s" % ( fqdn, repr(e) ))
def sign_file(filename, keyid=None, profile=None, name=None, email=None): logger.debug( "Signing file %s - signature hints are key: %s, " "name: %s, email: %s" % (filename, keyid, name, email) ) gpg_path = "gpg" if keyid: identity_hint = keyid else: # hard to see here, but name and email is guaranteed to be set in # write_header() if name: identity_hint = name if email: identity_hint += " <%s>" % (email) logger.trace("GPG identity hint: %s" % (identity_hint)) (gpg_output, gpg_output_stderr, exit_status) = run_command( [gpg_path, "--default-key", identity_hint, "--status-fd", "1", "--sign", "--armor", "--clearsign", filename] ) if exit_status == -1: raise DcutError("Unknown problem while making cleartext signature") if exit_status != 0: raise DcutError("Failed to make cleartext signature " "to commands file:\n%s" % (gpg_output_stderr)) if gpg_output.count("[GNUPG:] SIG_CREATED"): pass else: raise DcutError("Failed to make cleartext signature:\n%s" % (gpg_output_stderr)) os.unlink(filename) shutil.move("%s.asc" % (filename), filename)
def check_debs_in_upload(changes, profile, interface): """ The ``check-debs`` checker is a stock dput checker that checks packages intended for upload for .deb packages. Profile key: ``foo`` Example profile:: { "skip": false, "enforce": "debs" } ``skip`` controls if the checker should drop out without checking for anything at all. ``enforce`` This controls what we check for. Valid values are "debs" or "source". Nonsense values will cause an abort. """ debs = {} if 'check-debs' in profile: debs = profile['check-debs'] if 'skip' in debs and debs['skip']: logger.debug("Skipping deb checker.") return enforce_debs = True if 'enforce' in debs: model = debs['enforce'] if model == 'debs': enforce_debs = True elif model == 'source': enforce_debs = False else: logger.warning("Garbage value for check-debs/enforce - is %s," " valid values are `debs` and `source`. Skipping" " checks." % (model)) return else: logger.warning("No `enforce` key in check-debs. Skipping checks.") return has_debs = False for fil in changes.get_files(): xtns = ['.deb', '.udeb'] for xtn in xtns: if fil.endswith(xtn): has_debs = True if enforce_debs and not has_debs: raise BinaryUploadError( "There are no .debs in this upload, and we're enforcing them." ) if not enforce_debs and has_debs: raise BinaryUploadError( "There are .debs in this upload, and enforcing they don't exist." )
def force_passive_ftp_upload(conf): """ Force FTP to use passive mode. Mangles the supplied configuration object """ logger.debug("overriding configuration to force FTP passive mode") conf['passive_ftp'] = True
def _auth(self, fqdn, ssh_kwargs, _first=0): if _first == 3: raise SftpUploadException("Failed to authenticate") try: self._sshclient.connect(fqdn, **ssh_kwargs) logger.debug("Logged in!") except socket.error, e: raise SftpUploadException("SFTP error uploading to %s: %s" % ( fqdn, repr(e) ))
def initialize(self, **kwargs): """ See :meth:`dput.uploader.AbstractUploader.initialize` """ login = find_username(self._config) self._scp_base = ["scp", "-p", "-C"] # XXX: Timeout? if 'port' in self._config: self._scp_base += ("-P", "%s" % self._config['port']) self._scp_host = "%s@%s" % (login, self._config['fqdn']) logger.debug("Using scp to upload to %s" % (self._scp_host)) logger.warning("SCP is deprecated. Please consider upgrading to SFTP.")
def upload_file(self, filename, upload_filename=None): """ See :meth:`dput.uploader.AbstractUploader.upload_file` """ if not upload_filename: upload_filename = os.path.basename(filename) upload_filename = os.path.join(self.incoming, upload_filename) logger.debug("Writing to: %s" % (upload_filename)) self._sftp.put(upload_filename, filename)
def make_delayed_upload(conf, delayed_days): """ DELAYED uploads to ftp-master eventually means to use another incoming directory instead of the default. This is easy enough to be implemented Mangles the supplied configuration object """ incoming_directory = os.path.join( conf['incoming'], "DELAYED", "%d-day" % (delayed_days) ) logger.debug("overriding upload directory to %s" % (incoming_directory)) conf['incoming'] = incoming_directory
def validate_checksums(self, check_hash="sha1"): """ Validate checksums for a package, using ``check_hack``'s type to validate the package. Valid ``check_hash`` types: * sha1 * sha256 * md5 * md5sum """ logger.debug("validating %s checksums" % (check_hash)) for filename in self.get_files(): if check_hash == "sha1": hash_type = hashlib.sha1() checksums = self.get("Checksums-Sha1") field_name = "sha1" elif check_hash == "sha256": hash_type = hashlib.sha256() checksums = self.get("Checksums-Sha256") field_name = "sha256" elif check_hash == "md5": hash_type = hashlib.md5() checksums = self.get("Files") field_name = "md5sum" for changed_files in checksums: if changed_files["name"] == os.path.basename(filename): break else: assert "get_files() returns different files than Files: knows?!" with open(filename, "rb") as fc: while True: chunk = if not chunk: break hash_type.update(chunk) fc.close() if not hash_type.hexdigest() == changed_files[field_name]: raise ChangesFileException( "Checksum mismatch for file %s: %s != %s" % (filename, hash_type.hexdigest(), changed_files[field_name]) ) else: logger.trace("%s Checksum for file %s matches" % (field_name, filename))
def check_allowed_distribution(changes, profile, interface): """ The ``allowed-distribution`` checker is a stock dput checker that checks packages intended for upload for a valid upload distribution. Profile key: none Example profile:: { ... "allowed_distributions": "(?!UNRELEASED)", "distributions": ["unstable", "testing"], "disallowed_distributions": [] ... } The allowed_distributions key is in Python ``re`` syntax. """ allowed_block = profile.get("allowed-distribution", {}) suite = changes["Distribution"] if "allowed_distributions" in profile: srgx = profile["allowed_distributions"] if re.match(srgx, suite) is None: logger.debug("Distribution does not %s match '%s'" % (suite, profile["allowed_distributions"])) raise BadDistributionError("'%s' doesn't match '%s'" % (suite, srgx)) if "distributions" in profile: allowed_dists = profile["distributions"] if suite not in allowed_dists.split(","): raise BadDistributionError("'%s' doesn't contain distribution '%s'" % (suite, profile["distributions"])) if "disallowed_distributions" in profile: disallowed_dists = profile["disallowed_distributions"] if suite in disallowed_dists: raise BadDistributionError("'%s' is in '%s'" % (suite, disallowed_dists)) if "codenames" in profile and profile["codenames"]: codenames = load_config("codenames", profile["codenames"]) blocks = allowed_block.get("codename-groups", []) if blocks != []: failed = True for block in blocks: names = codenames.get(block, []) if suite in names: failed = False if failed: raise BadDistributionError("`%s' not in the codename group" % (suite))
def load_commands(): commands = [] for command in find_commands(): logger.debug("importing command: %s" % (command)) try: # XXX: Stubbed the profile for now. That ignores any user choice # on the profile. # Reason being that the profile and the argument parser is a # transitive circular dependency. That should be fixed at some # point. with get_obj_by_name("commands", command, {}) as (obj, interface): commands.append(obj(interface)) except NoSuchConfigError: raise DputConfigurationError("No such command: `%s'" % (command)) return commands
def get_config(self, name): """ See :meth:`dput.config.AbstractConfig.get_config` """ logger.trace("Loading entry %s" % (name)) ret = self.defaults.copy() for config in self.configs: obj = config.get_config(name) logger.trace(obj) ret.update(obj) ret = _config_cleanup(ret) logger.trace('Rewrote to:') logger.trace(obj) if logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): logger.debug("Got configuration: %s" % (name)) for key in ret: logger.debug("\t%s: %s" % (key, ret[key])) validate_object('config', ret, 'profiles/%s' % (name)) return ret
def upload_file(self, filename, upload_filename=None): """ See :meth:`dput.uploader.AbstractUploader.upload_file` """ if not upload_filename: upload_filename = os.path.basename(filename) upload_filename = os.path.join(self.incoming, upload_filename) logger.debug("Writing to: %s" % (upload_filename)) try: self._sftp.put(filename, upload_filename, **self.putargs) except IOError as e: if e.errno == 13: self.upload_write_error(e) else: raise SftpUploadException("Could not upload file %s: %s" % ( filename, e ))
def check_allowed_distribution(changes, profile, interface): """ The ``allowed-distribution`` checker is a stock dput checker that checks packages intended for upload for a valid upload distribution. Profile key: none Example profile:: { ... "allowed_distributions": "(?!UNRELEASED)", "distributions": ["unstable", "testing"] ... } The allowed_distributions key is in Python ``re`` syntax. """ suite = changes['Distribution'] if 'allowed_distributions' in profile: srgx = profile['allowed_distributions'] if re.match(srgx, suite) is None: logger.debug("Distribution does not %s match '%s'" % ( suite, profile['allowed_distributions'] )) raise BadDistributionError("'%s' doesn't match '%s'" % ( suite, srgx )) if'distributions' in profile: allowed_dists = profile['distributions'] if suite not in allowed_dists.split(","): raise BadDistributionError( "'%s' doesn't contain distribution '%s'" % ( suite, profile['distributions'] ))
def get_obj(cls, checker_method): # checker_method is a bad name. """ Get an object by plugin def (``checker_method``) in class ``cls`` (such as ``hooks``). """ logger.trace("Attempting to resolve %s %s" % (cls, checker_method)) try: config = load_config(cls, checker_method) validate_object('plugin', config, "%s/%s" % (cls, checker_method)) if config is None or config == {}: raise NoSuchConfigError("No such config") except NoSuchConfigError: logger.debug("failed to resolve config %s" % (checker_method)) return None path = config['path'] logger.trace("loading %s %s" % (cls, path)) try: return load_obj(path) except ImportError as e: logger.warning("failed to resolve path %s: %s" % (path, e)) return None
def upload_file(self, filename, upload_filename=None): """ See :meth:`dput.uploader.AbstractUploader.upload_file` """ upload_filename = self._baseurl + os.path.basename(filename) logger.debug("Upload to %s" % (upload_filename)) (mime_type, _) = mimetypes.guess_type(filename) fh = open(filename, 'rb') mmaped_fh = mmap.mmap(fh.fileno(), 0, access=mmap.ACCESS_READ) req = urllib2.Request(url=upload_filename, data=mmaped_fh) req.add_header("Content-Type", mime_type) req.get_method = lambda: 'PUT' try: urllib2.urlopen(req) except urllib2.HTTPError as e: if e.code == 403: self.upload_write_error(e) else: raise HttpUploadException(e) mmaped_fh.close() fh.close()
def validate_object(schema, obj, name): sobj = None for root in dput.core.SCHEMA_DIRS: if sobj is not None: logger.debug("Skipping %s" % (root)) continue logger.debug("Loading schema %s from %s" % (schema, root)) spath = "%s/%s.json" % ( root, schema ) try: if os.path.exists(spath): sobj = json.load(open(spath, 'r')) else: logger.debug("No such config: %s" % (spath)) except ValueError as e: raise DputConfigurationError("syntax error in %s: %s" % ( spath, e )) if sobj is None: logger.critical("Schema not found: %s" % (schema)) raise DputConfigurationError("No such schema: %s" % (schema)) try: import validictory validictory.validate(obj, sobj) except ImportError: pass except validictory.validator.ValidationError as e: err = str(e) error = "Error with config file %s - %s" % ( name, err ) ex = InvalidConfigError(error) ex.obj = obj ex.root = e ex.config_name = name ex.sdir = dput.core.SCHEMA_DIRS ex.schema = schema raise ex
def initialize(self, **kwargs): """ See :meth:`dput.uploader.AbstractUploader.initialize` """ logger.debug("Logging into %s as %s" % ( self._config["fqdn"], self._config["login"] )) conf = self._config['ftp'] if 'ftp' in self._config else {} timeout = conf['timeout'] if 'timeout' in conf else 10 try: self._ftp = ftplib.FTP( self._config["fqdn"], self._config["login"], None, timeout=timeout ) except Exception as e: raise FtpUploadException( "Could not establish FTP connection to %s: %s" % ( self._config['fqdn'], e ) ) if self._config["passive_ftp"] or kwargs['passive_mode']: logger.debug("Enable PASV mode") self._ftp.set_pasv(True) if self._config["incoming"]: logger.debug("Change directory to %s" % ( self._config["incoming"] )) try: self._ftp.cwd(self._config["incoming"]) except ftplib.error_perm as e: raise FtpUploadException( "Could not change directory to %s: %s" % ( self._config["incoming"], e ) )
def invoke_dcut(args): profile = dput.profile.load_profile( fqdn = None if "fqdn" in profile: fqdn = profile["fqdn"] if not "allow_dcut" in profile or not profile["allow_dcut"]: raise UploadException( "Profile %s does not allow command file uploads" "Please set allow_dcut=1 to allow such uploads" )"Uploading commands file to %s (incoming: %s)" % (fqdn or profile["name"], profile["incoming"])) if args.simulate: logger.warning("Not uploading for real - dry run") command = args.command assert issubclass(type(command), AbstractCommand) command.validate(args) if args.passive: force_passive_ftp_upload(profile) upload_path = None fh = None upload_filename = command.generate_commands_name(profile) try: if command.cmd_name == "upload": logger.debug("Uploading file %s as is to %s" % (args.upload_file, profile["name"])) if not os.access(args.upload_file, os.R_OK): raise DcutError("Cannot access %s: No such file" % (args.upload_file)) upload_path = args.upload_file else: fh = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="w+r", delete=False) (name, email) = write_header(fh, profile, args) command.produce(fh, args) fh.flush() # print fh.close() signing_key = None if "default_keyid" in profile: signing_key = profile["default_keyid"] if args.keyid: signing_key = args.keyid sign_file(, signing_key, profile, name, email) upload_path = if not args.simulate and not args.output: upload_commands_file(upload_path, upload_filename, profile, args) elif args.output and not args.simulate: if os.access(args.output, os.R_OK): logger.error("Not writing %s: File already exists" % (args.output)) # ... but intentionally do nothing # TODO: or raise exception? return shutil.move(, args.output) elif args.simulate: pass else: # we should *never* come here assert False finally: if fh and os.access(, os.R_OK): os.unlink(
def check_archive_integrity(changes, profile, interface): """ The ``source`` checker is a stock dput checker that checks packages intended for upload for source attached. Profile key: none .. warning:: This is all magic and pre-beta. Please don't rely on it. This simply checks, based on Debian policy rules, if the upload aught to have source attached. """ package_version = changes.get("Version") package_name = changes.get("Source") package_distribution = changes.get("Distribution") dsc = parse_dsc_file(filename=changes.get_dsc()) orig_tarballs = {} # technically this will also contain .debian.tar.gz or .diff.gz stuff. # We don't care. for files in dsc["Files"]: orig_tarballs[files['name']] = files['md5sum'] (previous_version, previous_checksums) = _find_previous_upload( package_name, package_distribution ) if previous_version: (p_ev, p_uv, p_dv) = _parse_version(previous_version) (c_ev, c_uv, c_dv) = _parse_version(package_version) logger.trace("Parsing versions: (old/new) %s/%s; debian: %s/%s" % ( p_uv, c_uv, p_dv, c_dv )) if p_ev == c_ev and p_uv == c_uv: logger.trace("Upload %s/%s appears to be a Debian revision only" % (package_name, package_version)) for checksum in previous_checksums: if checksum in orig_tarballs: logger.debug("Checking %s: %s == %s" % ( checksum, previous_checksums[checksum], orig_tarballs[checksum] )) if previous_checksums[checksum] != orig_tarballs[checksum]: raise SourceMissingError( "MD5 checksum for a Debian version only " "upload for package %s/%s does not match the " "archive's checksum: %s != %s" % ( package_name, package_version, previous_checksums[checksum], orig_tarballs[checksum] ) ) else: logger.debug("Checking %s: new orig stuff? %s" % ( checksum, checksum # XXX: This is wrong? )) raise SourceMissingError( "Package %s/%s introduces new upstream changes: %s" % ( package_name, package_version, checksum ) ) else: logger.debug("Not checking archive integrity. " "Upload %s/%s is packaging a new upstream version" % (package_name, package_version)) #TODO: It may be also well possible to find out if the new upload has # a higher number than the previous. But that either needs a # Python version parser, or a call to dpkg --compare-versions else: logger.debug( "Upload appears to be native, or packaging a new upstream version." ) raise Exception("Intentional Barrier")
def initialize(self, **kwargs): """ See :meth:`dput.uploader.AbstractUploader.initialize` """ fqdn = self._config['fqdn'] incoming = self._config['incoming'] self.sftp_config = {} if "sftp" in self._config: self.sftp_config = self._config['sftp'] self.putargs = {'confirm': False} if "confirm_upload" in self.sftp_config: self.putargs['confirm'] = self.sftp_config['confirm_upload'] if incoming.startswith('~/'): logger.warning("SFTP does not support ~/path, continuing with" "relative directory name instead.") incoming = incoming[2:] # elif incoming.startswith('~') and not self.host_is_launchpad: # raise SftpUploadException("SFTP doesn't support ~path. " # "if you need $HOME paths, use SCP.") # XXX: What to do here?? - PRT ssh_kwargs = { "port": 22, "compress": True } # XXX: Timeout override if 'port' in self._config: ssh_kwargs['port'] = self._config['port'] if 'scp_compress' in self._config: ssh_kwargs['compress'] = self._config['scp_compress'] config = paramiko.SSHConfig() if os.path.exists('/etc/ssh/ssh_config'): config.parse(open('/etc/ssh/ssh_config')) if os.path.exists(os.path.expanduser('~/.ssh/config')): config.parse(open(os.path.expanduser('~/.ssh/config'))) o = config.lookup(fqdn) user = find_username(self._config) if "user" in o: user = o['user'] ssh_kwargs['username'] = user if 'identityfile' in o: if check_paramiko_version((1, 10)): # Starting with paramiko 1.10 identityfile is always a list. pkey = [os.path.expanduser(path) for path in o['identityfile']] else: pkey = os.path.expanduser(o['identityfile']) ssh_kwargs['key_filename'] = pkey"Logging into host %s as %s" % (fqdn, user)) self._sshclient = paramiko.SSHClient() if 'globalknownhostsfile' in o: for gkhf in o['globalknownhostsfile'].split(): if os.path.isfile(gkhf): self._sshclient.load_system_host_keys(gkhf) else: files = [ "/etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts", "/etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts2" ] for fpath in files: if os.path.isfile(fpath): self._sshclient.load_system_host_keys(fpath) if 'userknownhostsfile' in o: for u in o['userknownhostsfile'].split(): # actually, ssh supports a bit more than ~/, # but that would be a task for paramiko... ukhf = os.path.expanduser(u) if os.path.isfile(ukhf): self._sshclient.load_host_keys(ukhf) else: for u in ['~/.ssh/known_hosts2', '~/.ssh/known_hosts']: ukhf = os.path.expanduser(u) if os.path.isfile(ukhf): # Ideally, that should be load_host_keys, # so that the known_hosts file can be written # again. But paramiko can destroy the contents # or parts of it, so no writing by using # load_system_host_keys here, too: self._sshclient.load_system_host_keys(ukhf) self._sshclient.set_missing_host_key_policy(AskToAccept(self)) self._auth(fqdn, ssh_kwargs) try: self._sftp = self._sshclient.open_sftp() except paramiko.SSHException as e: raise SftpUploadException( "Error opening SFTP channel to %s (perhaps sftp is " "disabled there?): %s" % ( fqdn, repr(e) ) ) # logger.debug("Changing directory to %s" % (incoming)) # self._sftp.chdir(incoming) try: self._sftp.stat(incoming) except IOError as e: # launchpad does not support any operations to check if a directory # exists. stat will fail with an IOError with errno equal to None. if e.errno is None: logger.debug( "Failed to stat incoming directory %s on %s. This should " "only happen on launchpad." % ( incoming, fqdn ) ) else: raise SftpUploadException( "Failed to stat incoming directory %s on %s: %s" % ( incoming, fqdn, e.strerror ) ) except paramiko.SSHException as e: raise SftpUploadException("SFTP error uploading to %s: %s" % ( fqdn, repr(e) )) self.incoming = incoming
def load_config(config_class, config_name, default=None, configs=None, config_cleanup=True): """ Load any dput configuration given a ``config_class`` (such as ``hooks``), and a ``config_name`` (such as ``lintian`` or ``tweet``). Optional kwargs: ``default`` is a default to return, in case the config file isn't found. If this isn't provided, this function will raise a :class:`dput.exceptions.NoSuchConfigError`. ``configs`` is a list of config files to check. When this isn't provided, we check dput.core.CONFIG_LOCATIONS. """ logger.debug("Loading configuration: %s %s" % ( config_class, config_name )) roots = [] ret = {} found = False template_path = "%s/%s/%s.json" locations = configs or dput.core.CONFIG_LOCATIONS for config in locations: logger.trace("Checking for configuration: %s" % (config)) path = template_path % ( config, config_class, config_name ) logger.trace("Checking - %s" % (path)) try: if os.path.exists(path): found = True roots.append(path) ret.update(json.load(open(path, 'r'))) except ValueError as e: raise DputConfigurationError("syntax error in %s: %s" % ( path, e )) if not found: if default is not None: return default raise NoSuchConfigError("No such config: %s/%s" % ( config_class, config_name )) if 'meta' in ret and ( config_class != 'metas' or ret['meta'] != config_name ): metainfo = load_config( "metas", ret['meta'], default={} ) # configs=configs) # Erm, is this right? For some reason, I don't think it is. Meta # handling is a hemorrhoid in my ass. F**k it, it works. Ship it. # -- PRT for key in metainfo: if not key in ret: ret[key] = metainfo[key] else: logger.trace("Ignoring key %s for %s (%s)" % ( key, ret['meta'], metainfo[key] )) obj = ret if config_cleanup: obj = _config_cleanup(ret) if obj != {}: return obj if default is not None: return default logger.debug("Failed to load configuration %s" % (config_name)) nsce = NoSuchConfigError("No such configuration: '%s' in class '%s'" % ( config_name, config_class )) nsce.config_class = config_class nsce.config_name = config_name nsce.checked = dput.core.CONFIG_LOCATIONS raise nsce