Beispiel #1
 def retreive(self, arg):
     Checks the cache for data defined by arg and returns it if it's there
     @param arg: same as for Extractor.grab() 
     @return: data specified by the arg or None if it's a cache miss
     # deserialize what's in the DB
     countries_raw = list(self.db.countries.find())
     cached_countries = [Country.from_json(country) for country in countries_raw]
     # let's pick what we need from it
     target_countries = []
     contains_countries, contains_indicators, contains_years = True, True, True
     wanted_countries = set(arg["country_codes"])
     for country in cached_countries:
         # add the countries we need
         if country.code in wanted_countries:
             # now for that country, let's go see if we have the indicators
             wanted_indicators = set(arg["indicator_codes"])
             for indicator in country.indicators.values():
                 if indicator.code in wanted_indicators:
                     # cool, it's here; now let's check for its years
                     begin_date = indicator.nominal_start
                     end_date = indicator.nominal_end
                     interval_satisfied = (arg["start_date"]>=begin_date 
                                           and arg["end_date"]<=end_date)
                     if interval_satisfied: #all past indicators contained years
                         # now we set the data to be
                         # only the years that were asked for 
                         indicator = indicator.slice(arg["start_date"], arg["end_date"])
                         contains_years = False
                 else: # we don't even want that one
             if len(wanted_indicators)>0: contains_indicators = False
     if len(wanted_countries) > 0: # empty
         # all countries covered
         contains_countries = False
     # all 3 conditions must be true, no data can be missing
     if contains_countries and contains_indicators and contains_years:
         return target_countries
     else: # we have a cache miss
         return None