def init(): draw.set_default() # gStyle.SetTitleX(0.4) gStyle.SetTitleY(0.93) gStyle.SetStatColor(ROOT.kWhite)
def det_card(cards,detector,T0_error,t_range=10,T0_file=None): draw.set_default() nbins = 2 * (14,11)[detector[4]=='Y'] name = '%6.6s_card_T0' % detector h = book_hist_det_card(name,name[:6],nbins) t0s = [] n_points = {} n=0 for name,card in cards.items(): if name[:6]!=detector[:6]: continue bin = set_histogram_bin(h,name,card,T0_error) n_points[bin] = card.n_points t0s.append(card.T0) n += 1 if not t0s: return h # The histogram is empty! t0s.sort() t0s_median = t0s[len(t0s)/2] h().SetMinimum(t0s_median-t_range/2.) h().SetMaximum(t0s_median+t_range/2.) if T0_file: T0_file.write('\\begin{figure}[t]\n') T0_file.write('\\centering\n') T0_file.write('\\caption{Distribution of $T_0^u$ and $T_0^d$ values for {\\bf %s} detector.}\n' % detector) T0_file.write('\\label{fig:T0-%s}\n' % detector) T0_file.write('\\epsfxsize=355pt \\epsfbox{%s_card_T0.eps}\n' % detector) T0_file.write('\\end{figure}\n\n') T0_file.write('\\begin{table}[b]\n') T0_file.write('\\centering\n') T0_file.write('\\tiny\n') T0_file.write('\\caption{List of $T_0^u$ and $T_0^d$ for {\\bf %s} detector.}\n' % detector) T0_file.write('\\label{tbl:T0-%s}\n' % detector) T0_file.write('\\begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|} \\hline\n') T0_file.write('card & layer & data & $T_0$ & $|T_0^u-T_0^d|$ & $T_0^c$ & comment \\\\ \\hline\\hline\n') for bin in range(1,h().GetXaxis().GetNbins()+1,2): # Number of V-plot points n_ud=['\\ ','\\ '] for ud in range(2): try: n_ud[ud] = latex_number(n_points[bin+ud]) except: pass # T0 t0_u = '\\ ' t0_d = '\\ ' card = '\\ ' label = h().GetXaxis().GetBinLabel(bin) if label: t0_u = '%.2f' % h().GetBinContent(bin) label2 = h().GetXaxis().GetBinLabel(bin+1) if label2: t0_d = '%.2f' % h().GetBinContent(bin+1) if not label: label = label2 if label: n = label.find('mm-') if n<0: print label card = label[n+4:] label = label[:n+2] comment = '\\card%scomment' % aNUM(card) else: comment = '' if card=='\\ ': card = get_card_number(detector,bin) if not '\\ ' in [t0_u,t0_d]: dT = '%.2f' % abs(h().GetBinContent(bin)-h().GetBinContent(bin+1)) t0_avr = '%.2f' % ((h().GetBinContent(bin)+h().GetBinContent(bin+1))/2) else: dT = '' t0_avr = '' #T0_file.write('%4s & %6s & %8s & %8s & %8s & \\\\ \\hline \n' % # (card,label,t0_u,t0_d,dT) ) T0_file.write('\\parbox{11ex}{\\vspace{.7ex}%s \\newline %s\\vspace{.7ex}} & \n' % (card,label) ) T0_file.write('\\parbox{2ex}{u \\newline d} & \n') T0_file.write('\\parbox{11ex}{%s \\newline %s} & \n' % (n_ud[0],n_ud[1]) ) T0_file.write('\\parbox{11ex}{%s \\newline %s} & \n' % (t0_u,t0_d) ) T0_file.write('%s &' % dT) T0_file.write('\\card%ssoft & %% t0_avr %s for %s %s\n' % ( (aNUM(card),0)[not card] ,t0_avr,detector,card) ) T0_file.write('\\parbox{40ex}{%s} %% card %s \n' % (comment,card) ) T0_file.write('%%\\newcommand{\\card%scomment}{} %% %s %s\n' % (aNUM(card),detector,card) ) T0_file.write('%%\\newcommand{\\card%ssoft}{} %% %s %s %s \n' % (aNUM(card),t0_avr,detector,card) ) T0_file.write('\\\\ \\hline\n') T0_file.write('\\end{tabular}\n') T0_file.write('\\end{table}\n\n') T0_file.write('\\clearpage\n\n') return h
t0s_diff[detector][card] = T0 - coral_T0[detector] hist = h['coral_t0_diff_det']() bin=1 for det,cards in t0s_diff.items(): for card,T0_diff in cards.items(): hist.SetBinContent(bin,T0_diff) hist.SetBinError(bin,t0_error) hist.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(bin,'%s %d' % (det,card)) bin = bin+1 return h if __name__=='__main__': ROOT.gROOT.SetBatch(1) draw.set_default() try: import optparse except: sys.path.append('/afs/cern/ch/user/z/zviagine/public/local/lib') import optparse parser = optparse.OptionParser() draw.optparse_parameters(parser,'eps','400x300') parser.add_option('', '--dir',dest='dir',default='./', help='Directory with the root files [default: "%default"]', type='string',metavar='PATH') parser.usage = '%prog [options] <cards.tex> <coral-t0.txt> <t0_error>' parser.description = 'Create plots for CORAL:T0 CARDS:T0 difference.'
def Vs_plot(geo,d='./',plot_print=draw.Plot()): draw.set_default() Vud = {} files = {} for f in os.listdir(d): r = re.match('T0_(?P<det>........)_geoID(?P<geo>\d+)\.root',f) if not r: continue if int('geo'))!=geo: continue # OK, file matches detector ='det') ud = detector[6] # either 'u' od 'd' if ud not in 'ud': print 'Bad detector name: %s' % detector if Vud.has_key(ud): raise 'Attempt to add a second "%s" detector="%s"!' % (ud,detector) Vud[ud] = {} Vud[ud]['det' ] = detector[:6]+detector[7:] # Detector name without 'u' or 'd' Vud[ud]['file'] = os.path.join(d,f) if len(Vud)!=2: print 'Not all files (must be 2, found %d) are available for card=%d!' % (len(Vud),geo) return if Vud['u']['det']!=Vud['d']['det']: print 'Print detector names are different!! "%s"!="%s"' % (Vud['u']['det'],Vud['d']['det']) return else: detector = Vud['u']['det'] canvas_name = 'Vs_%s_card%d' % (detector,geo) ROOT.gStyle.SetPadLeftMargin(0.2) c = TCanvas(canvas_name,canvas_name,plot_print.size_x,plot_print.size_y) c.Divide(2,1) objs = {} for i in range(2): ud = 'ud'[i] V = Vextract.get_V(Vud[ud]['file']) objs['V'+ud] = V['TH2F'] objs['RT'+ud] = V['TGraph'] #Vextract.draw_V_RT(V['TH2F'],V['TGraph']) V_draw = setV_opts(V['TH2F'],Vud[ud]['det'],geo) RT_draw = setRT_opts(V['TGraph']) V_draw.Draw() RT_draw.Draw() plot_print.make(c) objs[c.GetName()] = c return objs