Beispiel #1
def main(args):
    Takes the return value of the `commandlineArguments()` function as input and
    trains/tests the model on manipulating sequences of numbers.

    tasks = make_list_bootstrap_tasks()
    maxTasks = args.pop("maxTasks")
    if maxTasks and len(tasks) > maxTasks:

        eprint("Unwilling to handle {} tasks, truncating..".format(len(tasks)))
        del tasks[maxTasks:]

    baseGrammar = Grammar.uniform(McCarthyPrimitives())

    extractor = {
        "learned": LearnedFeatureExtractor,
    extractor.H = args.pop("hidden")

    timestamp =
    outputDirectory = "experimentOutputs/list/%s" % timestamp
    os.system("mkdir -p %s" % outputDirectory)

        "featureExtractor": extractor,
        "outputPrefix": "%s/list" % outputDirectory,
        "evaluationTimeout": 0.0005,

    eprint("Got {} list tasks".format(len(tasks)))
    split = args.pop("split")
    if split:
        train_some = defaultdict(list)
        for t in tasks:
            # necessary = train_necessary(t)
            # if not necessary:
            #     continue
            # if necessary == "some":
            # train_some[[0]].append(t)
            # else:
            t.mustTrain = True
        # for k in sorted(train_some):
        #     ts = train_some[k]
        #     random.shuffle(ts)
        #     ts.pop().mustTrain = True

        test, train = testTrainSplit(tasks, split)

        eprint("Alotted {} tasks for training and {} for testing".format(
            len(train), len(test)))
        train = tasks
        test = []

    explorationCompression(baseGrammar, train, testingTasks=test, **args)
Beispiel #2
def main(args):
    Takes the return value of the `commandlineArguments()` function as input and
    trains/tests the model on manipulating sequences of numbers.

    dataset = args.pop("dataset")
    tasks = {
        lambda: retrieveJSONTasks("data/list_tasks.json") + sortBootstrap(),
        lambda: retrieveJSONTasks("data/list_tasks2.json")[:105],
        lambda: retrieveJSONTasks("data/list_tasks2.json")[:4928],
        lambda: retrieveJSONTasks("data/list_tasks2.json"),

    maxTasks = args.pop("maxTasks")
    if maxTasks and len(tasks) > maxTasks:
        necessaryTasks = []  # maxTasks will not consider these
        if dataset.startswith("Lucas2.0") and dataset != "Lucas2.0-depth1":
            necessaryTasks = tasks[:105]

        eprint("Unwilling to handle {} tasks, truncating..".format(len(tasks)))
        del tasks[maxTasks:]
        tasks = necessaryTasks + tasks

    if dataset.startswith("Lucas"):
        # extra tasks for filter
            Task("remove empty lists",
                 arrow(tlist(tlist(tbool)), tlist(tlist(tbool))),
                 [((ls, ), list(filter(lambda l: len(l) > 0, ls)))
                  for _ in range(15) for ls in [[[
                      random.random() < 0.5
                      for _ in range(random.randint(0, 3))
                  ] for _ in range(4)]]]),
            Task("keep squares", arrow(tlist(tint), tlist(tint)), [
                ((xs, ), list(filter(lambda x: int(math.sqrt(x))**2 == x, xs)))
                for _ in range(15) for xs in [[
                    random.choice([0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25])
                    if random.random() < 0.5 else random.randint(0, 9)
                    for _ in range(7)
            Task("keep primes", arrow(tlist(tint), tlist(tint)), [
                ((xs, ),
                         lambda x: x in
                         {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37}, xs)))
                for _ in range(15) for xs in [[
                    random.choice([2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37])
                    if random.random() < 0.5 else random.randint(0, 9)
                    for _ in range(7)
        for i in range(4):
                Task("keep eq %s" % i, arrow(tlist(tint), tlist(tint)),
                     [((xs, ), list(filter(lambda x: x == i, xs)))
                      for _ in range(15)
                      for xs in [[random.randint(0, 6) for _ in range(5)]]]),
                Task("remove eq %s" % i, arrow(tlist(tint), tlist(tint)),
                     [((xs, ), list(filter(lambda x: x != i, xs)))
                      for _ in range(15)
                      for xs in [[random.randint(0, 6) for _ in range(5)]]]),
                Task("keep gt %s" % i, arrow(tlist(tint), tlist(tint)),
                     [((xs, ), list(filter(lambda x: x > i, xs)))
                      for _ in range(15)
                      for xs in [[random.randint(0, 6) for _ in range(5)]]]),
                Task("remove gt %s" % i, arrow(tlist(tint), tlist(tint)),
                     [((xs, ), list(filter(lambda x: not x > i, xs)))
                      for _ in range(15)
                      for xs in [[random.randint(0, 6) for _ in range(5)]]])

    def isIdentityTask(t):
        return all(len(xs) == 1 and xs[0] == y for xs, y in t.examples)

    eprint("Removed", sum(isIdentityTask(t) for t in tasks),
           "tasks that were just the identity function")
    tasks = [t for t in tasks if not isIdentityTask(t)]

    prims = {
        "base": basePrimitives,
        "McCarthy": McCarthyPrimitives,
        "common": bootstrapTarget_extra,
        "noLength": no_length,
        "rich": primitives
    haveLength = not args.pop("noLength")
    haveMap = not args.pop("noMap")
    haveUnfold = not args.pop("noUnfold")
    eprint(f"Including map as a primitive? {haveMap}")
    eprint(f"Including length as a primitive? {haveLength}")
    eprint(f"Including unfold as a primitive? {haveUnfold}")
    baseGrammar = Grammar.uniform([p
                                   for p in prims
                                   if ( != "map" or haveMap) and \
                                   ( != "unfold" or haveUnfold) and \
                                   ( != "length" or haveLength)])

    extractor = {
        "learned": LearnedFeatureExtractor,
    extractor.H = args.pop("hidden")

    timestamp =
    outputDirectory = "experimentOutputs/list/%s" % timestamp
    os.system("mkdir -p %s" % outputDirectory)

        "featureExtractor": extractor,
        "outputPrefix": "%s/list" % outputDirectory,
        "evaluationTimeout": 0.0005,

    eprint("Got {} list tasks".format(len(tasks)))
    split = args.pop("split")
    if split:
        train_some = defaultdict(list)
        for t in tasks:
            necessary = train_necessary(t)
            if not necessary:
            if necessary == "some":
                t.mustTrain = True
        for k in sorted(train_some):
            ts = train_some[k]
            ts.pop().mustTrain = True

        test, train = testTrainSplit(tasks, split)
        if True:
            test = [t for t in test if not in EASYLISTTASKS]

        eprint("Alotted {} tasks for training and {} for testing".format(
            len(train), len(test)))
        train = tasks
        test = []

    explorationCompression(baseGrammar, train, testingTasks=test, **args)
Beispiel #3
def main(args):
    Takes the return value of the `commandlineArguments()` function as input and
    trains/tests the model on regular expressions.
    #for dreaming

    #parse use_ll_cutoff
    use_ll_cutoff = args.pop('use_ll_cutoff')
    if not use_ll_cutoff is False:

        #if use_ll_cutoff is a list of strings, then train_ll_cutoff and train_ll_cutoff 
        #will be tuples of that string followed by the actual model

        if len(use_ll_cutoff) == 1:
            train_ll_cutoff = use_ll_cutoff[0] # make_cutoff_model(use_ll_cutoff[0], tasks))
            test_ll_cutoff = use_ll_cutoff[0] # make_cutoff_model(use_ll_cutoff[0], tasks))
            assert len(use_ll_cutoff) == 2
            train_ll_cutoff = use_ll_cutoff[0] #make_cutoff_model(use_ll_cutoff[0], tasks))
            test_ll_cutoff = use_ll_cutoff[1] #make_cutoff_model(use_ll_cutoff[1], tasks))
        train_ll_cutoff = None
        test_ll_cutoff = None

    regexTasks = {"old": makeOldTasks,
                "short": makeShortTasks,
                "long": makeLongTasks,
                "words": makeWordTasks,
                "number": makeNumberTasks,
                "handpicked": makeHandPickedTasks,
                "new": makeNewTasks,
                "newNumber": makeNewNumberTasks

    tasks = regexTasks()  # TODO
    eprint("Generated", len(tasks), "tasks")

    maxTasks = args.pop("maxTasks")
    if len(tasks) > maxTasks:
        eprint("Unwilling to handle {} tasks, truncating..".format(len(tasks)))
        seed = 42 # previously this was hardcoded and never changed
        del tasks[maxTasks:]

    maxExamples = args.pop("maxExamples")

    split = args.pop("split")
    test, train = testTrainSplit(tasks, split)
    eprint("Split tasks into %d/%d test/train" % (len(test), len(train)))

    test = add_cutoff_values(test, test_ll_cutoff)
    train = add_cutoff_values(train, train_ll_cutoff)
    eprint("added cutoff values to tasks, train: ", train_ll_cutoff, ", test:", test_ll_cutoff )

    if args.pop("use_str_const"):
        assert args["primitives"] == "strConst" or args["primitives"] == "reduced"
        ConstantInstantiateVisitor.SINGLE = \
        test = add_string_constants(test)
        train = add_string_constants(train)
        eprint("added string constants to test and train")
    for task in test + train:
        if len(task.examples) > maxExamples:
            task.examples = task.examples[:maxExamples]

        task.specialTask = ("regex", {"cutoff": task.ll_cutoff, "str_const": task.str_const})
        task.examples = [(xs, [y for y in ys ])
                         for xs,ys in task.examples ]
        task.maxParameters = 1

    # from list stuff
    primtype = args.pop("primitives")
    prims = {"base": basePrimitives,
             "alt1": altPrimitives,
             "alt2": alt2Primitives,
             "easyWords": easyWordsPrimitives,
             "concat": concatPrimitives,
             "reduced": reducedConcatPrimitives,
             "strConst": strConstConcatPrimitives

    extractor = {
        "learned": LearnedFeatureExtractor,
        "json": MyJSONFeatureExtractor

    extractor.H = args.pop("hidden")

    #stardecay = args.stardecay
    #stardecay = args.pop('stardecay')
    #decaystr = 'd' + str(stardecay)
    import datetime

    timestamp =
    outputDirectory = "experimentOutputs/regex/%s"%timestamp
    os.system("mkdir -p %s"%outputDirectory)

        "featureExtractor": extractor,
        "outputPrefix": "%s/regex"%(outputDirectory),
        "evaluationTimeout": 0.005,
        "topk_use_only_likelihood": True,
        "maximumFrontier": 10,
        "compressor": "ocaml"

        # use the
    #prim_list = prims(stardecay)
    prim_list = prims()
    specials = ["r_kleene", "r_plus", "r_maybe", "r_alt", "r_concat"]
    n_base_prim = len(prim_list) - len(specials)

    productions = [
        (math.log(0.5 / float(n_base_prim)),
         prim) if not in specials else (
            prim) for prim in prim_list]

    baseGrammar = Grammar.fromProductions(productions, continuationType=tpregex)
    #baseGrammar = Grammar.uniform(prims())

    #for i in range(100):
    #    eprint(baseGrammar.sample(tpregex))

    test_stuff = args.pop("debug")
    if test_stuff:
        eprint("sampled programs from prior:")
        for i in range(100): #100
        eprint("""half the probability mass is on higher-order primitives.
Therefore half of enumerated programs should have more than one node.
However, we do not observe this.
Instead we see a very small fraction of programs have more than one node. 
So something seems to be wrong with grammar.sample.

Furthermore: observe the large print statement above. 
This prints the candidates for sampleDistribution in grammar.sample.
the first element of each tuple is the probability passed into sampleDistribution.
Half of the probability mass should be on the functions, but instead they are equally 
weighted with the constants. If you look at the grammar above, this is an error!!!!
        assert False

    del args["likelihoodModel"]
    explorationCompression(baseGrammar, train,
                           testingTasks = test,
Beispiel #4
def main(args):
    Takes the return value of the `commandlineArguments()` function as input and
    trains/tests the model on manipulating sequences of numbers.

    tasks = make_list_bootstrap_tasks()
    maxTasks = args.pop("maxTasks")
    if maxTasks and len(tasks) > maxTasks:

        eprint("Unwilling to handle {} tasks, truncating..".format(len(tasks)))
        del tasks[maxTasks:]

    primitives = McCarthyPrimitives()
    from dreamcoder.program import Program, Invented
    # plus = Program.parse("(lambda (lambda (fix2 $1 $0 (lambda (lambda (lambda (if0 $0 $1 (incr ($2 $1 (decr0 $0))))))))))")
    # plus = Invented(plus)
    # primitives.append(plus)
    # minus = Program.parse("(lambda (lambda (fix2 $1 $0 (lambda (lambda (lambda (if0 $0 $1 ($2 (decr0 $1) (decr0 $0)))))))))")
    # minus = Invented(minus)
    # primitives.append(minus)
    # times = Program.parse("(lambda (lambda (fix2 $1 $0 (lambda (lambda (lambda (if0 $0 0 (#(lambda (lambda (fix2 $1 $0 (lambda (lambda (lambda (if0 $0 $1 (incr ($2 $1 (decr0 $0)))))))))) $1 ($2 (decr0 $0) $1)))))))))")
    # times = Invented(times)
    # primitives.append(times)
    baseGrammar = Grammar.uniform(primitives)
    baseGrammar = Grammar(
        0.0, [(5.0 if'fix') else 0.0, p.infer(), p)
              for p in primitives])

    extractor = {
        "learned": LearnedFeatureExtractor,
    extractor.H = args.pop("hidden")

    timestamp =
    outputDirectory = "experimentOutputs/list/%s" % timestamp
    os.system("mkdir -p %s" % outputDirectory)

        "featureExtractor": extractor,
        "outputPrefix": "%s/list" % outputDirectory,
        "evaluationTimeout": 0.0005,

    eprint("Got {} list tasks".format(len(tasks)))
    split = args.pop("split")
    if split:
        train_some = defaultdict(list)
        for t in tasks:
            # necessary = train_necessary(t)
            # if not necessary:
            #     continue
            # if necessary == "some":
            # train_some[[0]].append(t)
            # else:
            t.mustTrain = True
        # for k in sorted(train_some):
        #     ts = train_some[k]
        #     random.shuffle(ts)
        #     ts.pop().mustTrain = True

        test, train = testTrainSplit(tasks, split)

        eprint("Alotted {} tasks for training and {} for testing".format(
            len(train), len(test)))
        train = tasks
        test = []

    result = explorationCompression(baseGrammar,
    print([x.bestPosterior for x in result.taskSolutions.values()])
Beispiel #5
def main(args):
    Takes the return value of the `commandlineArguments()` function as input and
    trains/tests the model on LOGO tasks.

    # The below legacy global statement is required since prefix_dreams is used by LogoFeatureCNN.
    # TODO(lcary): use argument passing instead of global variables.
    global prefix_dreams

    # The below global statement is required since primitives is modified within main().
    # TODO(lcary): use a function call to retrieve and declare primitives instead.
    global primitives

    visualizeCheckpoint = args.pop("visualize")
    if visualizeCheckpoint is not None:
        with open(visualizeCheckpoint, 'rb') as handle:
            primitives = pickle.load(handle).grammars[-1].primitives

    dreamCheckpoint = args.pop("dreamCheckpoint")
    dreamDirectory = args.pop("dreamDirectory")

    proto = args.pop("proto")

    if dreamCheckpoint is not None:
        #outputDreams(dreamCheckpoint, dreamDirectory)
        enumerateDreams(dreamCheckpoint, dreamDirectory)

    animateCheckpoint = args.pop("animate")
    if animateCheckpoint is not None:

    target = args.pop("target")
    red = args.pop("reduce")
    save = args.pop("save")
    prefix = args.pop("prefix")
    prefix_dreams = prefix + "/dreams/" + ('_'.join(target)) + "/"
    prefix_pickles = prefix + "/logo." + ('.'.join(target))
    if not os.path.exists(prefix_dreams):
    tasks = makeTasks(target, proto)
    eprint("Generated", len(tasks), "tasks")

    costMatters = args.pop("cost")
    for t in tasks:
        t.specialTask[1]["costMatters"] = costMatters
        # disgusting hack - include whether cost matters in the dummy input
        if costMatters: t.examples = [(([1]), t.examples[0][1])]

    subprocess.Popen(["python", "./"])

    test, train = testTrainSplit(tasks, args.pop("split"))
    eprint("Split tasks into %d/%d test/train" % (len(test), len(train)))
        if test: montageTasks(test, "test_")
        montageTasks(train, "train_")
            "WARNING: couldn't generate montage. Do you have an old version of scipy?"

    if red is not []:
        for reducing in red:
                with open(reducing, 'r') as f:
                    prods = json.load(f)
                    for e in prods:
                        e = Program.parse(e)
                        if e.isInvented:
            except EOFError:
                eprint("Couldn't grab frontier from " + reducing)
            except IOError:
                eprint("Couldn't grab frontier from " + reducing)
            except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
                eprint("Couldn't grab frontier from " + reducing)

    primitives = list(OrderedDict((x, True) for x in primitives).keys())
    baseGrammar = Grammar.uniform(primitives, continuationType=turtle)


    timestamp =
    outputDirectory = "experimentOutputs/logo/%s" % timestamp
    os.system("mkdir -p %s" % outputDirectory)

    generator = ecIterator(baseGrammar,
                           outputPrefix="%s/logo" % outputDirectory,

    r = None
    for result in generator:
        iteration = len(result.learningCurve)
        dreamDirectory = "%s/dreams_%d" % (outputDirectory, iteration)
        os.system("mkdir  -p %s" % dreamDirectory)
        eprint("Dreaming into directory", dreamDirectory)
        dreamFromGrammar(result.grammars[-1], dreamDirectory)
        r = result

    needsExport = [
        str(z) for _, _, z in r.grammars[-1].productions if z.isInvented
    if save is not None:
        with open(save, 'w') as f:
            json.dump(needsExport, f)
Beispiel #6
    baseGrammar = Grammar.uniform(primitives)
    tasks = makeTasks()

    smooth = arguments.pop('smooth')

    for t in tasks:
        t.features = drawFunction(200, 10., t.f)
        delattr(t, 'f')
        if smooth:
            t.likelihoodThreshold = None

    eprint("Got %d tasks..." % len(tasks))

    test, train = testTrainSplit(tasks, 100)
    test = test[:100]
    eprint("Training on", len(train), "tasks")

    if False:
        hardTasks = [t for t in train if '/' in and '[' in]
        for clamp in [True, False]:
            for lr in [0.1, 0.05, 0.5, 1.]:
                for steps in [50, 100, 200]:
                    for attempts in [10, 50, 100, 200]:
                        for s in [0.1, 0.5, 1, 3]:
                            start = time.time()
                            losses = callCompiled(debugMany, hardTasks, clamp,
                                                  lr, steps, attempts, s)
                            losses = dict(zip(hardTasks, losses))