Beispiel #1
def calc_tensor_sparta_yhat(config):

    # load all required inputs
    tmp_config = config['task'].copy()
    tmp_config['dataset'] = tmp_config.pop('dataset_info')
    tmp_config['dataset']['input'] = ['T1', 'T2', 'T3', 'T4', 'inv1', 'inv2']
    tmp_config['dataset']['output'] = 'bDelta'
    # tmp_config['dataset']['skip_wall'] = False

    RANSdata, _ = load_frozen_RANS_dataset(tmp_config['dataset'])
    T1 = RANSdata[:, 0]
    T2 = RANSdata[:, 1]
    T3 = RANSdata[:, 2]
    T4 = RANSdata[:, 3]
    inv1 = RANSdata[:, 4]
    inv2 = RANSdata[:, 5]

    model1 = False
    model2 = False
    model3 = True

    if model1:
        yhat_sparta = (24.94 * inv1**2 + 2.65 * inv2) * T1 + 2.96 * T2 + (
            2.49 * inv2 + 20.05) * T3 + (2.49 * inv1 + 14.93) * T4
    if model2:
        yhat_sparta = T1*(0.46*inv1**2 + 11.68*inv2 - 0.30*(inv2**2) + 0.37) + T2*(-12.25*inv1 - 0.63*(inv2**2) + 8.23) + \
                T3*(-1.36*inv2 - 2.44) + T4*(-1.36*inv1 + 0.41*inv2 - 6.52)
    if model3:
        yhat_sparta = T1*(0.11*inv1*inv2 + 0.27*inv1*(inv2**2) - 0.13*inv1*(inv2**3) + 0.07*inv1*(inv2**4) \
                + 17.48*inv1 + 0.01*(inv1**2)*inv2 + 1.251*(inv1**2) + 3.67*inv2 + 7.52*(inv2**2) - 0.3) \
                + T2*(0.17*inv1*(inv2**2) - 0.16*inv1*(inv2**2) - 36.25*inv1 - 2.39*(inv1**2) + 19.22*inv2 + 7.04) \
                + T3*(-0.22*(inv1**2) + 1.8*inv2 + 0.07*(inv2**2)+2.65) + T4*(0.2*(inv1**2) - 5.23*inv2 - 2.93)

    return yhat_sparta
Beispiel #2
def contourplot_results_scalar(results, config):

    # re-read config file in output directory to find in and outputs
    logdir = config['training']['logdir']
    with open(logdir + '/config.json', encoding='utf-8') as f:
        config = json.load(f)

    name = results['name']
    seed = results['seed']

    cases = ['PH10595', 'CD12600', 'CBFS13700']

    for case in cases:
        tmp_config = config['task']['dataset'].copy()
        tmp_config['name'] = case
        X, y = load_frozen_RANS_dataset(tmp_config)
        # get yhat reduced field (used for training)
        yhat, _ = results['program'].execute(X)
        inv_nrmse = 1 / (1 + np.sqrt(np.mean((y - yhat)**2)) / np.std(y))

        # reload data, now containing all points for plotting
        tmp_config['skip_wall'] = False
        X, y = load_frozen_RANS_dataset(tmp_config)

        # get yhat full field
        yhat, _ = results['program'].execute(X)

        # get mesh data
        frozen = pickle.load(
            open(f'turbulence/frozen_data/{case}_frozen_var.p', 'rb'))
        data_i = frozen['data_i']

        mesh_x = data_i['meshRANS'][0, :, :]
        mesh_y = data_i['meshRANS'][1, :, :]

        filename = f'{logdir}/dsr_{name}_{seed}_contour_{case}'

        case_contourplots(mesh_x, mesh_y, y, yhat, filename, inv_nrmse,
Beispiel #3
def retrospecitvely_plot_contours(logdir, with_sparta=True):
    with open(logdir + '/config.json', encoding='utf-8') as f:
        config = json.load(f)

    cases = ['PH10595', 'CD12600', 'CBFS13700']

    for case in cases:
        config['task']['dataset']['name'] = case
        config['task']['dataset']['skip_wall'] = False

        X, y = load_frozen_RANS_dataset(config['task']['dataset'])

        ysparta = 2 * 1.4 * X[:, 0] * X[:, 1]

        frozen = pickle.load(
            open(f'turbulence/frozen_data/{case}_frozen_var.p', 'rb'))
        data_i = frozen['data_i']

        mesh_x = data_i['meshRANS'][0, :, :]
        mesh_y = data_i['meshRANS'][1, :, :]

        # filename = f'{logdir}/dsr_{name}_{seed}_contour_{case}'

        # case_contourplots(mesh_x, mesh_y, y, yhat, filename)

        files = os.listdir(logdir)
        for filename in files:
            if filename[-7:] == 'hof.csv':
                df = pd.read_csv(f'{logdir}/{filename}')
                df_row = df.iloc[0]
                name = config['task']['name']
                seed = [int(s) for s in filename.split('_') if s.isdigit()][0]
                filename = f'{logdir}/dsr_{name}_{seed}_contour_{case}'

                yhat = eval_expression(df_row['expression'], X)

                if with_sparta:
                    case_contourplots_with_sparta(mesh_x, mesh_y, y, yhat,
                                                  ysparta, filename)
                    case_contourplots(mesh_x, mesh_y, y, yhat, filename)

def bDelta_magnitudes(model_file):

    # Possibly use this for all bDelta models!
    # df_models = pd.DataFrame()
    # for case in ['PH', 'CD', 'CBFS']:
    #     file = f'../logs_completed/kDef_{case}/kDef_{case}_selected_models_CFD_results.csv'
    #     # file = f'../logs_completed/bDel_{case}/bDel_{case}_selected_models_CFD_results_full_bDelta.csv'
    #     df_case = pd.read_csv(file)
    #     df_models = pd.concat([df_models, df_case], axis=0, ignore_index=True)

    # sort by training reward?

    df_models = pd.read_csv(model_file)
    df_models[['x1term','x2term','x3term','x4term']] = df_models.apply(lambda x: split_expression(x['batch_r_max_expression']), axis=1, result_type='expand')

    # Load the config file
    with open('/'.join(model_file.split('/')[:-1] + ['config.json']), encoding='utf-8') as f:
        config = json.load(f)

    # config['task']['dataset']['skip_wall'] = False
    X, y = load_frozen_RANS_dataset(config['task']['dataset'])

    vardict = {}

    for ii in range(X.shape[1]):
        vardict[f'x{ii+1}'] = X[:,ii]

    for ii in range(4):
        strings = df_models[f'x{ii+1}term'].values
        strings = [str.replace(f'x{ii+1}*', '') for str in strings]
        strings = [str.replace(f'*x{ii+1}', '') for str in strings]
        strings = [str.replace(f'x{ii+1}', '0') for str in strings]
        df_models[f'x{ii+1}term'] = strings

        df_models[[f'x{ii+1}corr', f'x{ii+1}absmean', f'x{ii+1}mean']] = df_models.apply(lambda x: tensor_expr_eval(x[f'x{ii+1}term'], vardict, y, f'x{ii+1}', x['batch_r_max_expression']), axis=1, result_type='expand')

    if len(df_models['training_case'].unique()) == 1:
        training_case = df_models['training_case'].unique()[0]
    if training_case == 'PH':
        sort_by_CFD = ['PH_nmse', 'CD_nmse', 'CBFS_nmse']
        sort_by_r_max = ['r_max_PH', 'r_max_CD', 'r_max_CBFS']
        rlabel = r'\; PH_{10595}$'
        # rlabel = r'$r_{max} \; PH_{10595}$'

    elif training_case == 'CD':
        sort_by_CFD = ['CD_nmse', 'PH_nmse', 'CBFS_nmse']
        sort_by_r_max = ['r_max_CD', 'r_max_PH', 'r_max_CBFS']
        rlabel = '\; CD_{12600}$'
        # rlabel = '$r_{max}  \; CD_{12600}$'

        sort_by_CFD = ['CBFS_nmse', 'PH_nmse', 'CD_nmse']
        sort_by_r_max = ['r_max_CBFS', 'r_max_PH', 'r_max_CD']
        rlabel = '\; CBFS_{13700}$'

    df_sorted = df_models.sort_values(sort_by_r_max,
                                      ascending=[False, False, False], ignore_index=True)

    x = np.arange(df_sorted.shape[0]) + 1

    markersize = 30
    lw = 1.5
    figsize = (24, 6)
    cm = 1 / 2.54  # centimeters in inches

    # plot r_max:
    plt.figure(figsize=tuple([val*cm for val in list(figsize)]))
    # plt.plot(x, df_sorted[f'r_max_{training_case}'] )
    add_scatter(x, df_sorted, 'x1corr', 'C0', markersize, lw, r'$g^{(1)} T^{(1)} $', 'd')
    add_scatter(x, df_sorted, 'x2corr', 'C1', markersize, lw, r'$g^{(2)} T^{(2)} $', '^')
    add_scatter(x, df_sorted, 'x3corr', 'C2', markersize, lw, r'$g^{(3)} T^{(3)} $', 'v')
    add_scatter(x, df_sorted, 'x4corr', 'C3', markersize, lw, r'$g^{(4)} T^{(4)} $', 'o')

    # plt.ylim([-18, 18])
    ax = plt.gca()
    plt.legend(prop={'size': 8})

    ax2 = ax.twinx()
    ax2.set_ylabel(r'$r_{max} $')
    ax2.plot(x, df_sorted[f'r_max_{training_case}'] , label=r'$r_{max}' + rlabel, zorder=-1, c='black', linestyle=(0, (1, 1)))
    if training_case == 'CBFS':
        ax2.set_yticks([0.55, 0.60, 0.65])

    lines_1, labels_1 = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
    lines_2, labels_2 = ax2.get_legend_handles_labels()

    lines = lines_1 + lines_2
    labels = labels_1 + labels_2

    ax.legend(lines, labels, prop={'size': 10}, loc='upper center', bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, 1.23), ncol=5)

    plt.savefig(f'../logs_completed/aa_plots/bDelCorr_r_max_{training_case}.eps', format='eps', bbox_inches='tight')

    df_sorted = df_models.sort_values(sort_by_CFD,
                                      ascending=[True, True, True], ignore_index=True)

    # plot CFD errors:
    plt.figure(figsize=tuple([val*cm for val in list(figsize)]))
    # plt.plot(x, df_sorted[f'r_max_{training_case}'] )
    add_scatter(x, df_sorted, 'x1corr', 'C0', markersize, lw, r'$g^{(1)} T^{(1)} $', 'd')
    add_scatter(x, df_sorted, 'x2corr', 'C1', markersize, lw, r'$g^{(2)} T^{(2)} $', '^')
    add_scatter(x, df_sorted, 'x3corr', 'C2', markersize, lw, r'$g^{(3)} T^{(3)} $', 'v')
    add_scatter(x, df_sorted, 'x4corr', 'C3', markersize, lw, r'$g^{(4)} T^{(4)} $', 'o')

    # plt.ylim(ylim)
    ax = plt.gca()
    plt.legend(prop={'size': 8})

    ax2 = ax.twinx()
    ax2.set_ylabel(r'$\varepsilon (U) / \varepsilon(U_0)$')
    ax2.plot(x, df_sorted[f'{training_case}_nmse'] , label=r'$\varepsilon (U) / \varepsilon(U_0)' + rlabel, zorder=-1, c='black', linestyle=(0, (1, 1)))

    ax2.set_ylim([0, 4])

    lines_1, labels_1 = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
    lines_2, labels_2 = ax2.get_legend_handles_labels()

    lines = lines_1 + lines_2
    labels = labels_1 + labels_2

    ax.legend(lines, labels, prop={'size': 10}, loc='upper center', bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, 1.23), ncol=5)

    plt.savefig(f'../logs_completed/aa_plots/bDelCorr_CFD_err_{training_case}.eps', format='eps', bbox_inches='tight')
Beispiel #5
def make_regression_task(name, function_set, enforce_sum, dataset, dataset_info, metric="inv_nrmse",
    metric_params=(1.0,), extra_metric_test=None, extra_metric_test_params=(),
    reward_noise=0.0, reward_noise_type="r", threshold=1e-12,
    normalize_variance=False, protected=False):
    Factory function for regression rewards. This includes closures for a
    dataset and regression metric (e.g. inverse NRMSE). Also sets regression-
    specific metrics to be used by Programs.

    name : str or None
        Name of regression benchmark, if using benchmark dataset.

    function_set : list or None
        List of allowable functions. If None, uses function_set according to
        benchmark dataset.

    dataset : dict, str, or tuple
        If dict: .dataset.BenchmarkDataset kwargs.
        If str: filename of dataset.
        If tuple: (X, y) data

    metric : str
        Name of reward function metric to use.

    metric_params : list
        List of metric-specific parameters.

    extra_metric_test : str
        Name of extra function metric to use for testing.

    extra_metric_test_params : list
        List of metric-specific parameters for extra test metric.

    reward_noise : float
        Noise level to use when computing reward.

    reward_noise_type : "y_hat" or "r"
        "y_hat" : N(0, reward_noise * y_rms_train) is added to y_hat values.
        "r" : N(0, reward_noise) is added to r.

    normalize_variance : bool
        If True and reward_noise_type=="r", reward is multiplied by
        1 / sqrt(1 + 12*reward_noise**2) (We assume r is U[0,1]).

    protected : bool
        Whether to use protected functions.

    threshold : float
        Threshold of NMSE on noiseless data used to determine success.


    task : Task
        Dynamically created Task object whose methods contains closures.

    X_test = y_test = y_test_noiseless = None

    # Benchmark dataset config
    if isinstance(dataset, dict):
        dataset["name"] = name
        benchmark = BenchmarkDataset(**dataset)
        X_train = benchmark.X_train
        y_train = benchmark.y_train
        X_test = benchmark.X_test
        y_test = benchmark.y_test
        y_test_noiseless = benchmark.y_test_noiseless

        # Unless specified, use the benchmark's default function_set
        if function_set is None:
            function_set = benchmark.function_set

    # Dataset filename
    elif isinstance(dataset, str):
        df = pd.read_csv(dataset, header=None) # Assuming data file does not have header rows
        X_train = df.values[:, :-1]
        y_train = df.values[:, -1]

    # sklearn-like (X, y) data
    elif isinstance(dataset, tuple):
        X_train = dataset[0]
        y_train = dataset[1]

    if X_test is None:
        X_test = X_train
        y_test = y_train
        y_test_noiseless = y_test

    X_train_full = X_train
    y_train_full = y_train

    if dataset_info['name'] in ['PH10595', 'CBFS13700', 'CD12600']:

        dummy_config = dataset_info.copy()
        dummy_config['name'] = 'PH10595'
        X_train_PH, y_train_PH = load_frozen_RANS_dataset(dummy_config)

        dummy_config = dataset_info.copy()
        dummy_config['name'] = 'CBFS13700'
        X_train_CBFS, y_train_CBFS = load_frozen_RANS_dataset(dummy_config)

        dummy_config = dataset_info.copy()
        dummy_config['name'] = 'CD12600'
        X_train_CD, y_train_CD = load_frozen_RANS_dataset(dummy_config)

    if function_set is None:
        print("WARNING: Function set not provided. Using default set.")
        function_set = ["add", "sub", "mul", "div", "sin", "cos", "exp", "log"]

    # Save time by only computing these once
    var_y_test = np.var(y_test)
    var_y_test_noiseless = np.var(y_test_noiseless)

    # Define closures for metric
    metric, invalid_reward, max_reward, ad_metric_traversal = make_regression_metric(metric, y_train, *metric_params)
    ad_metric_start_idx = len(ad_metric_traversal) - 1
    if extra_metric_test is not None:
        print("Setting extra test metric to {}.".format(extra_metric_test))
        metric_test, _, _ = make_regression_metric(extra_metric_test, y_test, *extra_metric_test_params) 
    assert reward_noise >= 0.0, "Reward noise must be non-negative."
    if reward_noise:
        assert reward_noise_type in ["y_hat", "r"], "Reward noise type not recognized."
        rng = np.random.RandomState(0)
        y_rms_train = np.sqrt(np.mean(y_train ** 2))
        if reward_noise_type == "y_hat":
            scale = reward_noise * y_rms_train
        elif reward_noise_type == "r":
            scale = reward_noise

    def data_shuffle(seed):
        nonlocal X_train_full, y_train_full

        idx = np.arange(y_train_full.shape[0])
        idx = np.random.permutation(idx)

        X_train_full = X_train_full[idx, :]
        y_train_full = y_train_full[idx]

    def rotate_batch(batch_size, data_set=None, rotate=True):

        :param batch_size: int or None
            number of points in batch to be returned, if None full dataset is selected
        :param data_set: string or None
            if dataset in ['PH', 'CD', 'CBFS'] the X_train and y_train are changed to different dataset for evaluation
            Nothing is returned, X_train and y_train are changed non locally

        nonlocal X_train, y_train, ad_metric_traversal, X_train_full, y_train_full

        if data_set == 'PH':
            # switch to PH
            nonlocal X_train_PH, y_train_PH
            X_train = X_train_PH
            y_train = y_train_PH

        elif data_set == 'CD':
            # switch to CD
            nonlocal X_train_CD, y_train_CD
            X_train = X_train_CD
            y_train = y_train_CD

        elif data_set == 'CBFS':
            # switch to CBFS
            nonlocal X_train_CBFS, y_train_CBFS
            X_train = X_train_CBFS
            y_train = y_train_CBFS

            # set up train batch
            if batch_size:
                if rotate:  # rotate full dataset so next selection is of new points
                    X_train_full = np.roll(X_train_full, -batch_size, axis=0)
                    y_train_full = np.roll(y_train_full, -batch_size)

            X_train = X_train_full[:batch_size, :]
            y_train = y_train_full[:batch_size]
            ad_metric_traversal[-2] = AD_PlaceholderConstant(value=y_train, name='y')

    def reward(p):

        # Compute estimated values
        y_hat, invalid_indices = p.execute(X_train)

        p.invalid_tokens = invalid_indices
        # For invalid expressions, return invalid_reward
        # p.invalid_tokens = [token.invalid for token in p.traversal]
        if p.invalid:
            if invalid_indices is None:
                p.invalid = 1
                p.invalid = invalid_indices.shape[0]
            # p.invalid = np.sum(p.invalid_tokens, dtype=np.float32)  # overwrite "True" with the number of invalid tokens
            return invalid_reward

        ### Observation noise
        # For reward_noise_type == "y_hat", success must always be checked to 
        # ensure success cases aren't overlooked due to noise. If successful,
        # return max_reward.
        if reward_noise and reward_noise_type == "y_hat":
            if p.evaluate.get("success"):
                return max_reward
            y_hat += rng.normal(loc=0, scale=scale, size=y_hat.shape)

        # Compute metric
        # r = 1 / (1 + np.sqrt(np.mean((y_train - y_hat) ** 2) / np.var(y_train)))
        # note, y_train always be the first entry otherwies the variance of the wrong set is used
        r = metric(y_train, y_hat)

        ### Direct reward noise
        # For reward_noise_type == "r", success can for ~max_reward metrics be
        # confirmed before adding noise. If successful, must return np.inf to
        # avoid overlooking success cases.
        if reward_noise and reward_noise_type == "r":
            if r >= max_reward - 1e-5 and p.evaluate.get("success"):
                return np.inf
            r += rng.normal(loc=0, scale=scale)
            if normalize_variance:
                r /= np.sqrt(1 + 12*scale**2)

        return r

    def set_ad_traversal(p):

        # create ad tokens:
        ad_traversal = create_ad_tokens(p.traversal)
        # update traversal with error metric
        p.ad_traversal = ad_metric_traversal[:-1] + ad_traversal + [ad_metric_traversal[-1]]
        # add ad_const_pos for ad traversal.
        p.ad_const_pos = [pos + len(ad_metric_traversal[:-1]) for pos in p.const_pos]

    def reverse_ad(p):

        # on each evaluation reset the adjoint tokens to 0, except the first to 1.

        # Compute estimated values
        (base_r, jac), invalid_indices = p.ad_reverse(X_train)

        # For invalid expressions, return invalid_reward
        if p.invalid:
            if invalid_indices is None:
                p.invalid_tokens = invalid_indices
                # if the program is invalid but invalid indices is None the tokens are not logged, set invalid to 1
                p.invalid = 1
                # if invalid weight = 0, p.invalid_tokens will be a dummy array of len == 2

                # Adjust invalid_indices from AD_traversal
                invalid_indices -= ad_metric_start_idx
                invalid_indices = invalid_indices[invalid_indices >= 0]
                p.invalid = invalid_indices.shape[0]
                p.invalid_tokens = invalid_indices
                # p.invalid_tokens = p.invalid_tokens[ad_metric_start_idx:-1]
                # p.invalid = np.sum(p.invalid_tokens, dtype=np.float32)
                # p.invalid = np.sum(p.invalid_tokens[ad_metric_start_idx:-1], dtype=np.float32)
            return invalid_reward, np.zeros(jac.shape)

        # set self.r and self.jac at end of this function

        return base_r, jac

    def evaluate(p):

        # Compute predictions on test data
        y_hat, invalid_indices = p.execute(X_test)
        if invalid_indices is not None:
            nmse_test = None
            nmse_test_noiseless = None
            success = False

            # NMSE on test data (used to report final error)
            nmse_test = np.mean((y_test - y_hat)**2) / var_y_test

            # NMSE on noiseless test data (used to determine recovery)
            nmse_test_noiseless = np.mean((y_test_noiseless - y_hat)**2) / var_y_test_noiseless

            # Success is defined by NMSE on noiseless test data below a threshold
            success = nmse_test_noiseless < threshold
        info = {
            "nmse_test" : nmse_test,
            "nmse_test_noiseless" : nmse_test_noiseless,
            "success" : success

        if extra_metric_test is not None:
            if p.invalid:
                m_test = None
                m_test_noiseless = None
                m_test = metric_test(y_test, y_hat)
                m_test_noiseless = metric_test(y_test_noiseless, y_hat)     

                extra_metric_test : m_test,
                extra_metric_test + '_noiseless' : m_test_noiseless

        return info

    tokens = create_tokens(n_input_var=X_train.shape[1],
    library = Library(tokens)

    # create secondary library without the tensors to pass to the controllers
    tens = []
    if enforce_sum:
        tens_idx = []
        for idx, val in enumerate(dataset_info['input']):
            if val in ['T1', 'T2', 'T3', 'T4', 'T5', 'T6', 'T7', 'T8', 'T9', 'T10']:

    sec_tokens = create_tokens(n_input_var=X_train.shape[1]-len(tens),
    sec_library = Library(sec_tokens)

    # # add to function set
    # ad_function_set = function_set + ['n2', 'sum']
    # # create library for automatic differentiation in reverse mode
    # ad_tokens = create_tokens(n_input_var=X_train.shape[1],
    #                        function_set=ad_function_set,
    #                        protected=protected)
    # ad_library = Library(ad_tokens)

    stochastic = reward_noise > 0.0

    extra_info = {}

    task = dsr.task.Task(reward_function=reward,

    return task
Beispiel #6

    nut = data_i['nut_frozen']
    k = data_i['k']
    bdelta = np.moveaxis(data_i['bDelta'], -1, 0)

    bij_LEVM = -(nut / k) * Sij
    bij_LEVM = np.moveaxis(bij_LEVM, -1, 0)

    bij_corr = bij_LEVM + bdelta

    trispace_target, cmap_space_target = calc_lumley_cspace(bij_corr, data_i)

    #first calculate reward on dataset used fro training (without walls)
    X, y = load_frozen_RANS_dataset(config['task']['dataset'])

    if isinstance(results, str):
        dsr_bDelta = eval_string(results, X)
        # evaluate string
        dsr_bDelta, _ = results['program'].execute(X)

    if np.isnan(dsr_bDelta).any():
            f'Best expression of dsr_{results["name"]}_{results["seed"]} returned NaN on {case}'

    inv_nrmse = 1 / (1 + np.sqrt(np.mean((y - dsr_bDelta)**2)) / np.std(y))
Beispiel #7
def scatter_results_scalar(results, config):

    plot_sparta = True

    X, y = config['task']['dataset']

    logdir = config['training']['logdir']

    if plot_sparta:
        inputs = config['task']['dataset_info']['input']

        # find grad_u_T1
        if 'grad_u_T1' in inputs:
            grad_u_T1 = X[:, inputs.index('grad_u_T1')]
            dummy_config = config['task']
            dummy_config['dataset']['input'] = ['grad_u_T1']
            dummy_config['dataset']['skip_wall'] = False

            grad_u_T1, _ = load_frozen_RANS_dataset(dummy_config['dataset'])

        # find K
        if 'k' in inputs:
            k = X[:, inputs.index('k')]
            dummy_config = config['task']
            dummy_config['dataset']['input'] = ['k']
            dummy_config['dataset']['skip_wall'] = False
            k, _ = load_frozen_RANS_dataset(dummy_config['dataset'])

        Rsparta = 2 * k * grad_u_T1 * 0.93
        # sparta_inrmse = 1 / (1 + np.sqrt(np.mean((y-Rsparta)**2))/np.std(y))
        # print(sparta_inrmse)

        yhat, _ = results['program'].execute(X)

        reward = results['r']
        expression = results['expression']
        name = results['name']
        seed = results['seed']
        filename = f'dsr_{name}_{seed}'

        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 15), dpi=100)
        ax = plt.gca()
        plt.scatter(y, yhat, s=2)

        if plot_sparta:
            plt.scatter(y, Rsparta, s=2, zorder=-1)
            plt.legend(['DSR', 'sparta'])

        plt.xlabel('Target (ground truth)')
        plt.ylabel('DSR model result')
        plt.title(f'{config["task"]["metric"]} = {reward} \n  expression = ' +
        plt.xlim([10e-6, 1])
        plt.ylim([10e-6, 1])
        plt.savefig(logdir + '/' + filename)
Beispiel #8
def contourplot_results_tensor(results, config):

    # re-read config file in output directory to find in and outputs
    logdir = config['training']['logdir']
    with open(logdir + '/config.json', encoding='utf-8') as f:
        config = json.load(f)

    name = results['name']
    seed = results['seed']

    cases = ['PH10595', 'CD12600', 'CBFS13700']

    for case in cases:

        config['task']['dataset']['name'] = case
        config['task']['dataset']['skip_wall'] = False

        X, y = load_frozen_RANS_dataset(config['task']['dataset'])

        yhat, _ = results['program'].execute(X)

        y = de_flatten_tensor(y)
        yhat = de_flatten_tensor(yhat)

        # load mesh data
        frozen = pickle.load(
            open(f'turbulence/frozen_data/{case}_frozen_var.p', 'rb'))
        data_i = frozen['data_i']

        mesh_x = data_i['meshRANS'][0, :, :]
        mesh_y = data_i['meshRANS'][1, :, :]

        filename = f'{logdir}/dsr_{name}_{seed}_contour_{case}'

        # here set up grid spec, dress 6 axes one by one using dress_contour_axes
        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(22, 15),
                         dpi=250)  # , constrained_layout=False
        outer_grid = fig.add_gridspec(
            2, 3)  # outer_grid = fig11.add_gridspec(4, 4, wspace=0, hspace=0)
        axes = []

        for row in range(2):
            for col in range(3):

                inner_grid = outer_grid[row, col].subgridspec(2,
                axs = inner_grid.subplots()
                r = row
                c = col

                if r == 1:
                    c = col + 1

                if (r == 1) and (c == 3):
                    r = 2
                    c = 2
                # outer_grid[row, col].suptitle(f'T{r + 1},{c + 1}')

                ymin = np.min(y[r, c, :])
                ymax = np.max(y[r, c, :])

                y_plot = y[r, c, :]
                yhat_plot = yhat[r, c, :]
                y_plot = np.reshape(y_plot, mesh_x.shape, order='F')
                yhat_plot = np.reshape(yhat_plot, mesh_x.shape, order='F')

                ax0 = axs[0].contourf(mesh_x,
                axs[0].set_title(f'Target {r+1},{c+1}', y=1.0, pad=-14)
                ax1 = axs[1].contourf(mesh_x,
                axs[1].set_title('DSR Model', y=1.0, pad=-14)
                axes.append([ax0, ax1, axs])

        for pair in axes:
            ax0 = pair[0]
            axs = pair[2]
            fig.colorbar(ax0, ax=axs[0])
            fig.colorbar(ax0, ax=axs[1])
        plt.savefig(filename, bbox_inches='tight')