Beispiel #1
        for path in path_list:
            yield from conn.co_send_request('GET', path)

    # This generator function returns a coroutine that reads
    # all the responses
    def read_responses():
        bodies = []
        for path in path_list:
            resp = yield from conn.co_read_response()
            assert resp.status == 200
            buf = yield from conn.co_readall()
        return bodies

    # Create the coroutines
    send_crt = send_requests()
    recv_crt = read_responses()

    # Register the coroutines with the event loop
    send_future = AioFuture(send_crt, loop=loop)
    recv_future = AioFuture(recv_crt, loop=loop)

    # Run the event loop until the receive coroutine is done (which
    # implies that all the requests must have been sent as well):

    # Get the result returned by the coroutine
    bodies = recv_future.result()

# end-example