def statements(self, py_stmts: t.List, in_stencil_root_scope: bool = False): sir_stmts = [] for stmt in py_stmts: if in_stencil_root_scope and isinstance(stmt, AnnAssign): self.temporary_field_declaration(stmt) continue # TODO: bad hardcoded strings stmt = dispatch( { OneOf(Assign, AugAssign): self.assign, If: self.if_stmt, With( items=FixedList( withitem( context_expr=Subscript( value=name("sparse"), slice=_, ctx=_ ), optional_vars=_, ) ), body=_, type_comment=_, ): self.loop_stmt, # assume a vertical region by default With: self.vertical_loop, Pass: lambda pass_node: None, }, stmt, ) if stmt is not None: sir_stmts.append(stmt) return sir_stmts
class Grammar: @staticmethod def is_stencil(node) -> bool: return does_match( FunctionDef( name=_, args=_, body=_, decorator_list=FixedList(name(stencil_decorator.__name__)), returns=_, type_comment=_, ), node, ) def __init__(self): self.ctx = DuskContextHelper() @transform( FunctionDef( name=Capture(str).to("name"), args=arguments( posonlyargs=EmptyList, args=Capture(Repeat(arg)).to("fields"), vararg=None, kwonlyargs=EmptyList, kw_defaults=EmptyList, kwarg=None, defaults=EmptyList, ), body=Capture(_).to("body"), decorator_list=FixedList(name(stencil_decorator.__name__)), returns=Optional(Constant(value=None, kind=None)), type_comment=None, )) def stencil(self, name: str, body: t.List, fields: t.List): with self.ctx.scope.new_scope(): for field in fields: self.field_declaration(field) body = make_ast(self.statements(body, in_stencil_root_scope=True)) fields = [ symbol.sir for symbol in self.ctx.scope.current_scope if isinstance(symbol, (DuskField, DuskIndexField)) ] return make_stencil(name, body, fields) @transform( arg( arg=Capture(str).to("name"), annotation=Capture(expr).to("field_type"), type_comment=None, )) def field_declaration(self, name: str, field_type: expr): self.add_field_declaration(name, field_type) @transform( AnnAssign( target=name(Capture(str).to("name"), ctx=Store), value=None, annotation=Capture(expr).to("field_type"), simple=1, ), ) def temporary_field_declaration(self, name: str, field_type: expr): self.add_field_declaration(name, field_type, is_temporary=True) def add_field_declaration(self, name: str, field_type: expr, is_temporary: bool = False): field_type, hindex, vindex = self.field_type(field_type) assert field_type in {"Field", "IndexField"} DuskFieldType = DuskField if field_type == "Field" else DuskIndexField if hindex is not None: dimensions = make_field_dimensions_unstructured(hindex, vindex) else: dimensions = make_field_dimensions_vertical() self.ctx.scope.current_scope.add( name, DuskFieldType(make_field(name, dimensions, is_temporary))) @transform( Subscript( # TODO: hardcoded string value=name(Capture(OneOf("Field", "IndexField")).to("field_type")), slice=Index(value=OneOf( Tuple( elts=FixedList( Capture(_).to("hindex"), name(Capture("K").to("vindex")), ), ctx=Load, ), name(Capture("K").to("vindex")), Capture(_).to("hindex"), ), ), ctx=Load, )) def field_type(self, field_type: str, hindex: expr = None, vindex: str = None): return ( field_type, self.location_chain(hindex) if hindex is not None else None, 1 if vindex is not None else 0, ) @transform( OneOf( name(Capture(str).append("locations")), Compare( left=name(Capture(str).append("locations")), ops=Repeat(Gt), comparators=Repeat(name(Capture(str).append("locations"))), ), )) def location_chain(self, locations: t.List): return [self.location_type(location) for location in locations] @transform(Capture(str).to("name")) def location_type(self, name: str): location_names = {l.__name__ for l in LOCATION_TYPES} if name not in location_names: raise DuskSyntaxError(f"Invalid location type '{name}'!", name) return sir.LocationType.Value(name) @transform(Capture(list).to("py_stmts")) def statements(self, py_stmts: t.List, in_stencil_root_scope: bool = False): sir_stmts = [] for stmt in py_stmts: if in_stencil_root_scope and isinstance(stmt, AnnAssign): self.temporary_field_declaration(stmt) continue # TODO: bad hardcoded strings stmt = dispatch( { OneOf(Assign, AugAssign): self.assign, If: self.if_stmt, With( items=FixedList( withitem( context_expr=Subscript(value=name("sparse"), slice=_, ctx=_), optional_vars=_, )), body=_, type_comment=_, ): self.loop_stmt, # assume a vertical region by default With: self.vertical_loop, Pass: lambda pass_node: None, }, stmt, ) if stmt is not None: sir_stmts.append(stmt) return sir_stmts @transform( OneOf( Assign( targets=FixedList(Capture(expr).to("lhs")), value=Capture(expr).to("rhs"), type_comment=None, ), AugAssign( target=Capture(expr).to("lhs"), op=Capture(operator).to("op"), value=Capture(expr).to("rhs"), ), ), ) def assign(self, lhs: expr, rhs: expr, op: t.Optional[operator] = None): py_assign_op_to_sir_assign_op = { Add: "+=", Sub: "-=", Mult: "*=", Div: "/=", Mod: "%=", LShift: "<<=", RShift: ">>=", BitOr: "|=", BitXor: "^=", BitAnd: "&=", } if op is None: op = "=" elif isinstance(op, Pow): op = "=" rhs = make_fun_call_expr( "gridtools::dawn::math::pow", [self.expression(lhs), self.expression(rhs)], ) return make_assignment_stmt(self.expression(lhs), rhs, op) elif type(op) in py_assign_op_to_sir_assign_op.keys(): op = py_assign_op_to_sir_assign_op[type(op)] else: raise DuskSyntaxError(f"Unsupported assignment operator '{op}'!", op) return make_assignment_stmt(self.expression(lhs), self.expression(rhs), op) @transform( If( test=Capture(expr).to("condition"), body=Capture(list).to("body"), orelse=Capture(list).to("orelse"), )) def if_stmt(self, condition: expr, body: t.List, orelse: t.List): condition = make_expr_stmt(self.expression(condition)) body = make_block_stmt(self.statements(body)) orelse = make_block_stmt(self.statements(orelse)) return make_if_stmt(condition, body, orelse) @transform( With( items=FixedList( # TODO: hardcoded strings withitem( context_expr=OneOf( name( Capture(OneOf("levels_upward", "levels_downward")).to("order"), ), Subscript( value=name(id=Capture( OneOf("levels_upward", "levels_downward")).to( "order")), slice=Slice( lower=Capture(_).to("lower"), upper=Capture(_).to("upper"), step=None, ), ctx=Load, ), ), optional_vars=Optional( name(Capture(str).to("var"), ctx=Store)), ), ), body=Capture(_).to("body"), type_comment=None, ), ) def vertical_loop(self, order, body, upper=None, lower=None, var: str = None): if lower is None: lower_level, lower_offset = sir.Interval.Start, 0 else: lower_level, lower_offset = self.vertical_interval_bound(lower) if upper is None: upper_level, upper_offset = sir.Interval.End, 0 else: upper_level, upper_offset = self.vertical_interval_bound(upper) order_mapper = { "levels_upward": sir.VerticalRegion.Forward, "levels_downward": sir.VerticalRegion.Backward, } with self.ctx.vertical_region(var): return make_vertical_region_decl_stmt( make_ast(self.statements(body)), make_interval(lower_level, upper_level, lower_offset, upper_offset), order_mapper[order], ) # TODO: richer vertical interval bounds @transform(Capture(OneOf(Constant, UnaryOp)).to("bound")) def vertical_interval_bound(self, bound): if does_match(Constant(value=int, kind=None), bound): return sir.Interval.Start, bound.value elif does_match( UnaryOp(op=USub, operand=Constant(value=int, kind=None)), bound): return sir.Interval.End, -bound.operand.value else: raise DuskSyntaxError( f"Unrecognized vertical intervals bound '{bound}'!", bound) @transform( With( items=FixedList( # TODO: bad hardcoded string `neighbors` withitem( context_expr=Subscript( value=name(id="sparse"), slice=Index(value=Capture(_).to("neighborhood")), ctx=Load, ), optional_vars=None, )), body=Capture(_).to("body"), type_comment=None, )) def loop_stmt(self, neighborhood, body: t.List): neighborhood = self.location_chain(neighborhood) with self.ctx.location.loop_stmt(neighborhood): body = self.statements(body) return make_loop_stmt(body, neighborhood) @transform(Capture(expr).to("expr")) def expression(self, expr: expr): return make_expr( dispatch( { Constant: self.constant, Name: self.var, Subscript: self.subscript, UnaryOp: self.unop, BinOp: self.binop, BoolOp: self.boolop, Compare:, IfExp: self.ifexp, Call: self.funcall, }, expr, )) @transform(Constant(value=Capture(_).to("value"), kind=None)) def constant(self, value): # TODO: properly distinguish between float and double built_in_type_map = {bool: "Boolean", int: "Integer", float: "Double"} if type(value) not in built_in_type_map.keys(): raise DuskSyntaxError( f"Unsupported constant '{value}' of type '{type(value)}'!", value) _type = sir.BuiltinType.TypeID.Value(built_in_type_map[type(value)]) if isinstance(value, bool): value = "true" if value else "false" else: # TODO: does `str` really work here? (what about NaNs, precision, 1e11 notation, etc) value = str(value) return make_literal_access_expr( value, _type, ) @transform(Name(id=Capture(str).to("name"), ctx=AnyContext)) def var(self, name: str, index: expr = None): if not self.ctx.scope.current_scope.contains(name): raise DuskSyntaxError(f"Undeclared variable '{name}'!", name) symbol = self.ctx.scope.current_scope.fetch(name) if isinstance(symbol, DuskField): return self.field_access_expr(symbol, index) else: raise DuskInternalError( f"Encountered unknown symbol type '{symbol}' ('{name}')!") @transform( Subscript( value=Capture(Name).to("var"), slice=Index(value=Capture(expr).to("index")), ctx=AnyContext, )) def subscript(self, var: expr, index: expr): return self.var(var, index=index) def field_access_expr(self, field: DuskField, index: expr = None): if not self.ctx.location.in_vertical_region: raise DuskSyntaxError( f"Invalid field access {name} outside of a vertical region!") return make_unstructured_field_access_expr(, *self.field_index(index, field=field)) @transform( OneOf( Tuple( elts=FixedList( Capture(OneOf(Compare, Name)).to("hindex"), Capture(expr).to("vindex"), ), ctx=Load, ), # FIXME: ensure built-ins (like `Edge`) aren't _shadowed_ by variables # TODO: hardcoded string Capture(OneOf(Compare, name(OneOf("Edge", "Cell", "Vertex")))).to("hindex"), Capture(expr).to("vindex"), None, )) def field_index(self, field: DuskField, vindex=None, hindex=None): voffset, vbase = (self.relative_vertical_offset(vindex) if vindex is not None else (0, None)) hindex = self.location_chain(hindex) if hindex is not None else None if not self.ctx.location.in_neighbor_iteration: if hindex is not None: raise DuskSyntaxError( f"Invalid horizontal index for field '{}' " "outside of neighbor iteration!") return make_unstructured_offset(False), voffset, vbase neighbor_iteration = self.ctx.location.current_neighbor_iteration field_dimension = self.ctx.location.get_field_dimension(field.sir) # TODO: `vindex` is _non-sensical_ if the field is 2d # TODO: we should check that `field_dimension` is valid for # the current neighbor iteration(s?) if hindex is None: if self.ctx.location.is_dense(field_dimension): if self.ctx.location.is_ambiguous(neighbor_iteration): raise DuskSyntaxError( f"Field '{}' requires a horizontal index " "inside of ambiguous neighbor iteration!") return ( make_unstructured_offset( field_dimension[0] == neighbor_iteration[-1]), voffset, vbase, ) return make_unstructured_offset(True), voffset, vbase # TODO: check if `hindex` is valid for this field's location type if len(hindex) == 1: if neighbor_iteration[0] != hindex[0]: raise DuskSyntaxError( f"Invalid horizontal offset for field '{}'!") return make_unstructured_offset(False), voffset, vbase if hindex != neighbor_iteration: raise DuskSyntaxError( f"Invalid horizontal offset for field '{}'!") return make_unstructured_offset(True), voffset, vbase @transform( OneOf( BinOp( left=name(Capture(str).to("base")), op=Capture(OneOf(Add, Sub)).to("vop"), right=Constant(value=Capture(int).to("shift"), kind=None), ), name(Capture(str).to("base")), ), ) def relative_vertical_offset(self, base: str, shift: int = 0, vop=Add()): base = self.ctx.scope.current_scope.fetch(base) if not isinstance(base, (VerticalIterationVariable, DuskIndexField)): raise DuskSyntaxError( f"'{base}' isn't a vertical iteration variable or index field!", base) if isinstance(base, DuskIndexField): # TODO: check that `base` is valid in this context # * compatible neighbor iteration # * _correct_ usage (not clear what this entails) base = if (self.ctx.location.in_neighbor_iteration and self.ctx.location.is_ambiguous( self.ctx.location.current_neighbor_iteration)): raise DuskSyntaxError( f"Index field {base} used in ambiguous neighbor iteration!" ) elif isinstance(base, VerticalIterationVariable): base = None else: assert False return (-shift if isinstance(vop, Sub) else shift), base @transform( UnaryOp( operand=Capture(expr).to("expr"), op=Capture(OneOf(UAdd, USub, Not)).to("op"), )) def unop(self, expr: expr, op): py_unop_to_sir_unop = {UAdd: "+", USub: "-", Not: "!"} return make_unary_operator(py_unop_to_sir_unop[type(op)], self.expression(expr)) @transform( BinOp( left=Capture(expr).to("left"), op=Capture(operator).to("op"), right=Capture(expr).to("right"), )) def binop(self, left: expr, op: t.Any, right: expr): py_binops_to_sir_binops = { Add: "+", Sub: "-", Mult: "*", Div: "/", LShift: "<<", RShift: ">>", BitOr: "|", BitXor: "^", BitAnd: "&", } if type(op) in py_binops_to_sir_binops.keys(): op = py_binops_to_sir_binops[type(op)] return make_binary_operator(self.expression(left), op, self.expression(right)) elif isinstance(op, Pow): return make_fun_call_expr( "gridtools::dawn::math::pow", [self.expression(left), self.expression(right)], ) else: raise DuskSyntaxError(f"Unsupported binary operator '{op}'!", op) @transform( BoolOp( op=Capture(OneOf(And, Or)).to("op"), values=Capture(Repeat(expr)).to("values"), )) def boolop(self, op, values: t.List): py_boolops_to_sir_boolops = {And: "&&", Or: "||"} op = py_boolops_to_sir_boolops[type(op)] *remainder, last = values binop = self.expression(last) for value in reversed(remainder): binop = make_binary_operator(self.expression(value), op, binop) return binop @transform( Compare( left=Capture(expr).to("left"), # currently we only support two operands ops=FixedList(Capture(_).to("op")), comparators=FixedList(Capture(expr).to("right")), ), ) def compare(self, left: expr, op, right: expr): # FIXME: we should probably have a better answer when we need such mappings py_compare_to_sir_compare = { Eq: "==", NotEq: "!=", Lt: "<", LtE: "<=", Gt: ">", GtE: ">=", } if type(op) not in py_compare_to_sir_compare.keys(): raise DuskSyntaxError(f"Unsupported comparison operator '{op}'!", op) op = py_compare_to_sir_compare[type(op)] return make_binary_operator(self.expression(left), op, self.expression(right)) @transform( IfExp( test=Capture(expr).to("condition"), body=Capture(expr).to("body"), orelse=Capture(expr).to("orelse"), )) def ifexp(self, condition: expr, body: expr, orelse: expr): condition = self.expression(condition) body = self.expression(body) orelse = self.expression(orelse) return make_ternary_operator(condition, body, orelse) @transform( Capture(Call( func=name(Capture(str).to("name")), args=_, keywords=_, )).to("node")) def funcall(self, name: str, node: Call): # TODO: bad hardcoded string if name == "reduce_over": return self.reduce_over(node) if name in {"sum_over", "min_over", "max_over"}: return self.short_reduce_over(node) if name in self.unary_math_functions or name in self.binary_math_functions: return self.math_function(node) raise DuskSyntaxError(f"Unrecognized function call '{name}'!", node) unary_math_functions = {f.__name__ for f in UNARY_MATH_FUNCTIONS} binary_math_functions = {f.__name__ for f in BINARY_MATH_FUNCTIONS} @transform( Call( func=name(Capture(str).to("name")), args=Capture(list).to("args"), keywords=EmptyList, )) def math_function(self, name: str, args: t.List): if name in self.unary_math_functions: if len(args) != 1: raise DuskSyntaxError( f"Function '{name}' takes exactly one argument!") return make_fun_call_expr(f"gridtools::dawn::math::{name}", [self.expression(args[0])]) if name in self.binary_math_functions: if len(args) != 2: raise DuskSyntaxError( f"Function '{name}' takes exactly two arguments!") return make_fun_call_expr( f"gridtools::dawn::math::{name}", [self.expression(arg) for arg in args], ) raise DuskSyntaxError(f"Unrecognized function call '{name}'!") @transform( Call( # TODO: bad hardcoded string func=name("reduce_over"), args=FixedList( Capture(expr).to("neighborhood"), Capture(expr).to("expr"), name(Capture(str).to("op")), ), keywords=Repeat( keyword( arg=Capture(str).append("kwargs_keys"), value=Capture(expr).append("kwargs_values"), )), ), ) def reduce_over( self, expr: expr, neighborhood: expr, op: str, kwargs_keys: t.List[str] = [], kwargs_values: t.List[expr] = [], ): return self.reduction(expr, neighborhood, op, kwargs_keys, kwargs_values) @transform( Call( func=name( # TODO: bad hardcoded string Capture(OneOf("sum_over", "min_over", "max_over")).to("short_cut_name")), args=FixedList( Capture(expr).to("neighborhood"), Capture(expr).to("expr"), ), keywords=Repeat( keyword( arg=Capture(str).append("kwargs_keys"), value=Capture(expr).append("kwargs_values"), )), ), ) def short_reduce_over( self, expr: expr, neighborhood: expr, short_cut_name: str, kwargs_keys: t.List[str] = [], kwargs_values: t.List[expr] = [], ): short_cut_to_op_map = { "sum_over": "sum", "min_over": "min", "max_over": "max" } op = short_cut_to_op_map[short_cut_name] return self.reduction(expr, neighborhood, op, kwargs_keys, kwargs_values) def reduction( self, expr: expr, neighborhood: expr, op: str, kwargs_keys: t.List[str], kwargs_values: t.List[expr], ): kwargs = dict(zip(kwargs_keys, kwargs_values)) assert len(kwargs) == len(kwargs_keys) == len(kwargs_values) # TODO: what about these hard coded strings? wrong_kwargs = kwargs.keys() - {"init", "weights"} if 0 < len(wrong_kwargs): raise DuskSyntaxError( f"Unsupported kwargs '{wrong_kwargs}' in reduction!") neighborhood = self.location_chain(neighborhood) with self.ctx.location.reduction(neighborhood): expr = self.expression(expr) op_map = {"sum": "+", "mul": "*", "min": "min", "max": "max"} if not op in op_map: raise DuskSyntaxError(f"Invalid operator '{op}' for reduction!") if "init" in kwargs: init = self.expression(kwargs["init"]) else: # TODO: "min" and "max" are still kinda stupid # we should use something like this: # # the current solution is: # - appropriate for doubles # - okish for floats (may trip floating point exceptions but correct outcome) # - breaks for int (undefined behavior!) init_map = { "sum": "0", "mul": "1", "min": "1.79769313486231571e+308", "max": "-1.79769313486231571e+308", } init = make_literal_access_expr( init_map[op], sir.BuiltinType.TypeID.Value("Double")) op = op_map[op] weights = None if "weights" in kwargs: # TODO: check for `kwargs["weight"].ctx == Load`? weights = [ self.expression(weight) for weight in kwargs["weights"].elts ] return make_reduction_over_neighbor_expr( op, expr, init, neighborhood, weights, )
IndexField as DuskIndexField, VerticalIterationVariable, DuskContextHelper, ) from dusk.script import stencil as stencil_decorator from dusk.script.stubs import ( LOCATION_TYPES, UNARY_MATH_FUNCTIONS, BINARY_MATH_FUNCTIONS, ) from dusk.errors import DuskInternalError, DuskSyntaxError from dusk.util import pprint_matcher as pprint # Short cuts EmptyList = FixedList() AnyContext = OneOf(Load, Store, Del, AugLoad, AugStore, Param) def name(id, ctx=Load) -> Name: return Name(id=id, ctx=ctx) def transform(matcher) -> t.Callable: def decorator(transformer: t.Callable) -> t.Callable: def transformer_with_matcher(self, node, *args, **kwargs): captures = {} match(matcher, node, capturer=captures) return transformer(self, *args, **captures, **kwargs) return transformer_with_matcher