Beispiel #1
	def index(self):
		#get a db connection
		myDB = DBConnection(dwarfBeard.DB_FILE)
		#load the page template
		t = PageTemplate(file="manage.tmpl")
		#get a list of the character names as strings
		results = myDB.action('SELECT * FROM characterNames')
		charList = []
		for eachName in results:
		#set the character name list to the page template
		t.characterResults = charList
		#create a blank task list to hold tasks sorted by character
		characterTasksList = []
		#get a seperate task list for each character
		for eachName in charList:
			results = myDB.action('SELECT * FROM tasks WHERE characterName=?', (eachName,))
			taskList = []
			for eachTask in results:
			#append each characters task list to the main list sorted by character
			characterTasksList.append([eachName, taskList])
		#set the sorted task list to the tamplate
		t.taskResults = characterTasksList
		return _munge(t)
Beispiel #2
	def deleteCharacter(self, character_Name=None):
		myDB = DBConnection(dwarfBeard.DB_FILE)
		queryString = "DELETE FROM characterNames WHERE characterName=?"
		queryString = "DELETE FROM tasks WHERE characterName=?"
Beispiel #3
	def addNewTask(self, character_Name=None, task_Name=None, task_Level=None, task_Profession="Alchemy"):
		myDB = DBConnection(dwarfBeard.DB_FILE)
		queryString = "INSERT INTO tasks (characterName, taskName, taskLevel, taskProfession) VALUES (?,?,?,?)"
		myDB.action(queryString,(character_Name, task_Name, task_Level, task_Profession))
Beispiel #4
def logZenExchange(browser, characterName):
	#first we get the purchase price
	#wait for the page to load
	reissueCount = 0
	while browser.is_text_not_present("Top ZEN Listings"):
		x = randint(3,10)
		#go to professions
		print '  attempting to navigate to zen exchange'
		browser.visit('' + characterName + '@' + dwarfBeard.NW_ACCOUNT_NAME + ')/exchange')
		reissueCount += 1
		if reissueCount > 4:
			x = 20
			reissueCount = 0
			print '  trying browser reload and sleeping for 20s'
	#collect the data from the zen purchase table, we only need the lowest price
	data = browser.find_by_css('TABLE#gatewayTableBuyZen.dataTable')
	purchaseText = str(data.text).split(" ")
	#pull out the lowest price
	lowZenPurchasePrice = filter(None, re.split(r'(\d+)', purchaseText[3]))[0]
	print '  lowest zen purchase price = ', lowZenPurchasePrice
	#now we get the sell price
	#wait for the page to load
	reissueCount = 0
	while browser.is_text_not_present("Top ZEN Purchase Requests"):
		x = randint(3,10)
		#go to professions
		print '  attempting to navigate to ad exchange'
		browser.visit('' + characterName + '@' + dwarfBeard.NW_ACCOUNT_NAME + ')/exchange-sellzen')
		if reissueCount > 4:
			x = 20
			reissueCount = 0
			print '  trying browser reload and sleeping for 20s'
	#collect the data from the zen purchase table, we only need the lowest price
	#this one is much easier to grab
	data = browser.find_by_css('TABLE#gatewayTableSellZen.dataTable')
	sellText = str(data.text).split(" ")
	lowAdPurchasePrice = sellText[8]
	print '   higest zen sell price = ', lowAdPurchasePrice
	#save the data to the db
	#make connection to db
	myDB = DBConnection(dwarfBeard.DB_FILE)
	queryString = "INSERT INTO adExchange (adPrice, zenPrice) VALUES (?,?)"
	myDB.action(queryString,(lowAdPurchasePrice, lowZenPurchasePrice))
def getTaskPriorityArray(characterName):

	#make connection to db
	mydb = DBConnection(dwarfBeard.DB_FILE)
	#query string
	query = "SELECT * FROM tasks WHERE characterName=?"
	#create an array with the task info from the db
	taskArray = mydb.action(query, (characterName,)).fetchall()
	return taskArray
Beispiel #6
	def index(self):
		t = PageTemplate(file="adexchange.tmpl")
		myDB = DBConnection(dwarfBeard.DB_FILE)
		results = myDB.action('SELECT * FROM adExchange')
		adData = []
		for eachRow in results:
			adData.append({'adPrice': int(eachRow['adPrice']), 'zenPrice': int(eachRow['zenPrice']), 'timestamp': str(eachRow['timestamp'])})
		t.adData = adData
		return _munge(t)
Beispiel #7
	def deleteTask(self, character_Name=None, task_Name=None, task_Level=None):
		myDB = DBConnection(dwarfBeard.DB_FILE)
		queryString = "DELETE FROM tasks WHERE characterName=? AND taskName=? AND taskLevel=?"
		myDB.action(queryString,(character_Name, task_Name, task_Level))
Beispiel #8
	def addNewCharacter(self, character_Name=None):
		myDB = DBConnection(dwarfBeard.DB_FILE)
		queryString = "INSERT INTO characterNames (characterName) VALUES (?)"
Beispiel #9
def executeTaskActionList(timer):

	#signal the task is in execution
	dwarfBeard.taskExecRunning = 1
	#stop the task timer during execution
	#this is done to prevent a second execution from firing while we are still executing and 
	#the timer will be restarted when this function is finished which will result in a
	#more accurate logout time
	#get a connection to the db
	mainDB = DBConnection(dwarfBeard.DB_FILE)
	#get character names from the db
	cnDict = mainDB.action('SELECT * FROM characterNames')
	#put the character names into a list
	characterList = []
	for row in cnDict:
	#open a browser
	print 'running openAbrowser'
	browser = browserControl.openAbrowser(dwarfBeard.FF_PROFILE_PATH)

	print 'running loginToSite'
	browserControl.loginToSite(browser, dwarfBeard.NW_USER_NAME, dwarfBeard.NW_PASSWORD)

	#manage the tasks for each character
	for eachCharacter in characterList:
		#run the manager
		professionGeneral.runTaskManagment(browser, eachCharacter)

	#poll ad exchange rates, only one character name is needed
	print 'running logZenExchange'
	general.logZenExchange(browser, characterList[0])
	#running decide log out time
	print 'running decideLogoutTime'
	logoutTime = professionGeneral.decideLogoutTime(browser, characterList)

	#running endSession
	print 'running end session'

	#calculate out the h, m, s, for the logout to make a nice message
	h = logoutTime / 3600
	m = (logoutTime % 3600) / 60
	s = (logoutTime % 3600) % 60

	#sleep until next run
	print 'sleeping for', h, 'h', m, 'm', s, 's', ' @', strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
	#set the timer interval to the logoutTime
	timer.interval = logoutTime
	if dwarfBeard.runTasks:
		#start the timer
		print 'run tasks disabled. not starting login timer'
	#signal the task is finished
	dwarfBeard.taskExecRunning = 0