Beispiel #1
 def __init__(self, extension, zip_file):
     # Load the metadata
     BaseFile.__init__(self, extension, 'extension', zip_file)
     # Load the data
     self.warnings = []
     # Data in single file
     if len(self.locations) == 1:
         # Open file
         content = common._locateFileInZip(zip_file, self.locations[0]).read().split(self.linesTerminatedBy)[self.ignoreHeaderLines:]
         # Remove last newline
         if content[-1] == '':
             content = content[:-1]
         # Build populatedTerms and main infrastructure
         self.populatedTerms = []
         if self.coreid.index not in self.fields.keys():
         for i in sorted(self.fields.keys()):
             term = self.fields[i].term.split("/")[-1].encode(self.encoding)
         for term in self.populatedTerms:
             setattr(self, term, [])
         # Load the content
         for line in content:
             # Remove trailing newline
             if line[-1] == "\n":
                 line = line[:-1]
             splitline = line.split(self.fieldsTerminatedBy)
             for pos in range(len(self.populatedTerms)):
                 thiskey = self.populatedTerms[pos]
                 thisvalue = splitline[pos]
                 # Remove field enclosing character, if present
                 if self.fieldsEnclosedBy != '' and thisvalue[0] == self.fieldsEnclosedBy and thisvalue[-1] == self.fieldsEnclosedBy:
                     thisvalue = thisvalue[1:-1]
                 getattr(self, thiskey).append(thisvalue)
     # Data in more than one file
         self.warnings.append("Sorry, multi-file loading of extension data is not yet supported. Basic metadata has been parsed but no actual record has been processed.")
     # Load the defaults
     if len(self.defaults) > 0:
         for i in self.defaults:
             term = i.term.split("/")[-1].encode(self.encoding)
             value = i.default.encode(self.encoding)
             if term in self.populatedTerms:
                 self.warnings.append("'{0}' appears in the core file and as a default field in the metafile. Ignoring the default value.".format(term))
                 setattr(self, term, [])
                 for i in list(range(self.countRecords())):
                     getattr(self, term).append(value)
Beispiel #2
 def __init__(self, core, zip_file):
     BaseFile.__init__(self, core, 'core', zip_file)