def tst_beam_plane_intersection():
    from dxtbx.model import Panel
    from scitbx import matrix

    # The input parameters (from a GXPARM.XDS file)
    fast_axis = (0.000000, -0.939693, -0.342020)
    slow_axis = (1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000)
    normal = (0.000000, -0.342020, 0.939693)
    pixel_size = (0.172000, 0.172000)
    pixel_origin = (244.836136, 320.338531)
    image_size = (487, 619)
    distance = 122.124901
    wavelength = 0.689400

    # Calculate the vector to the detector (0, 0) pixel
    origin = ((matrix.col(fast_axis).normalize() * pixel_size[0]) *
              (0 - pixel_origin[0]) +
              (matrix.col(slow_axis).normalize() * pixel_size[1]) *
              (0 - pixel_origin[1]) +
              (distance * matrix.col(normal).normalize()))

    # Create a detector object
    panel = Panel("", "", fast_axis, slow_axis, origin, pixel_size, image_size,
                  (0, 0), 0.0, "")

    # Create the intersection object
    intersection = lambda x: panel.get_ray_intersection(x)

    # Perform a load of tests
    tst_intersection_at_origin(intersection, wavelength, origin)
    tst_intersection_at_corners(intersection, panel, wavelength)
    tst_intersection_away_from_panel(intersection, panel, wavelength)
def tst_beam_plane_intersection():
  from dxtbx.model import Panel
  from scitbx import matrix

  # The input parameters (from a GXPARM.XDS file)
  fast_axis = (0.000000, -0.939693, -0.342020)
  slow_axis = (1.000000,  0.000000,  0.000000)
  normal = (0.000000, -0.342020,  0.939693)
  pixel_size = (0.172000, 0.172000)
  pixel_origin = (244.836136, 320.338531)
  image_size = (487, 619)
  distance = 122.124901
  wavelength = 0.689400

  # Calculate the vector to the detector (0, 0) pixel
  origin = ((matrix.col(fast_axis).normalize() * pixel_size[0]) *
              (0 - pixel_origin[0]) +
            (matrix.col(slow_axis).normalize() * pixel_size[1]) *
              (0 - pixel_origin[1]) +
            (distance * matrix.col(normal).normalize()))

  # Create a detector object
  panel = Panel("", "", fast_axis, slow_axis, origin, pixel_size,
                image_size, (0, 0), 0.0, "")

  # Create the intersection object
  intersection = lambda x: panel.get_ray_intersection(x)

  # Perform a load of tests
  tst_intersection_at_origin(intersection, wavelength, origin)
  tst_intersection_at_corners(intersection, panel, wavelength)
  tst_intersection_away_from_panel(intersection, panel, wavelength)
def tst_forward_and_reverse_transform():
    from dxtbx.model import Panel
    from scitbx import matrix

    # The input parameters (from a GXPARM.XDS file)
    fast_axis = (0.000000, -0.939693, -0.342020)
    slow_axis = (1.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000)
    normal = (0.000000, -0.342020, 0.939693)
    pixel_size = (0.172000, 0.172000)
    pixel_origin = (244.836136, 320.338531)
    image_size = (487, 619)
    distance = 122.124901
    wavelength = 0.689400

    # Calculate the vector to the detector (0, 0) pixel
    origin = ((matrix.col(fast_axis).normalize() * pixel_size[0]) *
              (0 - pixel_origin[0]) +
              (matrix.col(slow_axis).normalize() * pixel_size[1]) *
              (0 - pixel_origin[1]) +
              (distance * matrix.col(normal).normalize()))

    # Create a detector object
    panel = Panel("", "", fast_axis, slow_axis, origin, pixel_size, image_size,
                  (0, 0), 0.0, "")

    # Create the intersection object and transform object
    intersection = lambda x: panel.get_ray_intersection(x)
    transform = lambda x: panel.get_lab_coord(x)

    # Do a test
    tst_fwd_rev_random(intersection, transform, panel)
def tst_forward_and_reverse_transform():
  from dxtbx.model import Panel
  from scitbx import matrix

  # The input parameters (from a GXPARM.XDS file)
  fast_axis = (0.000000, -0.939693, -0.342020)
  slow_axis = (1.000000,  0.000000,  0.000000)
  normal = (0.000000, -0.342020,  0.939693)
  pixel_size = (0.172000, 0.172000)
  pixel_origin = (244.836136, 320.338531)
  image_size = (487, 619)
  distance = 122.124901
  wavelength = 0.689400

  # Calculate the vector to the detector (0, 0) pixel
  origin = ((matrix.col(fast_axis).normalize() * pixel_size[0]) *
              (0 - pixel_origin[0]) +
            (matrix.col(slow_axis).normalize() * pixel_size[1]) *
              (0 - pixel_origin[1]) +
            (distance * matrix.col(normal).normalize()))

  # Create a detector object
  panel = Panel("", "", fast_axis, slow_axis, origin, pixel_size,
               image_size, (0, 0), 0.0, "")

  # Create the intersection object and transform object
  intersection = lambda x: panel.get_ray_intersection(x)
  transform = lambda x: panel.get_lab_coord(x)

  # Do a test
  tst_fwd_rev_random(intersection, transform, panel)