Beispiel #1
def basic_imageset_from_dict(d):
  ''' Construct an ImageSet class from the dictionary.'''
  from dxtbx.imageset import ImageSetFactory
  from dxtbx.serialize import beam, detector
  from dxtbx.serialize.filename import load_path

  # Get the filename list and create the imageset
  filenames = map(lambda p: load_path(p), map(str, d['filenames']))
  imageset =[0]

  # Set some external lookups
  if 'mask' in d and d['mask'] is not None:
    with open(d['mask']) as infile:
      imageset.external_lookup.mask.filename = d['mask'] = pickle.load(infile)
  if 'gain' in d and d['gain'] is not None:
    with open(d['gain']) as infile:
      imageset.external_lookup.gain.filename = d['gain'] = pickle.load(infile)
  if 'pedestal' in d and d['pedestal'] is not None:
    with open(d['pedestal']) as infile:
      imageset.external_lookup.pedestal.filename = d['pedestal'] = pickle.load(infile)

  # Get the existing models as dictionaries
  beam_dict = beam.to_dict(imageset.get_beam())
  detector_dict = detector.to_dict(imageset.get_detector())

  # Set models
  imageset.set_beam(beam.from_dict(d.get('beam'), beam_dict))
  imageset.set_detector(detector.from_dict(d.get('detector'), detector_dict))

  # Return the imageset
  return imageset
Beispiel #2
def imagesweep_from_dict(d, check_format=True):
  '''Construct and image sweep from the dictionary.'''
  from dxtbx.imageset import ImageSetFactory
  from dxtbx.serialize import beam, detector, goniometer, scan
  from dxtbx.serialize.filename import load_path

  # Get the template (required)
  template = load_path(str(d['template']))

  # If the scan isn't set, find all available files
  scan_dict = d.get('scan')
  if scan_dict is None:
    image_range = None
    image_range = scan_dict.get('image_range')

  # Construct the sweep
    sweep = ImageSetFactory.from_template(
      template, image_range, check_format=check_format)[0]

    # Get the existing models as dictionaries
    beam_dict = beam.to_dict(sweep.get_beam())
    gonio_dict = goniometer.to_dict(sweep.get_goniometer())
    detector_dict = detector.to_dict(sweep.get_detector())
    scan_dict = scan.to_dict(sweep.get_scan())
  except Exception:
    indices = range(image_range[0], image_range[1] + 1)
    sweep = ImageSetFactory.make_sweep(
      template, indices, check_format=False)
    beam_dict = None
    gonio_dict = None
    detector_dict = None
    scan_dict = None

  # Set some external lookups
  if 'mask' in d and d['mask'] is not None:
    with open(d['mask']) as infile:
      sweep.external_lookup.mask.filename = d['mask'] = pickle.load(infile)
  if 'gain' in d and d['gain'] is not None:
    with open(d['gain']) as infile:
      sweep.external_lookup.gain.filename = d['gain'] = pickle.load(infile)
  if 'pedestal' in d and d['pedestal'] is not None:
    with open(d['pedestal']) as infile:
      sweep.external_lookup.pedestal.filename = d['pedestal'] = pickle.load(infile)

  # Set the models with the exisiting models as templates
  sweep.set_beam(beam.from_dict(d.get('beam'), beam_dict))
  sweep.set_goniometer(goniometer.from_dict(d.get('goniometer'), gonio_dict))
  sweep.set_detector(detector.from_dict(d.get('detector'), detector_dict))
  sweep.set_scan(scan.from_dict(d.get('scan'), scan_dict))

  # Return the sweep
  return sweep