def sql_add(self): sql = "INSERT INTO events (date, duration, distance, sport, comment) VALUES (#%s#,%d,%d,%d,'%s')"%( e32db.format_time(self.timestamp), self.duration, self.distance,, self.comment) return unicode(sql)
def RefreshScheduledListBox(): Entries = [] if len(ScheduledSMSList) > 0: for x in ScheduledSMSList: Text = u'' Text = x.Contacts[0][0] if len(x.Contacts) > 1: Text = Text + u'...' Text = Text + u': ' Text = Text + x.Message RepeatString = u'' if 0 != x.Repeat: if 1 == x.Repeat: RepeatString = u' (Hourly)' if 2 == x.Repeat: RepeatString = u' (Daily)' if 3 == x.Repeat: RepeatString = u' (Weekly)' if 4 == x.Repeat: RepeatString = u' (Fortnightly)' if 5 == x.Repeat: RepeatString = u' (Monthly)' if 6 == x.Repeat: RepeatString = u' (Yearly)' Entries.append((Text, unicode(format_time(x.Date + x.Time) + RepeatString))) ScheduledListBox.set_list(Entries) if TabIndex == 0: = [(u'Add', OnAddScheduledSMS), (u'Delete', OnDeleteScheduledSMS), (u'Edit', OnEditScheduledSMS), (u'Exit application', OnExit)] else: ScheduledListBox.set_list([(u'Empty', u'')]) if TabIndex == 0: = [(u'Add', OnAddScheduledSMS), (u'Exit application', OnExit)]
def RefreshHistoryListBox(): Entries = [] if len(HistorySMSList) > 0: for x in HistorySMSList: Text = u'' Text = x.Contacts[0][0] if len(x.Contacts) > 1: Text = Text + u'...' Text = Text + u': ' Text = Text + x.Message RepeatString = u'' if 0 != x.Repeat: if 1 == x.Repeat: RepeatString = u' (Hourly)' if 2 == x.Repeat: RepeatString = u' (Daily)' if 3 == x.Repeat: RepeatString = u' (Weekly)' if 4 == x.Repeat: RepeatString = u' (Fortnightly)' if 5 == x.Repeat: RepeatString = u' (Monthly)' if 6 == x.Repeat: RepeatString = u' (Yearly)' Entries.append((Text, unicode(format_time(x.Date + x.Time) + RepeatString))) HistoryListBox.set_list(Entries) = [(u'Clear', OnClearHistorySMSs), (u'Exit application', OnExit)] else: HistoryListBox.set_list([(u'Empty', u'')]) = [(u'Exit application', OnExit)]
def sql_delete(self): sql = "DELETE FROM events WHERE date=#%s#"%\ e32db.format_time(self.timestamp) return unicode(sql)
('tinyint', '1'), ('unsigned tinyint', '1'), ('smallint', '1'), ('unsigned smallint', '1'), ('integer', '1'), ('unsigned integer', '1'), ('counter', '1'), ('bigint', str(2**60)), ('real', '1.234'), ('float', '1.234'), ('double', '1.234'), ('double precision', '1.234'), ('timestamp', "#20-oct/2004#"), ('time', "#20-oct/2004#"), ('date', "#20-oct/2004#"), ('date', "#%s#" % e32db.format_time(0)), ('date', "#%s#" % e32db.format_time(12345678)), ('char(8)', "'foo'"), ('varchar(8)', "'bar'"), ('long varchar', "'baz'"), # ('binary(8)',"'quux'") # not supported... ) for k in range(len(dat)): dbexec('create table t%d (x %s)' % (k, dat[k][0])) dbexec('insert into t%d values (%s)' % (k, dat[k][1])) print query(db, u'select * from t%d' % k) finally: print "Closing database." db.close()
def show_time(): texto.add(e32db.format_time(time.time()) + u'\n')
def test_data_types(self): data_types_testdata = \ (('bit', '1'), ('tinyint', '2'), ('unsigned tinyint', '3'), ('smallint', '4'), ('unsigned smallint', '5'), ('integer', '6'), ('unsigned integer', '7'), ('counter', '8'), ('bigint', str(2**60)), ('real', '4.224'), ('float', '5.784'), ('double', '4.135'), ('double precision', '2.5664'), ('timestamp', "#20-oct/2004#"), ('time', "#20-oct/2004#"), ('date', "#20-oct/2004#"), ('date', "#%s#" % e32db.format_time(0)), ('date', "#%s#" % e32db.format_time(12345678)), ('char(8)', "'foo'"), ('varchar(8)', "'bar'"), ('long varchar', "'baz'")) # Format : ([(<query output>)], [misc_testdata]) # where misc_testdata has : col_type, col_length, col_raw values. # For the time and date formats output of col_rawtime and # format_rawtime values are also appended. query_expected_output = \ (([(1, )], [0, 1, "'\\x01\\x00\\x00\\x00'"]), ([(2, )], [1, 1, "'\\x02\\x00\\x00\\x00'"]), ([(3, )], [2, 1, "'\\x03\\x00\\x00\\x00'"]), ([(4, )], [3, 1, "'\\x04\\x00\\x00\\x00'"]), ([(5, )], [4, 1, "'\\x05\\x00\\x00\\x00'"]), ([(6, )], [5, 1, "'\\x06\\x00\\x00\\x00'"]), ([(7, )], [6, 1, "'\\x07\\x00\\x00\\x00'"]), ([(8, )], [6, 1, "'\\x08\\x00\\x00\\x00'"]), ([(1152921504606846976L, )], [7, 1, "'\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x10'"]), ([(4.2239999771118164,)], [8, 1, "'\\x02+\\x87@'"]), ([(5.784, )], [9, 1, '\'\\x89A`\\xe5\\xd0"\\x17@\'']), ([(4.135, )], [9, 1, "'\\n\\xd7\\xa3p=\\x8a\\x10@'"]), ([(2.5664, )], [9, 1, "'\\x9c\\xa2#\\xb9\\xfc\\x87\\x04@'"]), ([(1098210600.0, )], [10, 1, "'\\x00 \\x0f\\xc0\\x88\\xc4\\xe0\\x00'", '63266486400000000L', "u'20-10-2004 12:00:00.000000 am'"]), ([(1098210600.0, )], [10, 1, "'\\x00 \\x0f\\xc0\\x88\\xc4\\xe0\\x00'", '63266486400000000L', "u'20-10-2004 12:00:00.000000 am'"]), ([(1098210600.0, )], [10, 1, "'\\x00 \\x0f\\xc0\\x88\\xc4\\xe0\\x00'", '63266486400000000L', "u'20-10-2004 12:00:00.000000 am'"]), ([(0.0, )], [10, 1, "'\\x00\\x86[\\xab\\xb7\\xdd\\xdc\\x00'", '62168275800000000L', "u'01-01-1970 5:30:00.000000 am'"]), ([(12345678.0, )], [10, 1, "'\\x80\\xf5\\x1b\\x1f\\xf2\\xe8\\xdc\\x00'", '62180621478000000L', "u'24-05-1970 2:51:18.000000 am'"]), ([(u'foo', )], [12, 3, "'f\\x00o\\x00o\\x00'"]), ([(u'bar', )], [12, 3, "'b\\x00a\\x00r\\x00'"]), ([(u'baz', )], [15, 3])) for k in range(len(data_types_testdata)): self.db.execute(u'create table t%d (x %s)' % (k, data_types_testdata[k][0])) self.db.execute(u'insert into t%d values (%s)' % (k, data_types_testdata[k][1])) query_output = self.query(u'select * from t%d' % k) self.assertEqual(query_output, query_expected_output[k])
def getDate(timeValue): dateTime = e32db.format_time(timeValue).split() return dateTime[0]