Beispiel #1
def test_full_tuple(t: Tensor) -> Tensor:
    return ep.full(t, (2, 3), 4.0)
    def __call__(
        model: Model,
        channel_axis: Optional[int] = None,
            The axis across which the noise should be the same (if across_channels is True).
            If None, will be automatically inferred from the model if possible.
        inputs, labels, restore = wrap(inputs, labels)
        is_adversarial = get_is_adversarial(criterion, inputs, labels, model)

        x0 = inputs
        N = len(x0)
        shape = list(x0.shape)
        if self.across_channels and x0.ndim > 2:
            if channel_axis is None and not hasattr(model, "data_format"):
                raise ValueError(
                    "cannot infer the data_format from the model, please specify"
                    " channel_axis when calling the attack")
            elif channel_axis is None:
                data_format = model.data_format  # type: ignore
                if (data_format is None or data_format != "channels_first"
                        and data_format != "channels_last"):
                    raise ValueError(
                        f"expected data_format to be 'channels_first' or 'channels_last'"
                channel_axis = 1 if data_format == "channels_first" else x0.ndim - 1
            elif not 0 <= channel_axis < x0.ndim:
                raise ValueError(
                    f"expected channel_axis to be in [0, {x0.ndim})")

            shape[channel_axis] = 1

        min_, max_ = model.bounds()
        r = max_ - min_

        result = x0
        is_adv = is_adversarial(result)
        best_advs_norms = ep.where(is_adv, ep.zeros(x0, N),
                                   ep.full(x0, N, ep.inf))
        min_probability = ep.zeros(x0, N)
        max_probability = ep.ones(x0, N)
        stepsizes = max_probability / self.steps
        p = stepsizes

        for step in range(self.steps):
            # add salt and pepper
            u = ep.uniform(x0, shape)
            p_ = atleast_kd(p, x0.ndim)
            salt = (u >= 1 - p_ / 2).astype(x0.dtype) * r
            pepper = -(u < p_ / 2).astype(x0.dtype) * r
            x = x0 + salt + pepper
            x = ep.clip(x, min_, max_)

            # check if we found new best adversarials
            norms = flatten(x).square().sum(axis=-1).sqrt()
            closer = norms < best_advs_norms
            is_adv = is_adversarial(
                x)  # TODO: ignore those that are not closer anyway
            is_best_adv = ep.logical_and(is_adv, closer)

            # update results and search space
            result = ep.where(atleast_kd(is_best_adv, x.ndim), x, result)
            best_advs_norms = ep.where(is_best_adv, norms, best_advs_norms)
            min_probability = ep.where(is_best_adv, 0.5 * p, min_probability)
            # we set max_probability a bit higher than p because the relationship
            # between p and norms is not strictly monotonic
            max_probability = ep.where(is_best_adv, ep.minimum(p * 1.2, 1.0),
            remaining = self.steps - step
            stepsizes = ep.where(
                is_best_adv, (max_probability - min_probability) / remaining,
            reset = p == max_probability
            p = ep.where(ep.logical_or(is_best_adv, reset), min_probability, p)
            p = ep.minimum(p + stepsizes, max_probability)

        return restore(result)
Beispiel #3
def test_full_scalar(t: Tensor) -> Tensor:
    return ep.full(t, 5, 4.0)
Beispiel #4
    def __call__(
        model: Model,
        inputs: T,
        criterion: Union[Misclassification, TargetedMisclassification, T],
    ) -> T:
        x, restore_type = ep.astensor_(inputs)
        criterion_ = get_criterion(criterion)
        del inputs, criterion

        N = len(x)

        if isinstance(criterion_, Misclassification):
            targeted = False
            classes = criterion_.labels
            change_classes_logits = self.confidence
        elif isinstance(criterion_, TargetedMisclassification):
            targeted = True
            classes = criterion_.target_classes
            change_classes_logits = -self.confidence
            raise ValueError("unsupported criterion")

        def is_adversarial(perturbed: ep.Tensor, logits: ep.Tensor) -> ep.Tensor:
            if change_classes_logits != 0:
                logits += ep.onehot_like(logits, classes, value=change_classes_logits)
            return criterion_(perturbed, logits)

        if classes.shape != (N,):
            name = "target_classes" if targeted else "labels"
            raise ValueError(
                f"expected {name} to have shape ({N},), got {classes.shape}"

        min_, max_ = model.bounds
        rows = range(N)

        def loss_fun(y_k: ep.Tensor, consts: ep.Tensor) -> Tuple[ep.Tensor, ep.Tensor]:
            assert y_k.shape == x.shape
            assert consts.shape == (N,)

            logits = model(y_k)

            if targeted:
                c_minimize = best_other_classes(logits, classes)
                c_maximize = classes
                c_minimize = classes
                c_maximize = best_other_classes(logits, classes)

            is_adv_loss = logits[rows, c_minimize] - logits[rows, c_maximize]
            assert is_adv_loss.shape == (N,)

            is_adv_loss = is_adv_loss + self.confidence
            is_adv_loss = ep.maximum(0, is_adv_loss)
            is_adv_loss = is_adv_loss * consts

            squared_norms = flatten(y_k - x).square().sum(axis=-1)
            loss = is_adv_loss.sum() + squared_norms.sum()
            return loss, logits

        loss_aux_and_grad = ep.value_and_grad_fn(x, loss_fun, has_aux=True)

        consts = self.initial_const * ep.ones(x, (N,))
        lower_bounds = ep.zeros(x, (N,))
        upper_bounds = ep.inf * ep.ones(x, (N,))

        best_advs = ep.zeros_like(x)
        best_advs_norms = ep.ones(x, (N,)) * ep.inf

        # the binary search searches for the smallest consts that produce adversarials
        for binary_search_step in range(self.binary_search_steps):
            if (
                binary_search_step == self.binary_search_steps - 1
                and self.binary_search_steps >= 10
                # in the last iteration, repeat the search once
                consts = ep.minimum(upper_bounds, 1e10)

            # create a new optimizer find the delta that minimizes the loss
            x_k = x
            y_k = x

            found_advs = ep.full(
                x, (N,), value=False
            ).bool()  # found adv with the current consts
            loss_at_previous_check = ep.ones(x, (1,)) * ep.inf

            for iteration in range(self.steps):
                # square-root learning rate decay
                stepsize = self.initial_stepsize * (1.0 - iteration / self.steps) ** 0.5

                loss, logits, gradient = loss_aux_and_grad(y_k, consts)

                x_k_old = x_k
                x_k = project_shrinkage_thresholding(
                    y_k - stepsize * gradient, x, self.regularization, min_, max_
                y_k = x_k + iteration / (iteration + 3.0) * (x_k - x_k_old)

                if self.abort_early and iteration % (math.ceil(self.steps / 10)) == 0:
                    # after each tenth of the iterations, check progress
                    # TODO: loss is a scalar ep tensor. is this the bst way to
                    #  implement the condition?
                    if not ep.all(loss <= 0.9999 * loss_at_previous_check):
                        break  # stop optimization if there has been no progress
                    loss_at_previous_check = loss

                found_advs_iter = is_adversarial(x_k, logits)

                best_advs, best_advs_norms = apply_decision_rule(

                found_advs = ep.logical_or(found_advs, found_advs_iter)

            upper_bounds = ep.where(found_advs, consts, upper_bounds)
            lower_bounds = ep.where(found_advs, lower_bounds, consts)

            consts_exponential_search = consts * 10
            consts_binary_search = (lower_bounds + upper_bounds) / 2
            consts = ep.where(
                ep.isinf(upper_bounds), consts_exponential_search, consts_binary_search

        return restore_type(best_advs)
Beispiel #5
    def run(
        model: Model,
        inputs: T,
        criterion: Misclassification,
        early_stop: Optional[float] = None,
        **kwargs: Any,
    ) -> T:
        x0, restore_type = ep.astensor_(inputs)
        criterion_ = get_criterion(criterion)
        del inputs, criterion, kwargs

        is_adversarial = get_is_adversarial(criterion_, model)

        N = len(x0)
        shape = list(x0.shape)

        if self.across_channels and x0.ndim > 2:
            if self.channel_axis is None:
                channel_axis = get_channel_axis(model, x0.ndim)
                channel_axis = self.channel_axis % x0.ndim
            if channel_axis is not None:
                shape[channel_axis] = 1

        min_, max_ = model.bounds
        r = max_ - min_

        result = x0
        is_adv = is_adversarial(result)
        best_advs_norms = ep.where(is_adv, ep.zeros(x0, N),
                                   ep.full(x0, N, ep.inf))
        min_probability = ep.zeros(x0, N)
        max_probability = ep.ones(x0, N)
        stepsizes = max_probability / self.steps
        p = stepsizes

        for step in range(self.steps):
            # add salt and pepper
            u = ep.uniform(x0, tuple(shape))
            p_ = atleast_kd(p, x0.ndim)
            salt = (u >= 1 - p_ / 2).astype(x0.dtype) * r
            pepper = -(u < p_ / 2).astype(x0.dtype) * r
            x = x0 + salt + pepper
            x = ep.clip(x, min_, max_)

            # check if we found new best adversarials
            norms = flatten(x).norms.l2(axis=-1)
            closer = norms < best_advs_norms
            is_adv = is_adversarial(
                x)  # TODO: ignore those that are not closer anyway
            is_best_adv = ep.logical_and(is_adv, closer)

            # update results and search space
            result = ep.where(atleast_kd(is_best_adv, x.ndim), x, result)
            best_advs_norms = ep.where(is_best_adv, norms, best_advs_norms)
            min_probability = ep.where(is_best_adv, 0.5 * p, min_probability)
            # we set max_probability a bit higher than p because the relationship
            # between p and norms is not strictly monotonic
            max_probability = ep.where(is_best_adv, ep.minimum(p * 1.2, 1.0),
            remaining = self.steps - step
            stepsizes = ep.where(
                is_best_adv, (max_probability - min_probability) / remaining,
            reset = p == max_probability
            p = ep.where(ep.logical_or(is_best_adv, reset), min_probability, p)
            p = ep.minimum(p + stepsizes, max_probability)

        return restore_type(result)
    def run(
        model: Model,
        inputs: T,
        criterion: Union[Misclassification, TargetedMisclassification, T],
        early_stop: Optional[float] = None,
        **kwargs: Any,
    ) -> T:
        x, restore_type = ep.astensor_(inputs)
        criterion_ = get_criterion(criterion)
        del inputs, criterion, kwargs

        N = len(x)

        if isinstance(criterion_, Misclassification):
            targeted = False
            classes = criterion_.labels
            change_classes_logits = self.confidence
        elif isinstance(criterion_, TargetedMisclassification):
            targeted = True
            classes = criterion_.target_classes
            change_classes_logits = -self.confidence
            raise ValueError("unsupported criterion")

        def is_adversarial(perturbed: ep.Tensor,
                           logits: ep.Tensor) -> ep.Tensor:
            if change_classes_logits != 0:
                logits += ep.onehot_like(logits,
            return criterion_(perturbed, logits)

        if classes.shape != (N, ):
            name = "target_classes" if targeted else "labels"
            raise ValueError(
                f"expected {name} to have shape ({N},), got {classes.shape}")

        bounds = model.bounds
        to_attack_space = partial(_to_attack_space, bounds=bounds)
        to_model_space = partial(_to_model_space, bounds=bounds)

        x_attack = to_attack_space(x)
        reconstsructed_x = to_model_space(x_attack)

        rows = range(N)

        def loss_fun(
            delta: ep.Tensor, consts: ep.Tensor
        ) -> Tuple[ep.Tensor, Tuple[ep.Tensor, ep.Tensor]]:
            assert delta.shape == x_attack.shape
            assert consts.shape == (N, )

            x = to_model_space(x_attack + delta)
            logits = model(x)

            if targeted:
                c_minimize = best_other_classes(logits, classes)
                c_maximize = classes  # target_classes
                c_minimize = classes  # labels
                c_maximize = best_other_classes(logits, classes)

            is_adv_loss = logits[rows, c_minimize] - logits[rows, c_maximize]
            assert is_adv_loss.shape == (N, )

            is_adv_loss = is_adv_loss + self.confidence
            is_adv_loss = ep.maximum(0, is_adv_loss)
            is_adv_loss = is_adv_loss * consts

            squared_norms = flatten(x - reconstsructed_x).square().sum(axis=-1)
            loss = is_adv_loss.sum() + squared_norms.sum()
            return loss, (x, logits)

        loss_aux_and_grad = ep.value_and_grad_fn(x, loss_fun, has_aux=True)

        consts = self.initial_const * np.ones((N, ))
        lower_bounds = np.zeros((N, ))
        upper_bounds = np.inf * np.ones((N, ))

        best_advs = ep.zeros_like(x)
        best_advs_norms = ep.full(x, (N, ), ep.inf)

        # the binary search searches for the smallest consts that produce adversarials
        for binary_search_step in range(self.binary_search_steps):
            if (binary_search_step == self.binary_search_steps - 1
                    and self.binary_search_steps >= 10):
                # in the last binary search step, repeat the search once
                consts = np.minimum(upper_bounds, 1e10)

            # create a new optimizer find the delta that minimizes the loss
            delta = ep.zeros_like(x_attack)
            optimizer = AdamOptimizer(delta)

            # tracks whether adv with the current consts was found
            found_advs = np.full((N, ), fill_value=False)
            loss_at_previous_check = np.inf

            consts_ = ep.from_numpy(x, consts.astype(np.float32))

            for step in range(self.steps):
                loss, (perturbed,
                       logits), gradient = loss_aux_and_grad(delta, consts_)
                delta += optimizer(gradient, self.stepsize)

                if self.abort_early and step % (np.ceil(self.steps / 10)) == 0:
                    # after each tenth of the overall steps, check progress
                    if not (loss <= 0.9999 * loss_at_previous_check):
                        break  # stop Adam if there has been no progress
                    loss_at_previous_check = loss

                found_advs_iter = is_adversarial(perturbed, logits)
                found_advs = np.logical_or(found_advs, found_advs_iter.numpy())

                norms = flatten(perturbed - x).norms.l2(axis=-1)
                closer = norms < best_advs_norms
                new_best = ep.logical_and(closer, found_advs_iter)

                new_best_ = atleast_kd(new_best, best_advs.ndim)
                best_advs = ep.where(new_best_, perturbed, best_advs)
                best_advs_norms = ep.where(new_best, norms, best_advs_norms)

            upper_bounds = np.where(found_advs, consts, upper_bounds)
            lower_bounds = np.where(found_advs, lower_bounds, consts)

            consts_exponential_search = consts * 10
            consts_binary_search = (lower_bounds + upper_bounds) / 2
            consts = np.where(np.isinf(upper_bounds),
                              consts_exponential_search, consts_binary_search)

        return restore_type(best_advs)
Beispiel #7
    def __call__(self, inputs, labels, *, criterion, steps=1000):
        originals = ep.astensor(inputs)
        labels = ep.astensor(labels)

        def is_adversarial(p: ep.Tensor) -> ep.Tensor:
            """For each input in x, returns true if it is an adversarial for
            the given model and criterion"""
            logits = ep.astensor(self.model.forward(p.tensor))
            return criterion(originals, labels, p, logits)

        x0 = ep.astensor(inputs)

        N = len(x0)
        shape = list(x0.shape)
        if self.channel_axis is not None:
            shape[self.channel_axis] = 1

        min_, max_ = self.model.bounds()
        r = max_ - min_

        result = x0
        is_adv = is_adversarial(result)
        best_advs_norms = ep.where(is_adv, ep.zeros(x0, N), ep.full(x0, N, ep.inf))
        min_probability = ep.zeros(x0, N)
        max_probability = ep.ones(x0, N)
        stepsizes = max_probability / steps
        p = stepsizes

        for step in range(steps):
            # add salt and pepper
            u = ep.uniform(x0, shape)
            p_ = atleast_kd(p, x0.ndim)
            salt = (u >= 1 - p_ / 2).astype(x0.dtype) * r
            pepper = -(u < p_ / 2).astype(x0.dtype) * r
            x = x0 + salt + pepper
            x = ep.clip(x, min_, max_)

            # check if we found new best adversarials
            norms = flatten(x).square().sum(axis=-1).sqrt()
            closer = norms < best_advs_norms
            is_adv = is_adversarial(x)  # TODO: ignore those that are not closer anyway
            is_best_adv = ep.logical_and(is_adv, closer)

            # update results and search space
            result = ep.where(atleast_kd(is_best_adv, x.ndim), x, result)
            best_advs_norms = ep.where(is_best_adv, norms, best_advs_norms)
            min_probability = ep.where(is_best_adv, 0.5 * p, min_probability)
            # we set max_probability a bit higher than p because the relationship
            # between p and norms is not strictly monotonic
            max_probability = ep.where(
                is_best_adv, ep.minimum(p * 1.2, 1.0), max_probability
            remaining = steps - step
            stepsizes = ep.where(
                is_best_adv, (max_probability - min_probability) / remaining, stepsizes
            reset = p == max_probability
            p = ep.where(ep.logical_or(is_best_adv, reset), min_probability, p)
            p = ep.minimum(p + stepsizes, max_probability)

        return result.tensor
def example_4d(dummy: ep.Tensor) -> Tuple[ep.Tensor, ep.Tensor]:
    reference = ep.full(dummy, (10, 3, 32, 32), 0.2)
    perturbed = reference + 0.6
    return reference, perturbed