Beispiel #1
def json_deserialize_objects(obj):
    if '__class__' in obj:
        if obj['__class__'] == 'datetime':
            res = pd.Timestamp(
                dt.datetime.strptime(obj['__value__'], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
            if '__tz__' in obj:
                if not obj['__tz__'] is None:
                    # saved as UTC
                    res = res.tz_localize('UTC')
                    res = res.tz_convert(obj['__tz__'])
        elif obj['__class__'] == 'date':
            res = dt.datetime.strptime(obj['__value__'], "%Y-%m-%d").date()
        elif obj['__class__'] == 'Node':
            obj.pop('__class__', None)
            res = Node(**obj)
        elif obj['__class__'] == 'Unit':
            obj.pop('__class__', None)
            res = Unit(**obj)
        elif obj['__class__'] == 'Timegrid':
            obj.pop('__class__', None)
            res = Timegrid(**obj)
        elif obj['__class__'] == 'Asset':
            obj.pop('__class__', None)
            obj.pop('timegrid', None)
            asset_type = obj['asset_type']
            obj.pop('asset_type', None)
            res = globals()[asset_type](**obj)
        elif obj['__class__'] == 'Portfolio':
            obj.pop('__class__', None)
            res = Portfolio(obj['assets'])
            if 'timegrid' in obj:
        elif obj['__class__'] == 'np_array':
            if 'is_date' in obj:  # backwards compatible
                if obj['is_date']:
                    obj['np_list'] = [
                        np.datetime64(ll, 'ns') for ll in obj['np_list']
            res = np.asarray(obj['np_list'])
        elif obj['__class__'] == 'pd_DateTimeIndex':
            res = pd.Index(obj['__value__'], freq=obj['__freq__'])
            raise NotImplementedError(obj['__class__'] + ' not deseralizable')
        res = obj
    return res
def make_slp(optim_problem: OptimProblem, portf: Portfolio, timegrid: Timegrid,
             start_future: dt.datetime, samples: List[Dict]) -> OptimProblem:
    """ Create a two stage SLP (stochastic linear program) from a given OptimProblem

        optim_problem (OptimProblem)   : start problem
        portf (Portfolio)              : portfolio that is the basis of the optim_problem (e.g. to translate price samples to effect on LP)
        timegrid      (TimeGrid)       : timegrid consistent with optimproblem
        start_future  (dt.datetime)    : divides timegrid into present with certain prices 
                                            and future with uncertain prices, represented by samples
        samples (List[Dict])           : price samples for future. 
                                         (!) the future part of the original portfolio is added as an additional sample

        OptimProblem: Two stage SLP formulated as OptimProblem
    assert pd.Timestamp(start_future) < pd.Timestamp(
        timegrid.end), 'Start of future must be before end for SLP'
    # (1) identify present and future on timegrid
    # future
    future_tg = deepcopy(timegrid.restricted)
    # present
    present_tg = deepcopy(timegrid.restricted)

    #### abbreviations
    # time grid
    T = timegrid.T
    Tf = future_tg.T
    Tp = present_tg.T
    #ind_f = future_tg.I[0]  # index of start_future in time grid
    # number of samples
    nS = len(samples)
    # optim problem
    n, m = optim_problem.A.shape

    # The SLP two stage model is the following:
    # \begin{eqnarray}
    #    \mbox{min}\left[ \bc^{dT} \bx^d + \frac{1}{S} \sum_s \hat \bc^{dsT} \bx^{ds}  \right] \\
    #    \mbox{with}\; A^s \colvec{\bx^d}{\hat\bx^{ds}}  \le \colvec{\bb^d}{\hat\bb^{ds}} \;\;\forall s = 1\dots S
    # \end{eqnarray}

    # (2) map variables to present & future --- and extend future variables by number of samples
    # the mapping information enables us to map variables to present and future and extend the problem
    # for future values, the dispatch information becomes somewhat irrelevant, but will
    # have an effect on decisions for the present
    slp_col = 'slp_step_' + str(future_tg.I[0])
    optim_problem.mapping[slp_col] = np.nan
    ### mapping may contain duplicate rows for variables. Drop those
    temp_df = optim_problem.mapping[~optim_problem.mapping.index.duplicated(
    If = temp_df['time_step'].isin(
        future_tg.I)  # does variable belong to future?
    del temp_df
    # future part of original cost vector gets number -1
    optim_problem.mapping.loc[If, slp_col] = -1
    map_f = optim_problem.mapping.loc[If, :].copy()
    n_f = len(
    )  #### now allowing for duplicate rows ... before len(map_f) # number of future variables
    #n_p      = m-n_f       # number of present variables
    # concatenate for each sample
    for i in range(0, nS):
        map_f[slp_col] = i
        optim_problem.mapping = pd.concat((optim_problem.mapping, map_f))
    optim_problem.mapping.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
    ### aendern, falls auch nur samples für Zukunft gewuenscht ... so gehts nicht
    # # (3) translate price samples for future to cost samples (c vectors in LP)
    #     # The portfolio can only build the full LP (present & future). Thus we need to
    #     # append future samples with the (irrelevant) present prices, build the c's
    #     # and then ignore the present part.
    #     # In case the length of the samples is already the full timegrid, step is ignored
    # for i, mys in enumerate(samples):
    #     for myk in mys:
    #         if len(mys[myk]) == T:
    #             pass
    #         elif len(mys[myk]) == Tf:
    #             samples[i][myk] = np.hstack((optim_problem.c[:ind_f], mys[myk]))
    #         else:
    #             raise ValueError('All price samples for future must have length of full OR future part of timegrid')
    c_samples = portf.create_cost_samples(price_samples=samples,

    # (4) extend LP (A, b, l, u, c, cType)
    #### Reminder: The original cost vector is interpreted as another sample.

    ## extend vectors with nS times the future (the easy part)
    optim_problem.l = np.hstack(
        (optim_problem.l, np.tile(optim_problem.l[If], nS)))
    optim_problem.u = np.hstack(
        (optim_problem.u, np.tile(optim_problem.u[If], nS)))
    ## Attention with the cost vector. In order to obtain the MEAN across samples, divide by (nS+1) [new samples plus original]
    optim_problem.c[If] = optim_problem.c[If] / (nS + 1)  # orig. future sample
    for myc in c_samples:  # add each future cost sample (and scale down to get mean)
        optim_problem.c = np.hstack((optim_problem.c, myc[If] / (nS + 1)))

    ## different logic - restrictions simply multiply in number
    optim_problem.b = np.tile(optim_problem.b, nS + 1)
    optim_problem.cType = optim_problem.cType * (nS + 1)

    ## extending A & b (the trickier part)
    optim_problem.A = sp.lil_matrix(
        optim_problem.A)  # convert to subscriptable format
    # Note: Check and ideally avoid any such conversion (agree on one format)
    # futures only matric
    Af = optim_problem.A[:, If]
    # "present only" matrix -- set future elements to zero to decouply
    Ap = optim_problem.A.copy()
    Ap[:, If] = 0.
    # start extending the matrix
    optim_problem.A = sp.hstack((optim_problem.A, sp.lil_matrix(
        (n, nS * n_f))))
    #### add  rows, that encode the same restriction as the orig. A for the orig. set - only with new set of future vars
    for i in range(0, nS):
        myA = sp.hstack((Ap, sp.lil_matrix(
            (n, (i) * n_f)), Af, sp.lil_matrix((n, (nS - i - 1) * n_f))))
        optim_problem.A = sp.vstack((optim_problem.A, myA))

    return optim_problem
Beispiel #3
wind = Contract(name='wind', min_cap=0., max_cap=wind_gen, nodes=node)
print('...a load profile to be delivered')
load_profile = {'start': timegrid.timepoints.to_list(),\
                'values': -5*abs(np.sin(np.pi/22 * timegrid.timepoints.hour.values)     \
                              + np.sin(0.1 + np.pi/10 * timegrid.timepoints.hour.values)\
                              + np.sin(0.2 + np.pi/3 * timegrid.timepoints.hour.values) )}
load = Contract(name='load',

print('...a battery storage with 90% cycle efficiency')
storage = Storage(name = 'battery', cap_in= 1, cap_out=1, size = 4, \
                  eff_in=0.9, nodes = node, cost_in=1, cost_out=1)

portf = Portfolio([spot_market, PV, wind, load, storage])
###############################################   visualization
print('create and write network graph to pdf file')
    title='Sample for portfolio of RES with storage')
# alternatively show graph:
# eao.network_graphs.create_graph(portf = portf, file_name= None)

###############################################   optimization
print('run portfolio optimization')
optim_problem = portf.setup_optim_problem(prices, timegrid)
result = optim_problem.optimize()

###############################################   extracting results
Beispiel #4
print(' ... links from load to  green and grey sources to implement minimimum green share')
# define minimum sourcing from green sources 
min_green = {'start':Start, 'end':End, 'values' : volume_sold * min_fraction_green_ppa }
link_green = eao.assets.ExtendedTransport(name = 'link_green', min_take = min_green,  
                                          min_cap = 0, max_cap = 1.1*max_load, nodes = [node_green, node_load])
link_grey  = eao.assets.Transport(name = 'link_grey',   min_cap = 0, max_cap = 1.1*max_load, nodes = [node_grey, node_load])

print(' ... package downstream contract into PPA')
downstream_portfolio = eao.portfolio.Portfolio([load, link_green, link_grey])
downstream_contract  = eao.portfolio.StructuredAsset(name = 'downstream', nodes = [node_green, node_grey], portfolio = downstream_portfolio)

print('write normed assets to file')
portf = Portfolio([downstream_contract,
to_json(portf, file_normed_assets)

print('Scaling assets -- allowing to put together an optimally sized portfolio of all technologies')
## LCOEs for RES correspond to fix costs
## source IEA, at 7% interest, utility scale
##  in USD ... 1,2 USD/EUR
        ## PV 43,56        at cap factor 18%
        ## onshore 29,18   at cap factor 40%
        ## offshore 45,09  at cap factor 52%
        ## battery approx 1,2 M€/MW installed
    link_grey = eao.assets.Transport(name='link_grey',
                                     max_cap=1.1 * max_load,
                                     nodes=[node_grey, node_load])

    print(' ... package downstream contract into PPA')
    downstream_portfolio = eao.portfolio.Portfolio(
        [load, link_green, link_grey])
    downstream_contract = eao.portfolio.StructuredAsset(
        nodes=[node_green, node_grey],

    print('write normed assets to file')
    portf = Portfolio([
        downstream_contract, spot_market, pv_normed, onshore_normed,
        offshore_normed, green_sales

        'Scaling assets -- allowing to put together an optimally sized portfolio of all technologies'
    ## LCOEs for RES correspond to fix costs
    ## source IEA, at 7% interest, utility scale
    ##  in USD ... 1,2 USD/EUR
    ## PV 43,56        at cap factor 18%
    ## onshore 29,18   at cap factor 40%
    ## offshore 45,09  at cap factor 52%
    ## battery approx 1,2 M€/MW installed

    cost_factor = 1  ## to play around. should be 1
    max_scale = max_load * 10