def extra_options(extra_vars=None):
     """Extra easyconfig parameters specific to Binary easyblock."""
     extra_vars = dict(EasyBlock.extra_options(extra_vars))
         'install_cmd': [None, "Install command to be used.", CUSTOM],
     return EasyBlock.extra_options(extra_vars)
 def extra_options(extra_vars=None):
     """Extra easyconfig parameters specific to ConfigureMake."""
     extra_vars = dict(EasyBlock.extra_options(extra_vars))
         'tar_config_opts': [False, "Override tar settings as determined by configure.", CUSTOM],
         'prefix_opt': ['--prefix=', "Prefix command line option for configure script", CUSTOM],
     return EasyBlock.extra_options(extra_vars)
Beispiel #3
 def extra_options(extra_vars=None):
     """Extra easyconfig parameters specific to RPMs."""
     extra_vars = dict(EasyBlock.extra_options(extra_vars))
         'force': [False, "Use force", CUSTOM],
         'preinstall': [False, "Enable pre install", CUSTOM],
         'postinstall': [False, "Enable post install", CUSTOM],
         'makesymlinks': [[], "Create symlinks for listed paths", CUSTOM],  # supports glob
     return EasyBlock.extra_options(extra_vars)
    def extra_options():
        """Define custom easyconfig parameters for TensorRT."""

        # Combine extra variables from Binary and PythonPackage easyblocks
        extra_vars = Binary.extra_options()
        extra_vars = PythonPackage.extra_options(extra_vars)
        return EasyBlock.extra_options(extra_vars)
Beispiel #5
 def extra_options():
     """Custom easyconfig parameters for bar."""
     extra_vars = {
         'bar_extra1': [None, "first bar-specific easyconfig parameter (mandatory)", MANDATORY],
         'bar_extra2': ['BAR', "second bar-specific easyconfig parameter", CUSTOM],
     return EasyBlock.extra_options(extra_vars)
Beispiel #6
 def extra_options():
     extra_vars = [
         ('assertions', [True, "Enable assertions.  Helps to catch bugs in Clang.  (default: True)", CUSTOM]),
         ('build_targets', [["X86"], "Build targets for LLVM. Possible values: all, AArch64, ARM, CppBackend, Hexagon, " +
                            "Mips, MBlaze, MSP430, NVPTX, PowerPC, Sparc, SystemZ, X86, XCore (default: X86)", CUSTOM]),
     return EasyBlock.extra_options(extra_vars)
Beispiel #7
 def extra_options():
     """Add extra easyconfig parameters for Boost."""
     extra_vars = {
         'boost_mpi': [False, "Build mpi boost module", CUSTOM],
         'toolset': [None, "Toolset to use for Boost configuration ('--with-toolset for')", CUSTOM],
     return EasyBlock.extra_options(extra_vars)
    def extra_options():
        """Custom easyconfig parameters for ALADIN."""

        extra_vars = {
            'optional_extra_param': ['default value', "short description", CUSTOM],
        return EasyBlock.extra_options(extra_vars)
 def extra_options():
     """Add extra easyconfig parameters custom to CHARMM."""
     extra_vars = {
         'build_options': ["FULL", "Specify the options to the build script", CUSTOM],
         'system_size': ["medium", "Specify the supported systemsize: %s" % ', '.join(KNOWN_SYSTEM_SIZES), CUSTOM],
     return EasyBlock.extra_options(extra_vars)
 def extra_options(extra_vars=None):
     """Define extra easyconfig parameters specific to MesonNinja."""
     extra_vars = EasyBlock.extra_options(extra_vars)
         'separate_build_dir': [True, "Perform build in a separate directory", CUSTOM],
     return extra_vars
Beispiel #11
 def extra_options():
     extra_vars = {
         'buildtype': [None, "Specify the type of build (smpar: OpenMP, dmpar: MPI).", MANDATORY],
         'runtest': [True, "Build and run WPS tests", CUSTOM],
         'testdata': [None, "URL to test data required to run WPS test", CUSTOM],
     return EasyBlock.extra_options(extra_vars)
Beispiel #12
 def extra_options():
     extra_vars = {
         'install_amd': [True, "Install AMD software components", CUSTOM],
         'install_java': [True, "Install Java JRE for graphical debugger",  CUSTOM],
         'install_managed': [True, "Install OpenACC Unified Memory Evaluation package", CUSTOM],
         'install_nvidia': [True, "Install CUDA Toolkit Components", CUSTOM],
     return EasyBlock.extra_options(extra_vars)
 def extra_options():
     """Custom easyconfig parameters for WRF-Fire."""
     extra_vars = {
         'buildtype': [None, "Specify the type of build (serial, smpar (OpenMP), " \
                             "dmpar (MPI), dm+sm (hybrid OpenMP/MPI)).", MANDATORY],
         'runtest': [True, "Build and run WRF tests", CUSTOM],
     return EasyBlock.extra_options(extra_vars)
 def extra_options():
     extra_vars = [
                   ('buildtype', [None, "Specify the type of build (serial, smpar (OpenMP), " \
                                       "dmpar (MPI), dm+sm (hybrid OpenMP/MPI)).", MANDATORY]),
                   ('rewriteopts', [True, "Replace -O3 with CFLAGS/FFLAGS (default: True).", CUSTOM]),
                   ('runtest', [True, "Build and run WRF tests (default: True).", CUSTOM])
     return EasyBlock.extra_options(extra_vars)
Beispiel #15
 def extra_options():
     """Custom easyconfig parameters for Trinity."""
     extra_vars = {
         'withsampledata': [False, "Include sample data", CUSTOM],
         'bwapluginver': [None, "BWA pugin version", CUSTOM],
         'RSEMmod': [False, "Enable RSEMmod", CUSTOM],
     return EasyBlock.extra_options(extra_vars)
Beispiel #16
 def extra_options(extra_vars=None):
     """Extra easyconfig parameters specific to EB_anaconda easyblock."""
     extra_vars = EasyBlock.extra_options(extra_vars)
         'pre_install_cmd': [None, "Commands before install: setting custom environmental variables, etc", CUSTOM],
         'post_install_cmd': [None, "Commands after install: pip install, cpanm install, etc", CUSTOM],
     return extra_vars
Beispiel #17
 def extra_options():
     """Custom easyconfig parameters for NEMO."""
     extra_vars = {
         'with_components': [None, "List of components to include (e.g. TOP_SRC)", MANDATORY],
         'add_keys': [None, "Add compilation keys", CUSTOM],
         'del_keys': [None, "Delete compilation keys", CUSTOM]
     return EasyBlock.extra_options(extra_vars)
 def extra_options():
     extra_vars = {
         'altroot': [None, "Software name of dependency to use to define $EBROOT for this bundle", CUSTOM],
         'altversion': [None, "Software name of dependency to use to define $EBVERSION for this bundle", CUSTOM],
         'components': [(), "List of components to install: tuples w/ name, version and easyblock to use", CUSTOM],
         'default_easyblock': [None, "Default easyblock to use for components", CUSTOM],
     return EasyBlock.extra_options(extra_vars)
 def extra_options():
     """Add extra easyconfig parameters for Boost."""
     extra_vars = {
         'boost_mpi': [False, "Build mpi boost module", CUSTOM],
         'toolset': [None, "Toolset to use for Boost configuration ('--with-toolset for')", CUSTOM],
         'mpi_launcher': [None, "Launcher to use when running MPI regression tests", CUSTOM],
     return EasyBlock.extra_options(extra_vars)
Beispiel #20
 def extra_options():
     extra_vars = {
         'buildtype': [None, "Specify the type of build (serial, smpar (OpenMP), " \
                             "dmpar (MPI), dm+sm (hybrid OpenMP/MPI)).", MANDATORY],
         'rewriteopts': [True, "Replace -O3 with CFLAGS/FFLAGS", CUSTOM],
         'runtest': [True, "Build and run WRF tests", CUSTOM],
     return EasyBlock.extra_options(extra_vars)
Beispiel #21
 def extra_options():
     """Define custom easyconfig parameters for Molpro."""
     # Combine extra variables from Binary and ConfigureMake easyblocks as
     # well as those needed for Molpro specifically
     extra_vars = Binary.extra_options()
     extra_vars = ConfigureMake.extra_options(extra_vars)
     extra_vars.update({"precompiled_binaries": [False, "Are we installing precompiled binaries?", CUSTOM]})
     return EasyBlock.extra_options(extra_vars)
    def extra_options(extra_vars=None):
        extra_vars = dict(EasyBlock.extra_options(extra_vars))
            'license_activation': [ACTIVATION_LIC_SERVER, "License activation type", CUSTOM],
            # 'usetmppath':
            # workaround for older SL5 version (5.5 and earlier)
            # used to be True, but False since SL5.6/SL6
            # disables TMP_PATH env and command line option
            'usetmppath': [False, "Use temporary path for installation", CUSTOM],
            'm32': [False, "Enable 32-bit toolchain", CUSTOM],

        # Support for old easyconfigs with license parameter
        _log.deprecated('No old style license parameter, use license_file', '2.0')
        extra_vars.update({'license': [None, "License file", CUSTOM]})

        return EasyBlock.extra_options(extra_vars)
Beispiel #23
    def extra_options():
        """Add extra easyconfig parameters for Boost."""
        extra_vars = [
            ('boost_mpi', [False, "Build mpi boost module (default: False)", CUSTOM]),
            ('toolset', [None, "Toolset to use for Boost configuration ('--with-toolset fo')", CUSTOM]),

        return EasyBlock.extra_options(extra_vars)
Beispiel #24
    def extra_options(more_extra_vars=[]):
        """Custom easyconfig parameters for foo."""

        extra_vars = [
                      ('foo_extra1', [None, "first foo-specific easyconfig parameter (mandatory)", MANDATORY]),
                      ('foo_extra2', ['FOO', "second foo-specific easyconfig parameter", CUSTOM]),
        return EasyBlock.extra_options(extra_vars + more_extra_vars)
 def extra_options():
     # default dimensions
     dd = [1,4,5,6,9,13,16,17,22]
     extra_vars = {
         'transpose_flavour': [1, "Transpose flavour of routines", CUSTOM],
         'max_tiny_dim': [12, "Maximum tiny dimension", CUSTOM],
         'dims': [dd, "Generate routines for these matrix dims", CUSTOM],
     return EasyBlock.extra_options(extra_vars)
    def extra_options(extra_vars=None):
        """Extra easyconfig parameters specific to ExtensionEasyBlock."""

        # using [] as default value is a bad idea, so we handle it this way
        if extra_vars is None:
            extra_vars = []

        extra_vars.extend([("options", [{}, "Dictionary with extension options.", CUSTOM])])
        return EasyBlock.extra_options(extra_vars)
 def extra_options(extra_vars=None):
     """Extra easyconfig parameters specific to Binary easyblock."""
     extra_vars = EasyBlock.extra_options(extra_vars)
         'install_cmd': [None, "Install command to be used.", CUSTOM],
         # staged installation can help with the hard (potentially faulty) check on available disk space
         'staged_install': [False, "Perform staged installation via subdirectory of build directory", CUSTOM],
     return extra_vars
 def extra_options():
     # default dimensions
     dd = [1, 4, 5, 6, 9, 13, 16, 17, 22]
     extra_vars = [
         ("transpose_flavour", [1, "Transpose flavour of routines (default: 1)", CUSTOM]),
         ("max_tiny_dim", [12, "Maximum tiny dimension (default: 12)", CUSTOM]),
         ("dims", [dd, "Generate routines for these matrix dims (default: %s)" % dd, CUSTOM]),
     return EasyBlock.extra_options(extra_vars)
 def extra_options(extra_vars=None):
     """Extra easyconfig parameters specific to ConfigureMake."""
     extra_vars = EasyBlock.extra_options(extra=extra_vars)
         'configure_cmd_prefix': ['', "Prefix to be glued before ./configure", CUSTOM],
         'prefix_opt': [None, "Prefix command line option for configure script ('--prefix=' if None)", CUSTOM],
         'tar_config_opts': [False, "Override tar settings as determined by configure.", CUSTOM],
     return extra_vars
Beispiel #30
 def extra_options(extra_vars=None):
     """Extra easyconfig parameters specific to Binary easyblock."""
     # using [] as default value is a bad idea, so we handle it this way
     if extra_vars == None:
         extra_vars = []
         ('install_cmd', [None, "Install command to be used.", CUSTOM]),
     return EasyBlock.extra_options(extra_vars)
Beispiel #31
 def extra_options():
     extra_vars = {
         'buildtype': [
             None, "Specify the type of build (serial, smpar (OpenMP), "
             "dmpar (MPI), dm+sm (hybrid OpenMP/MPI)).", MANDATORY
         'rewriteopts': [True, "Replace -O3 with CFLAGS/FFLAGS", CUSTOM],
         'runtest': [True, "Build and run WRF tests", CUSTOM],
     return EasyBlock.extra_options(extra_vars)
Beispiel #32
 def extra_options():
     """Custom easyconfig parameters for MCR."""
     extra_vars = {
         'java_options': [
             "$_JAVA_OPTIONS value set for install and in module file.",
     return EasyBlock.extra_options(extra_vars)
Beispiel #33
 def extra_options(extra_vars=None):
     """Extra easyconfig parameters specific to RPMs."""
     extra_vars = EasyBlock.extra_options(extra_vars)
         'force': [False, "Use force", CUSTOM],
         'preinstall': [False, "Enable pre install", CUSTOM],
         'postinstall': [False, "Enable post install", CUSTOM],
         'makesymlinks': [[], "Create symlinks for listed paths",
                          CUSTOM],  # supports glob
     return extra_vars
Beispiel #34
 def extra_options():
     extra_vars = {
         'compilerstr':[None, "Compiler string (gnu/intel/pgi).",MANDATORY],
         'build_mpi_parts':[False, "Build MPI parallelized parts", CUSTOM],
         'build_openmp_parts':[False, "Build OpenMP parts",CUSTOM],
         'build_cuda_parts':[False,"Build CUDA accelerated parts",CUSTOM],
         'amber_python_exe':[None, "Path to the python execuable to be forwarded to AMBER. This could be different from what easybuild is using.", CUSTOM],
         'skip_patches':[False,"Skip downloading and applying patches",CUSTOM],
         'runtest':[False,"Whether to run tests after build",CUSTOM],
     return EasyBlock.extra_options(extra_vars)
 def extra_options():
     """Define custom easyconfig parameters for Molpro."""
     # Combine extra variables from Binary and ConfigureMake easyblocks as
     # well as those needed for Molpro specifically
     extra_vars = Binary.extra_options()
     extra_vars = ConfigureMake.extra_options(extra_vars)
         [False, "Are we installing precompiled binaries?", CUSTOM],
     return EasyBlock.extra_options(extra_vars)
 def extra_options():
     """Add extra easyconfig parameters for Boost."""
     extra_vars = {
         'boost_mpi': [False, "Build mpi boost module", CUSTOM],
         'boost_multi_thread': [False, "Build boost with multi-thread option", CUSTOM],
         'toolset': [None, "Toolset to use for Boost configuration ('--with-toolset for')", CUSTOM],
         'mpi_launcher': [None, "Launcher to use when running MPI regression tests", CUSTOM],
         'only_python_bindings': [False, "Only install Boost.Python library providing Python bindings", CUSTOM],
         'use_glibcxx11_abi': [None, "Use the GLIBCXX11 ABI", CUSTOM],
     return EasyBlock.extra_options(extra_vars)
Beispiel #37
 def extra_options():
     extra_vars = {
         'buildtype': [
             None, "Specify the type of build (smpar: OpenMP, dmpar: MPI).",
         'runtest': [True, "Build and run WPS tests", CUSTOM],
         [None, "URL to test data required to run WPS test", CUSTOM],
     return EasyBlock.extra_options(extra_vars)
Beispiel #38
 def extra_options():
     """Custom easyconfig parameters for bar."""
     extra_vars = {
         'bar_extra1': [
             None, "first bar-specific easyconfig parameter (mandatory)",
         ['BAR', "second bar-specific easyconfig parameter", CUSTOM],
     return EasyBlock.extra_options(extra_vars)
Beispiel #39
    def extra_options():
        testdata_urls = ["",

        extra_vars = {
            'runtest': [True, "Run WIEN2k tests", CUSTOM],
            'testdata': [testdata_urls, "test data URL for WIEN2k benchmark test", CUSTOM],
            'wien_mpirun': [None, "MPI wrapper comand to use", CUSTOM],
            'remote': [None, "Remote command to use (e.g. pbsssh, ...)", CUSTOM],
        return EasyBlock.extra_options(extra_vars)
 def extra_options():
     """Define custom easyconfig parameters for GAMESS-US."""
     extra_vars = {
         'ddi_comm': ['mpi', "DDI communication layer to use", CUSTOM],
         'maxcpus': [None, "Maximum number of cores per node", MANDATORY],
         'maxnodes': [None, "Maximum number of nodes", MANDATORY],
         'runtest': [True, "Run GAMESS-US tests", CUSTOM],
         ['$TMPDIR', "Scratch dir to be used in rungms script", CUSTOM],
     return EasyBlock.extra_options(extra_vars)
Beispiel #41
    def extra_options(extra_vars=None):
        """Extra easyconfig parameters specific to ExtensionEasyBlock."""

        # using [] as default value is a bad idea, so we handle it this way
        if extra_vars is None:
            extra_vars = []

            ('options', [{}, "Dictionary with extension options.", CUSTOM]),
        return EasyBlock.extra_options(extra_vars)
Beispiel #42
 def extra_options():
     """Add extra easyconfig parameters for Boost."""
     extra_vars = {
         'boost_mpi': [False, "Build mpi boost module", CUSTOM],
         'toolset': [
             "Toolset to use for Boost configuration ('--with-toolset for')",
     return EasyBlock.extra_options(extra_vars)
Beispiel #43
    def extra_options(more_extra_vars=[]):
        """Custom easyconfig parameters for foo."""

        extra_vars = [
            ('foo_extra1', [
                None, "first foo-specific easyconfig parameter (mandatory)",
             ['FOO', "second foo-specific easyconfig parameter", CUSTOM]),
        return EasyBlock.extra_options(extra_vars + more_extra_vars)
 def extra_options(extra_vars=None):
     """Easyconfig parameters specific to bundles."""
     if extra_vars is None:
         extra_vars = {}
         'altroot': [None, "Software name of dependency to use to define $EBROOT for this bundle", CUSTOM],
         'altversion': [None, "Software name of dependency to use to define $EBVERSION for this bundle", CUSTOM],
         'default_component_specs': [{}, "Default specs to use for every component", CUSTOM],
         'components': [(), "List of components to install: tuples w/ name, version and easyblock to use", CUSTOM],
         'default_easyblock': [None, "Default easyblock to use for components", CUSTOM],
     return EasyBlock.extra_options(extra_vars)
Beispiel #45
 def extra_options():
     """Add extra easyconfig parameters custom to CHARMM."""
     extra_vars = {
         ["FULL", "Specify the options to the build script", CUSTOM],
         'system_size': [
             "Specify the supported systemsize: %s" %
             ', '.join(KNOWN_SYSTEM_SIZES), CUSTOM
     return EasyBlock.extra_options(extra_vars)
    def extra_options(extra_vars=None):
        """Extra easyconfig parameters specific to ExtensionEasyBlock."""
        if extra_vars is None:
            extra_vars = {}

        if not isinstance(extra_vars, dict):
            _log.nosupport("Obtained value of type '%s' for extra_vars, should be 'dict'" % type(extra_vars), '2.0')

            'options': [{}, "Dictionary with extension options.", CUSTOM],
        return EasyBlock.extra_options(extra_vars)
Beispiel #47
    def extra_options():
        testdata_urls = [
                         "" # 697MB download, 16GB unpacked!

        extra_vars = [
                      ('buildtype', [None, "Specify the type of build (smpar: OpenMP, dmpar: MPI).", MANDATORY]),
                      ('runtest', [True, "Build and run WPS tests (default: True).", CUSTOM]),
                      ('testdata', [testdata_urls, "URL to test data required to run WPS test (default: %s)." % testdata_urls, CUSTOM])
        return EasyBlock.extra_options(extra_vars)
 def extra_options(extra_vars=None):
     """Extra easyconfig parameters specific to Binary easyblock."""
     extra_vars = EasyBlock.extra_options(extra_vars)
         'extract_sources': [False, "Whether or not to extract sources", CUSTOM],
         'install_cmd': [None, "Install command to be used.", CUSTOM],
         # staged installation can help with the hard (potentially faulty) check on available disk space
         'staged_install': [False, "Perform staged installation via subdirectory of build directory", CUSTOM],
         'prepend_to_path': [PREPEND_TO_PATH_DEFAULT, "Prepend the given directories (relative to install-dir) to "
                                                      "the environment variable PATH in the module file. Default "
                                                      "is the install-dir itself.", CUSTOM],
     return extra_vars
Beispiel #49
 def extra_options(extra_vars=None):
     """Extra easyconfig parameters specific to Binary easyblock."""
     extra_vars = EasyBlock.extra_options(extra_vars)
         'install_cmd': [None, "Install command to be used.", CUSTOM],
         # staged installation can help with the hard (potentially faulty) check on available disk space
         'staged_install': [
             "Perform staged installation via subdirectory of build directory",
     return extra_vars
Beispiel #50
 def extra_options():
     extra_vars = {
         'install_amd': [True, "Install AMD software components", CUSTOM],
         [True, "Install Java JRE for graphical debugger", CUSTOM],
         'install_managed': [
             True, "Install OpenACC Unified Memory Evaluation package",
         [True, "Install CUDA Toolkit Components", CUSTOM],
     return EasyBlock.extra_options(extra_vars)
 def extra_options(extra_vars=None):
     """Extra easyconfig parameters specific to Tarball."""
     extra_vars = EasyBlock.extra_options(extra=extra_vars)
         'install_type': [
             "Defaults to extract tarball into clean directory. Options: 'merge' merges tarball "
             "to existing directory, 'subdir' extracts tarball into its own sub-directory",
         [None, "Command to execute before installation", CUSTOM],
     return extra_vars
Beispiel #52
 def extra_options(more_extra_vars=None):
     """Custom easyconfig parameters for foo."""
     if more_extra_vars is None:
         more_extra_vars = {}
     extra_vars = {
         'foo_extra1': [
             None, "first foo-specific easyconfig parameter (mandatory)",
         ['FOO', "second foo-specific easyconfig parameter", CUSTOM],
     return EasyBlock.extra_options(extra_vars)
    def extra_options(extra_vars=None):
        """Extra easyconfig parameters specific to ConfigureMake."""

        # using [] as default value is a bad idea, so we handle it this way
        if extra_vars == None:
            extra_vars = []

            ('tar_config_opts', [
                False, "Override tar settings as determined by configure.",
        return EasyBlock.extra_options(extra_vars)
    def extra_options(extra_vars=None):
        extra_vars = EasyBlock.extra_options(extra_vars)
            'license_activation': [ACTIVATION_LIC_SERVER, "License activation type", CUSTOM],
            # 'usetmppath':
            # workaround for older SL5 version (5.5 and earlier)
            # used to be True, but False since SL5.6/SL6
            # disables TMP_PATH env and command line option
            'usetmppath': [False, "Use temporary path for installation", CUSTOM],
            'm32': [False, "Enable 32-bit toolchain", CUSTOM],
            'components': [None, "List of components to install", CUSTOM],

        return extra_vars
Beispiel #55
 def extra_options():
     extra_vars = {
         'altroot': [
             "Software name of dependency to use to define $EBROOT for this bundle",
         'altversion': [
             "Software name of dependency to use to define $EBVERSION for this bundle",
     return EasyBlock.extra_options(extra_vars)
Beispiel #56
 def extra_options(extra_vars=None):
     """Extra easyconfig parameters specific to ConfigureMake."""
     extra_vars = EasyBlock.extra_options(extra=extra_vars)
         'configure_cmd_prefix': ['', "Prefix to be glued before ./configure", CUSTOM],
         'prefix_opt': [None, "Prefix command line option for configure script ('--prefix=' if None)", CUSTOM],
         'tar_config_opts': [False, "Override tar settings as determined by configure.", CUSTOM],
         'build_type': [None, "Value to provide to --build option of configure script, e.g., x86_64-pc-linux-gnu "
                              "(determined by config.guess shipped with EasyBuild if None,"
                              " False implies to leave it up to the configure script)", CUSTOM],
         'host_type': [None, "Value to provide to --host option of configure script, e.g., x86_64-pc-linux-gnu "
                             "(determined by config.guess shipped with EasyBuild if None,"
                             " False implies to leave it up to the configure script)", CUSTOM],
     return extra_vars
Beispiel #57
 def extra_options():
     extra_vars = {
         'type': ['popt', "Type of build ('popt' or 'psmp')", CUSTOM],
         'typeopt': [True, "Enable optimization", CUSTOM],
         'modincprefix': ['', "IMKL prefix for modinc include dir", CUSTOM],
         'modinc': [[], ("List of modinc's to use (*.f90], or 'True' to use "
                         "all found at given prefix"), CUSTOM],
         'extracflags': ['', "Extra CFLAGS to be added", CUSTOM],
         'extradflags': ['', "Extra DFLAGS to be added", CUSTOM],
         'ignore_regtest_fails': [False, ("Ignore failures in regression test "
                                          "(should be used with care)"), CUSTOM],
         'maxtasks': [3, ("Maximum number of CP2K instances run at "
                          "the same time during testing"), CUSTOM],
     return EasyBlock.extra_options(extra_vars)
Beispiel #58
    def extra_options():
        testdata_urls = ["",

        extra_vars = {
            'runtest': [True, "Run WIEN2k tests", CUSTOM],
            'testdata': [testdata_urls, "test data URL for WIEN2k benchmark test", CUSTOM],
            'wien_mpirun': [None, "MPI wrapper command to use", CUSTOM],
            'remote': [None, "Remote command to use (e.g. pbsssh, ...)", CUSTOM],
            'use_remote': [True, "Whether to remotely login to initiate the k-point parallellization calls", CUSTOM],
            'mpi_remote': [False, "Whether to initiate MPI calls locally or remotely", CUSTOM],
            'wien_granularity': [True, "Granularity for parallel execution (see manual)", CUSTOM],
            'taskset': [None, "Specifies an optional command for binding a process to a specific core", CUSTOM],
        return EasyBlock.extra_options(extra_vars)
Beispiel #59
    def extra_options(extra_vars=None):
        """Extra easyconfig parameters specific to RPMs."""

        # using [] as default value is a bad idea, so we handle it this way
        if extra_vars == None:
            extra_vars = []

            ('force', [False, "Use force", CUSTOM]),
            ('preinstall', [False, "Enable pre install", CUSTOM]),
            ('postinstall', [False, "Enable post install", CUSTOM]),
            ('makesymlinks', [[], "Create symlinks for listed paths",
                              CUSTOM]),  # supports glob
        return EasyBlock.extra_options(extra_vars)
Beispiel #60
 def extra_options():
     """Add extra easyconfig parameters for Boost."""
     extra_vars = {
         'boost_mpi': [False, "Build mpi boost module", CUSTOM],
         'toolset': [
             "Toolset to use for Boost configuration ('--with-toolset for')",
         'mpi_launcher': [
             None, "Launcher to use when running MPI regression tests",
     return EasyBlock.extra_options(extra_vars)