Beispiel #1
    def test_ordered_versop_expressions(self):
        """Given set of ranges, order them according to version/operator (most recent/specific first)"""
        # simple version ordering, all different versions
        ovop = OrderedVersionOperators()
        versop_exprs = [
            '> 3.0.0',
            '>= 2.5.0',
            '> 2.0.0',
            '== 1.0.0',
        # add version expressions out of order intentionally

        # verify whether order is what we expect it to be
                         [VersionOperator(x) for x in versop_exprs])

        # more complex version ordering, identical/overlapping vesions
        ovop = OrderedVersionOperators()
        versop_exprs = [
            '== 1.0.0',
            '> 1.0.0',
            '< 1.0.0',
        # add version expressions out of order intentionally
        # verify whether order is what we expect it to be
                         [VersionOperator(x) for x in versop_exprs])
Beispiel #2
    def test_boolean(self):
        """Test boolean test"""
        self.assertTrue(VersionOperator('>= 123'))

        error_msg = "Failed to parse '<=' as a version operator string"
        self.assertErrorRegex(EasyBuildError, error_msg, VersionOperator, '<=')
Beispiel #3
    def test_versop_overlap_conflict(self):
        """Test overlap/conflicts"""
        overlap_conflict = [
            ('> 3', '> 3', (True,
                            False)),  # equal, and thus overlap. no conflict
            ('> 3', '< 2', (False, False)),  # no overlap
            ('> 3', '== 3', (False, False)),  # no overlap
            ('< 3', '> 2', (True, True)
             ),  # overlap, and conflict (region between 2 and 3 is ambiguous)
            ('>= 3', '== 3',
             (True, True)),  # overlap, and conflict (boundary 3 is ambigous)
            ('> 3', '>= 3', (True, False)
             ),  # overlap, no conflict ('> 3' is more strict then '>= 3')

            # suffix
            ('> 2', '> 1', (True, False)
             ),  # suffix both equal (both None), ordering like above
            ('> 2 suffix:-x1', '> 1 suffix:-x1',
              False)),  # suffix both equal (both -x1), ordering like above
            ('> 2 suffix:-x1', '> 1 suffix:-x2',
             (True, True)),  # suffix not equal, conflict (and overlap)
            ('> 2 suffix:-x1', '< 1 suffix:-x2',
             (False, True)),  # suffix not equal, conflict (and no overlap)
            ('> 2 suffix:-x1', '< 1 suffix:-x1',
             (False, False)),  # suffix equal, no conflict (and no overlap)

        for l, r, res in overlap_conflict:
            vl = VersionOperator(l)
            vr = VersionOperator(r)
            self.assertEqual(vl.test_overlap_and_conflict(vr), res)
Beispiel #4
    def test_versop_gt(self):
        """Test strict greater then ordering"""
        left_gt_right = [
                '> 2', '> 1'
            ),  # True, order by strictness equals order by boundaries for gt/ge
                '< 8', '< 10'
            ),  # True, order by strictness equals inversed order by boundaries for lt/le
                '== 4', '> 3'
            ),  # equality is more strict then inequality, but this order by boundaries
                '> 3', '== 2'
            ),  # there is no overlap, so just order the intervals according their boundaries
            ('== 1', '> 1'),  # no overlap, same boundaries, order by operator
            ('== 1', '< 1'),  # no overlap, same boundaries, order by operator
                '> 1', '>= 1'
            ),  # no overlap, same boundaries, order by operator (order by strictness)
                '< 1', '<= 1'
            ),  # no overlap, same boundaries, order by operator (order by strictness)
                '> 1', '< 1'
            ),  # no overlap, same boundaries, order by operator (quite arbitrary in this case)

            # suffix
            ('> 2 suffix:-x1', '> 1 suffix:-x1'
             ),  # equal suffixes, regular ordering
        for l, r in left_gt_right:
                VersionOperator(l) > VersionOperator(r), "%s gt %s" % (l, r))
Beispiel #5
    def test_hashing(self):
        """Test hashing of VersionOperator and ToolchainVersionOperator instances."""

        test_cases = [
            VersionOperator('> 1.2.3'),
            ToolchainVersionOperator('foo > 1.2.3'),

        for test_case in test_cases:
Beispiel #6
    def test_ordered_versop_add_data(self):
        """Test the add and data handling"""
        ovop = OrderedVersionOperators()
        tests = [
            ('> 1', '5'),
            ('> 2', {
                'x': 3
        for versop_txt, data in tests:
            versop = VersionOperator(versop_txt)
            # no data was added, this is a new entry, mapper is initialised with None
            self.assertEqual(ovop.get_data(versop), None)
            ovop.add(versop, data)
            # test data
            self.assertEqual(ovop.get_data(versop), data)

        # new data for same versops
        tests = [
            ('> 1', '6'),
            ('> 2', {
                'x': 4
        for versop_txt, data in tests:
            versop = VersionOperator(versop_txt)
            ovop.add(versop, data)
            # test updated data
            self.assertEqual(ovop.get_data(versop), data)

        # 'update' a value
        # the data for '> 1' has no .update()
        extra_data = {'y': 4}
        tests = [
            ('> 2', extra_data),
        for versop_txt, data in tests:
            versop = VersionOperator(versop_txt)
            prevdata = copy.deepcopy(ovop.get_data(versop))

            ovop.add(versop, data, update=True)
            # test updated data
            self.assertEqual(ovop.get_data(versop), prevdata)

        # use update=True on new element
        versop = VersionOperator('> 10000')
        new_data = {'new': 5}
        ovop.add(versop, new_data, update=True)
        # test updated data
        self.assertEqual(ovop.get_data(versop), new_data)
Beispiel #7
    def test_versop_overlap_conflict(self):
        """Test overlap/conflicts"""
        overlap_conflict = [
            ('> 3', '> 3', (True, False)),  # equal, and thus overlap. no conflict
            ('> 3', '< 2', (False, False)),  # no overlap
            ('> 3', '== 3', (False, False)),  # no overlap
            ('< 3', '> 2', (True, True)),  # overlap, and conflict (region between 2 and 3 is ambiguous)
            ('>= 3', '== 3' , (True, True)),  # overlap, and conflict (boundary 3 is ambigous)
            ('> 3', '>= 3' , (True, False)),  # overlap, no conflict ('> 3' is more strict then '>= 3')

        for l, r, res in overlap_conflict:
            vl = VersionOperator(l)
            vr = VersionOperator(r)
            self.assertEqual(vl.test_overlap_and_conflict(vr), res)
Beispiel #8
 def test_parser_regex(self):
     """Test the version parser"""
     vop = VersionOperator()
     # version tests
     self.assertTrue('< 4'))
     self.assertTrue('>= 20131016'))
     self.assertTrue('<= 1.2.3'))
     self.assertTrue('> 2.4'))
     self.assertTrue('== 1.2b'))
     self.assertTrue('< 2.0dev'))
     self.assertTrue('1.2.3'))  # operator is optional, '==' is default
     )  # version is mandatory (even if DEFAULT_UNDEFINED_VERSION exists)
         '%s1.2.3' %
         vop.SEPARATOR))  # no separator usage w/o something to separate
         '1.2.3%s' %
         vop.SEPARATOR))  # no separator usage w/o something to separate
     self.assertFalse('>%s2.4' % vop.SEPARATOR *
                          2))  # double space as separator is not allowed
         '>%s 2.4' % vop.SEPARATOR))  # double separator is not allowed
         '>%sa2.4' %
         vop.SEPARATOR))  # version starts/ends with *any* word character
         '>%s2.4_' %
         vop.SEPARATOR))  # version starts/ends with *any* word character
         '>%sG2.4_' %
         vop.SEPARATOR))  # version starts/ends with *any* word character
    def test_versop_overlap_conflict(self):
        """Test overlap/conflicts"""
        overlap_conflict = [
            ('> 3', '> 3', (True, False)),  # equal, and thus overlap. no conflict
            ('> 3', '< 2', (False, False)),  # no overlap
            ('> 3', '== 3', (False, False)),  # no overlap
            ('< 3', '> 2', (True, True)),  # overlap, and conflict (region between 2 and 3 is ambiguous)
            ('>= 3', '== 3' , (True, True)),  # overlap, and conflict (boundary 3 is ambigous)
            ('> 3', '>= 3' , (True, False)),  # overlap, no conflict ('> 3' is more strict then '>= 3')

            # suffix
            ('> 2', '> 1', (True, False)),  # suffix both equal (both None), ordering like above
            ('> 2 suffix:-x1', '> 1 suffix:-x1', (True, False)),  # suffix both equal (both -x1), ordering like above
            ('> 2 suffix:-x1', '> 1 suffix:-x2', (True, True)),  # suffix not equal, conflict (and overlap)
            ('> 2 suffix:-x1', '< 1 suffix:-x2', (False, True)),  # suffix not equal, conflict (and no overlap)
            ('> 2 suffix:-x1', '< 1 suffix:-x1', (False, False)),  # suffix equal, no conflict (and no overlap)

        for l, r, res in overlap_conflict:
            vl = VersionOperator(l)
            vr = VersionOperator(r)
            self.assertEqual(vl.test_overlap_and_conflict(vr), res)
Beispiel #10
    def test_dependency(self):
        """Test Dependency class"""
        versop_str = '>= 1.5'
        tc_versop_str = 'GCC >= 3.0'

        versop = VersionOperator(versop_str)
        tc_versop = ToolchainVersionOperator(tc_versop_str)

        txt = Dependency.SEPARATOR_DEP.join([versop_str])
        dest = {'versop':versop}
        res = Dependency(txt)
        self.assertEqual(dest, res)
        self.assertEqual(str(res), txt)

        txt = Dependency.SEPARATOR_DEP.join([versop_str, tc_versop_str])
        dest = {'versop':versop, 'tc_versop':tc_versop}
        res = Dependency(txt)
        self.assertEqual(dest, res)
        self.assertEqual(str(res), txt)
Beispiel #11
    def _from_string(self, txt):
        """Convert from string
            versop_str;tc_versop_str -> {'versop': versop, 'tc_versop': tc_versop}
        res = {}

        items = self._split_string(txt, sep=self.SEPARATOR_DEP)
        if len(items) < 1 or len(items) > 2:
            msg = 'Dependency has at least one element (a version operator string), '
            msg += 'and at most 2 (2nd element the toolchain version operator string). '
            msg += 'Separator %s.' % self.SEPARATOR_DEP
            raise ValueError(msg)

        res['versop'] = VersionOperator(items[0])

        if len(items) > 1:
            res['tc_versop'] = ToolchainVersionOperator(items[1])

        return res
Beispiel #12
    def test_vop_test(self):
        """Test version checker"""
        vop = VersionOperator('1.2.3')
        self.assertTrue(vop.operator == vop.DEFAULT_UNDEFINED_OPERATOR)

        vop = VersionOperator('>= 1.2.3')
        self.assertTrue(vop.test('1.2.3'))  # 1.2.3 >= 1.2.3: True
        self.assertFalse(vop.test('1.2.2'))  # 1.2.2 >= 1.2.3 : False
        self.assertTrue(vop.test('1.2.4'))  # 1.2.4 >= 1.2.3 : True

        vop = VersionOperator('< 1.2.3')
        self.assertFalse(vop.test('1.2.3'))  # 1.2.3 < 1.2.3: False
        self.assertTrue(vop.test('1.2.2'))  # 1.2.2 < 1.2.3 : True
        self.assertFalse(vop.test('1.2.4'))  # 1.2.4 < 1.2.3 : False

        self.assertFalse(vop.test('2a'))  # 2a < 1.2.3 : False
        self.assertTrue(vop.test('1.1a'))  # 1.1a < 1.2.3 : True
        self.assertFalse(vop.test('1a'))  # 1a < 1.2.3 : False (beware!)
            vop.test('1.2.3dev'))  # 1.2.3dev < 1.2.3 : False (beware!)
    def test_vop_test(self):
        """Test version checker"""
        vop = VersionOperator('1.2.3')
        self.assertTrue(vop.operator == vop.DEFAULT_UNDEFINED_OPERATOR)

        vop = VersionOperator('>= 1.2.3')
        self.assertTrue(vop.test('1.2.3'))  # 1.2.3 >= 1.2.3: True
        self.assertFalse(vop.test('1.2.2'))  # 1.2.2 >= 1.2.3 : False
        self.assertTrue(vop.test('1.2.4'))  # 1.2.4 >= 1.2.3 : True

        vop = VersionOperator('< 1.2.3')
        self.assertFalse(vop.test('1.2.3'))  # 1.2.3 < 1.2.3: False
        self.assertTrue(vop.test('1.2.2'))  # 1.2.2 < 1.2.3 : True
        self.assertFalse(vop.test('1.2.4'))  # 1.2.4 < 1.2.3 : False

        self.assertFalse(vop.test('2a'))  # 2a < 1.2.3 : False
        self.assertTrue(vop.test('1.1a'))  # 1.1a < 1.2.3 : True
        self.assertFalse(vop.test('1a'))  # 1a < 1.2.3 : False (beware!)
        self.assertFalse(vop.test('1.2.3dev'))  # 1.2.3dev < 1.2.3 : False (beware!)
Beispiel #14
    def test_boolean(self):
        """Test boolean test"""
        self.assertTrue(VersionOperator('>= 123'))
