Beispiel #1
    def caract_ocr(imagem, boxs):

        imagem = Image.fromarray(im)

        id_caracteres = []

        for i in range(len(boxs)):
            etiqueta = imagem.crop(
                (boxs[i][0], boxs[i][1], (boxs[i][0] + boxs[i][2]),
                 (boxs[i][1] + boxs[i][3])))

            etiqueta_w, etiqueta_h = etiqueta.size
            #0.60 e 0.70 da largura e altura da imagem sao baseados na posição relativa estimada das letras alvo.
            letras = etiqueta.crop(
                (etiqueta_w * 0.60, etiqueta_h * 0.70, etiqueta_w, etiqueta_h))

            letras = np.array(letras)
            reader = Reader(['en'])
            results = reader.readtext(letras)

            #letters =

            if len(results) != 0:


        return id_caracteres
Beispiel #2
def ocr_image(image_path, langs='en', gpu=-1):
    # break the input languages into a comma separated list
    langs = langs.split(",")
    print("[INFO] OCR'ing with the following languages: {}".format(langs))
    # load the input image from disk
    image = cv2.imread(image_path)
    # OCR the input image using EasyOCR
    print("[INFO] OCR'ing input image...")
    reader = Reader(langs, gpu=gpu > 0)
    results = reader.readtext(image)

    all_text = ''
    # loop over the results
    for (bbox, text, prob) in results:
        # display the OCR'd text and associated probability
        print("[INFO] {:.4f}: {}".format(prob, text))
        # unpack the bounding box
        (tl, tr, br, bl) = bbox
        tl = (int(tl[0]), int(tl[1]))
        tr = (int(tr[0]), int(tr[1]))
        br = (int(br[0]), int(br[1]))
        bl = (int(bl[0]), int(bl[1]))
        # cleanup the text and draw the box surrounding the text along
        # with the OCR'd text itself
        text = cleanup_text(text)
        cv2.rectangle(image, tl, br, (0, 255, 0), 2)
        cv2.putText(image, text, (tl[0], tl[1] - 10),
                    cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.8, (0, 255, 0), 2)
        all_text += ' ' + text

    # resize image for UI purpose
    h, w, _ = image.shape

    # image = cv2.resize(image, (700, 700))
    return image, all_text
Beispiel #3
def upload_image():
    file = request.files['file']
    if not file:
        return {'error': 'Missing file'}, 400
    now =
    filename = now.strftime("%Y%m%d_%H%M%S") + "_" + str(randint(000, 999)), secure_filename(filename + '.jpg')))
    images = cv2.imread(uploads_dir + '/' + filename + '.jpg')
    reader = Reader(['en'])
    results = reader.readtext(images)
    text_array = []
    confidence_level = []
    for result in results:
    response = {
        'text': text_array, 
        'confidence': confidence_level, 

    return jsonify({"data": response}), 200
Beispiel #4
def get_text_areas(pixels):
    Easy OCR function. Gets an image at the path below and returns the 
    text of the picture. 
    reader = Reader(['fr'], gpu=False, verbose=False)
    ocr_data = reader.readtext(pixels)
    # ocr data[0][2] is the level of confidence of the result
    # If the result is near 0, it is very likely that there is no text
        if ocr_data[0][2] > 0.3:
            return ocr_data
    except Exception:
        return []
Beispiel #5
                help="whether or not GPU should be used")
args = vars(ap.parse_args())

# break the input languages into a comma separated list
langs = args["langs"].split(",")
print("[INFO] OCR'ing with the following languages: {}".format(langs))

image = cv2.imread(args["image"])

print("[INFO] OCR'ing input image...")
reader = Reader(langs, gpu=args["gpu"] > 0)
results = reader.readtext(image)

for (bbox, text, prob) in results:
    # display the OCR'd text and associated probability
    print("[INFO] {:.4f}: {}".format(prob, text))

    # unpack the bounding box
    (tl, tr, br, bl) = bbox
    tl = (int(tl[0]), int(tl[1]))
    tr = (int(tr[0]), int(tr[1]))
    br = (int(br[0]), int(br[1]))
    bl = (int(bl[0]), int(bl[1]))

    # cleanup the text and draw the box surrounding the text along
    # with the OCR'd text itself
    text = cleanup_text(text)