def move_based_local_ned(self, vel_x, vel_y, vel_z, duration_ms=500): Logger.PrintLog( self.LOG_INFO, "move_based_local_ned() - Moving based on NED. X:{} m/s, Y:{} m/s, Z:{} m/s." .format(str(vel_x), str(vel_y), str(vel_z))) if self._drone.telemetry().get_flight_mode() != "GUIDED": Logger.PrintLog( self.LOG_INFO, "move_based_local_ned() - Cannot move based on NED. Drone is not in GUIDED mode." ) return False start_timestamp = Time.get_current_timestamp("ms") while 1: eb_mavutil.Enum.get_method_reference( self._drone.mav(), "SET_POSITION_TARGET_LOCAL_NED")( 0, self._drone._get_target_system(), self._drone._get_target_component(), eb_mavutil.Enum.get_int_reference("MAV_FRAME_LOCAL_NED"), 0b0000111111000111, 0, 0, 0, vel_x, vel_y, vel_z, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) if duration_ms <= 0 \ or Time.get_current_timestamp("ms") - start_timestamp >= duration_ms: break return True
def impl(cls, hold): Logger.PrintLog( cls.LOG_INFO, "hold_global_position() - Handler has started. Lat:{}, Lon:{}, Alt:{}." .format(str(hold["current_pos"]["lat"]), str(hold["current_pos"]["lon"]), str(hold["current_pos"]["relative_alt"]))) start_timestamp = Time.get_current_timestamp("ms") update_counter = -1 while hold["hold"] \ and self._drone.telemetry().get_flight_mode() == "GUIDED": if hold.get("skip", False): continue if hold.get("pos_override", None) is not None: Logger.PrintLog( cls.LOG_INFO, "hold_global_position() - impl() - Position override detected. Current lat: {}, lon:{}, relative alt:{}. Overridden lat: {}, lon: {}, relative alt: {}." .format(str(hold["current_pos"]["lat"]), str(hold["current_pos"]["lon"]), str(hold["current_pos"]["relative_alt"]), str(hold["pos_override"]["lat"]), str(hold["pos_override"]["lon"]), str(hold["pos_override"]["relative_alt"]))) hold["current_pos"] = hold["pos_override"] hold["pos_override"] = None if floor((Time.get_current_timestamp("ms") - start_timestamp) / update_interval) > update_counter: COMMAND = eb_mavutil.Enum.get_int_reference( "MAV_CMD_NAV_WAYPOINT") eb_mavutil.Enum.get_method_reference( self._drone.mav(), "MISSION_ITEM")(self._drone._get_target_system(), self._drone._get_target_component(), 0, eb_mavutil.Enum.get_int_reference( "MAV_FRAME_GLOBAL_RELATIVE_ALT"), COMMAND, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, hold["current_pos"]["lat"], hold["current_pos"]["lon"], hold["current_pos"]["relative_alt"]) update_counter += 1 hold["ended"] = True Logger.PrintLog(self.LOG_INFO, "hold_global_position() - Handler has ended.")
def wait_until_value(dictionary: dict, key: str, value: any, timeout_ms: int = 10000) -> None: if timeout_ms < 0: raise ValueError("Timeout < 0.") start_timestamp = Time.get_current_timestamp("ms") while timeout_ms == 0 \ or Time.get_current_timestamp("ms") - start_timestamp <= timeout_ms: if key not in dictionary: continue if dictionary[key] == value: return raise TimeoutError
def impl(cls, hold): Logger.PrintLog( cls.LOG_INFO, "hold_local_position() - Handler has started. X:{}, Y:{}, Z:{}." .format(str(hold["current_pos"]["x"]), str(hold["current_pos"]["y"]), str(hold["current_pos"]["z"]))) start_timestamp = Time.get_current_timestamp("ms") update_counter = -1 while hold["hold"]: if hold.get("skip", False): continue if hold.get("pos_override", None) is not None: Logger.PrintLog( cls.LOG_INFO, "hold_local_position() - impl() - Position override detected. Current X: {}, Y:{}, Z:{}. Overridden X: {}, Y: {}, Z: {}." .format(str(hold["current_pos"]["x"]), str(hold["current_pos"]["y"]), str(hold["current_pos"]["z"]), str(hold["pos_override"]["x"]), str(hold["pos_override"]["y"]), str(hold["pos_override"]["z"]))) hold["current_pos"] = hold["pos_override"] hold["pos_override"] = None if floor((Time.get_current_timestamp("ms") - start_timestamp) / update_interval) > update_counter: COMMAND = eb_mavutil.Enum.get_int_reference( "MAV_CMD_NAV_WAYPOINT") eb_mavutil.Enum.get_method_reference( self._drone.mav(), "MISSION_ITEM")(self._drone._get_target_system(), self._drone._get_target_component(), 0, eb_mavutil.Enum.get_int_reference( "MAV_FRAME_LOCAL_NED"), COMMAND, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, hold["current_pos"]["x"], hold["current_pos"]["y"], hold["current_pos"]["z"]) update_counter += 1 hold["ended"] = True Logger.PrintLog(self.LOG_INFO, "hold_local_position() - Handler has ended.")
def _thread_handler(cls) -> None: while cls._status: LOG_INFO = " - _thread_handler()" try: gps_data = cls._serial.read_until( GY_NEO6MV2.LINE_END).decode("ascii") data_split = gps_data.split(",") if "$GPGGA" != data_split[0]: continue cls._last_data = { "timestamp": Time.get_current_timestamp("ms"), "latitude": float(data_split[2]) / 100, # Degree, north "longitude": float(data_split[4]) / 100, # Degree, east "fix": int(data_split[6]), # Fix quality "sat_count": int(data_split[7]), # Number of satellites being tracked "altitude": float(data_split[9]) # Meters, above mean sea level } except ValueError: Logger.PrintLog( LOG_INFO, "Couldn't parse gps data. Perhaps module is still initializing?" ) except Exception as ex: Logger.PrintException(LOG_INFO, ex) continue
def wait_mission_ack(self, timeout=5000): if timeout <= 0: raise ValueError("wait_mission_ack() - Timeout is <= 0.") start_timestamp = Time.get_current_timestamp("ms") while 1: if "MISSION_ACK" not in self._messages: if Time.get_current_timestamp("ms") - start_timestamp >= timeout: raise TimeoutError("wait_mission_ack() timed out.") continue result = self._messages["MISSION_ACK"]["type"] del self._messages["MISSION_ACK"] return result
def _thread_handler(cls) -> None: while cls._status: try: block_data = cls._read_block_data(0x00, 6) if block_data[0] & 0x08: pressure_raw = ((block_data[1] << 16 | block_data[2] << 8 | block_data[3]) >> 4) / 16.0 temp_raw = ((block_data[4] << 8 | block_data[5]) >> 4) / 16.0 cls._last_data["temperature"] = temp_raw if cls._next_measurement_type == 1: cls._last_data["altitude"] = pressure_raw cls._next_measurement_type = 2 cls._write_byte(MPL3115A2.REGISTER.CONTROL_1, 0x39) elif cls._next_measurement_type == 2: cls._last_data["pressure"] = pressure_raw * 16 / 4.0 / 1000.0 cls._next_measurement_type = 1 cls._write_byte(MPL3115A2.REGISTER.CONTROL_1, 0xB9) sleep(1) cls._last_data["timestamp"] = Time.get_current_timestamp("ms") except TypeError: pass sleep(1 / cls._data_rate)
def get_attitude(self): try: self._drone._attitude["last_update"] = Time.get_current_timestamp( "ms") - self._drone._attitude["timestamp"] except KeyError: pass return self._drone._attitude
def wait_cmd_ack(self, cmd, timeout=5000): if timeout <= 0: raise ValueError("wait_cmd_ack() - Timeout is <= 0.") start_timestamp = Time.get_current_timestamp("ms") while 1: if cmd not in self._messages["COMMAND_ACK"]: if Time.get_current_timestamp("ms") - start_timestamp >= timeout: raise TimeoutError("wait_cmd_ack() for command {} has timed out." .format(str(cmd))) continue result = self._messages["COMMAND_ACK"][cmd]["result"] del self._messages["COMMAND_ACK"][cmd] return result
def get_last_data(self) -> Optional[dict]: if self._last_data == {}: return { "voltage": None, "timestamp": Time.get_current_timestamp("ms") } return self._last_data
def get_global_position(self): try: self._drone._global_position[ "last_update"] = Time.get_current_timestamp( "ms") - self._drone._global_position["timestamp"] except KeyError: pass return self._drone._global_position
def get_last_data(self) -> Optional[dict]: if self._last_data == {}: return { "timestamp" : Time.get_current_timestamp("ms"), "distance" : None, "signal_strength" : None, "mode" : None } return self._last_data
def get_last_data(self) -> Optional[dict]: if self._last_data == {}: return { "pressure" : None, "altitude" : None, "temperature": None, "timestamp" : Time.get_current_timestamp("ms") } return self._last_data
def until_value(func: Callable, args: tuple, timeout: int = 0, repeat_delay_ms: Optional[int] = None, ret_val: any = True) -> None: if repeat_delay_ms is not None \ and repeat_delay_ms <= 0: raise ValueError("delay <= 0") start_time = Time.get_current_timestamp("ms") while timeout == 0 \ or Time.get_current_timestamp("ms") - start_time < timeout: if func(*args) == ret_val: return if repeat_delay_ms is not None: sleep(repeat_delay_ms / 1000) raise TimeoutError
def wait_msg(self, msg, timeout=5000): if timeout <= 0: raise ValueError("wait_msg() - Timeout is <= 0.") elif msg == "COMMAND_ACK": raise NotImplementedError start_timestamp = Time.get_current_timestamp("ms") while 1: if msg not in self._messages: if Time.get_current_timestamp("ms") - start_timestamp >= timeout: raise TimeoutError("wait_msg() for message {} has timed out." .format(str(msg))) continue msg_data = self._messages[msg] del self._messages[msg] return msg_data
def get_last_data(self) -> Optional[dict]: if self._last_data == {}: return { "timestamp": Time.get_current_timestamp("ms"), "latitude": None, "longitude": None, "fix": None, "sat_count": None, "altitude": None } return self._last_data
def _thread_handler(cls) -> None: while cls._status: voltage = cls._adc.get_last_data() if voltage is None: continue voltage = voltage[cls._channel]["voltage"] / (10**3) # V voltage = voltage * 5. / 1023. # max471 conversion cls._last_data = { "voltage": voltage, "timestamp": Time.get_current_timestamp("ms") }
def _thread_handler(cls) -> None: while cls._status: for channel in cls._channels: if channel > 3: continue try: mV = cls._adc.read_adc(channel, cls._gain) except OSError: continue if "channel" not in cls._last_data: cls._last_data["channel"] = {} cls._last_data[channel] = { "voltage": mV, "timestamp": Time.get_current_timestamp("ms") } sleep(1 / cls._data_rate)
def _thread_handler(cls) -> None: while cls._status: if cls._serial.in_waiting() >= 9: recv_data = if recv_data[:2] == b"\x59\x59": distance = (recv_data[3] << 8) | recv_data[2] signal_strength = (recv_data[5] << 8) | recv_data[4] mode = recv_data[6] checksum = recv_data[8] cls._last_data = { "timestamp" : Time.get_current_timestamp("ms"), "distance" : distance, "signal_strength" : signal_strength, "mode" : mode } cls._serial.flush_input_buffer() cls._serial.stop()
def __init__(self, base_addr : int = 0x68, data_rate : int = 10) -> None: self.LOG_INFO = "" self._addr = base_addr self._bus = None self._sensor = None self._data_rate = data_rate self._last_data = { "pressure" : None, # pascal (kPa) "altitude" : None, # meters "temperature": None, # degree C, "timestamp" : Time.get_current_timestamp("ms") } self._status = 0 self._next_measurement_type = 0 # 1- Altimeter, 2- Barometer try: self._bus = SMBus(1) except Exception as ex: Logger.PrintException(self.LOG_INFO + " - __init__()", ex) return
def get_last_data(self) -> Optional[dict]: if self._last_data == {}: return { "accel": { "raw": { "x": None, "y": None, "z": None }, "scaled": { "x": None, "y": None, "z": None } }, "gyro": { "raw": { "x": None, "y": None, "z": None }, "scaled": { "x": None, "y": None, "z": None } }, "mag": { "x": None, "y": None, "z": None }, "timestamp": Time.get_current_timestamp("ms") } return self._last_data
def get_battery(self): self._drone._battery["last_update"] = Time.get_current_timestamp( "ms") - self._drone._battery["timestamp"] return self._drone._battery
def get_throttle(self): return self._drone._throttle[0], Time.get_current_timestamp( "ms") - self._drone._throttle[1]
def get_last_heartbeat(self, ret_diff=False): if ret_diff: return Time.get_current_timestamp( "ms") - self._drone._last_heartbeat return self._drone._last_heartbeat
def get_boot_time(self): return self._drone._boot_time[0], Time.get_current_timestamp( "ms") - self._drone._boot_time[1]
def get_ground_speed(self): return self._drone._ground_speed[0], Time.get_current_timestamp( "ms") - self._drone._ground_speed[1]
def get_altitude(self): return self._drone._alt[0], Time.get_current_timestamp( "ms") - self._drone._alt[1]
def _thread_handler(cls): LOG_INFO = cls.LOG_INFO + " - _thread_handler()" Logger.PrintLog(LOG_INFO, "Mission tracker thread has started.") emergency_mode = "LAND" set_to_emergency_mode = False while cls.get_status() == 1: try: is_completed = False current_mission_index = cls.get_current_mission_index() current_mission = cls._mission_list[current_mission_index] current_flight_mode = cls._drone.telemetry().get_flight_mode() if current_flight_mode != "GUIDED" \ and (current_flight_mode != "LAND" and current_mission.get("type") != Mission.Type.LAND): Logger.PrintLog( LOG_INFO, "Flight mode has changed from GUIDED mode. Stopping. Current flight mode: {}." .format(current_flight_mode)) break if current_mission.get("status") == 0: global_pos = cls._drone.telemetry().get_global_position() current_mission.set_storage_variable( "rel_alt", global_pos["relative_alt"]) current_mission.set_storage_variable( "start_ms", Time.get_current_timestamp("ms")) current_mission.set_storage_variable("retries", 0) res = cls._execute_mission(current_mission, cls._mission_retries, cls._mission_retry_timeout) if not res: Logger.PrintLog( LOG_INFO, "_execute_mission() has failed. Stopping. Current mission index: {}." .format(str(current_mission_index))) set_to_emergency_mode = True break Logger.PrintLog( LOG_INFO, "Tracking the mission at index {}, type {}.".format( str(current_mission_index), Mission.Type.get_str(current_mission.get("type")))) cls._mission_list[current_mission_index].set("status", 1) # .\mission command execution if current_mission.get("type") == Mission.Type.TAKEOFF: Logger.PrintLog(LOG_INFO, "Tracking TAKEOFF mission status.") desired_alt = current_mission.get("alt") threshold = 0.5 if cls._drone.control().is_reached_to_relative_alt( desired_alt, threshold): is_completed = True elif current_mission.get("type") == Mission.Type.LAND: Logger.PrintLog(LOG_INFO, "Tracking LAND mission status.") threshold = 0.5 if cls._drone.control().is_reached_to_relative_alt( 0, threshold): is_completed = True elif current_mission.get("type") == Mission.Type.WAYPOINT: Logger.PrintLog(LOG_INFO, "Tracking WAYPOINT mission status.") dest_pos = { "lat": current_mission.get("lat"), "lon": current_mission.get("lon") } desired_alt = current_mission.get("alt") threshold = 0.15 # /!\ Toggle below line if odd behaviours observed on drone. cls._execute_mission(current_mission, cls._mission_retries, cls._mission_retry_timeout) if cls._drone.control().is_reached_to_global_position( dest_pos["lat"], dest_pos["lon"], desired_alt, threshold, cls._wp_radius): is_completed = True elif current_mission.get("type") == Mission.Type.HOME_POINT: is_completed = True # .\mission controls if not is_completed: # not used currently current_mission.set_storage_variable( "retries", current_mission.get_storage_variable("retries") + 1) else: Logger.PrintLog( LOG_INFO, "Mission at index {}, type {} has completed.".format( str(cls.get_current_mission_index()), Mission.Type.get_str(current_mission.get("type")))) script = current_mission.get("script") if script != "": script = script + ".py" script_path = cls._scripts_dir + script if os.path.isfile(script_path): with open(script_path, "r") as f: Logger.PrintLog( LOG_INFO, "Executing script {}.".format(script)) cls._current_running_script = script exec_return = {} hold_pos = {"hold": True} cls._drone.action().hold_global_position( hold_pos, cls._pos_update_interval) try: exec( compile(, script, "exec"), { "drone": cls._drone, "control": { "position": { "hold": hold_pos } } }, exec_return) except Exception as ex: Logger.PrintLog( LOG_INFO, "An exception occured while running {}. Exception: {} - {}. Proceeding to next mission if there is." .format(script, type(ex).__name__, str(ex))) Logger.PrintLog( LOG_INFO, "Script executed. Returned data: {}". format( str(exec_return.get("return_val", {})))) hold_pos["hold"] = False Method.Dict.wait_until_value( hold_pos, "ended", True) else: Logger.PrintLog( LOG_INFO, "Cannot find script {} in scripts path ({}). Skipping." .format(script, cls._scripts_dir)) cls._current_running_script = "" cls._mission_list[current_mission_index].set("status", 2) if current_mission_index != cls.get_mission_count() - 1: cls._current_mission_index += 1 else: Logger.PrintLog( LOG_INFO, "All missions are successfully finished.") if cls._mission_list[-1].get( "type") != Mission.Type.LAND: set_to_emergency_mode = True break if current_mission.get("delay") != 0: Logger.PrintLog( LOG_INFO, "Delaying the next mission for {} seconds.".format( current_mission.get("delay"))) hold_pos = {"hold": True} cls._drone.action().hold_global_position( hold_pos, cls._pos_update_interval) delay_timestamp = Time.get_current_timestamp("ms") while 1: time_diff = Time.get_current_timestamp( "ms") - delay_timestamp if time_diff >= current_mission.get( "delay") * 1000: break Logger.PrintLog(LOG_INFO, "Delay has ended.") hold_pos["hold"] = False Method.Dict.wait_until_value(hold_pos, "ended", True) continue # .\is mission completed check sleep(1 / cls._control_rate) except Exception as ex: Logger.PrintException(LOG_INFO, ex) set_to_emergency_mode = True break # .\while if cls.get_status() == 2: Logger.PrintLog( LOG_INFO, "Mission at index {} is paused.".format( str(cls.get_current_mission_index()))) cls._mission_list[cls.get_current_mission_index()].set("status", 0) cls._mission_list[cls.get_current_mission_index()].set( "is_uploaded", 0) if cls.get_status() != 2: cls._status = 0 if set_to_emergency_mode: Logger.PrintLog( LOG_INFO, "!!! EMERGENCY SITUATION DETECTED !!! Setting flight mode to {}." .format(emergency_mode)) cls._drone.action().set_flight_mode(emergency_mode) Logger.PrintLog(LOG_INFO, "Mission tracker thread has ended.")
def get_climb_rate(self): return self._drone._climb_rate[0], Time.get_current_timestamp( "ms") - self._drone._climb_rate[1]
def get_heading(self): return self._drone._heading[0], Time.get_current_timestamp( "ms") - self._drone._heading[1]