def main_python(): Grade = {'specs': 0, 'style': 0, 'elegance': 0, 'efficiency': 0} the_program = ec602lib.read_file(PD['fname']) authors = ec602lib.get_authors(the_program, testing) imported = ec602lib.get_python_imports(the_program) #run the specification tests test_results = [] for spec_test in [wordplayerTestCase, wordplayerBigTestCase]: results = unittest.result.TestResult() unittest.loader.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(spec_test).run( results) test_results.append(results.wasSuccessful()) if test_results != [True, True]: print('Initial spec tests failed. Running unittest.') unittest.main() pep8_errors, pep8_report = ec602lib.pep8_check(PD['fname']) #pylint_score,pylint_report = ec602lib.pylint_check(PD['fname']) pylint_score, pylint_report = 10, "" code_metrics = ec602lib.code_analysis_py(the_program) complexity = code_metrics['lines'] + code_metrics[ 'words'] + 20 * code_metrics['words'] / code_metrics['lines'] rel_times = test_speed() eff_grade = 0 for ratio, scale in zip(rel_times, [0.5, 0.2, 0.1, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05]): eff_grade += scale / ratio Grade['specs'] = 3 Grade['style'] = max(0, (10 - pep8_errors) / 20) + pylint_score / 20 Grade['elegance'] = min(1, 00 / complexity) Grade['efficiency'] = eff_grade print('Checking {} for EC602 submission.\n'.format(PD['original'])) print('---- analysis of your code structure ----\n') print('authors : {}'.format( " ".join(authors) if authors else ec602lib.AUTHWARN)) print('imported modules : {}'.format(" ".join(imported))) print(ec602lib.code_size_report(code_metrics, {'lines': 49, 'words': 159})) print('pep8 check : {} problems.'.format(pep8_errors)) if pep8_errors: print('pep8 report') print(pep8_report) print('pylint score : {}/10'.format(pylint_score)) print() print('---- grading ----\n') print('grades :', Grade) print('grade total : {} / 6'.format(sum(Grade[x] for x in Grade)))
def main(): fh = StringIO() print('Checking {} for EC602 submission.\n'.format(original_name), file=fh) Grade = {} s1 = time.time() the_program = ec602lib.read_file(sourcecode) authors = ec602lib.get_authors(the_program, 'py') imported = ec602lib.get_python_imports(the_program)'init %f', time.time() - s1) if 'from os import listdir' not in the_program or the_program.count( ' os') > 1: print('Please import os as specified.', file=fh) return Grade, fh.getvalue() s1 = time.time() errors, passed, gradesummary = ec602lib.check_program( duplicate_spec_TestCase) check_time = time.time() - s1'df time %f', check_time) your_time = check_time * faster_than_server if False: return Grade, fh.getvalue() s1 = time.time() pep8_errors, pep8_report = ec602lib.pep8_check(sourcecode)'pep8 %f', time.time() - s1) s1 = time.time() pylint_score, pylint_report = ec602lib.pylint_check(sourcecode)'pylint %f', time.time() - s1) s1 = time.time() code_metrics = ec602lib.code_analysis_py(the_program)'analysis %f', time.time() - s1) complexity = code_metrics['words'] print('---- program check ----\n', file=fh) if errors: Grade['specs'] = 0 print('Grades for passed test cases:', file=fh) for case in Tests: points = Tests[case] if 'CASE: {}'.format( case) not in errors[0] else 0 Grade['specs'] += points print("{:<6}".format(case), "{}/{} points".format(points, Tests[case]), file=fh)
def main_python(program_to_run, original_name, faster_than_server, save=False): fh = StringIO() if save else sys.stdout Grade = {'specs': 0, 'style': 0, 'elegance': 0, 'efficiency': 0} print('Checking {} for EC602 submission.\n'.format(original_name), file=fh) s1 = time.time() the_program = ec602lib.read_file(program_to_run) authors = ec602lib.get_authors(the_program, 'py') imported = ec602lib.get_python_imports(the_program) # include tests if 'sys' not in imported: print('you will need to import sys for this assignment.', file=fh) return #Grade,fh.getvalue() else: if the_program.count('sys') > 1 or the_program.count( 'from sys import argv') != 1: print( 'you must import sys once using "from sys import argv". Please correct', file=fh) return #Grade,fh.getvalue()'py init %f', time.time() - s1) # specification tests all_passed = True for test_suite in [tests_one, tests_two, tests_partial]: s1 = time.time() passed, report = wordbrainsolver_tester(program_to_run, test_suite) if not passed: print(report, file=fh) all_passed = False'%s %f', test_suite['name'], time.time() - s1) if not all_passed: print('') if save: return Grade, fh.getvalue() return print('Specification test results', file=fh) print('==========================', file=fh) print(' all specification tests passed.', file=fh) print( '\n...running pep8 and pylint. goal is 0 pep8 problems and pylint >9.5', file=fh) s1 = time.time() pep8_errors, pep8_report = ec602lib.pep8_check(program_to_run)'pep8 %f', time.time() - s1) s1 = time.time() pylint_score, pylint_report = ec602lib.pylint_check(program_to_run)'pylint %f', time.time() - s1) s1 = time.time() code_metrics = ec602lib.code_analysis_py(the_program)'analysis %f', time.time() - s1) s1 = time.time() rel_times = test_speed(program_to_run, faster_than_server, fh)'speed %f', time.time() - s1) if rel_times: avg_log_yourtime_over_target = sum(rel_times) / len(rel_times) # 0.3 means twice as slow, 1 means 10x as slow. Grade['efficiency'] = max(0, 3.6 - 2 * avg_log_yourtime_over_target) print(efficiency_message.format(\ score_vec=", ".join('{:.2f}'.format(x) for x in rel_times), eff_grade=Grade['efficiency'])) else: Grade['efficiency'] = 0 Grade['specs'] = 4.0 Grade['style'] = max(0, (10 - pep8_errors) / 20) + min( 0.5, (0.5 + pylint_score) / 20) Grade['elegance'] = 2.0 * min(1.0, 550 / code_metrics['words']) print('---- analysis of your code structure ----\n', file=fh) print('authors : {}'.format( " ".join(authors) if authors else ec602lib.AUTHWARN), file=fh) print('imported modules : {}'.format(" ".join(imported)), file=fh) print(ec602lib.code_size_report(code_metrics, { 'lines': 150, 'words': 521 }), file=fh) print('pep8 check : {} problems.'.format(pep8_errors), file=fh) if pep8_errors: print('pep8 report', file=fh) print(pep8_report, file=fh) print('pylint score : {}/10'.format(pylint_score), file=fh) print(file=fh) print('---- grading ----\n', file=fh) print('grades :', Grade, file=fh) print('grade total : {:.2f} / 10'.format(sum(Grade[x] for x in Grade)), file=fh) if save: res = fh.getvalue() return Grade, res
def main_python(program_to_run,original_name,faster_than_server,save=False): fh = StringIO() if save else sys.stdout print('Checking {} for EC602 submission.\n'.format(original_name),file=fh) Grade={'specs':0,'style':0,'elegance':0,'efficiency':0} the_program = ec602lib.read_file(program_to_run) authors = ec602lib.get_authors(the_program, 'py') imported = ec602lib.get_python_imports(the_program) passed_short, short_report = wordplayer_tester(program_to_run,'short_wordlist.txt',Tests_Short) if not passed_short: print(short_report,file=fh) passed_big, big_report = wordplayer_tester(program_to_run,'big_wordlist.txt',Tests_Big) if not passed_big: print(big_report,file=fh) if not passed_big or not passed_short: if save: return Grade,fh.getvalue() return pep8_errors,pep8_report = ec602lib.pep8_check(program_to_run) pylint_score,pylint_report = ec602lib.pylint_check(program_to_run) code_metrics = ec602lib.code_analysis_py(the_program) complexity = code_metrics['lines']+code_metrics['words'] + 20*code_metrics['words']/code_metrics['lines'] rel_times = test_speed(program_to_run,faster_than_server,fh) eff_grade = 0 for ratio,scale in zip(rel_times,[0.5,0.2,0.1,0.05,0.05,0.05,0.05]): eff_grade += scale / ratio Grade['specs']=3 Grade['style']=max(0,(10-pep8_errors)/20) + pylint_score/20 Grade['elegance'] = min(1.5,300/complexity) # 0.5 bonus point possible Grade['efficiency'] = min(2.0,eff_grade) # 1.0 bonus point possible print('---- analysis of your code structure ----\n',file=fh) print('authors : {}'.format(" ".join(authors) if authors else ec602lib.AUTHWARN),file=fh) print('imported modules : {}'.format(" ".join(imported)),file=fh) print(ec602lib.code_size_report(code_metrics, {'lines': 49, 'words': 159}),file=fh) print('pep8 check : {} problems.'.format(pep8_errors),file=fh) if pep8_errors: print('pep8 report',file=fh) print(pep8_report,file=fh) print('pylint score : {}/10'.format(pylint_score),file=fh) print(file=fh) print('---- grading ----\n',file=fh) print('grades :',Grade,file=fh) print('grade total : {:.2f} / 6'.format(sum(Grade[x] for x in Grade)),file=fh) if save: res = fh.getvalue() return Grade, res