def PointCloudCall(self,data): # 20 Hz As this function has highest frequency, good for update pointCloud_ = PointCloud2() pointCloud_ = data self.graphslam_PointCloud_pub.publish(pointCloud_) # for Graph slam self.nlosExclusionF_ = puNlosExclusion.nlosExclusion(self.calAngNNLOS) self.nlosExclusionF_.nlosExclusion_(self.posArr, self.GNSS_, 'statManu', self.excluSatLis) # statManu self.puGNSSPosCalF_prop = puGNSSPosCal.GNSSPosCal() if((len(self.GNSSNRAWlosDel.GNSS_Raws) > 1) and (self.GNSSNRAWlosDel.GNSS_Raws[-1].GNSS_time != self.GNSSNRAWlosDelTimeFlag)): # only if there is a change, there will conduct the calculation # print 'self.GNSSNRAWlosDel',len(self.GNSSNRAWlosDel.GNSS_Raws) self.puGNSSPosCalF_prop.iterPosCal(self.GNSSNRAWlosDel, 'WLSGNSS') self.GNSSNRAWlosDelTimeFlag = self.GNSSNRAWlosDel.GNSS_Raws[-1].GNSS_time navfix_ = NavSatFix() llh_ = [] llh_ = ecef2llh.xyz2llh(self.puGNSSPosCalF_prop.ecef_) navfix_.header.stamp.secs = self.GNSSNRAWlosDel.GNSS_Raws[-1].GNSS_time navfix_.latitude = float(llh_[0]) navfix_.longitude = float(llh_[1]) navfix_.altitude = float(llh_[2]) self.propGNSS_Navfix_pub.publish(navfix_) # for Graph slam graphNavfix_ = NavSatFix() graphNavfix_ = navfix_ graphNavfix_.header = pointCloud_.header self.graphslam_Navfix_pub.publish(graphNavfix_) # for Graph slam geopoint = GeoPointStamped() geopoint.header = graphNavfix_.header geopoint.position.latitude = float(llh_[0]) geopoint.position.longitude = float(llh_[1]) geopoint.position.altitude = float(llh_[2]) self.graphslam_GeoPoint_pub.publish(geopoint)
def iterPosCal(self, GNSS_one_epoch_, calMode): iterations = 0 itera_x = 0 itera_y = 0 itera_z = 0 self.calMode = calMode self.getSatNum(GNSS_one_epoch_) # get satellites numbers if (self.calMode == 'LSGNSS') and (self.GPSNum >= 4) and (self.BeiNum > 1): itera_x, itera_y, itera_z, itera_b_GPS, itera_b_Beidou, itera_bias_ = self.LSGNSSPosCalStep( GNSS_one_epoch_, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1.0, 1.0) # first iteration from (0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1.0) self.iterations_ = self.iterations_ + 1 while ( itera_bias_ > 1e-4 ) and iterations < 10: # threshold for iterations:value and times itera_x, itera_y, itera_z, itera_b_GPS, itera_b_Beidou, itera_bias_ = self.LSGNSSPosCalStep( GNSS_one_epoch_, itera_x, itera_y, itera_z, itera_b_GPS, itera_b_Beidou) # iteration self.iterations_ = self.iterations_ + 1 iterations = iterations + 1 # add one iteration elif (self.calMode == 'LSGPS') and (self.GPSNum >= 4): itera_x, itera_y, itera_z, itera_b, itera_bias_ = self.LSGPSPosCalStep( GNSS_one_epoch_, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1.0) # first iteration from (0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1.0) self.iterations_ = self.iterations_ + 1 while ( itera_bias_ > 1e-4 ) and iterations < 10: # threshold for iterations:value and times itera_x, itera_y, itera_z, itera_b, itera_bias_ = self.LSGPSPosCalStep( GNSS_one_epoch_, itera_x, itera_y, itera_z, itera_b) self.iterations_ = self.iterations_ + 1 iterations = iterations + 1 # add one iteration elif (self.calMode == 'WLSGNSS') and (self.GPSNum >= 4) and (self.BeiNum > 1): itera_x, itera_y, itera_z, itera_b_GPS, itera_b_Beidou, itera_bias_ = self.WLSGNSSPosCalStep( GNSS_one_epoch_, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1.0, 1.0) # first iteration from (0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1.0) self.iterations_ = self.iterations_ + 1 while ( itera_bias_ > 1e-4 ) and iterations < 10: # threshold for iterations:value and times itera_x, itera_y, itera_z, itera_b_GPS, itera_b_Beidou, itera_bias_ = self.WLSGNSSPosCalStep( GNSS_one_epoch_, itera_x, itera_y, itera_z, itera_b_GPS, itera_b_Beidou) # iteration self.iterations_ = self.iterations_ + 1 iterations = iterations + 1 # add one iteration print 'itera_b_GPS', itera_b_GPS, 'itera_b_Beidou-----------------------------------------', itera_b_Beidou self.ecef_.append(float(itera_x)) self.ecef_.append(float(itera_y)) self.ecef_.append(float(itera_z)) self.pseudoResCal(GNSS_one_epoch_) self.PosError() self.llh_ = ecef2llh.xyz2llh(self.ecef_) # ecef to llh coordinates iterations = 0.0 # initialize iterations variable
def CallGNSS_(self, data): # GNSS data # 1Hz self.GNSS_ = data self.puGNSSPosCalF_ = puGNSSPosCal.GNSSPosCal() self.puGNSSPosCalF_.iterPosCal(self.GNSS_, 'WLSGNSS') navfix_ = NavSatFix() llh_ = [] llh_ = ecef2llh.xyz2llh(self.puGNSSPosCalF_.ecef_) navfix_.header.stamp.secs = self.GNSS_.GNSS_Raws[-1].GNSS_time navfix_.latitude = float(llh_[0]) navfix_.longitude = float(llh_[1]) navfix_.altitude = float(llh_[2]) self.GNSS_Navfix_pub.publish(navfix_) # print 'ecef',self.puGNSSPosCalF_.ecef_,'llh',llh_
def PointCloudCall( self, data ): # 20 Hz As this function has highest frequency, good for update self.pointCloud_ = PointCloud2() self.pointCloud_ = data # self.graphslam_PointCloud_pub.publish(self.pointCloud_) # for Graph slam self.nlosExclusionF_ = puNlosExclusion.nlosExclusion(self.calAngNNLOS) self.nlosExclusionF_.nlosExclusion_(self.posArr, self.GNSS_, 'statManu_ExclusionOpenLoop', self.excluSatLis) # statManu self.puGNSSPosCalF_prop = puGNSSPosCal.GNSSPosCal() if ((len(self.GNSSNRAWlosDel.GNSS_Raws) > 1) and (self.GNSSNRAWlosDel.GNSS_Raws[-1].GNSS_time != self.GNSSNRAWlosDelTimeFlag) ): # only if there is a change, there will conduct the calculation # print 'self.GNSSNRAWlosDel',len(self.GNSSNRAWlosDel.GNSS_Raws) self.puGNSSPosCalF_prop.iterPosCal(self.GNSSNRAWlosDel, 'WLSGNSS') self.GNSSNRAWlosDelTimeFlag = self.GNSSNRAWlosDel.GNSS_Raws[ -1].GNSS_time navfix_ = NavSatFix() llh_ = [] llh_ = ecef2llh.xyz2llh(self.puGNSSPosCalF_prop.ecef_) navfix_.header.stamp.secs = self.GNSSNRAWlosDel.GNSS_Raws[ -1].GNSS_time navfix_.latitude = float(llh_[0]) navfix_.longitude = float(llh_[1]) navfix_.altitude = float(llh_[2]) self.propGNSS_Navfix_pub.publish(navfix_) # for Graph slam graphNavfix_ = NavSatFix() graphNavfix_ = navfix_ graphNavfix_.header = self.pointCloud_.header self.graphslam_Navfix_pub.publish(graphNavfix_) # for Graph slam geopoint = GeoPointStamped() geopoint.header = graphNavfix_.header # calculate the ENU coordiantes initialLLH enu_ = pugeomath.transformEcefToEnu(self.initialLLH, self.puGNSSPosCalF_prop.ecef_) print 'enu_ ->: ', enu_ geopoint.position.latitude = float(enu_[0]) geopoint.position.longitude = float(enu_[1]) # geopoint.position.altitude = float(llh_[2]) # use this to save the covariance in altitude component geopoint.position.altitude = self.GNSSNRAWlosDel.GNSS_Raws[ -1].snr * self.HDOPProp # save the covariance self.graphslam_GeoPoint_pub.publish(geopoint)
def PointCloudCall(self,data): # 20 Hz As this function has highest frequency, good for update pointCloud_ = PointCloud2() pointCloud_ = data self.nlosExclusionF_ = puNlosExclusion.nlosExclusion(self.calAngNNLOS) self.nlosExclusionF_.nlosExclusion_(self.posArr, self.GNSS_, 'statAuto', self.excluSatLis) self.puGNSSPosCalF_prop = puGNSSPosCal.GNSSPosCal() if(len(self.GNSSNRAWlosDel.GNSS_Raws) > 1): # print 'self.GNSSNRAWlosDel',len(self.GNSSNRAWlosDel.GNSS_Raws) self.puGNSSPosCalF_prop.iterPosCal(self.GNSSNRAWlosDel, 'WLSGNSS') navfix_ = NavSatFix() llh_ = [] llh_ = ecef2llh.xyz2llh(self.puGNSSPosCalF_prop.ecef_) navfix_.header.stamp.secs = self.GNSSNRAWlosDel.GNSS_Raws[-1].GNSS_time navfix_.latitude = float(llh_[0]) navfix_.longitude = float(llh_[1]) navfix_.altitude = float(llh_[2]) self.propGNSS_Navfix_pub.publish(navfix_)
def standardGT2kml(self): print 'begin read standard data' self.Fcsv_GNSS = csv.reader( open('/home/wws/map_trajectory.csv', 'r')) # read csv context to csv_reader variable for rowCsv in self.Fcsv_GNSS: # self.lat_.append(float(rowCsv[1])) # self.lon_.append(float(rowCsv[2])) east = rowCsv[1] north = rowCsv[2] up = rowCsv[3] prex_ = float(east) prey_ = float(north) origin_azimuth = 348.747632943 + 180 - 1.35 # 1.5 theta = -1 * (origin_azimuth - 90) * (3.141592 / 180.0) # east = (prex_ * cos(theta) - prey_ * sin(theta)) - 1.3 # north = (prex_ * sin(theta) + prey_ * cos(theta)) + 1.3 east = (prex_ * cos(theta) - prey_ * sin(theta)) + 1.6 # best suit for data in moko east north = (prex_ * sin(theta) + prey_ * cos(theta)) + 1.3 # best suit moko east self.ENU = [] self.ENU.append(east) self.ENU.append(north) self.ENU.append(up) self.ecef = enu2ecef.enu2ecef(self.oriLLH, self.ENU) print 'self.ENU-> ', self.ENU, '\n' print 'self.ecef-> ', self.ecef, '\n' self.llh_cal = [] self.llh_cal = ecef2llh.xyz2llh(self.ecef) self.lat_.append(float(self.llh_cal[0])) self.lon_.append(float(self.llh_cal[1])) print 'self.llh_cal-> ', self.llh_cal, '\n' print 'finish tranversal standard data', len(self.lat_)
def csv2topic(): # In ROS, nodes are uniquely named. If two nodes with the same # node are launched, the previous one is kicked off. The # anonymous=True flag means that rospy will choose a unique # name for our 'listener' node so that multiple listeners can # run simultaneously. rospy.init_node('csv2topic', anonymous=True) #initialize node with specific node name GNSS_Raw_pub = rospy.Publisher( 'GNSS_RAW', GNSS_Raw_Array, queue_size=10) #customerized GNSS raw data ros message Navsatfix_pub = rospy.Publisher( 'navsatfix_llh', NavSatFix, queue_size=10) #standard GNSSs meaasge with lat and longt rospy.Subscriber('GNSS_exclued_data', GNSS_Raw_Array, callback_GNSS_data_after_NLOS_exclusion) rospy.Subscriber('Satellite_Info', Satellite_Info, callback_Satellite_NLOS_exclusion) GNSS_Raw_Array_1 = GNSS_Raw_Array( ) #create an variable in GNSS_Raw_Array format GNSS_options = 1 # 0-GPS only 1-hybrid GNSS (GPS+Beidou) sate_index_range = 330 # GPS only (sate_index_range=33) Hybrid GNSS positioning (sate_index_range=330) line_index = 0 # variable represents line index in csv file gnss_time = 0 # GNSS time contained in csv file for each epoch (epoch: each time point) previous_gnss_time = 0.0 # previous GNSS time contained in csv file for each epoch (epoch: each time point) previoustime = time.time() #initialize variable currenttime = time.time() #initialize variable plot_time = 0.0 #get data from .csv file--------------------begin---------------------------- for row_csv in csv_reader: #index all rows in csv file plt.figure(1) # create figure 1 ax1 = plt.subplot(3, 1, 1) ax2 = plt.subplot(3, 1, 2) ax3 = plt.subplot(3, 1, 3) gnss_time = row_csv[0] #get first data in each row (GNSS time exactly) GNSS_Raw_1 = GNSS_Raw( ) # create customerized variable in GNSS_Raw format (element for GNSS_Raw_Array) NavSatFix_llh = NavSatFix( ) # creat standard variable in NavSatFix format # print '--------------begin one row----------' # print row_csv[12],len(row_csv),type(row_csv) # data_test=float(row_csv[3]) GNSS_Raw_1.GNSS_time = float( row_csv[0]) # GNSS time contained in csv file GNSS_Raw_1.total_sv = float( row_csv[1] ) # total sitellites in one epoch (epoch: each time point) GNSS_Raw_1.prn_satellites_index = float( row_csv[2] ) # satellite index in this epoch (epoch: each time point) GNSS_Raw_1.pseudorange = float(row_csv[3]) - float(row_csv[7]) - float( row_csv[8]) + float(row_csv[9]) # pseudorange measurement GNSS_Raw_1.snr = float( row_csv[4]) # signal noise ratio for this satellite GNSS_Raw_1.elevation = float( row_csv[5]) # elevation for this satellite and receiver GNSS_Raw_1.azimuth = float(row_csv[6]) # azimuth for this satellite GNSS_Raw_1.err_tropo = float(row_csv[7]) # troposphere error in meters GNSS_Raw_1.err_iono = float(row_csv[8]) # ionophere error in meters GNSS_Raw_1.sat_clk_err = float( row_csv[9]) # satellite clock bias caused error GNSS_Raw_1.sat_pos_x = float( row_csv[10]) # satellite positioning in x direction GNSS_Raw_1.sat_pos_y = float( row_csv[11]) # satellite positioning in y direction GNSS_Raw_1.sat_pos_z = float( row_csv[12]) # satellite positioning in Z direction GNSS_Raw_1.visable = 0 # satellite visability juded by NLOS exclusion if ((previous_gnss_time == gnss_time) or (line_index == 0)): # differentiate each epoch if ( GNSS_Raw_1.prn_satellites_index < sate_index_range ): ## GPS only (sate_index_range=33) Hybrid GNSS positioning (sate_index_range=330) GNSS_Raw_Array_1.GNSS_Raws.append( GNSS_Raw_1) #save data for each epoch else: GNSS_Raw_Array_1.header.frame_id = 'GNSS_Raw_' # set frame_id # for del_index in range(len(GNSS_Raw_Array_1.GNSS_Raws)): # index all the satellites' visability in one epoch # if (del_index >= len(GNSS_Raw_Array_1.GNSS_Raws)): # break # if (GNSS_Raw_Array_1.GNSS_Raws[del_index].elevation <= 20): # if satellite is low elevation satellite, delete this satellite # del GNSS_Raw_Array_1.GNSS_Raws[del_index] # delete the low elevation satellites GNSS_Raw_pub.publish( GNSS_Raw_Array_1 ) # publish GNSS_Raw_Array topic after one epoch plot_time = plot_time + 1 plot_RawHdop.append(float( DopCalculation(GNSS_Raw_Array_1))) # calculate dop matrix plot_RawHdopTim.append(float(GNSS_Raw_1.GNSS_time)) GPS_satellite_number = [] Beidou_satellite_number = [] GPS_satellite_number, Beidou_satellite_number = get_GPS_Beidou_satellite_numbers( GNSS_Raw_Array_1) plot_Total_sate.append( len(GPS_satellite_number) + len(Beidou_satellite_number)) # save the Total satellites plot_Beidou_sate.append( len(Beidou_satellite_number)) # save the Beidou satellites plot_GPS_sate.append( len(GPS_satellite_number)) # save the GPS satellites plot_Total_sate_Tim.append(float( GNSS_Raw_1.GNSS_time)) # save the tinme for total satellites print ' one epoch...... ', 'BeiN', len( GPS_satellite_number), 'GPSN', len( Beidou_satellite_number ) # indicates one epoch (epoch: each time point) iterations = 0.0 # initialize iterations times itera_x = 0.0 # initialize receiver's position x itera_y = 0.0 # initialize receiver's position y itera_z = 0.0 # initialize receiver's position z itera_b = 0.0 # initialize receiver's clock bias error of GPS only positioning in meters itera_bias_ = 0.0 # initialize total bias of GPS only positioning in each iteration itera_b_GPS = 0.0 # initialize receiver's clock bias error of GPS in Hybrid GNSS positioning in meters itera_b_Beidou = 0.0 # initialize receiver's clock bias error of Beidou in Hybrid GNSS positioning in meters if (len(GNSS_Raw_Array_1.GNSS_Raws) > 3) and ( GNSS_options == 0 ): #at least four satellites for least square calculation with GPS only itera_x, itera_y, itera_z, itera_b, itera_bias_ = weighted_lesat_square_GNSS_positioning( GNSS_Raw_Array_1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1.0) # first iteration from (0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1.0) while ( itera_bias_ > 1e-4 ) and iterations < 10: #threshold for iterations:value and times itera_x, itera_y, itera_z, itera_b, itera_bias_ = weighted_lesat_square_GNSS_positioning( GNSS_Raw_Array_1, itera_x, itera_y, itera_z, itera_b) # iteration iterations = iterations + 1 # add one iteration if (len(GNSS_Raw_Array_1.GNSS_Raws) > 4) and ( len(Beidou_satellite_number) >= 1 ) and ( GNSS_options == 1 ): # at least five satellites (at least one Beidou) for least square calculation with Hybrid GNSS itera_x, itera_y, itera_z, itera_b_GPS, itera_b_Beidou, itera_bias_ = weighted_lesat_square_GNSS_positioning_hybrid_GNSS( GNSS_Raw_Array_1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1.0, 1.0) # first iteration from (0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1.0) while ( itera_bias_ > 1e-4 ) and iterations < 10: # threshold for iterations:value and times itera_x, itera_y, itera_z, itera_b_GPS, itera_b_Beidou, itera_bias_ = weighted_lesat_square_GNSS_positioning_hybrid_GNSS( GNSS_Raw_Array_1, itera_x, itera_y, itera_z, itera_b_GPS, itera_b_Beidou) # iteration iterations = iterations + 1 # add one iteration print 'iterations=', iterations, 'itera_bias_=', itera_bias_ # how many iterations after sucessfully least square calculation, total bioas print 'skyplot_python_subscribe.plot_total_sate', skyplot_python_subscribe.plot_total_sate iterations = 0.0 #initialize iterations variable #get llh information if ( itera_x != 0 ): # make sure that itera_x is not zero value, otherwise arctan(itera_y/itera_x) in xyz2llh function itera_xyz = [] # create a list to save ecef coordiante itera_xyz.append(float(itera_x)) # save x value itera_xyz.append(float(itera_y)) # save y value itera_xyz.append(float(itera_z)) # save z value llh_output = ecef2llh.xyz2llh( itera_xyz) # ecef to llh coordinates if (latDic.has_key(str(int(gnss_time)))): truthList = [] # create a list to save ground truth truthList.append(float(latDic[str( int(gnss_time))])) # get truth lat truthList.append(float(lonDic[str( int(gnss_time))])) # get truth lon xyzTruth = llh2ecef.llh2xyz(truthList) # get xyz from ecef delt_x = (xyzTruth[0] - itera_xyz[0]) * ( xyzTruth[0] - itera_xyz[0]) # get delta x (Error in x) delt_y = (xyzTruth[1] - itera_xyz[1]) * ( xyzTruth[1] - itera_xyz[1]) # get delta y (Error in y) delt_z = (xyzTruth[2] - itera_xyz[2]) * ( xyzTruth[2] - itera_xyz[2]) # get delta z (Error in z) delErrTem = sqrt(delt_x + delt_y + delt_z) if (delErrTem > 100): delErrTem = 100 plot_RGNSSyGtBias.append(delErrTem) # save error GNSSTimeList.append(float(GNSS_Raw_1.GNSS_time)) # print 'xyzTruth=',xyzTruth # print 'llh output=',llh_output,'line_index=',line_index,'itera_xyz=',itera_xyz # llh coordinates and line index NavSatFix_llh.latitude = float( llh_output[0]) # save latitude to NavSatFix_llh message NavSatFix_llh.longitude = float( llh_output[1]) # save longitude to NavSatFix_llh message plot_RawGNSSlat.append(float( llh_output[0])) # save raw GNSS latitude for plotting plot_RawGNSSlon.append(float( llh_output[1])) # save raw GNSS longitude for plotting Navsatfix_pub.publish( NavSatFix_llh) #publish NavSatFix_llh message #route of vehicles in matplotlib # plt.plot(lonTruth,latTruth, 'o', color='r',label="ground truth") # plot discrete position of receiver (Ground Truth) # plt.plot(plot_RawGNSSlon , plot_RawGNSSlat,'*', color='g',label="GNSS positioning") # plot discrete position of receiver listLatRaw.append(float(llh_output[0])) # save Raw Lat listLonRaw.append(float(llh_output[1])) # save Raw lon if (len(list_lat) > 0): plot_ExclLat.append(float(list_lon[0])) plot_ExclLon.append(float(list_lat[0])) # plt.plot(list_lon,list_lat, '*', color='g') del list_lat[:] del list_lon[:] plt.plot(plot_Beidou_sate_excluded_Tim, plot_Beidou_sate_excluded_, '*-', color='r', label="Excluded Beidou numbers" ) # plot discrete position of receiver plt.plot(plot_Beidou_sate_excluded_Tim, plot_GPS_sate_excluded_, '*-', color='g', label="Excluded GPS Numbers" ) # plot discrete position of receiver plt.plot(plot_Total_sate_Tim, plot_Beidou_sate, '*-', linewidth='2', color='b', label="total Beid Numbers" ) # plot discrete position of receiver plt.plot(plot_Total_sate_Tim, plot_GPS_sate, '*-', linewidth='2', color='fuchsia', label="total GPS Numbers" ) # plot discrete position of receiver ax1.legend(loc=10, ncol=3, shadow=True) # plt.title('satellite exclusion numbers') # set title # plot in another sca plt.plot(GNSSTimeList, plot_RGNSSyGtBias, '*-', color='g', label="RawGNSSerr") # raw GNSS positioning error plt.plot(plot_ExclGNSSyGtBiasTim, plot_ExclGNSSyGtBias, '*-', linewidth='4', color='r', label="ExclGNSSerr") # excluded GNSS positioning error ax2.legend(loc=9, ncol=3, shadow=True) # plot in another sca plt.xlabel('t/s---GPS time', fontdict={'size': 15, 'color': 'r'}) plt.plot(plot_RawHdopTim, plot_RawHdop, '*-', linewidth='2', color='g', label="HDOP error") # Raw GNSS Hdop error plt.plot(plot_excludedHdopTim, plot_excludedHdop, '*-', linewidth='4', color='r', label="Excluded HDOP error") # excluded GNSS Hdop error ax3.legend(loc=9, ncol=3, shadow=True) plt.draw() # draw figure plt.pause( 0.00000000001) # pause for a while to immitate multi-thread time.sleep(0.4) # control frequency of topic publishment plt.clf() # clean the plt del GNSS_Raw_Array_1.GNSS_Raws[:] #relief the content if ( GNSS_Raw_1.prn_satellites_index < sate_index_range ): # # GPS only (sate_index_range=33) Hybrid GNSS positioning (sate_index_range=330) GNSS_Raw_Array_1.GNSS_Raws.append( GNSS_Raw_1) # save GNSS_Raws to GNSS_Raw_Array_1 variable previous_gnss_time = gnss_time # save time to previous time line_index = line_index + 1 # add one line index with open( filename, 'w') as file_object: # save listLatRaw and listLonRaw to csv file for sav_idx in range(len(listLatWiNLOSExc)): str2 = str(listLatWiNLOSExc[sav_idx]) + ',' + str( listLonWiNLOSExc[sav_idx]) file_object.write(str2) file_object.write('\n') # print 'str1 in one line....',str2 # print 'finish saving llhWitNLOSExlu.csv ... with ',listLatWiNLOSExc,'items' with open(filename_2, 'w' ) as file_object_2: # save listLatRaw and listLonRaw to csv file for sav_idx_2 in range(len(listLatRaw)): str1 = str(listLatRaw[sav_idx_2]) + ',' + str( listLonRaw[sav_idx_2]) file_object_2.write(str1) file_object_2.write('\n') # plt.draw() rate = rospy.Rate(1) # 1hz while not rospy.is_shutdown(): hello_str = "current time is %s" % rospy.get_time() rate.sleep() """
def callback_GNSS_data_after_NLOS_exclusion( data ): # callback function: get GNSS data (after NLOS exclusion) and implement least square GNSS_exclusion_Array_1 = GNSS_Raw_Array( ) # create an variable in GNSS_Raw_Array format to save GNSS data after exclusion GNSS_exclusion_Array_1 = data # get data from ros topic GNSS_options = 1 # 0-GPS only 1-hybrid GNSS (GPS+Beidou) sate_index_range = 330 # GPS only (sate_index_range=33) Hybrid GNSS positioning (sate_index_range=330) GPS_satellite_number = [] Beidou_satellite_number = [] GPS_satellite_number, Beidou_satellite_number = get_GPS_Beidou_satellite_numbers( GNSS_exclusion_Array_1) # get satellites numbers iterations = 0.0 # initialize iterations times itera_x = 0.0 # initialize receiver's position x itera_y = 0.0 # initialize receiver's position y itera_z = 0.0 # initialize receiver's position z itera_b = 0.0 # initialize receiver's clock bias error of GPS only positioning in meters itera_bias_ = 0.0 # initialize total bias of GPS only positioning in each iteration itera_b_GPS = 0.0 # initialize receiver's clock bias error of GPS in Hybrid GNSS positioning in meters itera_b_Beidou = 0.0 # initialize receiver's clock bias error of Beidou in Hybrid GNSS positioning in meters if (len(GNSS_exclusion_Array_1.GNSS_Raws) > 3) and ( GNSS_options == 0 ): # at least four satellites for least square calculation with GPS only itera_x, itera_y, itera_z, itera_b, itera_bias_ = weighted_lesat_square_GNSS_positioning( GNSS_exclusion_Array_1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1.0) # first iteration from (0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1.0) while ( itera_bias_ > 1e-4 ) and iterations < 10: # threshold for iterations:value and times itera_x, itera_y, itera_z, itera_b, itera_bias_ = weighted_lesat_square_GNSS_positioning( GNSS_exclusion_Array_1, itera_x, itera_y, itera_z, itera_b) # iteration iterations = iterations + 1 # add one iteration if (len(GNSS_exclusion_Array_1.GNSS_Raws) > 4) and ( len(Beidou_satellite_number) >= 1 ) and ( GNSS_options == 1 ): # at least five satellites (at least one Beidou) for least square calculation with Hybrid GNSS itera_x, itera_y, itera_z, itera_b_GPS, itera_b_Beidou, itera_bias_ = weighted_lesat_square_GNSS_positioning_hybrid_GNSS( GNSS_exclusion_Array_1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1.0, 1.0) # first iteration from (0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1.0) while ( itera_bias_ > 1e-4 ) and iterations < 10: # threshold for iterations:value and times itera_x, itera_y, itera_z, itera_b_GPS, itera_b_Beidou, itera_bias_ = weighted_lesat_square_GNSS_positioning_hybrid_GNSS( GNSS_exclusion_Array_1, itera_x, itera_y, itera_z, itera_b_GPS, itera_b_Beidou) # iteration iterations = iterations + 1 # add one iteration # print 'iterations after NLOS exclusion=', iterations, 'itera_bias_=', itera_bias_ # how many iterations after sucessfully least square calculation, total bioas iterations = 0.0 # initialize iterations variable # get llh information if ( itera_x != 0 ): # make sure that itera_x is not zero value, otherwise arctan(itera_y/itera_x) in xyz2llh function itera_xyz = [] # create a list to save ecef coordiante itera_xyz.append(float(itera_x)) # save x value itera_xyz.append(float(itera_y)) # save y value itera_xyz.append(float(itera_z)) # save z value llh_output = ecef2llh.xyz2llh(itera_xyz) # ecef to llh coordinates list_lat.append(float(llh_output[0])) # save latitude list_lon.append(float(llh_output[1])) # save longitude listLatWiNLOSExc.append(float( llh_output[0])) # save latitude for csv saving listLonWiNLOSExc.append(float( llh_output[1])) # save latitude for csv saving if (latDic.has_key( str(int(GNSS_exclusion_Array_1.GNSS_Raws[0].GNSS_time)))): truthList = [] # create a list to save ground truth truthList.append( float(latDic[str( int(GNSS_exclusion_Array_1.GNSS_Raws[0].GNSS_time))]) ) # get truth lat truthList.append( float(lonDic[str( int(GNSS_exclusion_Array_1.GNSS_Raws[0].GNSS_time))]) ) # get truth lon xyzTruth = llh2ecef.llh2xyz(truthList) # get xyz from ecef delt_x = (xyzTruth[0] - itera_xyz[0]) * ( xyzTruth[0] - itera_xyz[0]) # get delta x (Error in x) delt_y = (xyzTruth[1] - itera_xyz[1]) * ( xyzTruth[1] - itera_xyz[1]) # get delta y (Error in y) delt_z = (xyzTruth[2] - itera_xyz[2]) * ( xyzTruth[2] - itera_xyz[2]) # get delta z (Error in z) delErrTem = sqrt(delt_x + delt_y + delt_z) if (delErrTem > 100): delErrTem = 100 plot_ExclGNSSyGtBias.append(float(delErrTem)) # save error plot_ExclGNSSyGtBiasTim.append( float(GNSS_exclusion_Array_1.GNSS_Raws[0].GNSS_time)) # print 'xyzTruth afer exclusion=', xyzTruth # print 'llh output after NLOS exclusion==', llh_output plot_excludedHdop.append(float(DopCalculation(GNSS_exclusion_Array_1))) plot_excludedHdopTim.append( float(GNSS_exclusion_Array_1.GNSS_Raws[0].GNSS_time)) del GNSS_exclusion_Array_1.GNSS_Raws[:] # relief the content