def plotter(z, x, y, pixelaspect, **kwargs): xinches = len(x)/float(dpi) yinches = len(y)/float(dpi)*pixelaspect figsize = (xinches + 1.5, yinches + 1) fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) ax = plt.subplot(111) el.make_axes_fixed(ax, xinches, yinches) img = el.implot(z, x, y, ax=ax, csize=0.0625, cpad=0.05, **kwargs) plt.tight_layout(0.01) return fig
def plot_recovery(x): img = el.implot(np.abs(np.fft.fftshift(x, axes=0)), np.fft.fftshift(velocity_idx/1e3), range_idx/1e3, xlabel='Range rate (km/s)', ylabel='Range (km)', clabel='Reflectivity', exact_ticks=False, xbins=4, ybins=5, vmin=0, vmax=20, csize=0.0625, cpad=0.05) img.axes.set_xlim(-15, 60) img.axes.set_ylim(98, 102) plt.tight_layout(0.1) return img
'text.usetex': False} #'text.latex.preamble': ['\usepackage{amsmath}']} plt.rcParams.update(params) delta = 0.1 x = y = np.arange(0, 100, delta) X, Y = np.meshgrid(x,y) Z1 = mlab.bivariate_normal(X, Y, 5, 10, 25, 30) Z1 = Z1/np.max(Z1) Z2 = mlab.bivariate_normal(X, Y, 1, 1, 71, 61) Z2 = Z2/np.max(Z2) f = x/100. - 0.5 d = y fig = plt.figure(figsize=(2,2)) img = el.implot(10*(Z1 + 2*Z2).T, f, d, csize=0.0625, cpad=0.05, exact_ticks=False, xbins=6, ybins=6, interpolation='bilinear', xlabel='Normalized Frequency', ylabel='Delay (samples)', clabel='Reflectivity') ax = img.axes ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(mpl.ticker.MultipleLocator(0.02)) ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(mpl.ticker.MultipleLocator(2.0)) ax.grid(which='minor', color='m', linewidth=0.45, linestyle='-') fig.savefig('range_doppler_discretization.pdf', bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.01, transparent=True)
cs_sig = cs.vlt_sig[pslc] cs_noise = cs.vlt_noise[pslc] filt = filts[kp] zs = np.zeros((n, m), np.float_) xinches = len(v)/float(imgdpi)*xstretch yinches = len(data.r)/float(imgdpi)*ystretch fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, sharey=True, figsize=(2*xinches + 1, yinches + 0.55)) el.make_axes_fixed(axes[0], xinches, yinches) el.make_axes_fixed(axes[1], xinches, yinches) mfimg = el.implot(zs, np.fft.fftshift(v)/1e3, data.r/1e3, xlabel='Doppler range rate (km/s)', ylabel='Range (km)', cbar=False, title='Matched Filter', exact_ticks=False, xbins=5, vmin=0, vmax=40, cmap=cmap, csize=0.0625, cpad=0.05, pixelaspect=pixelaspect, ax=axes[0]) csimg = el.implot(zs, np.fft.fftshift(cs.v)/1e3, cs.r/1e3, xlabel='Doppler range rate (km/s)', clabel='SNR (dB)', title='Waveform Inversion', exact_ticks=False, xbins=5, vmin=0, vmax=40, cmap=cmap, csize=0.0625, cpad=0.05, pixelaspect=pixelaspect, ax=axes[1]) plt.tight_layout(0.1) plt.draw() # need draw to update axes position # need the resolution to be multiples of 2 for libx264 savesize = np.floor(savedpi*fig.get_size_inches())