def kline_worker_handler(self, info, value): if info in ["ecmid", "flashcount", "dtc", "dtccount", "state"]: self.ecuinfo[info] = value if info == "state": self.securebutton.Enable(False) self.statusicon.SetToolTip( wx.ToolTip("state: %s" % (str(value).split(".")[-1]))) if value in [ECUSTATE.OFF, ECUSTATE.UNKNOWN]: # BLACK self.__clear_widgets() self.statusicon.SetBitmap(self.statusicons[0]) elif value in [ECUSTATE.RECOVER_NEW, ECUSTATE.RECOVER_OLD]: # YELLOW self.statusicon.SetBitmap(self.statusicons[1]) elif value in [ECUSTATE.OK]: # GREEN self.securebutton.Enable(True) self.statusicon.SetBitmap(self.statusicons[2]) elif value in [ECUSTATE.FLASH]: # BLUE self.statusicon.SetBitmap(self.statusicons[3]) elif value in [ECUSTATE.SECURE]: # PURPLE self.statusicon.SetBitmap(self.statusicons[4]) self.modell.SetLabel("Unknown Model") self.ecupnl.SetLabel("~ Security Access Mode ~") self.Layout() elif info == "ecmid": if len(value) > 0: ecmid = " ".join(["%02x" % i for i in value]) self.ecmidl.SetLabel(" ECM ID: %s" % ecmid) if value in ECM_IDs: model = "%s (%s)" % (ECM_IDs[value]["model"], ECM_IDs[value]["year"]) pn = ECM_IDs[value]["pn"] else: model = "Unknown Model" pn = "-" for m in ECM_IDs.keys(): if m[:3] == value[:3]: model = "%s (%s)" % (ECM_IDs[m]["model"], ECM_IDs[m]["year"]) break self.modell.SetLabel(model) self.ecupnl.SetLabel(pn) self.Layout() elif info == "flashcount": if value >= 0: self.flashcountl.SetLabel(" Flash Count: %d" % value) elif info == "dtccount": if value >= 0: self.dtccountl.SetLabel(" DTC Count: %d" % value) self.statusbar.OnSize(None) elif info == "data": if info not in self.ecuinfo: self.ecuinfo[info] = {} self.ecuinfo[info][value[0]] = value[1:]
def OnDetectMap(self, event): with wx.FileDialog(self, "Open ECU dump file", wildcard="ECU dump (*.bin)|*.bin", style=wx.FD_OPEN | wx.FD_FILE_MUST_EXIST) as fileDialog: if fileDialog.ShowModal() == wx.ID_CANCEL: return pathname = fileDialog.GetPath() ecupn = os.path.splitext(os.path.split(pathname)[-1])[0] for i in ECM_IDs.values(): if ecupn == i["pn"] and "keihinaddr" in i: fbin = open(pathname, "rb") nbyts = os.path.getsize(pathname) byts = bytearray( fbin.close() idadr = int(i["keihinaddr"],16) self.statusbar.SetStatusText("Map ID: " + byts[idadr:(idadr+7)].decode("ascii"), 0) return self.statusbar.SetStatusText("Map ID: unknown", 0)
def gen_model_tree(self): modeltree = {} for ecmid, info in ECM_IDs.items(): if self.parent.force_restrictions and not info[ "model"] in self.parent.restrictions[1]: continue if not info["model"] in modeltree: modeltree[info["model"]] = {} if not info["year"] in modeltree[info["model"]]: modeltree[info["model"]][info["year"]] = {} if not info["pn"] in modeltree[info["model"]][info["year"]]: blcode = info["pn"].split("-")[1] modelstring = "%s_%s_%s" % (info["model"], blcode, info["year"]) base = self.parent.basepath if not getattr(sys, 'frozen', False): base = os.path.join(base, os.pardir) xdfdir = os.path.join(base, "xdfs", modelstring) bindir = os.path.join(base, "bins", modelstring) if os.path.exists(xdfdir) and os.path.exists(bindir): xdf1 = os.path.join(xdfdir, "38770-%s.xdf" % (blcode)) xdf2 = os.path.join(xdfdir, "%s.xdf" % (info["pn"])) bin = os.path.join(bindir, "%s.bin" % (info["pn"])) checksum = info["checksum"] if "checksum" in info else None offset = info["offset"] if "offset" in info else None ecmidaddr = info[ "ecmidaddr"] if "ecmidaddr" in info else None keihinaddr = info[ "keihinaddr"] if "keihinaddr" in info else None if os.path.isfile(bin): _xdf = None if os.path.isfile(xdf2): _xdf = xdf2 elif os.path.isfile(xdf1): _xdf = xdf1 modeltree[info["model"]][info["year"]][info["pn"]] = ( ecmid, _xdf, bin, checksum, offset, ecmidaddr, keihinaddr) models = list(modeltree.keys()) for m in models: years = list(modeltree[m].keys()) for y in years: if len(modeltree[m][y].keys()) == 0: del modeltree[m][y] if len(modeltree[m].keys()) == 0: del modeltree[m] return modeltree