Beispiel #1
def _():
    cv = Curve.get_curve('secp256k1'); pu_key = ECPublicKey(
    pv_key = ECPrivateKey(
        cv) ; signer = ECDSA(fmt="ITUPLE")
    sig = signer.sign(b'01234567890123456789012345678912', pv_key) ;return sig
Beispiel #2
def getSignData(original_data, pk):

    json_str = json.dumps(original_data).replace(' ', '')
    byte_str = json_str.encode()
    sha256 = SHA256Hash(byte_str)
    byte_str_hash = sha256.digest()  # 返回byte类型哈希
    # 私钥签名
    signer = ECDSA()
    raw_sig = signer.sign(byte_str_hash, pk)  # sign返回的byte对象
    hex_sig = ByteToHex(raw_sig).lower()  # 将签名后byte转为hex,并修改字母为小写
    return hex_sig
Beispiel #3
def gen_random_tx(curve):
    n = curve.order
    P = curve.generator
    sA = random.randint(0, n)
    sk = ECPrivateKey(sA, curve)
    QA = sA * P
    pk = ECPublicKey(QA)

    payee_sA = random.randint(0, n)
    payee_sk = ECPrivateKey(payee_sA, curve)
    payee_QA = sA * P
    payee_pk = ECPublicKey(payee_QA)

    sum_string = "*** Bitcoin transaction ***\n"

    serial = random.getrandbits(128)
    sum_string += "Serial number: " + str(serial) + "\n"

    sum_string += "Payer Public key - x: " + str(QA.x) + "\n"

    sum_string += "Payer Public key - y: " + str(QA.y) + "\n"

    sum_string += "Payee Public key - x: " + str(payee_QA.x) + "\n"

    sum_string += "Payee Public key - y: " + str(payee_QA.y) + "\n"

    amount = random.randint(1, 1000000)
    sum_string += "Amount: " + str(amount) + " Satoshi" + "\n"

    signer = ECDSA()

    sig = signer.sign(sum_string.encode('UTF-8'), sk)

    (r, s) = decode_sig(sig)

    # k = random.randint(1, n - 1)
    # R = k * P
    # r = R.x % n
    # #r = str(r).encode('UTF-8')
    # h = hashlib.sha3_256()
    # h.update(sum_string.encode('UTF-8'))
    # # h.update(str(r).encode('UTF-8'))
    # #h.update(r)  # m + r
    # s = (modinv(k, n) * ((int(h.hexdigest(), 16)) + (sA * r))) % n
    # #h = int(h.hexdigest(), 16)

    sum_string += "Signature - r: " + str(r) + "\n"

    sum_string += "Signature - s: " + str(s) + "\n"

    return sum_string
    def generate_signature(self, private_key):
        :return: {Message}SK, where Message = contents of TxIn and TxOut and Transaction ID
        txin = self.tx_Ins[-1]
        txout = self.tx_Outs[-1]
        tx_in_str = txin.get_tx_in_content()
        tx_out_str = txout.get_tx_out_content()
        tran_id = self.get_transaction_id()
        message = tx_in_str + tx_out_str + tran_id

        signer = ECDSA()
        sig = signer.sign(message.encode('utf-8'), private_key)
        txin.signature = sig
        return sig
Beispiel #5
def gen_random_tx(curve):
    # get a random 128 BIT integer for serial number
    serial_num = Num.getRandomNBitInteger(128)

    # create the public key for sender
    n = curve.order
    P = curve.generator
    sA = Num.getRandomRange(0, n + 1)
    sK = ECPrivateKey(sA, curve)
    QA = sA * P
    pk = ECPublicKey(QA)

    signer = ECDSA()

    # create the public key for sendee
    sA_2 = Num.getRandomRange(0, n + 1)
    sK_2 = ECPrivateKey(sA_2, curve)
    P2 = curve.generator
    QA_2 = sA_2 * P2
    pk_2 = ECPublicKey(QA_2)

    # header for the block
    temp = "*** Bitcoin transaction ***\n"

    # add the serial number to the block
    temp = temp + "Serial number: " + str(serial_num) + "\n"
    # write payers public keys
    temp = temp + "Payer public key - x: " + str(QA.x) + "\n"
    temp = temp + "Payer public key - y: " + str(QA.y) + "\n"
    # write payees public keys
    temp = temp + "Payee public key - x: " + str(QA_2.x) + "\n"
    temp = temp + "Payee public key - y: " + str(QA_2.y) + "\n"

    # get random transaction val
    amount = Num.getRandomRange(0, 1000001)
    temp = temp + "Amount: " + str(amount) + "\n"

    sig = signer.sign(temp.encode("utf-8"), sK)
    (r, s) = decode_sig(sig)
    temp = temp + "Signature (r): " + str(r) + "\n"
    temp = temp + "Signature (s): " + str(s) + "\n"

    return temp
Beispiel #6
def gen_random_tx(curve):
    serial = random.randrange(pow(2, 127), pow(2, 128))
    amount = random.randrange(1, 1000001)

    n = curve.order
    P = curve.generator

    sA = random.randint(0, n)
    sB = random.randint(0, n)

    skA = ECPrivateKey(sA, curve)
    skB = ECPrivateKey(sB, curve)
    QA = sA * P
    QB = sB * P

    pkA = ECPublicKey(QA)
    pkB = ECPublicKey(QB)

    signer = ECDSA()

    trans = "**** Bitcoin transaction ****" + \
        "\nSerial number: " + str(serial) + \
        "\nPayer public key - x: " + str(QA.x) + \
        "\nPayer public key - y: " + str(QA.y) + \
        "\nPayee public key - x: " + str(QB.x) + \
        "\nPayee public key - y: " + str(QB.y) + \
        "\nAmount: " + str(amount) + "\n"
    t = trans.encode("UTF-8")
    sig = signer.sign(t, skA)

    (r, s) = decode_sig(sig)

    trans += "Signature (r): " + str(r) + "\n" + "Signature (s): " + str(
        s) + "\n"

    return trans
def gen_random_tx(curve):
    serial = random.randint(0,
                            2**128 - 1)  # creates 128 bit random serial number
    n = curve.order
    P = curve.generator
    sA = random.randint(0, n)
    sk = ECPrivateKey(sA, curve)
    QA = sA * P
    pk = ECPublicKey(QA)

    sB = random.randint(0, n)
    skB = ECPrivateKey(sB, curve)
    QB = sB * P
    pkB = ECPublicKey(QB)

    amount = random.randint(1, 1000000)  # create a random int for amount

    transaction = "**** Bitcoin transaction ****\n"
    transaction += "Serial number: " + str(serial) + "\n"
    transaction += "Payer public key - x: " + str(QA.x) + "\n"
    transaction += "Payer public key - y: " + str(QA.y) + "\n"
    transaction += "Payee public key - x: " + str(QB.x) + "\n"
    transaction += "Payee public key - y: " + str(QB.y) + "\n"
    transaction += "Amount: " + str(amount) + "\n"

    signer = ECDSA()

    message = transaction
    message = message.encode('UTF-8')
    sig = signer.sign(message, sk)

    (r, s) = decode_sig(sig)

    transaction += "Signature (r): " + str(r) + "\n"
    transaction += "Signature (s): " + str(s) + "\n"
    return transaction
Beispiel #8
### ECS
# test key
cv     = Curve.get_curve('secp256k1')
pv_key = ECPrivateKey(0xf028458b39af92fea938486ecc49562d0e7731b53d9b25e2701183e4f2adc991,cv)
pu_key = ECPublicKey(Point(0x81bc1f9486564d3d57a305e8f9067df2a7e1f007d4af4fed085aca139c6b9c7a,

k = pv_key.get_public_key()
assert(k.W.x == pu_key.W.x)
assert(k.W.y == pu_key.W.y)

print("Public key ok")

msg = 0x8c7632afe967e2e16ae7f39dc32c252b3d751fa6e01daa0efc3c174e230f4617
msg = msg.to_bytes(32,'big')

sig = 0x304402203a329589dbc6f3bb88bf90b45b5d4935a18e13e2cb8fcee0b94b3102ec19645702202f61af55df0e56e71d40a9f5f111faeb2f831c1fd314c55227ac44110fb33049
sig = sig.to_bytes(70,'big')

## verify
signer = ECDSA()

while True:
    sig = signer.sign(msg,pv_key)

if sys.version_info < (3, 6):
    import sha3

# You can keep this part (i.e., curve setting and key generation)
curve = Curve.get_curve('secp256k1')
n = curve.order
P = curve.generator
sA = random.randint(0, n)
sk = ECPrivateKey(sA, curve)
QA = sA * P
pk = ECPublicKey(QA)

# You need to change sign and verify methods below
signer = ECDSA()  # this line can be removed
message = b'Anything goes here'
sig = signer.sign(message, sk)  # new sign method here

verifier = ECDSA()  # this line can be removed

message = b'Anything goes here'
    assert (verifier.verify(message, sig, pk))  # new sign method here
    print("Signature verifies")
    print("Signature does not verify")

message = b'Anything goes heree'
    assert (verifier.verify(message, sig, pk))  # new sign method here
    print("Signature verifies")
Beispiel #10
if sys.version_info < (3, 6):
    import sha3

curve = Curve.get_curve('secp256k1')
n = curve.order
P = curve.generator
sA = random.randint(0,n)
sk = ECPrivateKey(sA, curve)
QA = sA*P
pk = ECPublicKey(QA)

signer = ECDSA()

message = b'Anything goes here'

sig = signer.sign(message, sk)

(r, s) = decode_sig(sig)

f = open("deneme.txt", "w")
f.write("Public key - x: " + str(QA.x)+"\n")
f.write("Public key - y: " + str(QA.y)+"\n")
f.write("Signature - r: " + str(r)+"\n")
f.write("Signature - s: " + str(s)+"\n")

f = open("deneme.txt", "r")
x1 = int(f.readline()[16:-1])
y1 = int(f.readline()[16:-1])
r1 = int(f.readline()[15:-1])
s1 = int(f.readline()[15:-1])
Beispiel #11
         ad += chr(ord(b'a') + random.randint(0,25)).encode()
 send = {}
 send['ad'] = ad
 ecdhkey = d2['pubkey'] * d1['privkey']
 bs = AES.block_size
 iv = random.randint(0, (1 << (8*bs))-1)
 fmt = '%%0%dx' % (bs * 2)
 ivhex = fmt % iv
 ivbin = binascii.unhexlify(ivhex)
 counter = * 8, initial_value=iv)
 key = hashlib.sha256(ecdhkey.compress()).digest()
 cryptor =, AES.MODE_CTR, counter = counter)
 ciphertext = ivbin + cryptor.encrypt(msg)
 b64cipher = base64.b64encode(ciphertext)
 send['b64cipher'] = b64cipher
 sig = ecdsa.sign(d1['privkey'], ciphertext, ad)
 send['sig'] = sig
 recv = send
 recdhkey = d1['pubkey'] * d2['privkey']
 assert recdhkey == ecdhkey
 rciphertext = base64.b64decode(recv['b64cipher'])
 assert rciphertext == ciphertext
 rve = recdsa.verify(d1['pubkey'], recv['sig'], rciphertext, recv['ad'])
 assert rve == True
 rbs = AES.block_size
 assert rbs == bs
 rivbin = rciphertext[:rbs]
 assert rivbin == ivbin