Beispiel #1
    def _init_parametric_base(cls) -> None:
        """Initialize a direct subclass of ParametricType"""

        # Direct subclasses of ParametricType must declare
        # ClassVar attributes corresponding to the Generic type vars.
        # For example:
        #     class P(ParametricType, Generic[T, V]):
        #         t: ClassVar[Type[T]]
        #         v: ClassVar[Type[V]]

        params = getattr(cls, '__parameters__', None)

        if not params:
            raise TypeError(f'{cls} must be declared as Generic')

        mod = sys.modules[cls.__module__]
        annos = get_type_hints(cls, mod.__dict__)
        param_map = {}

        for attr, t in annos.items():
            if not typing_inspect.is_classvar(t):

            args = typing_inspect.get_args(t)
            # ClassVar constructor should have the check, but be extra safe.
            assert len(args) == 1

            arg = args[0]
            if typing_inspect.get_origin(arg) != type:

            arg_args = typing_inspect.get_args(arg)
            # Likewise, rely on Type checking its stuff in the constructor
            assert len(arg_args) == 1

            if not typing_inspect.is_typevar(arg_args[0]):

            if arg_args[0] in params:
                param_map[arg_args[0]] = attr

        for param in params:
            if param not in param_map:
                raise TypeError(f'{cls.__name__}: missing ClassVar for'
                                f' generic parameter {param}')

        cls._type_param_map = param_map
Beispiel #2
def _check_container_type(type_, value, raise_error, instance_type):
    if not isinstance(value, instance_type):
        raise_error(str(type_), value)

    type_args = typing_inspect.get_args(type_, evaluate=True)
    eltype = type_args[0]
    for el in value:
        _check_type(eltype, el, raise_error)
Beispiel #3
def _check_annotation(f_type, f_fullname, f_default):
    if typing_inspect.is_tuple_type(f_type):
        if f_default is not None:
            raise RuntimeError(f'invalid type annotation on {f_fullname}: '
                               f'default is defined for tuple type')

        f_default = tuple

    elif typing_inspect.is_union_type(f_type):
        for t in typing_inspect.get_args(f_type, evaluate=True):
            _check_annotation(t, f_fullname, f_default)

    elif typing_inspect.is_generic_type(f_type):
        if f_default is not None:
            raise RuntimeError(f'invalid type annotation on {f_fullname}: '
                               f'default is defined for container type '

        ot = typing_inspect.get_origin(f_type)
        if ot is None:
            raise RuntimeError(
                f'cannot find origin of a generic type {f_type}')

        if ot in (list, List,
            f_default = list
        elif ot in (set, Set):
            f_default = set
        elif ot in (frozenset, FrozenSet):
            f_default = frozenset
        elif ot in (dict, Dict):
            f_default = dict
            raise RuntimeError(f'invalid type annotation on {f_fullname}: '
                               f'{f_type!r} is not supported')

    elif f_type is not None:
        if f_type is Any:
            f_type = object

        if not isinstance(f_type, type):
            raise RuntimeError(f'invalid type annotation on {f_fullname}: '
                               f'{f_type!r} is not a type')

        if typeutils.is_container_type(f_type):
            if f_default is not None:
                raise RuntimeError(f'invalid type annotation on {f_fullname}: '
                                   f'default is defined for container type '
            # Make sure that we can actually construct an empty
            # version of this type before we decide it is the default.
            except TypeError:
                f_default = f_type

    return f_default
Beispiel #4
def _check_mapping_type(type_, value, raise_error, instance_type):
    if not isinstance(value, instance_type):
        raise_error(str(type_), value)

    type_args = typing_inspect.get_args(type_, evaluate=True)
    ktype = type_args[0]
    vtype = type_args[1]
    for k, v in value.items():
        _check_type(ktype, k, raise_error)
        if not k and not _is_optional(ktype):
            raise RuntimeError('empty key in map')
        _check_type(vtype, v, raise_error)
Beispiel #5
def _check_tuple_type(type_, value, raise_error, instance_type):
    if not isinstance(value, instance_type):
        raise_error(str(type_), value)

    eltype = None
    ellipsis = False
    type_args = typing_inspect.get_args(type_, evaluate=True)

    for i, el in enumerate(value):
        if not ellipsis:
            new_eltype = type_args[i]
            if new_eltype is Ellipsis:
                ellipsis = True
                eltype = new_eltype
        if eltype is not None:
            _check_type(eltype, el, raise_error)
Beispiel #6
def _check_type_real(type_, value, raise_error):
    if type_ is None:

    if typing_inspect.is_union_type(type_):
        for t in typing_inspect.get_args(type_, evaluate=True):
                _check_type(t, value, raise_error)
            except TypeError:
            raise_error(str(type_), value)

    elif typing_inspect.is_tuple_type(type_):
        _check_tuple_type(type_, value, raise_error, tuple)

    elif typing_inspect.is_generic_type(type_):
        ot = typing_inspect.get_origin(type_)

        if ot in (list, List,
            _check_container_type(type_, value, raise_error, list)

        elif ot in (set, Set):
            _check_container_type(type_, value, raise_error, set)

        elif ot in (frozenset, FrozenSet):
            _check_container_type(type_, value, raise_error, frozenset)

        elif ot in (dict, Dict):
            _check_mapping_type(type_, value, raise_error, dict)

        elif ot is not None:
            raise TypeError(f'unsupported typing type: {type_!r}')

    elif type_ is not Any:
        if value is not None and not isinstance(value, type_):
            raise_error(type_.__name__, value)
Beispiel #7
    def _init_parametric_user(cls) -> None:
        """Initialize an indirect descendant of ParametricType."""

        # For ParametricType grandchildren we have to deal with possible
        # TypeVar remapping and generally check for type sanity.

        ob = getattr(cls, '__orig_bases__', ())
        generic_params: list[type] = []

        for b in ob:
            if (isinstance(b, type) and not isinstance(b, GenericAlias)
                    and issubclass(b, ParametricType)
                    and b is not ParametricType):
                raise TypeError(
                    f'{cls.__name__}: missing one or more type arguments for'
                    f' base {b.__name__!r}')

            if not typing_inspect.is_generic_type(b):

            org = typing_inspect.get_origin(b)
            if not isinstance(org, type):
            if not issubclass(org, ParametricType):
                generic_params.extend(getattr(b, '__parameters__', ()))

            base_params = getattr(org, '__parameters__', ())
            base_non_type_params = getattr(org, '_non_type_params', {})
            args = typing_inspect.get_args(b)
            expected = len(base_params)
            if len(args) != expected:
                raise TypeError(
                    f'{b.__name__} expects {expected} type arguments'
                    f' got {len(args)}')

            base_map = dict(cls._type_param_map)
            subclass_map = {}

            for i, arg in enumerate(args):
                if i in base_non_type_params:
                if not typing_inspect.is_typevar(arg):
                    raise TypeError(f'{b.__name__} expects all arguments to be'
                                    f' TypeVars')

                base_typevar = base_params[i]
                attr = base_map.get(base_typevar)
                if attr is not None:
                    subclass_map[arg] = attr

            if len(subclass_map) != len(base_map):
                raise TypeError(
                    f'{cls.__name__}: missing one or more type arguments for'
                    f' base {org.__name__!r}')

            cls._type_param_map = subclass_map

        cls._non_type_params = {
            i: p
            for i, p in enumerate(generic_params)
            if p not in cls._type_param_map
Beispiel #8
def _is_optional(type_):
    return (typing_inspect.is_union_type(type_) and
            type(None) in typing_inspect.get_args(type_, evaluate=True))
Beispiel #9
    def from_pyvalue(cls, data, *, allow_missing=False):
        if not isinstance(data, dict):
            raise cls._err(f'expected a dict value, got {type(data)!r}')

        spec = config.get_settings()

        data = dict(data)
        tname = data.pop('_tname', None)
        if tname is not None:
            if '::' in tname:
                tname = s_name.QualName.from_string(tname).name
            cls = spec.get_type_by_name(tname)

        fields = { f for f in dataclasses.fields(cls)}

        items = {}
        inv_keys = []
        for fieldname, value in data.items():
            field = fields.get(fieldname)
            if field is None:
                if value is None:
                    # This may happen when data is produced by
                    # a polymorphic config query.


            f_type = field.type

            if value is None:
                # Config queries return empty pointer values as None.

            if typing_inspect.is_generic_type(f_type):
                container = typing_inspect.get_origin(f_type)
                if container not in (frozenset, list):
                    raise RuntimeError(f'invalid type annotation on '
                                       f'{cls.__name__}.{fieldname}: '
                                       f'{f_type!r} is not supported')

                eltype = typing_inspect.get_args(f_type, evaluate=True)[0]
                if isinstance(value, eltype):
                    value = container((value, ))
                elif (typeutils.is_container(value)
                      and all(isinstance(v, eltype) for v in value)):
                    value = container(value)
                    raise cls._err(
                        f'invalid {fieldname!r} field value: expecting '
                        f'{eltype.__name__} or a list thereof, but got '

            elif (issubclass(f_type, CompositeConfigType)
                  and isinstance(value, dict)):

                tname = value.get('_tname', None)
                if tname is not None:
                    if '::' in tname:
                        tname = s_name.QualName.from_string(tname).name
                    actual_f_type = spec.get_type_by_name(tname)
                    actual_f_type = f_type
                    value['_tname'] = f_type.__name__

                value = actual_f_type.from_pyvalue(value)

            elif not isinstance(value, f_type):
                raise cls._err(
                    f'invalid {fieldname!r} field value: expecting '
                    f'{f_type.__name__}, but got {type(value).__name__}')

            items[fieldname] = value

        if inv_keys:
            inv_keys = ', '.join(repr(r) for r in inv_keys)
            raise cls._err(f'unknown fields: {inv_keys}')

        for fieldname, field in fields.items():
            if fieldname not in items and field.default is dataclasses.MISSING:
                if allow_missing:
                    items[fieldname] = None
                    raise cls._err(f'missing required field: {fieldname!r}')

            return cls(**items)
        except (TypeError, ValueError) as ex:
            raise cls._err(str(ex))