Beispiel #1
def evoked_ndvar(evoked, name='MEG'):
    "Convert an mne Evoked object of a list thereof to an ndvar"
    if isinstance(evoked, mne.fiff.Evoked):
        x =
        dims = ()
        x = np.array([ for e in evoked])
        dims = ('case',)
        evoked = evoked[0]
    sensor = sensor_net(evoked)
    time = var(evoked.times, name='time')
    properties = {'colorspace': _cs.get_MEG(2e-13)}
    return ndvar(x, dims + (sensor, time), properties=properties, name=name)
Beispiel #2
 def defaultColorspace(self, vmax='auto', vmin='auto', **kwargs):
     "When symmetric, vmax is more important"
     if vmax == 'auto':
         vmax = np.max(np.abs(
     kwargs['vmax'] = vmax
     if vmin != 'auto':
         kwargs['vmin'] = vmin
     if self.ndim=='wavelet':
         raise NotImplementedError
         return _cs.get_MEG(**kwargs) 
Beispiel #3
# create the time dimension
T = var(np.arange(-.2, .8, .01), name='time')

# random data
x = np.random.normal(0,1,(30,5,len(T)))
# add an effect to the random data
x[15:,:3,20:40] += np.hanning(20) * 2

# create the sensor dimension from 5 sensor locations in 3d space
sensor = sensor_net([[0,0,0],[1,0,0],[0,-1,0],[-1,0,0],[0,1,0]], 
                    name='testnet', transform_2d=None)

# combine all these into the ndvar
Y = ndvar(x, dims=('case', sensor, T), name='Y', 
          properties={'samplingrate':100, 'colorspace':cs.get_MEG(2)})

# To describe the cases ('case' dimension), create a condition and a subject factor
A = factor(['a0', 'a1'], rep=15, name='A')
subject = factor(xrange(15), tile=2, random=True, name='subject')

if 01: # plot topographically an uncorrected t-test
    plot.topo.array(testnd.ttest(Y, A, match=subject))

if 01: # and a butterfly plot
    plot.topo.butterfly(testnd.ttest(Y, A, match=subject))
Beispiel #4
def epochs_ndvar(epochs, name='MEG', meg=True, eeg=False, exclude='bads',
                 mult=1, unit='T', properties=None, sensors=None):
    Convert an mne.Epochs object to an ndvar.

    epoch : mne.Epochs
        The epochs object
    name : None | str
        Name for the ndvar.
    meg : bool or string
        MEG channels to include (:func:`mne.fiff.pick_types` kwarg).
        If True include all MEG channels. If False include None
        If string it can be 'mag' or 'grad' to select only gradiometers
        or magnetometers. It can also be 'ref_meg' to get CTF
        reference channels.
    eeg : bool
        If True include EEG channels (:func:`mne.fiff.pick_types` kwarg).
    exclude : list of string | str
        Channels to exclude (:func:`mne.fiff.pick_types` kwarg).
        If 'bads' (default), exclude channels in info['bads'].
        If empty do not exclude any.
    mult : scalar
        multiply all data by a constant. If used, the ``unit`` kwarg should
        specify the target unit, not the source unit.
    unit : str
        Unit of the data (default is 'T').
    target : str
        name for the new ndvar containing the epoch data
    reject : None | scalar
        Threshold for rejecting epochs (peak to peak). Requires a for of
        mne-python which implements the Epochs.model['index'] variable.
    raw : None | mne.fiff.Raw
        Raw file providing the data; if ``None``, ``['raw']`` is used.
    sensors : None | eelbrain.vessels.sensors.sensor_net
        The default (``None``) reads the sensor locations from the fiff file.
        If the fiff file contains incorrect sensor locations, a different
        sensor_net can be supplied through this kwarg.

    props = {'proj': 'z root',
             'unit': unit,
             'ylim': 2e-12 * mult,
             'summary_ylim': 3.5e-13 * mult,
             'colorspace': _cs.get_MEG(2e-12 * mult),
             'summary_colorspace': _cs.get_MEG(2e-13 * mult),

    if properties:

    picks = mne.fiff.pick_types(, meg=meg, eeg=eeg, stim=False,
                                eog=False, include=[], exclude=exclude)
    x = epochs.get_data()[:, picks]
    if mult != 1:
        x *= mult

    if sensors is None:
        sensor = sensor_net(epochs, picks=picks)
        sensor = sensors
    time = var(epochs.times, name='time')
    return ndvar(x, ('case', sensor, time), properties=props, name=name)