Beispiel #1
def test_difference():
    "Test table.difference"
    ds = datasets.get_uv()
    # add a variables that should stay in the dataset
    labels = {c: c[-1] for c in ds['rm'].cells}
    ds['rmf'] = Factor(ds['rm'], labels=labels)

    dds = table.difference('fltvar', 'A', 'a1', 'a2', 'rm', ds=ds)
    assert repr(dds) == "<Dataset n_cases=20 {'rm':F, 'fltvar':V, 'rmf':F}>"
    assert_array_equal(dds['rmf'], Factor(dds['rm'], labels=labels))
    dds = table.difference('fltvar', 'A', 'a1', 'a2', 'rm', by='B', ds=ds)
    assert repr(dds) == "<Dataset n_cases=40 {'rm':F, 'fltvar':V, 'B':F, 'rmf':F}>"
    # difference of the difference
    ddds = table.difference('fltvar', 'B', 'b1', 'b2', 'rm', ds=dds)
    assert repr(ddds) == "<Dataset n_cases=20 {'rm':F, 'fltvar':V, 'rmf':F}>"
    dds = table.difference('fltvar', 'A%B', ('a1', 'b1'), ('a2', 'b2'), 'rm', ds=ds)
    assert repr(dds) == "<Dataset n_cases=20 {'rm':F, 'fltvar':V, 'rmf':F}>"

    # create bigger dataset
    ds2 = ds.copy()
    ds['C', :] = 'c1'
    ds2['C', :] = 'c2'
    ds = combine((ds, ds2))
    dds = table.difference('fltvar', 'A', 'a1', 'a2', 'rm', by='B%C', ds=ds)
    assert repr(dds) == "<Dataset n_cases=80 {'rm':F, 'fltvar':V, 'B':F, 'C':F, 'rmf':F}>"
    dds = table.difference('fltvar', 'A%B', ('a1', 'b1'), ('a2', 'b2'), 'rm', by='C', ds=ds)
    assert repr(dds) == "<Dataset n_cases=40 {'rm':F, 'fltvar':V, 'C':F, 'rmf':F}>"
Beispiel #2
def test_effect():
    "Test _Effect class"
    # .enumerate_cells()
    f1 = Factor('aabbccaabbcc')
    f2 = Factor('abababababab')
    i = f1 % f2

    n1 = np.concatenate((np.tile([0, 1], 3), np.tile([2, 3], 3)))
    assert_array_equal(f1.enumerate_cells(), n1)
    assert_array_equal(f2.enumerate_cells(), np.arange(6).repeat(2))
    assert_array_equal(i.enumerate_cells(), np.arange(2).repeat(6))
Beispiel #3
def test_test_experiment(root_dir):
    "Test event labeling with the EventExperiment subclass of MneExperiment"
    e = EventExperiment()

    # test defaults
    assert e.get('session') == 'cheese'
    assert e.get('model') == 'name'

    # test event labeling
    ds = e._label_events(gen_triggers())
    name = Factor([e.variables['name'][t] for t in TRIGGERS], name='name')
    assert_dataobj_equal(ds['name'], name)
    tgt = ds['trigger'].as_factor(e.variables['backorder'], 'backorder')
    assert_dataobj_equal(ds['backorder'], tgt)
    tgt = ds['trigger'].as_factor(e.variables['taste'], 'taste')
    assert_dataobj_equal(ds['taste'], tgt)
    assert_array_equal(ds['i_start'], I_START)
    assert_array_equal(ds['subject'] == SUBJECT, True)

    # epochs
    assert e._epochs['cheese'].tmin == -0.2
    assert e._epochs['cheese-leicester'].tmin == -0.1
    assert e._epochs['cheese-tilsit'].tmin == -0.2

    # tests
    e = EventExperiment(root_dir)
    # add test
    EventExperiment.tests['aov'] = ANOVA('backorder * taste * subject')
    e = EventExperiment(root_dir)
    assert e.get('model') == 'backorder%taste'
    # remove test
    del EventExperiment.tests['aov']
    e = EventExperiment(root_dir)
Beispiel #4
def test_boxplot():
    "Test plot.Boxplot"
    ds = datasets.get_uv()
    plot.Boxplot('fltvar', 'A%B', match='rm', ds=ds, show=False)

    # one category
    plot.Boxplot('fltvar', ds=ds, test=False, show=False)
    plot.Boxplot('fltvar', ds=ds, show=False)
    plot.Boxplot('fltvar', match='rm', ds=ds, show=False)

    # many pairwise significances
    ds['fltvar'][ds.eval("A%B==('a1','b1')")] += 1
    ds['fltvar'][ds.eval("A%B==('a2','b2')")] -= 1
    ds['C'] = Factor('qw', repeat=10, tile=4)
    plot.Boxplot('fltvar', 'A%B%C', ds=ds, show=False)

    # long labels
        'a1': 'a very long label',
        'a2': 'another very long label'
    p = plot.Barplot('fltvar', 'A%B', ds=ds, show=False)
    labels = p._ax.get_xticklabels()
    bbs = [l.get_window_extent() for l in labels]
    for i in xrange(len(bbs) - 1):
        ok_(bbs[i].x1 < bbs[i + 1].x0)
Beispiel #5
def test_permutation():
    """Test permutation"""
    v = Var(np.arange(6))
    res = np.empty((5, 6))
    for i, y in enumerate(resample(v, samples=5)):
        res[i] = y.x'Standard Permutation:\n%s' % res)

    # with unit
    s = Factor('abc', tile=2)
    for i, y in enumerate(resample(v, samples=5, unit=s)):
        res[i] = y.x'Permutation with Unit:\n%s' % res)

    # check we have only appropriate cells
    cols = [np.unique(res[:, i]) for i in xrange(res.shape[1])]
    for i in xrange(3):
        eq_(len(np.setdiff1d(cols[i], [i, i + 3])), 0)
    for i in xrange(3, 6):
        eq_(len(np.setdiff1d(cols[i], [i, i - 3])), 0)

    # check we have some variability
    eq_(max(map(len, cols)), 2)

    # with sign flip
    v = Var(np.arange(1, 7))
    res = np.empty((2**6 - 1, 6))
    for i, y in enumerate(resample(v, samples=-1, sign_flip=True)):
        res[i] = y.x'Permutation with sign_flip:\n%s' % res)
    ok_(np.all(res.min(1) < 0), "Not all permutations have a sign flip")
Beispiel #6
def test_dataobjects():
    "Test handing MNE-objects as data-objects"
    ds = datasets.get_mne_sample(sns=True)
    ds['C'] = Factor(ds['index'] > 155, labels={False: 'a', True: 'b'})
    sds = ds.sub("side % C != ('L', 'b')")
    ads = sds.aggregate('side % C')
    eq_(ads.n_cases, 3)
Beispiel #7
def test_clusters():
    "test plot.uts cluster plotting functions"
    ds = datasets.get_uts()

    A = ds['A']
    B = ds['B']
    Y = ds['uts']

    # fixed effects model
    res = testnd.anova(Y, A * B)
    p = plot.UTSClusters(res, title="Fixed Effects Model", show=False)

    # random effects model:
    subject = Factor(range(15), tile=4, random=True, name='subject')
    res = testnd.anova(Y, A * B * subject, samples=2)
    p = plot.UTSClusters(res, title="Random Effects Model", show=False)

    # plot UTSStat
    p = plot.UTSStat(Y, A % B, match=subject, show=False)
    p = plot.UTSStat(Y, A, Xax=B, match=subject, show=False)
Beispiel #8
def test_dataset():
    "Basic dataset operations"
    ds = Dataset()
    # naming
    ds['f'] = Factor('abab')
    eq_(ds['f'].name, 'f')

    # ds.add()
    assert_raises(ValueError, ds.add, Factor('aabb'))
    ds.add(Factor('aabb', name='g'))
    eq_(ds['g'].name, 'g')

    # ds.update()
    ds = Dataset()
    ds.update({'f': Factor('abab')})
    eq_(ds['f'].name, 'f')
def test_permutation():
    """Test permutation"""
    v = Var(np.arange(6))
    res = np.empty((5, 6))
    for i, y in enumerate(resample(v, samples=5)):
        res[i] = y.x

    # with unit
    s = Factor('abc', tile=2)
    for i, y in enumerate(resample(v, samples=5, unit=s)):
        res[i] = y.x

    # check we have only appropriate cells
    cols = [np.unique(res[:, i]) for i in range(res.shape[1])]
    for i in range(3):
        eq_(len(np.setdiff1d(cols[i], [i, i + 3])), 0)
    for i in range(3, 6):
        eq_(len(np.setdiff1d(cols[i], [i, i - 3])), 0)

    # check we have some variability
    eq_(max(map(len, cols)), 2)

    # make sure sequence is stable
    eq_(list(map(tuple, permute_order(4, 3))), [(2, 3, 1, 0), (2, 1, 3, 0),
                                                (0, 2, 3, 1)])
Beispiel #10
def test_test_experiment():
    "Test event labeling with the EventExperiment subclass of MneExperiment"
    e = EventExperiment()

    # test defaults
    eq_(e.get('session'), 'cheese')
    eq_(e.get('model'), 'name')

    # test event labeling
    ds = e.label_events(gen_triggers())
    name = Factor([e.variables['name'][t] for t in TRIGGERS], name='name')
    assert_dataobj_equal(ds['name'], name)
    tgt = ds['trigger'].as_factor(e.variables['backorder'], 'backorder')
    assert_dataobj_equal(ds['backorder'], tgt)
    tgt = ds['trigger'].as_factor(e.variables['taste'], 'taste')
    assert_dataobj_equal(ds['taste'], tgt)
    assert_array_equal(ds['i_start'], I_START)
    assert_array_equal(ds['subject'] == SUBJECT, True)

    # tests disabled (trigger-shift applied in load_events):
    # ---
    #  assert_equal(ds['i_start'], I_START + round(0.03 * SAMPLINGRATE))
    # # test without trigger shift
    # e.trigger_shift = 0
    # ds = e.label_events(gen_triggers())
    # assert_equal(ds['i_start'], I_START)
    # # trigger shift dict
    # e2 = EventExperimentTriggerShiftDict('', False)
    # ds = e2.label_events(gen_triggers())
    # assert_equal(ds['i_start'], I_START + round(0.04 * SAMPLINGRATE))

    # epochs
    eq_(e._epochs['cheese'].tmin, -0.2)
    eq_(e._epochs['cheese-leicester'].tmin, -0.1)
    eq_(e._epochs['cheese-tilsit'].tmin, -0.2)
Beispiel #11
def test_complement():
    """Test design.complement()"""
    ds = Dataset()
    ds['A'] = Factor('abcabc')
    ds['B'] = Factor('bcabca')
    ds['C'] = Factor('cabcab')

    # underspecified
    assert_raises(ValueError, complement, ['A'], ds=ds)

    # correct
    comp = complement(['A', 'B'], ds=ds)
    ok_(np.all(comp == ds['C']), "Complement yielded %s instead of "
        "%s." % (comp, ds['C']))

    # overspecified
    assert_raises(ValueError, complement, ['A', 'B', 'C'], ds=ds)
Beispiel #12
def test_model():
    "Test Model class"
    # model repr
    a = Factor('ab', repeat=2, name='a')
    b = Factor('ab', tile=2, name='b')
    m = a * b
    eq_(repr(m), "a + b + a % b")

    # model without explicit names
    x1 = Factor('ab', repeat=2)
    x2 = Factor('ab', tile=2)
    m = x1 * x2
    eq_(repr(m), "<?> + <?> + <?> % <?>")

    # catch explicit intercept
    intercept = Factor('i', repeat=4, name='intercept')
    assert_raises(ValueError, a.__mul__, intercept)
Beispiel #13
def test_anova_crawley():
    y = Var([2, 3, 3, 4, 3, 4, 5, 6,
             1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2,
             2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 3], name="Growth Rate")
    genot = Factor(range(6), repeat=4, name="Genotype")
    hrs = Var([8, 12, 16, 24], tile=6, name="Hours")
    aov = test.anova(y, hrs * genot)
    assert f'\n{aov}\n' == """
Beispiel #14
def test_complement():
    """Test design.complement()"""
    ds = Dataset()
    ds['A'] = Factor('abcabc')
    ds['B'] = Factor('bcabca')
    ds['C'] = Factor('cabcab')

    # underspecified
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        complement(['A'], ds=ds)

    # correct
    comp = complement(['A', 'B'], ds=ds)
    assert np.all(comp == ds['C']), f"Complement yielded {comp} instead of {ds['C']}"

    # overspecified
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        complement(['A', 'B', 'C'], ds=ds)
Beispiel #15
def test_repmeas():
    "Test table.repmeas (repeated measures table)"
    ds = datasets.get_uv()
    print table.repmeas('fltvar', 'A', 'rm', ds=ds)
    print table.repmeas('fltvar', 'A%B', 'rm', ds=ds)
    print table.repmeas('fltvar', 'A', 'B%rm', ds=ds)

    # test naturalization of cellnames
    ds['ANum'] = Factor(ds['A'], labels={'a1': '1', 'a2': '2'})
    print table.repmeas('fltvar', 'ANum', 'rm', ds=ds)
Beispiel #16
def test_datalist():
    "Test Datalist class"
    dl = Datalist(list(range(10)))

    # indexing
    eq_(dl[3], 3)
    x = dl[:3]
    assert_is_instance(x, Datalist)
    assert_array_equal(x, list(range(3)))
    assert_array_equal(dl[8:], list(range(8, 10)))
    x = dl[np.arange(10) < 3]
    assert_is_instance(x, Datalist)
    assert_array_equal(x, list(range(3)))
    assert_array_equal(dl[np.arange(3)], list(range(3)))

    # __add__
    x = dl + list(range(10, 12))
    assert_is_instance(x, Datalist)
    assert_array_equal(x, list(range(12)))

    # aggregate
    x = dl.aggregate(Factor('ab', repeat=5))
    assert_is_instance(x, Datalist)
    assert_array_equal(x, [2.0, 7.0])

    # repr
    dl = Datalist([['a', 'b'], [], ['a']])
    eq_(str(dl), "[['a', 'b'], [], ['a']]")
    dl = Datalist([['a', 'b'], [], ['a']], fmt='strlist')
    eq_(str(dl), '[[a, b], [], [a]]')
    eq_(str(dl[:2]), '[[a, b], []]')

    # eq
    a = Datalist([[], [1], [], [1]])
    b = Datalist([[], [], [2], [1]])
    assert_array_equal(a == b, [True, False, False, True])
    assert_array_equal(a != b, [False, True, True, False])

    # deepcopy
    ac = deepcopy(a)
    ok_(ac is not a)
    assert_array_equal(ac, a)
    assert_array_equal(ac == a, [False, True, True, True])

    # __setitem__
    ac[:2] = (1, 2)
    assert_array_equal(ac == [1, 2, [], [1]], True)
    ac[np.arange(2, 4)] = [3, 4]
    assert_array_equal(ac == list(range(1, 5)), True)
    assert_raises(ValueError, ac.__setitem__, np.arange(2), np.arange(3))

    # update
    assert_array_equal(a, [[], [1], [2], [1]])
Beispiel #17
def test_dataset_indexing():
    """Test Dataset indexing"""
    ds = datasets.get_uv()

    # indexing values
    eq_(ds['A', 1], ds['A'][1])
    eq_(ds[1, 'A'], ds['A'][1])

    # indexing variables
    assert_dataobj_equal(ds[:, 'A'], ds['A'])
    assert_dataobj_equal(ds['A', :], ds['A'])
    assert_dataobj_equal(ds[:10, 'A'], ds['A'][:10])
    assert_dataobj_equal(ds['A', :10], ds['A'][:10])

    # new Dataset through indexing
    ds2 = Dataset()
    ds2['A'] = ds['A']
    assert_dataset_equal(ds[('A',)], ds2)
    ds2['B'] = ds['B']
    assert_dataset_equal(ds['A', 'B'], ds2)
    assert_dataset_equal(ds[('A', 'B'), :10], ds2[:10])
    assert_dataset_equal(ds[:10, ('A', 'B')], ds2[:10])

    # assigning value
    ds[2, 'A'] = 'hello'
    eq_(ds[2, 'A'], 'hello')
    ds['A', 2] = 'not_hello'
    eq_(ds[2, 'A'], 'not_hello')

    # assigning new factor
    ds['C', :] = 'c'
    ok_(np.all(ds.eval("C == 'c'")))

    # assigning new Var
    ds['D1', :] = 5.
    ds[:, 'D2'] = 5.
    assert_array_equal(ds['D1'], 5)
    assert_array_equal(ds['D2'], 5)

    # test illegal names
    f = Factor('aaabbb')
    assert_raises(ValueError, ds.__setitem__, '%dsa', f)
    assert_raises(ValueError, ds.__setitem__, '432', f)
    assert_raises(ValueError, ds.__setitem__, ('%dsa', slice(None)), 'value')
    assert_raises(ValueError, ds.__setitem__, (slice(None), '%dsa'), 'value')
    assert_raises(ValueError, ds.__setitem__, ('432', slice(None)), 4.)
    assert_raises(ValueError, ds.__setitem__, (slice(None), '432'), 4.)

    # deleting items
    del ds['A']
    ok_('A' not in ds)
    assert_raises(KeyError, ds.__getitem__, 'A')
    del ds['B', 'rm']
    ok_('B' not in ds and 'rm' not in ds)
Beispiel #18
def test_boxplot():
    "Test plot.uv.boxplot"
    plot.configure_backend(False, False)
    ds = datasets.get_uv()
    plot.uv.Boxplot('fltvar', 'A%B', match='rm', ds=ds)

    # many pairwise significances
    ds['fltvar'][ds.eval("A%B==('a1','b1')")] += 1
    ds['fltvar'][ds.eval("A%B==('a2','b2')")] -= 1
    ds['C'] = Factor('qw', rep=10, tile=4)
    plot.uv.Boxplot('fltvar', 'A%B%C', ds=ds)
Beispiel #19
def test_factor_relabel():
    "Test Factor.relabel() method"
    f = Factor('aaabbbccc')
    f.relabel({'a': 'd'})
    assert_array_equal(f, Factor('dddbbbccc'))
    f.relabel({'d': 'c', 'c': 'd'})
    assert_array_equal(f, Factor('cccbbbddd'))
    f.relabel({'d': 'c'})
    assert_array_equal(f, Factor('cccbbbccc'))
    assert_raises(KeyError, f.relabel, {'a':'c'})
Beispiel #20
    def align_word_dataset(
        ds: Dataset,
        words: FactorArg = 'word',
    ) -> Dataset:
        """Align ``ds`` to the TextGrid

            Dataset with data to align.
            Words in ``ds`` to use to align to the TextGrid words.

            Dataset with the variables in ``ds`` aligned to the TextGrid,
            including time stamps and TextGrid words.
        words_ = asfactor(words, ds=ds)
        index = self._align_index(words_, silence=-1, missing=-2)
        out = Dataset(
                'time': Var([r.times[0] for r in self.realizations]),
                'grid_word': Factor([r.graphs for r in self.realizations]),
            info={'tstop': self.realizations[-1].tstop})
        for key, variable in ds.items():
            if isinstance(variable, (Var, Factor)):
                values = dict(enumerate(variable))
                if isinstance(variable, Var):
                    values[-1] = values[
                        -2] = False  # coerced to 0 unless all values are boolean
                    out[key] = Var([values[i] for i in index])
                    values[-1] = values[-2] = ''
                    out[key] = Factor([values[i] for i in index],
        return out
Beispiel #21
def test_factor():
    "Test basic Factor functionality"
    # removing a cell
    f = Factor('aabbcc')
    eq_(f.cells, ('a', 'b', 'c'))
    eq_(f.n_cells, 3)
    f[f == 'c'] = 'a'
    eq_(f.cells, ('a', 'b'))
    eq_(f.n_cells, 2)

    # cell order
    a = np.tile(np.arange(3), 3)
    # alphabetical
    f = Factor(a, labels={0: 'c', 1: 'b', 2: 'a'})
    eq_(f.cells, ('a', 'b', 'c'))
    # ordered
    f = Factor(a, labels=((0, 'c'), (1, 'b'), (2, 'a')))
    eq_(f.cells, ('c', 'b', 'a'))
    eq_(f[:2].cells, ('c', 'b'))
    f[f == 'b'] = 'c'
    eq_(f.cells, ('c', 'a'))

    # label length
    lens = [2, 5, 32, 2, 32, 524]
    f = Factor(['a' * l for l in lens])
    assert_array_equal(f.label_length(), lens)

    # equality
    f = Factor('aabbcc')
    assert_equal(f == Factor('aabbcc'), True)
    assert_equal(f == Factor('bbccaa'), False)
    assert_equal(f == Factor('aabxxx'), (True, True, True, False, False, False))
    assert_equal(f == Var(np.ones(6)), False)
Beispiel #22
def test_interaction():
    "Test Interaction"
    ds = datasets.get_uv()
    A = ds['A']
    B = ds['B']
    i = A % B
    # eq for sequence
    assert_array_equal(i == A % B, True)
    assert_array_equal(i == B % A, False)
    assert_array_equal(i == A, False)
    assert_array_equal(i == ds['fltvar'], False)
    assert_array_equal(ds.eval("A%B") == Factor(ds['A']) % B, True)
    # eq for element
    for a, b in product(A.cells, B.cells):
        assert_array_equal(i == (a, b), np.logical_and(A == a, B == b))

    # Interaction.as_factor()
    a = Factor('aabb')
    i = a % Factor('cdcd')
    assert_dataobj_equal(i.as_factor(), Factor(['a c', 'a d', 'b c', 'b d']))
    i = a % Factor(['c', '', 'c', ''])
    assert_dataobj_equal(i.as_factor(), Factor(['a c', 'a', 'b c', 'b']))

    # pickling
    ip = pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(i))
    assert_dataobj_equal(ip, i)
def t_stop_ds(ds: Dataset, t: float):
    "Dummy-event for the end of the last step"
    t_stop =['tstop'] + t
    out = {}
    for k, v in ds.items():
        if k == 'time':
            out['time'] = Var([t_stop])
        elif isinstance(v, Var):
            out[k] = Var(numpy.asarray([0], v.x.dtype))
        elif isinstance(v, Factor):
            out[k] = Factor([''])
            raise ValueError(f"{k!r} in predictor: {v!r}")
    return Dataset(out)
Beispiel #24
def test_var():
    "Test Var objects"
    base = Factor('aabbcde')
    y = Var.from_dict(base, {'a': 5, 'e': 8}, default=0)
    assert_array_equal(y.x, [5, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8])

    # basic operations
    info = {'a': 1}
    v = Var(np.arange(4.), info=info)
    eq_(, info)
    w = v - 1
    eq_(, info)
    assert_array_equal(w.x, v.x - 1)
    w = v + 1
    eq_(, info)
    assert_array_equal(w.x, v.x + 1)
    w = v * 2
    eq_(, info)
    assert_array_equal(w.x, v.x * 2)
    w = v / 2
    eq_(, info)
    assert_array_equal(w.x, v.x / 2)

    # assignment
    tgt1 = np.arange(10)
    tgt2 = np.tile(np.arange(5), 2)
    v = Var(np.arange(10))
    v[v > 4] = np.arange(5)
    assert_array_equal(v, tgt2)
    v[5:] = np.arange(5, 10)
    assert_array_equal(v, tgt1)
    v = Var(np.arange(10))
    v[v > 4] = Var(np.arange(5))
    assert_array_equal(v, tgt2)
    v[5:] = Var(np.arange(5, 10))
    assert_array_equal(v, tgt1)

    # .split()
    y = Var(np.arange(16))
    for i in xrange(1, 9):
        split = y.split(i)
        eq_(len(split.cells), i)

    # .as_factor()
    v = Var(np.arange(4))
    assert_array_equal(v.as_factor(), Factor('0123'))
    assert_array_equal(v.as_factor({0: 'a'}), Factor('a123'))
    assert_array_equal(v.as_factor({(0, 1): 'a', (2, 3): 'b'}), Factor('aabb'))
        (0, 1): 'a',
        2: 'b',
        'default': 'c'
    }), Factor('aabc'))
        (0, 1): 'a',
        (2, 'default'): 'b'
    }), Factor('aabb'))
Beispiel #25
def test_interaction():
    "Test Interaction"
    ds = datasets.get_uv()
    A = ds['A']
    B = ds['B']
    i = A % B
    # eq for sequence
    assert_array_equal(i == A % B, True)
    assert_array_equal(i == B % A, False)
    assert_array_equal(i == A, False)
    assert_array_equal(i == ds['fltvar'], False)
    assert_array_equal(ds.eval("A%B") == Factor(ds['A']) % B, True)
    # eq for element
    for a, b in product(A.cells, B.cells):
        assert_array_equal(i == (a, b), np.logical_and(A == a, B == b))
Beispiel #26
def test_effect():
    "Test _Effect class"
    # .enumerate_cells()
    f1 = Factor('aabbccaabbcc')
    f2 = Factor('abababababab')
    i = f1 % f2

    n1 = np.concatenate((np.tile([0, 1], 3), np.tile([2, 3], 3)))
    assert_array_equal(f1.enumerate_cells(), n1)
    assert_array_equal(f2.enumerate_cells(), np.arange(6).repeat(2))
    assert_array_equal(i.enumerate_cells(), np.arange(2).repeat(6))
Beispiel #27
def test_timeplot():
    "Test plot.Timeplot"
    ds = datasets.get_loftus_masson_1994()
    ds['cat'] = Factor([int(s) > 5 for s in ds['subject']],
                           True: 'a',
                           False: 'b'

    plot.Timeplot('n_recalled', 'subject', 'exposure', ds=ds)
    plot.Timeplot('n_recalled', 'cat', 'exposure', ds=ds)
Beispiel #28
def test_repmeas():
    "Test table.repmeas (repeated measures table)"
    ds = datasets.get_uv()
    print(table.repmeas('fltvar', 'A', 'rm', ds=ds))
    print(table.repmeas('fltvar', 'A%B', 'rm', ds=ds))
    print(table.repmeas('fltvar', 'A', 'B%rm', ds=ds))

    # with int model
    ds['Bv'] = ds['B'].as_var({'b1': 1, 'b2': 2})
    print(table.repmeas('fltvar', 'A', 'Bv%rm', ds=ds))

    # test naturalization of cellnames
    ds['ANum'] = Factor(ds['A'], labels={'a1': '1', 'a2': '2'})
    print(table.repmeas('fltvar', 'ANum', 'rm', ds=ds))

    # with empty cell name
    ds['A'].update_labels({'a1': ''})
    print(table.repmeas('fltvar', 'A', 'rm', ds=ds))
Beispiel #29
def test_factor():
    "Test basic Factor functionality"
    # removing a cell
    f = Factor('aabbcc')
    eq_(f.cells, ('a', 'b', 'c'))
    f[f == 'c'] = 'a'
    eq_(f.cells, ('a', 'b'))

    # cell order
    a = np.tile(np.arange(3), 3)
    # alphabetical
    f = Factor(a, labels={0: 'c', 1: 'b', 2: 'a'})
    eq_(f.cells, ('a', 'b', 'c'))
    # ordered
    f = Factor(a, labels=((0, 'c'), (1, 'b'), (2, 'a')))
    eq_(f.cells, ('c', 'b', 'a'))
    eq_(f[:2].cells, ('c', 'b'))
    f[f == 'b'] = 'c'
    eq_(f.cells, ('c', 'a'))

    # label length
    lens = [2, 5, 32, 2, 32, 524]
    f = Factor(['a' * l for l in lens])
    assert_array_equal(f.label_length(), lens)
Beispiel #30
def test_dataset_sorting():
    "Test Dataset sorting methods"
    test_array = np.arange(10)
    ds = Dataset()
    ds['v'] = Var(test_array)
    ds['f'] = Factor(test_array)

    # shuffle the Dataset
    rand_idx = test_array.copy()
    ds_shuffled = ds[rand_idx]

    # ascending, Var, copy
    dsa = ds_shuffled.sorted('v')
    assert_dataset_equal(dsa, ds, "Copy sorted by Var, ascending")

    # descending, Factor, in-place
    ds_shuffled.sort('f', descending=True)
    assert_dataset_equal(ds_shuffled, ds[::-1], "In-place sorted by Factor, "
Beispiel #31
def test_boxplot():
    "Test plot.Boxplot"
    ds = datasets.get_uv(nrm=True)
    plot.Boxplot('fltvar', 'A%B', match='rm', ds=ds)
    # boxplot args
    plot.Boxplot('fltvar', 'A%B', match='rm', ds=ds, showmeans=True)

    # one category
    plot.Boxplot('fltvar', ds=ds, test=False)
    plot.Boxplot('fltvar', ds=ds)
    plot.Boxplot('fltvar', match='rm', ds=ds)
    plot.Boxplot('fltvar', 'A%B', match='rm', ds=ds, label_fliers=True)

    # cells
    plot.Boxplot('fltvar', 'A%B', cells=(('a2', 'b2'), ('a1', 'b1')), ds=ds)
                 cells=(('a2', 'b2'), ('a1', 'b1')),

    # many pairwise significances
    ds['fltvar'][ds.eval("A%B==('a1','b1')")] += 1
    ds['fltvar'][ds.eval("A%B==('a2','b2')")] -= 1
    ds['C'] = Factor('qw', repeat=10, tile=4)
    plot.Boxplot('fltvar', 'A%B%C', ds=ds)

    # long labels
        'a1': 'a very long label',
        'a2': 'another very long label'
    p = plot.Boxplot('fltvar', 'A%B', ds=ds)
    labels = p._ax.get_xticklabels()
    bbs = [l.get_window_extent() for l in labels]
    for i in range(len(bbs) - 1):
        assert bbs[i].x1 < bbs[i + 1].x0

    # nested rm
    plot.Boxplot('fltvar', 'A%B', match='nrm', ds=ds)
    plot.Boxplot('fltvar', 'A%B', match='nrm', ds=ds, sub="nrm != 's001'")
Beispiel #32
def test_vec_source():
    "Test vector source space"
    ds = datasets.get_mne_sample(0,
                                 0.1, (0, 0),
                                 sub="(modality=='A') & (side == 'L')",
    # conversion: vector
    stc = ds[0, 'stc']
    stc2 = load.fiff.stc_ndvar([stc, stc],['subject'], 'vol-10',
    assert_dataobj_equal(stc2[1], ds[0, 'src'], name=False)
    # non-vector
    if hasattr(stc, 'magnitude'):  # added in mne 0.18
        stc = stc.magnitude()
        ndvar = load.fiff.stc_ndvar(stc,['subject'], 'vol-10',
        assert_dataobj_equal(ndvar, ds[0, 'src'].norm('space'), name=False)
    # test
    res = testnd.Vector('src', ds=ds, samples=2)
    clusters = res.find_clusters()
    assert_array_equal(clusters['n_sources'], [799, 1, 7, 1, 2, 1])
    # NDVar
    v = ds['src']
    assert v.sub(source='lh', time=0).shape == (72, 712, 3)
    # parc
    v = ds[0, 'src']
    v = set_parc(v, Factor('abcdefg', repeat=227))
    v1 = v.sub(source='a')
    assert len(v1.source) == 227
    v2 = v.sub(source=('b', 'c'))
    assert len(v2.source) == 454
    assert 'b' in v2.source.parc
    assert 'd' not in v2.source.parc
    with pytest.raises(IndexError):
    with pytest.raises(IndexError):
        v.sub(source=['a', 'bc'])
def test_test_experiment():
    "Test event labeling with the EventExperiment subclass of MneExperiment"
    e = EventExperiment('', False)

    # test defaults
    eq_(e.get('experiment'), 'cheese')
    eq_(e.get('model'), 'name')

    # test event labeling
    ds = e.label_events(gen_triggers())
    name = Factor([e.variables['name'][t] for t in TRIGGERS], name='name')
    assert_dataobj_equal(ds['name'], name)
    tgt = ds['trigger'].as_factor(e.variables['backorder'], 'backorder')
    assert_dataobj_equal(ds['backorder'], tgt)
    tgt = ds['trigger'].as_factor(e.variables['taste'], 'taste')
    assert_dataobj_equal(ds['taste'], tgt)
    assert_equal(ds['i_start'], I_START + round((0.03 * SAMPLINGRATE)))
    assert_equal(ds['subject'] == SUBJECT, True)
    # test without trigger shift
    e.trigger_shift = 0
    ds = e.label_events(gen_triggers())
    assert_equal(ds['i_start'], I_START)
Beispiel #34
def test_isin():
    "Test .isin() methods"
    values = np.array([  6, -6, 6, -2, -1, 0, -10, -5, -10, -6])
    v = values[0]
    v2 = values[:2]
    labels = {i: c for i, c in enumerate(ascii_lowercase, -10)}
    vl = labels[v]
    v2l = [labels[v_] for v_ in v2]

    target = np.logical_or(values == v2[0], values == v2[1])
    inv_target = np.invert(target)
    index_target = np.flatnonzero(values == v)
    empty = np.array([])

    var = Var(values)
    assert_array_equal(var.index(v), index_target)
    assert_array_equal(var.isin(v2), target)
    assert_array_equal(var.isany(*v2), target)
    assert_array_equal(var.isnot(*v2), inv_target)
    assert_array_equal(var.isnotin(v2), inv_target)

    var0 = Var([])
    assert_array_equal(var0.isin(v2), empty)
    assert_array_equal(var0.isany(*v2), empty)
    assert_array_equal(var0.isnot(*v2), empty)
    assert_array_equal(var0.isnotin(v2), empty)

    f = Factor(values, labels=labels)
    assert_array_equal(f.index(vl), index_target)
    assert_array_equal(f.isin(v2l), target)
    assert_array_equal(f.isany(*v2l), target)
    assert_array_equal(f.isnot(*v2l), inv_target)
    assert_array_equal(f.isnotin(v2l), inv_target)

    f0 = Factor([])
    assert_array_equal(f0.isin(v2l), empty)
    assert_array_equal(f0.isany(*v2l), empty)
    assert_array_equal(f0.isnot(*v2l), empty)
    assert_array_equal(f0.isnotin(v2l), empty)
Beispiel #35
def test_factor():
    "Test basic Factor functionality"
    # initializing
    assert_array_equal(Factor('ab'), ['a', 'b'])
    assert_array_equal(Factor('ab', repeat=2), ['a', 'a', 'b', 'b'])
    assert_array_equal(Factor('ab', repeat=np.array([2, 1])), ['a', 'a', 'b'])
    empty_factor = Factor([])
    eq_(len(empty_factor), 0)
    assert_dataobj_equal(Factor(np.empty(0)), empty_factor)
    # from Factor
    f = Factor('aabbcc')
    assert_array_equal(Factor(f), f)
    assert_array_equal(Factor(f, labels={'a': 'b'}), Factor('bbbbcc'))

    # removing a cell
    f = Factor('aabbcc')
    eq_(f.cells, ('a', 'b', 'c'))
    eq_(f.n_cells, 3)
    f[f == 'c'] = 'a'
    eq_(f.cells, ('a', 'b'))
    eq_(f.n_cells, 2)

    # cell order
    a = np.tile(np.arange(3), 3)
    # alphabetical
    f = Factor(a, labels={0: 'c', 1: 'b', 2: 'a'})
    eq_(f.cells, ('a', 'b', 'c'))
    # ordered
    f = Factor(a, labels=((0, 'c'), (1, 'b'), (2, 'a')))
    eq_(f.cells, ('c', 'b', 'a'))
    eq_(f[:2].cells, ('c', 'b'))
    f[f == 'b'] = 'c'
    eq_(f.cells, ('c', 'a'))

    # label length
    lens = [2, 5, 32, 2, 32, 524]
    f = Factor(['a' * l for l in lens], 'f')
    fl = f.label_length()
    assert_array_equal(fl, lens)
    eq_(['longname'], 'f.label_length()')
    lens2 = [3, 5, 32, 2, 32, 523]
    f2 = Factor(['b' * l for l in lens2], 'f2')
    assert_array_equal(fl - f2.label_length(), [a - b for a, b in zip(lens, lens2)])

    # equality
    f = Factor('aabbcc')
    assert_equal(f == Factor('aabbcc'), True)
    assert_equal(f == Factor('bbccaa'), False)
    assert_equal(f == Factor('aabxxx'), (True, True, True, False, False, False))
    assert_equal(f == Var(np.ones(6)), False)

    # Factor.as_var()
    assert_array_equal(f.as_var(dict(zip('abc', range(3)))), [0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2])
    assert_array_equal(f.as_var({'a': 1}, 2), [1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2])
    assert_raises(KeyError, f.as_var, {'a': 1})

    # Factor.floodfill()
    f = Factor([' ', ' ', '1', '2', ' ', ' ', '3', ' ', ' ', '2', ' ', ' ', '1'])
    regions =  [ 1,   1,   1,   2,   2,   2,   3,   3,   3,   2,   2,   1,   1]
    regions2 = [ 1,   1,   1,   2,   2,   3,   3,   2,   2,   2,   2,   1,   1]
    regions3 = [ 1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   1,   2,   2,   2,   2,   2]
    target3 =  ['1', '1', '1', '2', '2', '2', '3', '3', '2', '2', '2', '2', '1']
    target_p = [' ', ' ', '1', '2', '2', '2', '3', '3', '3', '2', '2', '2', '1']
    assert_array_equal(f.floodfill(regions, ' '), Var(regions).as_factor())
    assert_array_equal(f.floodfill(regions2, ' '), Var(regions2).as_factor())
    assert_array_equal(f.floodfill(regions3, ' '), target3)
    assert_array_equal(f.floodfill('previous', ' '), target_p)
    f = Factor(['', '', 'a', '', 'e', 'r', ''])
    assert_array_equal(f.floodfill([1, 1, 1, 11, 11, 11, 11]), Factor('aaaeerr'))