Beispiel #1
def test_sd():
    sc = Shellcode(open("tests/files/plain/sd.bin", "rb").read())
    assert sc.to_dict()["bbl"] == [
        (0x00, 0x0c),
        (0x0c, 0x39),
        (0x39, 0x45),
Beispiel #2
def test_bin1():
    sc = Shellcode(open("tests/files/plain/1.bin", "rb").read())
    assert sc.to_dict()["bbl"] == [
        (0x00, 0x06),
        (0x06, 0x15),
        (0x15, 0x1e),
        (0x1e, 0x23),
        (0x23, 0x25),
        (0x25, 0x2c),
        (0x2c, 0x3a),
        (0x3a, 0x45),
        (0x45, 0x47),
        (0x47, 0x4f),
        (0x4f, 0x59),
        (0x59, 0x61),
        (0x61, 0x81),
        (0x81, 0x82),
        (0x82, 0x88),
        (0x88, 0xb9),
        (0xc0, 0xe1),
        (0xe1, 0x105),
        (0x105, 0x108),
        (0x108, 0x10f),
        (0x10f, 0x128),
        (0x128, 0x13b),
        (0x13b, 0x143),
        (0x143, 0x145),
        (0x145, 0x14b),
    assert sc.to_dict()["data"] == [
        (0xb9, "/282yG\x00"),
        (0x14b, "\x00"),
Beispiel #3
def test_bin3():
    sc = Shellcode(open("tests/files/plain/3.bin", "rb").read())
    assert sc.to_dict()["bbl"] == [
        (0x00, 0x06),
        (0x06, 0x15),
        (0x15, 0x1e),
        (0x1e, 0x23),
        (0x23, 0x25),
        (0x25, 0x2c),
        (0x2c, 0x3a),
        (0x3a, 0x45),
        (0x45, 0x47),
        (0x47, 0x4f),
        (0x4f, 0x59),
        (0x59, 0x61),
        (0x61, 0x81),
        (0x81, 0x82),
        (0x82, 0x88),
        (0x88, 0xb9),
        (0xc0, 0xe1),
        (0xe1, 0x105),
        (0x105, 0x108),
        (0x108, 0x10f),
        (0x10f, 0x128),
        (0x128, 0x13b),
        (0x13b, 0x143),
        (0x143, 0x145),
        (0x145, 0x14b),
    assert sc.to_dict()["data"] == [
        (0xb9, "/BZFC7\x00"),
        (0x14b, "\x00"),
Beispiel #4
def test_bin2():
    sc = Shellcode(open("tests/files/plain/2.bin", "rb").read())
    assert sc.to_dict()["bbl"] == [
        (0x00, 0x06),
        (0x06, 0x15),
        (0x15, 0x1e),
        (0x1e, 0x23),
        (0x23, 0x25),
        (0x25, 0x2c),
        (0x2c, 0x3a),
        (0x3a, 0x45),
        (0x45, 0x47),
        (0x47, 0x4f),
        (0x4f, 0x59),
        (0x59, 0x61),
        (0x61, 0x81),
        (0x81, 0x82),
        (0x82, 0x88),
        (0x88, 0xc0),
        (0xd1, 0xe5),
        (0xe5, 0xf4),
        (0xf4, 0xf9),
        (0xf9, 0x100),
        (0x100, 0x122),
        (0x122, 0x134),
        (0x134, 0x135),
    assert sc.to_dict()["data"] == [
        (192, "\x00"),
Beispiel #5
def test_bin1():
    sc = Shellcode(open("tests/files/plain/1.bin", "rb").read())
    assert json.loads(sc.to_json()) == {
        "data": [
            [0xb9, "/282yG\x00"],
            [0x14b, "\x00"],
Beispiel #6
def test_parse():
    sc = Shellcode("\x90\x75\x02\x90\x90\x90")
    assert sc.to_dict() == {
        "text": [
            (0, 1, "nop", ""),
            (1, 2, "jne", "5"),
            (3, 1, "nop", ""),
            (4, 1, "nop", ""),
            (5, 1, "nop", ""),
        "bbl": [
            (0x00, 0x03),
            (0x03, 0x05),
            (0x05, 0x06),
        "data": [],
Beispiel #7
def test_sd():
    sc = Shellcode(open("tests/files/plain/sd.bin", "rb").read())
    assert json.loads(sc.to_json()) == {
        "bbl": [
            [0, 12],
            [12, 57],
            [57, 69],
        "text": [
            [0, 2, "xor", "eax, eax"],
            [2, 2, "xor", "ebx, ebx"],
            [4, 2, "mov", "al, 2"],
            [6, 2, "int", "0x80"],
            [8, 2, "cmp", "eax, ebx"],
            [10, 2, "jne", "0x39"],
            [12, 2, "xor", "eax, eax"],
            [14, 1, "push", "eax"],
            [15, 4, "push", "0x462d"],
            [19, 2, "mov", "esi, esp"],
            [21, 1, "push", "eax"],
            [22, 5, "push", "0x73656c62"],
            [27, 5, "push", "0x61747069"],
            [32, 5, "push", "0x2f6e6962"],
            [37, 5, "push", "0x732f2f2f"],
            [42, 2, "mov", "ebx, esp"],
            [44, 4, "lea", "edx, dword ptr [esp + 0x10]"],
            [48, 1, "push", "eax"],
            [49, 1, "push", "esi"],
            [50, 1, "push", "esp"],
            [51, 2, "mov", "ecx, esp"],
            [53, 2, "mov", "al, 0xb"],
            [55, 2, "int", "0x80"],
            [57, 2, "mov", "ebx, eax"],
            [59, 2, "xor", "eax, eax"],
            [61, 2, "xor", "ecx, ecx"],
            [63, 2, "xor", "edx, edx"],
            [65, 2, "mov", "al, 7"],
            [67, 2, "int", "0x80"],
        "data": [],
Beispiel #8
def as_text(payload):
    ret, sc = [], Shellcode(payload).to_dict()

    for start, end in sc["bbl"]:
        ret.append((start, "bbl_0x%04x:" % start))
    for addr, size, mnemonic, operands in sc["text"]:
        ret.append((addr, "    0x%04x: %s %s" % (addr, mnemonic, operands)))
    for off, data in sc["data"]:
        ret.append((off, ".db %s" % str_as_db(data)))

    # Sort each newline. Precedence is identified by the (offset, index) tuple
    # where index indicates the index in the ret list, i.e., bbl has a higher
    # priority than the instructions.
    ret = sorted((off, idx, line) for idx, (off, line) in enumerate(ret))
    return "%s\n" % "\n".join(line.rstrip() for off, idx, line in ret)
Beispiel #9
def test_add_bbl2():
    sc = Shellcode("")
    sc.parsed[209] = False
    sc.parsed[249] = False
    sc.parsed[256] = True
    sc.parsed[290] = False
    sc.add_bbl(209, 244)
    sc.add_bbl(256, 308)
    sc.add_bbl(249, 308)
    sc.add_bbl(290, None)
    sc.add_bbl(249, 308)
    sc.add_bbl(290, None)
    assert sc.bbl == {
        209: 244,
        249: 256,
        256: 290,
        290: 308,
Beispiel #10
def test_add_bbl1():
    sc = Shellcode("")
    sc.parsed[97] = False
    sc.parsed[129] = False
    sc.parsed[130] = False
    sc.parsed[136] = False
    sc.add_bbl(136, 192)
    sc.add_bbl(130, 136)
    sc.add_bbl(129, 136)
    sc.add_bbl(97, 129)
    assert sc.bbl == {
        97: 129,
        129: 130,
        130: 136,
        136: 192,
Beispiel #11
def parse(payload):
    return Shellcode(payload).to_dict()
Beispiel #12
def main():
    if len(sys.argv) != 2:
        print "Usage: python %s <sc.bin>" % sys.argv[0]

    print Shellcode(open(sys.argv[1], "rb").read()).to_json()
Beispiel #13
def test_bin2():
    sc = Shellcode(open("tests/files/plain/1.bin", "rb").read())
    assert json.loads(sc.to_json()) == {
        "text": [
            [0, 1, "cld", ""],
            [1, 5, "call", "0x88"],
            [6, 1, "pushal", ""],
            [7, 2, "mov", "ebp, esp"],
            [9, 2, "xor", "eax, eax"],
            [11, 4, "mov", "edx, dword ptr fs:[eax + 0x30]"],
            [15, 3, "mov", "edx, dword ptr [edx + 0xc]"],
            [18, 3, "mov", "edx, dword ptr [edx + 0x14]"],
            [21, 3, "mov", "esi, dword ptr [edx + 0x28]"],
            [24, 4, "movzx", "ecx, word ptr [edx + 0x26]"],
            [28, 2, "xor", "edi, edi"],
            [30, 1, "lodsb", "al, byte ptr [esi]"],
            [31, 2, "cmp", "al, 0x61"],
            [33, 2, "jl", "0x25"],
            [35, 2, "sub", "al, 0x20"],
            [37, 3, "ror", "edi, 0xd"],
            [40, 2, "add", "edi, eax"],
            [42, 2, "loop", "0x1e"],
            [44, 1, "push", "edx"],
            [45, 1, "push", "edi"],
            [46, 3, "mov", "edx, dword ptr [edx + 0x10]"],
            [49, 3, "mov", "ecx, dword ptr [edx + 0x3c]"],
            [52, 4, "mov", "ecx, dword ptr [ecx + edx + 0x78]"],
            [56, 2, "jecxz", "0x82"],
            [58, 2, "add", "ecx, edx"],
            [60, 1, "push", "ecx"],
            [61, 3, "mov", "ebx, dword ptr [ecx + 0x20]"],
            [64, 2, "add", "ebx, edx"],
            [66, 3, "mov", "ecx, dword ptr [ecx + 0x18]"],
            [69, 2, "jecxz", "0x81"],
            [71, 1, "dec", "ecx"],
            [72, 3, "mov", "esi, dword ptr [ebx + ecx*4]"],
            [75, 2, "add", "esi, edx"],
            [77, 2, "xor", "edi, edi"],
            [79, 1, "lodsb", "al, byte ptr [esi]"],
            [80, 3, "ror", "edi, 0xd"],
            [83, 2, "add", "edi, eax"],
            [85, 2, "cmp", "al, ah"],
            [87, 2, "jne", "0x4f"],
            [89, 3, "add", "edi, dword ptr [ebp - 8]"],
            [92, 3, "cmp", "edi, dword ptr [ebp + 0x24]"],
            [95, 2, "jne", "0x45"],
            [97, 1, "pop", "eax"],
            [98, 3, "mov", "ebx, dword ptr [eax + 0x24]"],
            [101, 2, "add", "ebx, edx"],
            [103, 4, "mov", "cx, word ptr [ebx + ecx*2]"],
            [107, 3, "mov", "ebx, dword ptr [eax + 0x1c]"],
            [110, 2, "add", "ebx, edx"],
            [112, 3, "mov", "eax, dword ptr [ebx + ecx*4]"],
            [115, 2, "add", "eax, edx"],
            [117, 4, "mov", "dword ptr [esp + 0x24], eax"],
            [121, 1, "pop", "ebx"],
            [122, 1, "pop", "ebx"],
            [123, 1, "popal", ""],
            [124, 1, "pop", "ecx"],
            [125, 1, "pop", "edx"],
            [126, 1, "push", "ecx"],
            [127, 2, "jmp", "eax"],
            [129, 1, "pop", "edi"],
            [130, 1, "pop", "edi"],
            [131, 1, "pop", "edx"],
            [132, 2, "mov", "edx, dword ptr [edx]"],
            [134, 2, "jmp", "0x15"],
            [136, 1, "pop", "ebp"],
            [137, 5, "push", "0x74656e"],
            [142, 5, "push", "0x696e6977"],
            [147, 1, "push", "esp"],
            [148, 5, "push", "0x726774c"],
            [153, 2, "call", "ebp"],
            [155, 2, "xor", "ebx, ebx"],
            [157, 1, "push", "ebx"],
            [158, 1, "push", "ebx"],
            [159, 1, "push", "ebx"],
            [160, 1, "push", "ebx"],
            [161, 1, "push", "ebx"],
            [162, 5, "push", "0xa779563a"],
            [167, 2, "call", "ebp"],
            [169, 1, "push", "ebx"],
            [170, 1, "push", "ebx"],
            [171, 2, "push", "3"],
            [173, 1, "push", "ebx"],
            [174, 1, "push", "ebx"],
            [175, 5, "push", "0x1cec"],
            [180, 5, "call", "0x145"],
            [192, 1, "push", "eax"],
            [193, 5, "push", "0xc69f8957"],
            [198, 2, "call", "ebp"],
            [200, 2, "mov", "esi, eax"],
            [202, 1, "push", "ebx"],
            [203, 5, "push", "0x84e03200"],
            [208, 1, "push", "ebx"],
            [209, 1, "push", "ebx"],
            [210, 1, "push", "ebx"],
            [211, 1, "push", "edi"],
            [212, 1, "push", "ebx"],
            [213, 1, "push", "esi"],
            [214, 5, "push", "0x3b2e55eb"],
            [219, 2, "call", "ebp"],
            [221, 1, "xchg", "eax, esi"],
            [222, 2, "push", "0xa"],
            [224, 1, "pop", "edi"],
            [225, 5, "push", "0x3380"],
            [230, 2, "mov", "eax, esp"],
            [232, 2, "push", "4"],
            [234, 1, "push", "eax"],
            [235, 2, "push", "0x1f"],
            [237, 1, "push", "esi"],
            [238, 5, "push", "0x869e4675"],
            [243, 2, "call", "ebp"],
            [245, 1, "push", "ebx"],
            [246, 1, "push", "ebx"],
            [247, 1, "push", "ebx"],
            [248, 1, "push", "ebx"],
            [249, 1, "push", "esi"],
            [250, 5, "push", "0x7b18062d"],
            [255, 2, "call", "ebp"],
            [257, 2, "test", "eax, eax"],
            [259, 2, "jne", "0x10f"],
            [261, 1, "dec", "edi"],
            [262, 2, "jne", "0xe1"],
            [264, 5, "push", "0x56a2b5f0"],
            [269, 2, "call", "ebp"],
            [271, 2, "push", "0x40"],
            [273, 5, "push", "0x1000"],
            [278, 5, "push", "0x400000"],
            [283, 1, "push", "ebx"],
            [284, 5, "push", "0xe553a458"],
            [289, 2, "call", "ebp"],
            [291, 1, "xchg", "eax, ebx"],
            [292, 1, "push", "ebx"],
            [293, 1, "push", "ebx"],
            [294, 2, "mov", "edi, esp"],
            [296, 1, "push", "edi"],
            [297, 5, "push", "0x2000"],
            [302, 1, "push", "ebx"],
            [303, 1, "push", "esi"],
            [304, 5, "push", "0xe2899612"],
            [309, 2, "call", "ebp"],
            [311, 2, "test", "eax, eax"],
            [313, 2, "je", "0x108"],
            [315, 2, "mov", "eax, dword ptr [edi]"],
            [317, 2, "add", "ebx, eax"],
            [319, 2, "test", "eax, eax"],
            [321, 2, "jne", "0x128"],
            [323, 1, "pop", "eax"],
            [324, 1, "ret", ""],
            [325, 1, "pop", "edi"],
            [326, 5, "call", "0xc0"],