Beispiel #1
async def test_modify_simulator():
    """Test that we can modify a simulator"""
    # This is very dangerous because we're just finding and modifying a random
    # simulator. However, adding and removing a random role shouldn't really
    # affect anything, so this should be fine
    async with api.api() as egta:
        role = '__unique_role__'
        strat1 = '__unique_strategy_1__'
        strat2 = '__unique_strategy_2__'
        # Old sims seem frozen so > 100
        for sim in await egta.get_simulators():  # pragma: no branch
            if sim['id'] > 100:
        else:  # pragma: no cover
            sim = None
            raise AssertionError('no simulators')
            await sim.add_strategies({role: [strat1]})
            assert ((await
                     sim.get_info())['role_configuration'][role] == [strat1])

            await sim.add_strategy(role, strat2)
            expected = [strat1, strat2]
            assert ((await
                     sim.get_info())['role_configuration'][role] == expected)

            await sim.remove_strategies({role: [strat1]})
            assert ((await
                     sim.get_info())['role_configuration'][role] == [strat2])
            await sim.remove_role(role)

        assert role not in (await sim.get_info())['role_configuration']
async def test_profile_json_error():
    """Test invalid profile json triggers retry"""
    async with mockserver.server() as server, \
            api.api('', num_tries=3, retry_delay=0.5) as egta:
        sim = await create_simulator(server, egta, 'sim', '1')
        sched = await sim.create_generic_scheduler('sched', True, 0, 4, 0, 0)
        await sched.add_roles({'a': 2, 'b': 2})

        game = await sched.create_game()
        await game.add_symgroups([('a', 2, ['1']), ('b', 2, ['5', '6'])])

        prof = await sched.add_profile('a: 2 1; b: 2 5', 2)
        await sched_complete(sched)

        server.custom_response(lambda: '', 2)
        summ = await prof.get_summary()
        assert 'id' in summ
        assert 'observations_count' in summ
        assert 'symmetry_groups' in summ

        server.custom_response(lambda: '', 3)
        with pytest.raises(json.decoder.JSONDecodeError):
            await prof.get_summary()

        server.custom_response(lambda: '{}', 3)
        with pytest.raises(jsonschema.ValidationError):
            await prof.get_summary()
async def test_game_json_error():
    """Test returning invalid json in games triggers retry"""
    async with mockserver.server() as server, \
            api.api('', num_tries=3, retry_delay=0.5) as egta:
        sim = await create_simulator(server, egta, 'sim', '1')
        sched = await sim.create_generic_scheduler('sched', True, 0, 4, 0, 0)
        await sched.add_roles({'a': 2, 'b': 2})

        game = await sched.create_game()
        await game.add_symgroups([('a', 2, ['1']), ('b', 2, ['5', '6'])])

        await sched.add_profile('a: 2 1; b: 1 5, 1 6', 1)
        await sched.add_profile('a: 2 1; b: 2 5', 2)
        await sched_complete(sched)

        server.custom_response(lambda: '', 2)
        summ = await game.get_summary()
        size_counts = {}
        for prof in summ['profiles']:
            counts = prof['observations_count']
            size_counts[counts] = size_counts.get(counts, 0) + 1
        assert size_counts == {1: 1, 2: 1}

        server.custom_response(lambda: '', 3)
        with pytest.raises(json.decoder.JSONDecodeError):
            await game.get_summary()

        server.custom_response(lambda: '{}', 3)
        with pytest.raises(jsonschema.ValidationError):
            await game.get_summary()
async def test_get_simulators():
    """Test getting simulators"""
    async with mockserver.server() as server, \
            api.api('', num_tries=3, retry_delay=0.5) as egta:
        sim1 = server.create_simulator('foo', '1')
        sim2 = server.create_simulator('bar', '1')
        sim3 = server.create_simulator('bar', '2')

        assert sum(1 for _ in await egta.get_simulators()) == 3
        assert {0, 1, 2} == {s['id'] for s in await egta.get_simulators()}

        sim = await egta.get_simulator(0)
        assert sim['id'] == sim1
        sim = await egta.get_simulator_fullname('foo-1')
        assert sim['id'] == sim1
        sim = await egta.get_simulator(2)
        assert sim['id'] == sim3
        sim = await egta.get_simulator_fullname('bar-1')
        assert sim['id'] == sim2
        sim = await egta.get_simulator_fullname('bar-2')
        assert sim['id'] == sim3

        with pytest.raises(requests.exceptions.HTTPError):
            await egta.get_simulator(3)
        with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
            await egta.get_simulator_fullname('baz')
async def test_get_games():
    """Test getting games"""
    async with mockserver.server() as server, \
            api.api('', num_tries=3, retry_delay=0.5) as egta:
        sim = await create_simulator(server, egta, 'sim', '1')
        await sim.create_game('a', 5)
        game2 = await egta.create_game(sim['id'], 'b', 6)
        game3 = await sim.create_game('c', 3)

        with pytest.raises(requests.exceptions.HTTPError):
            await sim.create_game('b', 3)

        assert (await egta.get_game(1))['id'] == game2['id']
        assert (await egta.get_game_name('c'))['id'] == game3['id']

        assert sum(1 for _ in await egta.get_games()) == 3
        assert {0, 1, 2} == {g['id'] for g in await egta.get_games()}

        await game2.destroy_game()

        assert sum(1 for _ in await egta.get_games()) == 2
        assert {0, 2} == {g['id'] for g in await egta.get_games()}

        with pytest.raises(requests.exceptions.HTTPError):
            await egta.get_game(3)
        with pytest.raises(requests.exceptions.HTTPError):
            await egta.get_game(1)
        with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
            await egta.get_game_name('b')
Beispiel #6
async def test_exception_in_get(game):
    """Test exception in await"""
    async with mockserver.server() as server, api.api() as egta:
        sim = await egta.get_simulator(
                                    delay_dist=lambda: random.random() / 10))
        strats = dict(zip(game.role_names, game.strat_names))
        symgrps = list(
            zip(game.role_names, game.num_role_players, game.strat_names))
        await sim.add_strategies(strats)
        egame = await egta.get_canon_game(sim["id"], symgrps)

        profs = game.random_profiles(20)

        async with eosched.eosched(game, egta, egame["id"], 0.1, 1, 10, 0,
                                   0) as sched:
            tasks = [
                asyncio.ensure_future(sched.sample_payoffs(p)) for p in profs
            await asyncio.sleep(0.1)
            server.custom_response(lambda: _raise(TimeoutError))
            await asyncio.sleep(0.1)
            with pytest.raises(TimeoutError):
                await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
            # tidy up
            errors = asyncio.gather(*tasks, return_exceptions=True)
            with contextlib.suppress(TimeoutError, asyncio.CancelledError):
                await errors
async def test_exception_open():
    """Test that exceptions are even thrown on open"""
    async with mockserver.server() as server:
        server.custom_response(lambda: _raise(TimeoutError))
        with pytest.raises(TimeoutError):
            async with api.api(''):
                pass  # pragma: no cover
Beispiel #8
async def test_modify_scheduler():
    """Test that we can modify a scheduler"""
    async with api.api() as egta:
        for sim in await egta.get_simulators():  # pragma: no branch
            if next(iter(sim['role_configuration'].values()), None):  # pragma: no branch pylint: disable=line-too-long
        else:  # pragma: no cover
            sim = None
            raise AssertionError('no simulators')
        sched = game = None
            sched = await sim.create_generic_scheduler('__unique_scheduler__',
                                                       False, 0, 1, 0, 0)
            await sched.activate()
            await sched.deactivate()

            role = next(iter(sim['role_configuration']))
            strat = sim['role_configuration'][role][0]
            symgrps = [{'role': role, 'strategy': strat, 'count': 1}]
            assignment = api.symgrps_to_assignment(symgrps)

            await sched.add_role(role, 1)

            reqs = (await sched.get_requirements())['scheduling_requirements']
            assert not reqs

            prof = await sched.add_profile(symgrps, 1)
            reqs = (await sched.get_requirements())['scheduling_requirements']
            assert len(reqs) == 1
            assert reqs[0]['requirement'] == 1

            await sched.remove_profile(prof['id'])
            assert (await sched.add_profile(assignment, 2))['id'] == prof['id']
            reqs = (await sched.get_requirements())['scheduling_requirements']
            assert len(reqs) == 1
            assert reqs[0]['requirement'] == 2

            await sched.remove_profile(prof['id'])
            reqs = (await sched.get_requirements())['scheduling_requirements']
            assert not reqs

            assert (await sched.add_profile(symgrps, 3))['id'] == prof['id']
            reqs = (await sched.get_requirements())['scheduling_requirements']
            assert len(reqs) == 1
            assert reqs[0]['requirement'] == 3

            await sched.remove_all_profiles()
            reqs = (await sched.get_requirements())['scheduling_requirements']
            assert not reqs

            await sched.remove_role(role)

            game = await sched.create_game()

            if sched is not None:  # pragma: no branch
                await sched.destroy_scheduler()
            if game is not None:  # pragma: no branch
                await game.destroy_game()
async def test_delayed_profiles():
    """Test mock server with delayed profile scheduling"""
    async with mockserver.server() as server, api.api('') as egta:
        sim = await egta.get_simulator(
            server.create_simulator('sim', '1', delay_dist=lambda: 0.5))
        await sim.add_strategies({'1': ['a'], '2': ['b', 'c']})
        sched = await sim.create_generic_scheduler('sched', True, 0, 10, 0, 0)
        await sched.add_roles({'1': 8, '2': 2})

        prof = await sched.add_profile('1: 8 a; 2: 1 b, 1 c', 3)
        reqs = (await sched.get_requirements())['scheduling_requirements']
        assert len(reqs) == 1
        assert reqs[0]['current_count'] == 0
        assert reqs[0]['requirement'] == 3
        assert reqs[0]['id'] == prof['id']

        count = 0
        async for sim in egta.get_simulations():
            assert sim['state'] == 'running'
            count += 1
        assert count == 3

        await asyncio.sleep(0.5)
        await sched_complete(sched)
        reqs = (await sched.get_requirements())['scheduling_requirements']
        assert len(reqs) == 1
        assert reqs[0]['current_count'] == 3
        assert reqs[0]['requirement'] == 3
        assert reqs[0]['id'] == prof['id']

        count = 0
        async for sim in egta.get_simulations():
            assert sim['state'] == 'complete'
            count += 1
        assert count == 3

    # Test that extra sims get killed
    async with mockserver.server() as server, api.api('') as egta:
        sim = await egta.get_simulator(
            server.create_simulator('sim', '1', delay_dist=lambda: 10))
        await sim.add_strategies({'1': ['a'], '2': ['b', 'c']})
        sched = await sim.create_generic_scheduler('sched', True, 0, 10, 0, 0)
        await sched.add_roles({'1': 8, '2': 2})
        # Need two profiles here because the other will be in the queue
        await sched.add_profile('1: 8 a; 2: 1 b, 1 c', 1)
        await sched.add_profile('1: 8 a; 2: 2 b', 1)
async def test_threading():
    """Test that no errors arise when multi-threading"""
    async with mockserver.server() as server, \
            api.api('', num_tries=3, retry_delay=0.5) as egta:
        sim = await create_simulator(server, egta, 'sim', '1')
        await asyncio.gather(*[
            sim.add_strategies({'r{:d}'.format(i): ['s{:d}'.format(i)]})
            for i in range(10)
Beispiel #11
async def get_eosched(server, game, name):
    """Get an eo sched"""
    async with api.api() as egta:
        sim = await egta.get_simulator(server.create_simulator(
            name, '1', delay_dist=lambda: random.random() / 100))
        await sim.add_strategies(dict(zip(game.role_names, game.strat_names)))
        eogame = await sim.create_game(name, game.num_players)
        await eogame.add_symgroups(list(zip(
            game.role_names, game.num_role_players, game.strat_names)))
        return 'eo:game:{:d},mem:2048,time:60,sleep:0.1'.format(
Beispiel #12
async def test_sched():
    """Test scheduler functionality"""
    async with mockserver.server() as server:
        # verify no schedulers
        with stdout() as out, stderr() as err:
            assert await run('-a', '', 'sched'), err.getvalue()
        assert not out.getvalue()

        # create one
        sim_id = server.create_simulator('sim', '1')
        async with api.api() as egta:
            await egta.create_generic_scheduler(sim_id, 'sched', True, 1, 2, 1,

        with stdout() as out, stderr() as err:
            assert await run('-a', '', 'sched'), err.getvalue()
        sched = json.loads(out.getvalue())

        with stderr() as err:
            assert await run('-a', '', 'sched',
                             str(sched['id'])), err.getvalue()

        with stderr() as err:
            assert await run('-a', '', 'sched', str(sched['id']),
                             '-r'), err.getvalue()

        with stdout() as out, stderr() as err:
            assert await run('-a', '', 'sched', sched['name'],
                             '-n'), err.getvalue()
        assert sched['id'] == json.loads(out.getvalue())['id']

        # deactivate scheduler
        with stderr() as err:
            assert await run('-a', '', 'sched', str(sched['id']),
                             '--deactivate'), err.getvalue()

        # verify deactivated
        with stdout() as out, stderr() as err:
            assert await run('-a', '', 'sched',
                             str(sched['id'])), err.getvalue()
        assert not json.loads(out.getvalue())['active']

        # delete scheduler
        with stderr() as err:
            assert await run('-a', '', 'sched', str(sched['id']),
                             '-d'), err.getvalue()

        # assert no schedulers
        with stdout() as out, stderr() as err:
            assert await run('-a', '', 'sched'), err.getvalue()
        assert not out.getvalue()
Beispiel #13
async def test_basic_profile(game):
    """Test scheduling a standard profile"""
    async with mockserver.server() as server, api.api() as egta:
        sim = await egta.get_simulator(
                                    delay_dist=lambda: random.random() / 10))
        strats = dict(zip(game.role_names, game.strat_names))
        symgrps = list(
            zip(game.role_names, game.num_role_players, game.strat_names))
        await sim.add_strategies(strats)
        egame = await egta.get_canon_game(sim["id"], symgrps)

        profs = game.random_profiles(20)

        # Schedule all new profiles and verify it works
        async with eosched.eosched(game, egta, egame["id"], 0.1, 1, 10, 0,
                                   0) as sched:
            assert str(sched) == str(egame["id"])
            assert game == rsgame.empty_copy(sched)
            awaited = await asyncio.gather(
                *[sched.sample_payoffs(p) for p in profs])
        pays = np.stack(awaited)
        assert np.allclose(pays[profs == 0], 0)

        # Schedule old profiles and verify it still works
        async with eosched.eosched(game, egta, egame["id"], 0.1, 1, 10, 0,
                                   0) as sched:
            awaited = await asyncio.gather(
                *[sched.sample_payoffs(p) for p in profs])
        pays = np.stack(awaited)
        assert np.allclose(pays[profs == 0], 0)

        # Schedule two at a time, in two batches
        async with eosched.eosched(game, egta, egame["id"], 0.1, 2, 10, 0,
                                   0) as base_sched:
            sched = countsched.countsched(base_sched, 2)
            awaited = await asyncio.gather(
                *[sched.sample_payoffs(p) for p in profs])
        pays = np.stack(awaited)
        assert np.allclose(pays[profs == 0], 0)

        # Try again now that everything should be scheduled
        async with eosched.eosched(game, egta, egame["id"], 0.1, 2, 10, 0,
                                   0) as base_sched:
            sched = countsched.countsched(base_sched, 2)
            awaited = await asyncio.gather(
                *[sched.sample_payoffs(p) for p in profs])
        pays = np.stack(awaited)
        assert np.allclose(pays[profs == 0], 0)
Beispiel #14
async def test_modify_game():
    """Test that we can modify a game"""
    async with api.api() as egta:  # pragma: no branch
        for sim in await egta.get_simulators():  # pragma: no branch
            if next(iter(sim['role_configuration'].values()), None):  # pragma: no branch pylint: disable=line-too-long
        else:  # pragma: no cover
            sim = None  # pytest detects that it's defined
            raise AssertionError('no simulators')
        game = None
            game = await sim.create_game('__unique_game__', 1)

            summ = await game.get_summary()
            assert not summ['roles']
            assert not summ['profiles']

            role = next(iter(sim['role_configuration']))
            strat = sim['role_configuration'][role][0]
            await game.add_role(role, 1)
            summ = await game.get_summary()
            assert len(summ['roles']) == 1
            assert summ['roles'][0]['name'] == role
            assert summ['roles'][0]['count'] == 1
            assert not summ['roles'][0]['strategies']

            await game.add_strategies({role: [strat]})
            summ = await game.get_summary()
            assert len(summ['roles']) == 1
            assert summ['roles'][0]['name'] == role
            assert summ['roles'][0]['count'] == 1
            assert summ['roles'][0]['strategies'] == [strat]

            await game.remove_strategies({role: [strat]})
            summ = await game.get_summary()
            assert len(summ['roles']) == 1
            assert summ['roles'][0]['name'] == role
            assert summ['roles'][0]['count'] == 1
            assert not summ['roles'][0]['strategies']

            await game.remove_role(role)
            summ = await game.get_summary()
            assert not summ['roles']
            assert not summ['profiles']

            if game is not None:  # pragma: no branch
                await game.destroy_game()
Beispiel #15
async def test_exception_in_create(game):
    """Test exception creating eo scheduler"""
    async with mockserver.server() as server, api.api() as egta:
        sim = await egta.get_simulator(server.create_simulator(  # pragma: no branch pylint: disable=line-too-long
            'sim', '1', delay_dist=lambda: random.random() / 10))
        strats = dict(zip(game.role_names, game.strat_names))
        symgrps = list(zip(game.role_names, game.num_role_players,
        await sim.add_strategies(strats)
        egame = await egta.get_canon_game(sim['id'], symgrps)

        server.custom_response(lambda: _raise(TimeoutError))
        with pytest.raises(TimeoutError):
            async with eosched.eosched(
                game, egta, egame['id'], 0.1, 1, 25, 0, 0):
                pass  # pragma: no cover
Beispiel #16
async def create_scheduler( # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
        game, mem, time, auth=None, count=1, sleep=600,
        # pylint: disable-msg=redefined-builtin
    """Create an egtaonline scheduler"""
    game_id = int(game)
    mem = int(mem)
    time = int(time)
    count = int(count)
    sleep = float(sleep)
    max_sims = int(max)

    async with api.api(auth_token=auth) as egta:
        game = await egta.get_game(game_id)
        summ = await game.get_summary()
    game = rsgame.empty_json(summ)
    return ApiWrapper(game, egta, game_id, sleep, count, max_sims, mem, time)
Beispiel #17
async def test_gets():
    """Test that get functions work"""
    async with api.api() as egta:
        with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
            await egta.get_simulator_fullname('this name is impossible I hope')

        async def test_sim_name(sim):
            """Verify sim name is accurate"""
            assert sim['id'] == (await
                                     sim['name'], sim['version'])))['id']

        await asyncio.gather(
            *[test_sim_name(sim) for sim in await egta.get_simulators()])

        sched = next(iter(await egta.get_generic_schedulers()))
        assert (await egta.get_scheduler(sched['id']))['id'] == sched['id']
        assert ((await
                 egta.get_scheduler_name(sched['name']))['id'] == sched['id'])
        with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
            await egta.get_scheduler_name('this name is impossible I hope')

        game = next(iter(await egta.get_games()))
        assert (await egta.get_game(game['id']))['id'] == game['id']
        assert (await egta.get_game_name(game['name']))['id'] == game['id']
        with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
            await egta.get_game_name('this name is impossible I hope')

        folds = egta.get_simulations()
        fold = await folds.__anext__()
        assert (await egta.get_simulation(fold['folder']
                                          ))['folder_number'] == fold['folder']
        for sort in ['job', 'folder', 'profile', 'simulator', 'state']:
            assert 'folder' in await egta.get_simulations(column=sort
        with pytest.raises(StopAsyncIteration):
            await egta.get_simulations(page_start=10**9).__anext__()

        for sch in await egta.get_generic_schedulers():  # pragma: no branch
            sched = await sch.get_requirements()
            if sched['scheduling_requirements']:  # pragma: no branch
        prof = sched['scheduling_requirements'][0]
        assert (await egta.get_profile(prof['id']))['id'] == prof['id']
async def test_large_game_failsafes():
    """Test that large games fallback to gathering profile data"""
    async with mockserver.server() as server, \
            api.api('', num_tries=3, retry_delay=0.5) as egta:
        sim = await create_simulator(server, egta, 'sim', '1')
        error = requests.exceptions.HTTPError(
            '500 Server Error: Game too large!')
        sched = await sim.create_generic_scheduler('sched',
                                                   configuration={'k': 'v'})
        await sched.add_roles({'a': 2, 'b': 2})

        game = await sched.create_game()
        await game.add_symgroups([('a', 2, ['1']), ('b', 2, ['5', '6'])])

        await sched.add_profile('a: 2 1; b: 1 5, 1 6', 1)
        await sched.add_profile('a: 2 1; b: 2 5', 2)
        await sched_complete(sched)

        base = await game.get_observations()
        server.custom_response(lambda: _raise(error))
        alternate = await game.get_observations()
        assert base == alternate
        size_counts = {}
        for prof in alternate['profiles']:
            counts = len(prof['observations'])
            size_counts[counts] = size_counts.get(counts, 0) + 1
        assert size_counts == {1: 1, 2: 1}

        base = await game.get_full_data()
        server.custom_response(lambda: _raise(error))
        alternate = await game.get_full_data()
        assert base == alternate
        size_counts = {}
        for prof in alternate['profiles']:
            for obs in prof['observations']:
                assert len(obs['players']) == 4
            counts = len(prof['observations'])
            size_counts[counts] = size_counts.get(counts, 0) + 1
        assert size_counts == {1: 1, 2: 1}
async def test_canon_game():  # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
    """Test that canon game creates proper games"""
    async with mockserver.server() as server, \
            api.api('', num_tries=3, retry_delay=0.5) as egta:
        sim = await create_simulator(server, egta, 'sim', '1')
        sim2 = await create_simulator(server, egta, 'sim', '2')

        symgrps = [('a', 2, ['1']), ('b', 2, ['5', '6'])]
        conf = {'key': 'val'}
        game1 = await sim.get_canon_game(symgrps, conf)
        summ = await game1.get_summary()
        assert conf == dict(summ['configuration'])

        def unpack(name, count, strategies):
            """Helper to unpack dictionaries"""
            return name, count, strategies

        symgrp_dict = {}
        for role_info in summ['roles']:
            role, count, strategies = unpack(**role_info)
            symgrp_dict[role] = (role, count, set(strategies))
        for role, count, strats in symgrps:
            _, cnt, strt = symgrp_dict[role]
            assert cnt == count
            assert strt == set(strats)

        game2 = await egta.get_canon_game(sim['id'], symgrps, {'key': 'diff'})
        assert game1['id'] != game2['id']

        game3 = await egta.get_canon_game(sim['id'], [('a', 2, ['1']),
                                                      ('b', 2, ['5', '7'])],
        assert game1['id'] != game3['id']

        game4 = await egta.get_canon_game(sim['id'], [('a', 2, ['1']),
                                                      ('b', 1, ['5', '6'])],
        assert game1['id'] != game4['id']

        game5 = await egta.get_canon_game(sim2['id'], symgrps, conf)
        assert game1['id'] != game5['id']

        game6 = await egta.get_canon_game(sim['id'], symgrps, conf)
        assert game1['id'] == game6['id']
async def test_exceptions():
    """Test that exceptions can be properly set"""
    async with mockserver.server() as server, \
            api.api('', num_tries=3, retry_delay=0.5) as egta:
        sim = await create_simulator(server, egta, 'sim', '1')
        await sim.add_strategies({'role': ['strategy']})
        sched = await sim.create_generic_scheduler('sched', True, 0, 1, 0, 0)
        await sched.add_role('role', 1)
        prof = await sched.add_profile('role: 1 strategy', 1)
        game = await sched.create_game('game')
        await game.add_symgroup('role', 1, ['strategy'])

        server.custom_response(lambda: _raise(TimeoutError), 11)

        # Creations fail
        with pytest.raises(TimeoutError):
            await sim.create_generic_scheduler('sched_2', False, 0, 0, 0, 0)
        with pytest.raises(TimeoutError):
            await sched.create_game()

        # Infos fail
        with pytest.raises(TimeoutError):
            await sim.get_info()
        with pytest.raises(TimeoutError):
            await sched.get_info()
        with pytest.raises(TimeoutError):
            await game.get_structure()
        with pytest.raises(TimeoutError):
            await prof.get_structure()

        # Mutates fail
        with pytest.raises(TimeoutError):
            await sim.add_role('r')
        with pytest.raises(TimeoutError):
            await sim.add_strategy('role', 's')
        with pytest.raises(TimeoutError):
            await sched.add_role('r', 1)
        with pytest.raises(TimeoutError):
            await game.add_role('r', 1)
        with pytest.raises(TimeoutError):
            await game.add_strategy('role', 's')

        # Succeed after done
        assert sim['id'] == (await sim.get_info())['id']
Beispiel #21
async def test_scheduler_deactivate(game):
    """Test that scheduler ends when deactivated"""
    async with mockserver.server() as server, api.api() as egta:
        sim = await egta.get_simulator(server.create_simulator(  # pragma: no branch pylint: disable=line-too-long
            'sim', '1', delay_dist=lambda: random.random() / 10))
        strats = dict(zip(game.role_names, game.strat_names))
        symgrps = list(zip(game.role_names, game.num_role_players,
        await sim.add_strategies(strats)
        egame = await egta.get_canon_game(sim['id'], symgrps)

        # Schedule all new profiles and verify it works
        # This first time should have to wait to schedule more
        async with eosched.eosched(
            game, egta, egame['id'], 0.1, 1, 10, 0, 0) as sched:
            # Deactivate scheduler
            for esched in await egta.get_generic_schedulers():
                await esched.deactivate()
            with pytest.raises(ValueError):
                await sched.sample_payoffs(game.random_profile())
Beispiel #22
async def test_exception_in_schedule(game):
    """Test exception throwin in scheduler"""
    async with mockserver.server() as server, api.api() as egta:
        sim = await egta.get_simulator(server.create_simulator(  # pragma: no branch pylint: disable=line-too-long
            'sim', '1', delay_dist=lambda: random.random() / 10))
        strats = dict(zip(game.role_names, game.strat_names))
        symgrps = list(zip(game.role_names, game.num_role_players,
        await sim.add_strategies(strats)
        egame = await egta.get_canon_game(sim['id'], symgrps)

        prof = game.random_profile()

        async with eosched.eosched(
            game, egta, egame['id'], 0.1, 1, 25, 0, 0) as sched:
            # so that enough calls to get_requirements are made
            server.custom_response(lambda: _raise(TimeoutError))
            await asyncio.sleep(0.1)
            with pytest.raises(TimeoutError):
                await sched.sample_payoffs(prof)
Beispiel #23
async def test_exception_in_get(game):
    """Test exception in await"""
    async with mockserver.server() as server, api.api() as egta:
        sim = await egta.get_simulator(server.create_simulator(
            'sim', '1', delay_dist=lambda: random.random() / 10))
        strats = dict(zip(game.role_names, game.strat_names))
        symgrps = list(zip(game.role_names, game.num_role_players,
        await sim.add_strategies(strats)
        egame = await egta.get_canon_game(sim['id'], symgrps)

        profs = game.random_profiles(20)

        async with eosched.eosched(
            game, egta, egame['id'], 0.1, 1, 10, 0, 0) as sched:
            futures = asyncio.gather(*[
                sched.sample_payoffs(p) for p in profs])
            await asyncio.sleep(0.1)
            server.custom_response(lambda: _raise(TimeoutError))
            await asyncio.sleep(0.1)
            with pytest.raises(TimeoutError):
                await futures
async def test_get_schedulers():
    """Test getting schedulers"""
    async with mockserver.server() as server, \
            api.api('', num_tries=3, retry_delay=0.5) as egta:
        sim = await create_simulator(server, egta, 'sim', '1')
        await sim.create_generic_scheduler('1', False, 0, 10, 0, 0)
        sched2 = await egta.create_generic_scheduler(sim['id'], '2', False, 0,
                                                     10, 0, 0)
        sched3 = await sim.create_generic_scheduler('3', False, 0, 10, 0, 0)
        await sim.create_generic_scheduler('4', False, 0, 10, 0, 0)
        await sim.create_generic_scheduler('5', False, 0, 10, 0, 0)

        with pytest.raises(requests.exceptions.HTTPError):
            await sim.create_generic_scheduler('4', False, 0, 10, 0, 0)

        sched = await egta.get_scheduler(2)
        assert sched['id'] == sched3['id']
        sched = await egta.get_scheduler_name('3')
        assert sched['id'] == sched3['id']

        assert sum(1 for _ in await egta.get_generic_schedulers()) == 5
        assert {0, 1, 2, 3,
                4} == {s['id']
                       for s in await egta.get_generic_schedulers()}

        await sched2.destroy_scheduler()
        await sched3.destroy_scheduler()

        assert sum(1 for _ in await egta.get_generic_schedulers()) == 3
        assert {0, 3,
                4} == {s['id']
                       for s in await egta.get_generic_schedulers()}

        with pytest.raises(requests.exceptions.HTTPError):
            await egta.get_scheduler(5)
        with pytest.raises(requests.exceptions.HTTPError):
            await egta.get_scheduler(2)
        with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
            await egta.get_scheduler_name('3')
Beispiel #25
async def test_sims():
    """Test getting simulations"""
    async with mockserver.server() as server:
        with stdout() as out, stderr() as err:
            assert await run('-a', '', 'sched'), err.getvalue()
        assert not out.getvalue()

        sim_id = server.create_simulator('sim', '1')
        async with api.api() as egta:
            sim = await egta.get_simulator(sim_id)
            await sim.add_strategies({'r': ['s0', 's1']})
            sched = await egta.create_generic_scheduler(
                sim_id, 'sched', True, 1, 2, 1, 1)
            await sched.add_role('r', 2)

            # This fails because we don't implement search, so this is as if no
            # job exists
            assert not await run('-a', '', 'sims', '-j', '0')

            await sched.add_profile('r: 1 s0, 1 s1', 1)

            # This works because there's only one simulation so far and we
            # don't implement search
            with stdout() as out, stderr() as err:
                assert await run('-a', '', 'sims', '-j', '0'), err.getvalue()

            await sched.add_profile('r: 2 s0', 2)

            # This fails because we don't implement search and now there are
            # several simulations
            assert not await run('-a', '', 'sims', '-j', '0')

        with stdout() as out, stderr() as err:
            assert await run('-a', '', 'sims'), err.getvalue()
        sims = [json.loads(line) for line in out.getvalue()[:-1].split('\n')]
        assert len(sims) == 3
        with stderr() as err:
            assert await run('-a', '', 'sims',
                             str(sims[0]['folder'])), err.getvalue()
Beispiel #26
async def test_sched_running():
    """Test running scheduler functionality"""
    async with mockserver.server() as server:
        # verify no schedulers
        with stdout() as out, stderr() as err:
            assert await run('-a', '', 'sched'), err.getvalue()
        assert not out.getvalue()

        # create one
        sim_id = server.create_simulator('sim', '1', delay_dist=lambda: 1)
        async with api.api() as egta:
            sim = await egta.get_simulator(sim_id)
            await sim.add_strategies({'r': ['s0', 's1']})
            sched = await egta.create_generic_scheduler(
                sim_id, 'sched', True, 1, 2, 1, 1)
            await sched.add_role('r', 2)

            with stdout() as out, stderr() as err:
                assert await run('-a', '', 'sched',
                                 '--running'), err.getvalue()
            assert not out.getvalue()

            await sched.add_profile('r: 1 s0, 1 s1', 1)

            with stdout() as out, stderr() as err:
                assert await run('-a', '', 'sched',
                                 '--running'), err.getvalue()
            lines = out.getvalue()[:-1].split('\n')
            assert len(lines) == 1
            running = json.loads(lines[0])
            assert running['active']

            # Wait to complete
            await asyncio.sleep(1.5)
            with stdout() as out, stderr() as err:
                assert await run('-a', '', 'sched',
                                 '--running'), err.getvalue()
            assert not out.getvalue()
Beispiel #27
async def amain(*argv): # pylint: disable=too-many-statements
    """Entry point for async cli with args"""
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description="""Command line access to egta online apis. This works well
        in concert with `jq`.""")
        '--verbose', '-v', action='count', default=0, help="""Sets the
        verbosity of commands. Output is send to standard error.""")
        '--version', '-V', action='version',
        version='%(prog)s {}'.format(egtaonline.__version__))

    parser_auth = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
        '--auth-string', '-a', metavar='<auth-string>', help="""The string
        authorization token to connect to egta online.""")
        '--auth-file', '-f', metavar='<auth-file>', type=argparse.FileType(),
        help="""Filename that just contains the string of the auth token.""")

    subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(title='Subcommands', dest='command')
    subparsers.required = True

    parser_sim = subparsers.add_parser(
        'sim', help="""Get information on or modify a simulator.""",
        description="""Operate on EGTA simulators. By defualt this will return
        information about each simulator on its own line.""")
        'sim_id', metavar='sim-id', nargs='?', help="""Get information from a
        specific simulator instead of all of them.""")
        '--sim-version', '-n', metavar='<version-name>', help="""If this is
        specified then the `sim-id` is treated as the name of the simulator and
        the supplied argument is treated as the version.""")
        '--json', '-j', metavar='json-file', nargs='?',
        type=argparse.FileType('r'), help="""Modify simulator using the
        specified json file. By default this will add all of the roles and
        strategies in the json file. If `delete` is specified, this will remove
        only the strategies specified in the file. `-` can be used to read from
        '--role', '-r', metavar='<role>', help="""Modify `role` of the
        simulator.  By default this will add `role` to the simulator. If
        `delete` is specified this will remove `role` instead. If `strategy` is
        specified see strategy.""")
        '--strategy', '-s', metavar='<strategy>', help="""Modify `strategy` of
        the simulator. This requires that `role` is also specified. By default
        this adds `strategy` to `role`. If `delete` is specified, then this
        removes the strategy instead.""")
        '--delete', '-d', action='store_true', help="""Triggers removal of
        roles or strategies instead of addition""")
        '--zip', '-z', action='store_true', help="""Download simulator zip file
        to stdout.""")

    parser_game = subparsers.add_parser(
        'game', help="""Get information on, create, destroy, or modify a
        game.""", description="""Operate on EGTA Online games. Buy default this
        will return information about each game on its own line.""")
        'game_id', nargs='?', metavar='game-id', help="""Get data from a
        specific game instead of all of them.""")
        '--name', '-n', action='store_true', help="""If specified then get the
        game via its string name not its id number. This is much slower than
        accessing via id number.""")
        '--fetch-conf', metavar='<configuration>', type=argparse.FileType('r'),
        help="""If specified then interpret `game_id` as a simulator id and use
        the file specified as a game configuration. Fetch data of the
        appropriate granularity from the canonical game defined by that
        simulator and this configuration.  Games need specified roles and
        players, these will be pulled from `--json` which must have two top
        level entries, `players` and `strategies` which list the number of
        players per role and the strategies per role respectively`. The
        configuration will not be updated with simulator defaults, so it may be
        helpful to call `sim` first to get those.""")
        '--json', '-j', metavar='json-file', nargs='?',
        type=argparse.FileType('r'), help="""Modify game using the specified
        json file.  By default this will add all of the roles and strategies in
        the json file. If `delete` is specified, this will remove only the
        strategies specified in the file.""")
        '--role', '-r', metavar='<role>', help="""Modify `role` of the game. By
        default this will add `role` to the game. If `delete` is specified this
        will remove `role` instead. If `strategy` is specified see
        '--count', '-c', metavar='<count>', help="""If adding a role, the count
        of the role must be specified.""")
        '--strategy', '-s', metavar='<strategy>', help="""Modify `strategy` of
        the game. This requires that `role` is also specified. By default this
        adds `strategy` to `role`. If `delete` is specified, then this removes
        the strategy instead.""")
        '--delete', '-d', action='store_true', help="""Triggers removal of
        roles or strategies instead of addition""")
    parser_gran = (parser_game.add_argument_group('data granularity')
        '--structure', action='store_true', help="""Return game information but
        no profile information. (default)""")
        '--summary', action='store_true', help="""Return profiles with
        aggregated payoffs.""")
        '--observations', action='store_true', help="""Return profiles with
        observation data.""")
        '--full', action='store_true', help="""Return all collected payoff

    parser_sched = subparsers.add_parser(
        'sched', help="""Get information on, create, destroy, or modify a
        scheduler.""", description="""Operate on EGTA Online schedulers. By
        default this will return information about each generic scheduler on
        its own line.""")
        '--running', action='store_true', help="""If specified, filter
        schedulers by ones that are currently running simulations. To be
        running simulations, a scheduler has to be active, and have at least
        one profile whose current count is less than the requirement for that
        'sched_id', nargs='?', metavar='sched-id', help="""Get information
        about a specific scheduler. This scheduler doesn't need to be generic,
        but to operate on it, it must be.""")
        '--name', '-n', action='store_true', help="""If specified then get the
        scheduler via its string name not its id number. This is much slower
        than accessing via id number, and only works for generic
    parser_act = (parser_sched.add_argument_group('scheduler action')
        '--requirements', '-r', action='store_true', help="""Get scheuler
        requirements instead of just information.""")
        '--deactivate', action='store_true', help="""Deactivate the specified
        '--delete', '-d', action='store_true', help="""If specified with a
        scheduler, delete it.""")

    # TODO Specifying a flag to change from folder to job id is awkward
    parser_sims = subparsers.add_parser(
        'sims', help="""Get information about pending, scheduled, queued,
        complete, or failed simulations.""", description="""Get information
        about EGTA Online simulations. These are the actual scheduled
        simulations instead of the simulators that generate them. If no folder
        is specified, each simulation comes out on a different line, and can be
        easily filtered with `head` and `jq`.""")
        'folder', metavar='folder-id', nargs='?', type=int, help="""Get
        information from a specific simulation instead of all of them. This
        should be the folder number of the simulation of interest.""")
        '-j', '--job', action='store_true', help="""Fetch the simulation with a
        given PBS job id instead of its folder number.""")
        '--page', '-p', metavar='<start-page>', default=1, type=int, help="""The
        page to start scanning at. (default: %(default)d)""")
        '--ascending', '-a', action='store_true', help="""Return results in
        ascending order instead of descending.""")
        '--sort-column', '-s', choices=('job', 'folder', 'profile', 'state'),
        default='job', help="""Column to order results by.  (default:
        '--search', default='', metavar='<search-string>', help="""The string
        to filter results by. See egtaonline for examples of what this can
        choices=['canceled', 'complete', 'failed', 'processing', 'queued',
        help="""Only select jobs with a specific state.""")
        '--profile', metavar='<profile-substring>', help="""Limit results to
        simulations whose profiles contain the supplied substring.""")
        '--simulator', metavar='<sim-substring>', help="""Limit results to
        simulations where the simulator fullname contains the supplied

    parser_login = subparsers.add_parser(
        'login', help="""Login to egtaonline by fetching your auth token.""",
        description="""Download an authtoken to allow requests to
        'email', metavar='<email>', help="""Email address of the auther to
        login as""")
        '-u', '--user', action='store_true', help="""Store the auth_token in
        the user directory instead of the local directory.""")

    args = parser.parse_args(argv)
    if args.command == 'login':
        auth.login(, int(args.user))

    if args.auth_string is None and args.auth_file is not None:
        args.auth_string =
                        level=30 - 10 * min(args.verbose, 2))

    async with api.api(args.auth_string) as eoapi:
        if args.command == 'sim':
            return await _sim(eoapi, args)
        elif args.command == 'game':
            return await _game(eoapi, args)
        elif args.command == 'sched':
            return await _sched(eoapi, args)
        elif args.command == 'sims':
            return await _sims(eoapi, args)
            assert False  # pragma: no cover
Beispiel #28
async def test_parity():  # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
    """Test that egta matches mock server"""
    # Get egta data
    async with api.api() as egta:
        true_sim = await egta.get_simulator(183)
        true_sched = await egta.get_scheduler(4997)
        true_game = await egta.get_game(2536)
        reqs = await true_sched.get_requirements()

        async def get_prof_info(prof):
            """Get all info about a profile"""
            return (await prof.get_structure(), await prof.get_summary(), await
                    prof.get_observations(), await prof.get_full_data())

        prof_info = await asyncio.gather(
            *[get_prof_info(prof) for prof in reqs['scheduling_requirements']])
        game_info = await true_game.get_structure()
        game_summ = await true_game.get_summary()

    # Replicate in mock
    async with mockserver.server() as server, api.api() as egta:
        for i in range(true_sim['id']):
            server.create_simulator('sim', str(i))
        mock_sim = await egta.get_simulator(
            server.create_simulator(true_sim['name'], true_sim['version'],
        await mock_sim.add_strategies(true_sim['role_configuration'])

        info = await mock_sim.get_info()
        assert_dicts_types(true_sim, info)
        assert_dicts_equal(true_sim, info)

        await asyncio.gather(*[
            mock_sim.create_generic_scheduler(str(i), False, 0, 0, 0, 0)
            for i in range(true_sched['id'])
        mock_sched = await mock_sim.create_generic_scheduler(
            true_sched['name'], true_sched['active'],
            true_sched['process_memory'], true_sched['size'],
            true_sched['observations_per_simulation'], true_sched['nodes'],

        info = await mock_sched.get_info()
        assert_dicts_types(true_sched, info)
        assert_dicts_equal(true_sched, info)

        game_sched = await mock_sim.create_generic_scheduler(
            'temp', True, 0, true_sched['size'], 0, 0, 1,

        counts = prof_info[0][0]['role_configuration']
        await mock_sched.add_roles(counts)
        await game_sched.add_roles(counts)

        await mock_sched.activate()
        for prof, (info, summ, obs,
                   full) in zip(reqs['scheduling_requirements'], prof_info):
            sprof = await game_sched.add_profile(info['assignment'],
            mprof = await mock_sched.add_profile(info['assignment'],
            await sched_complete(game_sched)
            await sched_complete(mock_sched)
            assert ((await sprof.get_structure()
                     )['observations_count'] == prof['current_count'])
            assert sprof['id'] == mprof['id']

            struct = await mprof.get_structure()
            assert_dicts_types(info, struct)
            assert_dicts_equal(info, struct, {'id'})

            assert_dicts_types(summ, (await mprof.get_summary()), (), True)
            assert_dicts_types(obs, (await mprof.get_observations()),
                               {'extended_features', 'features'}, True)
            assert_dicts_types(full, (await mprof.get_full_data()),
                               {'extended_features', 'features', 'e', 'f'},

        mock_reqs = await mock_sched.get_requirements()
        assert_dicts_types(mock_reqs, reqs)

        await asyncio.gather(
            *[mock_sim.create_game(str(i), 0) for i in range(true_game['id'])])
        mock_game = await mock_sim.create_game(
            true_game['name'], true_game['size'],
        info = await mock_game.get_structure()
        assert_dicts_types(game_info, info)
        assert_dicts_equal(game_info, info)

        symgrps = [(grp['name'], grp['count'], grp['strategies'])
                   for grp in game_summ['roles']]
        await mock_game.add_symgroups(symgrps)

        # Schedule next profiles
        await asyncio.gather(*[
            for prof in game_summ['profiles']
        await sched_complete(game_sched)

        mock_summ = await mock_game.get_summary()
        assert_dicts_types(game_summ, mock_summ, (), True)
async def test_simulator():
    """Test simulator api"""
    async with mockserver.server() as server, \
            api.api('', num_tries=3, retry_delay=0.5) as egta:
        sim = await create_simulator(server, egta, 'sim', '1')
        info = await sim.get_info()
            info, {
                'configuration': {
                    'type': 'object'
                'created_at': {
                    'type': 'string'
                'email': {
                    'type': 'string'
                'id': {
                    'type': 'integer'
                'name': {
                    'type': 'string'
                'role_configuration': {
                    'type': 'object'
                'source': {
                    'type': 'object'
                'updated_at': {
                    'type': 'string'
                'url': {
                    'type': 'string'
                'version': {
                    'type': 'string'
        role_conf = {'a': ['1', '2', '3', '4'], 'b': ['5', '6', '7']}
        assert info['role_configuration'] == role_conf

        await asyncio.sleep(1)
        await sim.remove_strategy('a', '3')
        new_role_conf = {'a': ['1', '2', '4'], 'b': ['5', '6', '7']}
        new_info = await sim.get_info()
        assert new_info['role_configuration'] == new_role_conf
        assert new_info['updated_at'] != info['updated_at']
        assert info['role_configuration'] == role_conf

        await sim.remove_role('b')
        new_role_conf = {'a': ['1', '2', '4']}
        new_info = await sim.get_info()
        assert new_info['role_configuration'] == new_role_conf
        # Stale object didn't update
        assert info['role_configuration'] == role_conf

        # Add existing strategy
        await sim.add_strategy('a', '1')
        new_info = await sim.get_info()
        assert new_info['role_configuration'] == new_role_conf

        await sim.add_strategy('a', '2')
        await sim.add_strategy('a', '3')
        new_role_conf = {'a': ['1', '2', '3', '4']}
        new_info = await sim.get_info()
        assert new_info['role_configuration'] == new_role_conf

        await sim.remove_strategies({'a': ['4', '5', '4']})
        new_role_conf = {'a': ['1', '2', '3']}
        new_info = await sim.get_info()
        assert new_info['role_configuration'] == new_role_conf

        await sim.remove_role('c')
        with pytest.raises(KeyError):
            await sim.add_strategy('c', '8')
        # Shouldn't raise exception, because removals never do
        await sim.remove_strategies({'c': ['8']})
async def test_get_simulations():
    """Test getting simulations"""
    async with mockserver.server() as server, \
            api.api('', num_tries=3, retry_delay=0.5) as egta:
        assert not await agather(egta.get_simulations())
        sim1 = await create_simulator(server, egta, 'sim', '1')
        sched1 = await sim1.create_generic_scheduler('sched1', True, 0, 4, 0,
        await sched1.add_roles({'a': 2, 'b': 2})
        await sched1.add_profile('a: 2 1; b: 1 6, 1 7', 2)

        assert len(await agather(egta.get_simulations())) == 2
        simul = next(iter(await agather(egta.get_simulations())))
            simul, {
                'folder': {
                    'type': 'integer'
                'job': {
                    'type': 'number'
                'profile': {
                    'type': 'string'
                'simulator': {
                    'type': 'string'
                'state': {
                    'type': 'string'
            await egta.get_simulation(simul['folder']), {
                'error_message': {
                    'type': 'string'
                'folder_number': {
                    'type': 'integer'
                'job': {
                    'type': 'string'
                'profile': {
                    'type': 'string'
                'simulator_fullname': {
                    'type': 'string'
                'size': {
                    'type': 'integer'
                'state': {
                    'type': 'string'

        sim2 = await create_simulator(server, egta, 'sim', '2')
        sched2 = await sim2.create_generic_scheduler('sched2', True, 0, 5, 0,
        await sched2.add_roles({'a': 2, 'b': 3})
        await sched2.add_profile('a: 2 1; b: 1 5, 2 7', 3)
        assert len(await agather(egta.get_simulations())) == 5

        # Test simulations
        assert is_sorted(  # pragma: no branch
             for f in await agather(egta.get_simulations(column='simulator'))),
        assert is_sorted(  # pragma: no branch
             for f in await agather(egta.get_simulations(column='folder'))),
        assert is_sorted(  # pragma: no branch
             for f in await agather(egta.get_simulations(column='profile'))),
        assert is_sorted(  # pragma: no branch
             for f in await agather(egta.get_simulations(column='state'))),

        assert is_sorted(  # pragma: no branch
            f['simulator'] for f in await agather(
                egta.get_simulations(asc=True, column='simulator')))
        assert is_sorted(  # pragma: no branch
            f['folder'] for f in await agather(
                egta.get_simulations(asc=True, column='folder')))
        assert is_sorted(  # pragma: no branch
            f['profile'] for f in await agather(
                egta.get_simulations(asc=True, column='profile')))
        assert is_sorted(  # pragma: no branch
            f['state'] for f in await agather(
                egta.get_simulations(asc=True, column='state')))

        assert not await agather(egta.get_simulations(page_start=2))
        await sched2.add_profile('a: 2 1; b: 1 5, 2 6', 21)
        assert len(await agather(egta.get_simulations(page_start=2))) == 1