Beispiel #1
    def __init__(self, ecf_path, top_level=False):
        self.location = ecf_path
        ecf_ctx = XPATH_CONTEXT(ecf_path, 'ec')
        self.uuid = ecf_ctx.attribute("/ec:system/@uuid") = ecf_ctx.attribute("/ec:system/@name")

        self.libraries_table = {self.uuid: self}

        self.precompile_path = None
        if top_level:

        self.external_libs = self.__external_libs(ecf_ctx)
        self.c_shared_objects = self.__external_shared_objects(ecf_ctx)

        library_condition = "not (starts-with(@location,'$ISE_LIBRARY')) and count (%s)=0" % self.__excluded_library_or_external_object_conditions(
        xpath = "//ec:system/ec:target/ec:library[%s]/@location" % library_condition

        for attrib in ecf_ctx.node_list(xpath):
            location = expanded_path(attrib)
            #print 'location:', location
            if not path.isabs(location):
                location = path.join(path.dirname(ecf_path), location)
            # Recurse ecf file
            ecf = EIFFEL_CONFIG_FILE(location)
            self.libraries_table[ecf.uuid] = ecf
            for uuid in ecf.libraries_table:
                self.libraries_table[uuid] = ecf.libraries_table[uuid]

        if top_level:
            self.libraries = []
            for uuid in self.libraries_table:
Beispiel #2
	def __init__ (self, ecf_path, top_level = False):
		self.location = ecf_path
		ecf_ctx = XPATH_CONTEXT (ecf_path, 'ec')
		self.uuid = ecf_ctx.attribute ("/ec:system/@uuid") = ecf_ctx.attribute ("/ec:system/@name")

		self.libraries_table = {self.uuid : self}

		self.precompile_path = None
		if top_level:
			self.__set_top_level_properties (ecf_ctx)

		self.external_libs = self.__external_libs (ecf_ctx)
		self.c_shared_objects = self.__external_shared_objects (ecf_ctx)

		library_condition = "not (starts-with(@location,'$ISE_LIBRARY')) and count (%s)=0" % self.__excluded_library_or_external_object_conditions ()
		xpath = "//ec:system/ec:target/ec:library[%s]/@location" % library_condition
		for attrib in ecf_ctx.node_list (xpath):
			location = path.normpath (path.expandvars (attrib).translate (string.maketrans ('\\','/')))
			#print 'location:', location
			if not path.dirname (location) or location.startswith ('..'):
				location = path.join (path.dirname (ecf_path),  location)
			# Recurse ecf file
			ecf = EIFFEL_CONFIG_FILE (location)
			self.libraries_table [ecf.uuid] = ecf
			for uuid in ecf.libraries_table:
				self.libraries_table [uuid] = ecf.libraries_table [uuid]

		if top_level:
			self.libraries = []
			for uuid in self.libraries_table:
				self.libraries.append (self.libraries_table [uuid])
Beispiel #3
    def __init__(self, ecf_path, ecf_table=dict()):
        self.location = ecf_path
        ecf_ctx = XPATH_CONTEXT(ecf_path, 'ec')
        self.uuid = ecf_ctx.attribute("/ec:system/@uuid") = ecf_ctx.attribute("/ec:system/@name")

        self.libraries_table = {self.uuid: self}

        self.precompile_path = None
        top_level = len(ecf_table) == 0
        if top_level:
            print "\nLibraries:",

        print path.basename(ecf_path), ',',

        ecf_table[ecf_path] = self

        self.external_libs = self.__external_libs(ecf_ctx)
        self.c_shared_objects = self.__external_shared_objects(ecf_ctx)

        library_condition = "not (starts-with(@location,'$ISE_LIBRARY')) and count (%s)=0" % self.__excluded_library_or_external_object_conditions(
        xpath = "//ec:system/ec:target/ec:library[%s]/@location" % library_condition

        for attrib in ecf_ctx.node_list(xpath):
            location = expanded_path(attrib)
            #print 'location:', location
            if not path.isabs(location):
                location = path.normpath(
                    path.join(path.dirname(ecf_path), location))

            # prevent infinite recursion for circular references
            if ecf_table.has_key(location):
                ecf = ecf_table[location]
                # Recurse ecf file
                ecf = EIFFEL_CONFIG_FILE(location, ecf_table)

            self.libraries_table[ecf.uuid] = ecf
            for uuid in ecf.libraries_table:
                self.libraries_table[uuid] = ecf.libraries_table[uuid]
        if top_level:
            self.libraries = []
            for uuid in self.libraries_table:
            print ''
            print ''
Beispiel #4
	def __init__ (self, ecf_path, ecf_table = dict ()):
		self.location = ecf_path
		ecf_ctx = XPATH_CONTEXT (ecf_path, 'ec')
		self.uuid = ecf_ctx.attribute ("/ec:system/@uuid") = ecf_ctx.attribute ("/ec:system/@name")

		self.libraries_table = {self.uuid : self}

		self.precompile_path = None
		top_level = len (ecf_table) == 0
		if top_level:
			self.__set_top_level_properties (ecf_ctx)
			print "\nLibraries:",

		print path.basename (ecf_path), ',',

		ecf_table [ecf_path] = self

		self.external_libs = self.__external_libs (ecf_ctx)
		self.c_shared_objects = self.__external_shared_objects (ecf_ctx)

		library_condition = "not (starts-with(@location,'$ISE_LIBRARY')) and count (%s)=0" % self.__excluded_library_or_external_object_conditions ()
		xpath = "//ec:system/ec:target/ec:library[%s]/@location" % library_condition
		for attrib in ecf_ctx.node_list (xpath):
			location = expanded_path (attrib)
			#print 'location:', location
			if not path.isabs (location):
				location = path.normpath (path.join (path.dirname (ecf_path), location))

			# prevent infinite recursion for circular references
			if ecf_table.has_key (location):
				ecf = ecf_table [location]
				# Recurse ecf file
				ecf = EIFFEL_CONFIG_FILE (location, ecf_table)

			self.libraries_table [ecf.uuid] = ecf
			for uuid in ecf.libraries_table:
				self.libraries_table [uuid] = ecf.libraries_table [uuid]
		if top_level:
			self.libraries = []
			for uuid in self.libraries_table:
				self.libraries.append (self.libraries_table [uuid])
			print ''
			print ''