def test_angle_axis(): aa = e.AngleAxisd() # quaternion xyzw coefficient order q = e.Quaterniond(e.Vector4d(0., 0., 0., 1.)) aa = e.AngleAxisd(q) assert(aa.angle() == 0) v = e.Vector3d.UnitX() aa = e.AngleAxisd(0.1, v) assert(aa.axis() == v) assert(aa.angle() == 0.1) aa2 = aa.inverse() assert(aa2.axis() == v) assert(aa2.angle() == -0.1)
def test(self): Em = eigen.AngleAxisd(np.pi / 2, eigen.Vector3d.UnitX()).inverse().matrix() Eq = eigen.Quaterniond( eigen.AngleAxisd(np.pi / 2, eigen.Vector3d.UnitX()).inverse()) r = eigen.Vector3d.Random() * 100 pt1 = sva.PTransformd.Identity() self.assertEqual(pt1.rotation(), eigen.Matrix3d.Identity()) self.assertEqual(pt1.translation(), eigen.Vector3d.Zero()) pt2 = sva.PTransformd(Em, r) self.assertEqual(pt2.rotation(), Em) self.assertEqual(pt2.translation(), r) pt3 = sva.PTransformd(Eq, r) self.assertEqual(pt3.rotation(), Eq.toRotationMatrix()) self.assertEqual(pt3.translation(), r) pt4 = sva.PTransformd(Eq) self.assertEqual(pt4.rotation(), Eq.toRotationMatrix()) self.assertEqual(pt4.translation(), eigen.Vector3d.Zero()) pt5 = sva.PTransformd(Em) self.assertEqual(pt5.rotation(), Em) self.assertEqual(pt5.translation(), eigen.Vector3d.Zero()) pt6 = sva.PTransformd(r) self.assertEqual(pt6.rotation(), eigen.Matrix3d.Identity()) self.assertEqual(pt6.translation(), r) pttmp = sva.PTransformd( eigen.AngleAxisd(np.pi / 4, eigen.Vector3d.UnitY()).matrix(), eigen.Vector3d.Random() * 100.) pt7 = pt2 * pttmp ptm = pt2.matrix() * pttmp.matrix() self.assertAlmostEqual((pt7.matrix() - ptm).norm(), 0, delta=TOL) pt8 = pt2.inv() self.assertAlmostEqual((pt8.matrix() - pt2.matrix().inverse()).norm(), 0, delta=TOL) self.assertEqual(pt2, pt2) self.assertNotEqual(pt2, pt8) self.assertTrue(pt2 != pt8) self.assertTrue(not (pt2 != pt2))
def test(self): from_ = sva.PTransformd(eigen.Matrix3d.Identity(), eigen.Vector3d.Zero()) to = sva.PTransformd(eigen.AngleAxisd(np.pi, eigen.Vector3d.UnitZ()), eigen.Vector3d(1, 2, -3)) res = sva.interpolate(from_, to, 0.5) self.assertAlmostEqual((res.rotation() - eigen.AngleAxisd( np.pi / 2, eigen.Vector3d.UnitZ()).matrix()).norm(), 0, delta=TOL) self.assertAlmostEqual( (res.translation() - eigen.Vector3d(0.5, 1., -1.5)).norm(), 0, delta=TOL)
def test(self): theta2d = eigen.Vector2d.Random() * 10 theta = theta2d[0] self.assertAlmostEqual( (sva.RotX(theta) - eigen.AngleAxisd(-theta, eigen.Vector3d.UnitX()).matrix()).norm(), 0, delta=TOL) self.assertAlmostEqual( (sva.RotY(theta) - eigen.AngleAxisd(-theta, eigen.Vector3d.UnitY()).matrix()).norm(), 0, delta=TOL) self.assertAlmostEqual( (sva.RotZ(theta) - eigen.AngleAxisd(-theta, eigen.Vector3d.UnitZ()).matrix()).norm(), 0, delta=TOL)
def grasp_dataset_rotation_to_xyz_theta(rotation, verbose=0): """Convert a rotation to an angle axis theta specifically for brainrobotdata From above, a rotation to the right should be a positive theta, and a rotation to the left negative theta. The initial pose is with the z axis pointing down, the y axis to the right and the x axis forward. This format does not allow for arbitrary rotation commands to be defined, and originates from the paper and dataset: In the google brain dataset the gripper is only commanded to rotate around a single vertical axis, so you might clearly visualize it, this also happens to approximately match the vector defined by gravity. Furthermore, the original paper had the geometry of the arm joints on which params could easily be extracted, which is not available here. To resolve this discrepancy Here we assume that the gripper generally starts off at a quaternion orientation of approximately [qx=-1, qy=0, qz=0, qw=0]. This is equivalent to the angle axis representation of [a=np.pi, x=-1, y=0, z=0], which I'll name default_rot. It is also important to note the ambiguity of the angular distance between any current pose and the end pose. This angular distance will always have a positive value so the network could not naturally discriminate between turning left and turning right. For this reason, we use the angular distance from default_rot to define the input angle parameter, and if the angle axis x axis component is > 0 we will use theta for rotation, but if the angle axis x axis component is < 0 we will use -theta. """ aa = eigen.AngleAxisd(rotation) theta = aa.angle() if aa.axis().z() < 0: multiply = 1.0 else: multiply = -1.0 if verbose > 0: print("ANGLE_AXIS_MULTIPLY: ", aa.angle(), np.array(aa.axis()), multiply) theta *= multiply return np.array([aa.x(), aa.y(), aa.z(), theta])
def test(self): Eq = eigen.AngleAxisd(np.pi / 2, eigen.Vector3d.UnitX()) r = eigen.Vector3d.Random() * 100 pt = sva.PTransformd(Eq, r) ptInv = pt.inv() pt6d = pt.matrix() ptInv6d = ptInv.matrix() ptDual6d = pt.dualMatrix() M = eigen.Matrix3d([[1, 2, 3], [2, 1, 4], [3, 4, 1]]) H = eigen.Matrix3d.Random() * 100 I = eigen.Matrix3d([[1, 2, 3], [2, 1, 4], [3, 4, 1]]) ab = sva.ABInertiad(M, H, I) ab6d = ab.matrix() mass = 1. h = eigen.Vector3d.Random() * 100 rb = sva.RBInertiad(mass, h, I) rb6d = rb.matrix() w = eigen.Vector3d.Random() * 100 v = eigen.Vector3d.Random() * 100 n = eigen.Vector3d.Random() * 100 f = eigen.Vector3d.Random() * 100 mVec = sva.MotionVecd(w, v) mVec6d = mVec.vector() fVec = sva.ForceVecd(n, f) fVec6d = fVec.vector() mvRes1 = pt * mVec mvRes16d = pt6d * mVec6d self.assertAlmostEqual((mvRes1.vector() - mvRes16d).norm(), 0, delta=TOL) self.assertAlmostEqual((mvRes1.angular() - pt.angularMul(mVec)).norm(), 0, delta=TOL) self.assertAlmostEqual((mvRes1.linear() - pt.linearMul(mVec)).norm(), 0, delta=TOL) # Note: the C++ version would test the vectorized version here but this is not supported by the Python bindings mvRes2 = pt.invMul(mVec) mvRes26d = ptInv6d * mVec6d self.assertAlmostEqual((mvRes2.vector() - mvRes26d).norm(), 0, delta=TOL) self.assertAlmostEqual( (mvRes2.angular() - pt.angularInvMul(mVec)).norm(), 0, delta=TOL) self.assertAlmostEqual( (mvRes2.linear() - pt.linearInvMul(mVec)).norm(), 0, delta=TOL) # Same note about the vectorized version fvRes1 = pt.dualMul(fVec) fvRes16d = ptDual6d * fVec6d self.assertAlmostEqual((fvRes1.vector() - fvRes16d).norm(), 0, delta=TOL) self.assertAlmostEqual( (fvRes1.couple() - pt.coupleDualMul(fVec)).norm(), 0, delta=TOL) self.assertAlmostEqual((fvRes1.force() - pt.forceDualMul(fVec)).norm(), 0, delta=TOL) # Same note about the vectorized version fvRes2 = pt.transMul(fVec) fvRes26d = pt6d.transpose() * fVec6d self.assertAlmostEqual((fvRes2.vector() - fvRes26d).norm(), 0, delta=TOL) self.assertAlmostEqual( (fvRes2.couple() - pt.coupleTransMul(fVec)).norm(), 0, delta=TOL) self.assertAlmostEqual( (fvRes2.force() - pt.forceTransMul(fVec)).norm(), 0, delta=TOL) # Same note about the vectorized version rbRes1 = pt.dualMul(rb) rbRes16d = ptDual6d * rb6d * ptInv6d self.assertAlmostEqual((rbRes1.matrix() - rbRes16d).norm(), 0, delta=TOL) rbRes2 = pt.transMul(rb) rbRes26d = pt6d.transpose() * rb6d * pt6d self.assertAlmostEqual((rbRes2.matrix() - rbRes26d).norm(), 0, delta=TOL) abRes1 = pt.dualMul(ab) abRes16d = ptDual6d * ab6d * ptInv6d self.assertAlmostEqual((abRes1.matrix() - abRes16d).norm(), 0, delta=TOL) abRes2 = pt.transMul(ab) abRes26d = pt6d.transpose() * ab6d * pt6d self.assertAlmostEqual((abRes2.matrix() - abRes26d).norm(), 0, delta=TOL)
def test_quaternion(): q = e.Quaterniond() # Identity, xyzw coefficient order. id_v = e.Vector4d(0., 0., 0., 1.) # Identity, wxyz scalar constructor order. q = e.Quaterniond(1., 0., 0., 0.) q2 = e.Quaterniond(id_v) # Both identity quaternions must be equal. assert(q.angularDistance(q2) == 0) q3 = q2*q assert(q.angularDistance(q3) == 0) v4 = e.Vector4d.Random() while v4 == id_v: v4 = e.Vector4d.Random() v4.normalize() q = e.Quaterniond(v4) # Vector4d ctor assert(q.coeffs() == v4) q = e.Quaterniond(v4[3], v4[0], v4[1], v4[2]) # 4 doubles ctor assert(q.coeffs() == v4) q_copy = e.Quaterniond(q) # Copy ctor assert(q_copy.coeffs() == q.coeffs()) q_copy.setIdentity() assert(q_copy.coeffs() != q.coeffs()) # Check the two objects are actually different q = e.Quaterniond(np.pi, e.Vector3d.UnitZ()) # Angle-Axis assert((q.coeffs() - e.Vector4d(0., 0., 1., 0.)).norm() < 1e-6) q = e.Quaterniond(e.AngleAxisd(np.pi, e.Vector3d.UnitZ())) assert((q.coeffs() - e.Vector4d(0., 0., 1., 0.)).norm() < 1e-6) q = e.Quaterniond(e.Matrix3d.Identity()) assert(q.coeffs() == id_v) q = e.Quaterniond.Identity() assert(q.coeffs() == id_v) # Check getters assert(q.x() == 0) assert(q.y() == 0) assert(q.z() == 0) assert(q.w() == 1) assert(q.vec() == e.Vector3d.Zero()) assert(q.coeffs() == id_v) # Check setters q = e.Quaterniond(v4) # Rebuild from something other than Identity q.setIdentity() assert(q.coeffs() == id_v) q.setFromTwoVectors(e.Vector3d.UnitX(), e.Vector3d.UnitY()) assert(q.isApprox(e.Quaterniond(np.pi/2, e.Vector3d.UnitZ()))) q.setIdentity() # Operations assert(e.Quaterniond(id_v).angularDistance(e.Quaterniond(np.pi, e.Vector3d.UnitZ())) == np.pi) assert(e.Quaterniond(v4).conjugate().coeffs() == e.Vector4d(-v4.x(), -v4.y(), -v4.z(), v4.w())) assert(e.Quaterniond(id_v).dot(e.Quaterniond(np.pi, e.Vector3d.UnitZ())) == np.cos(np.pi/2)) check_quaternion_almost_equals(e.Quaterniond(v4).inverse(), e.Quaterniond(v4).conjugate()) assert(q.isApprox(q)) assert(q.isApprox(q, 1e-8)) assert(q.matrix() == e.Matrix3d.Identity()) assert(q.toRotationMatrix() == e.Matrix3d.Identity()) v4_2 = e.Vector4d.Random() v4_2 = 2 * v4_2 / v4_2.norm() q = e.Quaterniond(v4_2) assert(q.norm() != 1.0) q_n = q.normalized() assert(q.norm() != 1.0 and q_n.norm() == 1.0) q.normalize() assert(q.norm() == 1.0) check_quaternion_almost_equals(e.Quaterniond.Identity().slerp(1.0, q), q) assert(q.squaredNorm() == 1.0) # Static method q = e.Quaterniond.UnitRandom() assert(q.norm() == 1.0)