def __init__(self, x0=0.0, y0=0.0, theta0=0.0, odom_lin_sigma=0.025, odom_ang_sigma=np.deg2rad(2), meas_rng_noise=0.2, meas_ang_noise=np.deg2rad(10), xs=0.0, ys=0.0, thetas=0.0, rob2sensor=[-0.087, 0.013, np.deg2rad(0.0)]): """ Initializes publishers, subscribers and the particle filter. """ # Transformation from robot to sensor self.robotToSensor = np.array([xs, ys, thetas]) # Publishers self.pub_lines = rospy.Publisher("ekf_lines", Marker, queue_size=0) self.pub_map = rospy.Publisher("map", Marker, queue_size=0) self.pub_map_gt = rospy.Publisher("map_gt", Marker, queue_size=0) self.pub_odom = rospy.Publisher( "predicted_odom", Odometry, queue_size=0) self.pub_uncertainity = rospy.Publisher( "uncertainity", Marker, queue_size=0) self.pub_laser = rospy.Publisher("ekf_laser", LaserScan, queue_size=0) # Subscribers self.sub_odom = rospy.Subscriber("odom", Odometry, self.odom_callback) self.sub_scan = rospy.Subscriber("lines", Marker, self.lines_callback) # TF self.tfBroad = tf.TransformBroadcaster() # Incremental odometry self.last_odom = None self.odom = None # Flags self.new_odom = False self.new_laser = False = False # Ground truth map dataset = rospy.get_param("~dataset", None) if dataset == 1: = get_map() x0 = 0.8 - 0.1908 y0 = 0.3 + 0.08481 theta0 = -0.034128 elif dataset == 2: = np.array([]) elif dataset == 3: = get_dataset3_map() else: = np.array([]) # Initial state self.x0 = np.array([x0, y0, theta0]) # Particle filter self.ekf = EKF_SLAM(x0, y0, theta0, odom_lin_sigma, odom_ang_sigma, meas_rng_noise, meas_ang_noise) # Transformation from robot to sensor self.robot2sensor = np.array(rob2sensor)
def getStates(self, timestep, use_slam=False): delT, X, Y, xdot, ydot, psi, psidot = super().getStates(timestep) # Initialize the EKF SLAM estimation if self.counter == 0: # Load the map minX, maxX, minY, maxY = -120., 450., -350., 50. #minX, maxX, minY, maxY = -120., 450., -500., 50. map_x = np.linspace(minX, maxX, 7) map_y = np.linspace(minY, maxY, 7) map_X, map_Y = np.meshgrid(map_x, map_y) map_X = map_X.reshape(-1,1) map_Y = map_Y.reshape(-1,1) = np.hstack((map_X, map_Y)).reshape((-1)) # Parameters for EKF SLAM self.n = int(len( X_est = X + 0.5 Y_est = Y - 0.5 psi_est = psi - 0.02 mu_est = np.zeros(3+2*self.n) mu_est[0:3] = np.array([X_est, Y_est, psi_est]) mu_est[3:] = np.array( init_P = 1*np.eye(3+2*self.n) W = np.zeros((3+2*self.n, 3+2*self.n)) W[0:3, 0:3] = delT**2 * 0.1 * np.eye(3) V = 0.1*np.eye(2*self.n) V[self.n:, self.n:] = 0.01*np.eye(self.n) # V[self.n:] = 0.01 print(V) # Create a SLAM self.slam = EKF_SLAM(mu_est, init_P, delT, W, V, self.n) self.counter += 1 else: mu = np.zeros(3+2*self.n) mu[0:3] = np.array([X, Y, psi]) mu[3:] = y = self._compute_measurements(X, Y, psi) mu_est, _ = self.slam.predict_and_correct(y, self.previous_u) self.previous_u = np.array([xdot, ydot, psidot]) print("True X, Y, psi:", X, Y, psi) print("Estimated X, Y, psi:", mu_est[0], mu_est[1], mu_est[2]) print("-------------------------------------------------------") if use_slam == True: return delT, mu_est[0], mu_est[1], xdot, ydot, mu_est[2], psidot else: return delT, X, Y, xdot, ydot, psi, psidot
def __init__(self, x0=0,y0=0,theta0=0, odom_lin_sigma=0.025, odom_ang_sigma=np.deg2rad(2), meas_rng_noise=0.2, meas_ang_noise=np.deg2rad(10),xs = 0, ys = 0, thetas = 0, rob2sensor = [-0.087, 0.013, np.deg2rad(0)]): ''' Initializes publishers, subscribers and the particle filter. ''' # Transformation from robot to sensor self.robotToSensor = np.array([xs,ys,thetas]) # Publishers self.pub_lines = rospy.Publisher("ekf_lines", Marker, queue_size=0) self.pub_map = rospy.Publisher("map", Marker, queue_size=0) self.pub_map_gt = rospy.Publisher("map_gt", Marker, queue_size=0) self.pub_odom = rospy.Publisher("predicted_odom", Odometry, queue_size=0) self.pub_uncertainity = rospy.Publisher("uncertainity", Marker, queue_size=0) self.pub_laser = rospy.Publisher("ekf_laser", LaserScan, queue_size=0) # Subscribers self.sub_scan = rospy.Subscriber("scan", LaserScan, self.laser_callback) self.sub_odom = rospy.Subscriber("odom", Odometry, self.odom_callback) self.sub_scan = rospy.Subscriber("lines", Marker, self.lines_callback) # TF self.tfBroad = tf.TransformBroadcaster() # Incremental odometry self.last_odom = None self.odom = None # Flags self.new_odom = False self.new_laser = False = False # Ground truth map dataset = rospy.get_param("~dataset",None) if dataset == 1: = get_map() x0 = 0.8-0.1908 y0 = 0.3+0.08481 theta0 = -0.034128 elif dataset == 2: = np.array([]) elif dataset == 3: = get_dataset3_map() else: = np.array([]) # Initial state self.x0 = np.array([x0,y0,theta0]) # Particle filter self.ekf = EKF_SLAM(x0, y0, theta0, odom_lin_sigma, odom_ang_sigma, meas_rng_noise, meas_ang_noise) # Transformation from robot to sensor self.robot2sensor = np.array(rob2sensor)
def __init__(self, x0=0,y0=0,theta0=0, odom_lin_sigma=0.025, odom_ang_sigma=np.deg2rad(2), meas_rng_noise=0.2, meas_ang_noise=np.deg2rad(10),xs = 0, ys = 0, thetas = 0): ''' Initializes publishers, subscribers and the particle filter. ''' # Transformation from robot to sensor self.robotToSensor = np.array([xs,ys,thetas]) # Publishers self.pub_lines = rospy.Publisher("lines", Marker) self.pub_odom = rospy.Publisher("predicted_odom", Odometry) self.pub_uncertainity = rospy.Publisher("uncertainity", Marker) # Subscribers self.sub_scan = rospy.Subscriber("scan", LaserScan, self.laser_callback) self.sub_odom = rospy.Subscriber("odom", Odometry, self.odom_callback) # TF self.tfBroad = tf.TransformBroadcaster() # Incremental odometry self.last_odom = None self.odom = None # Flags self.new_odom = False self.new_laser = False = False # Ground truth map # = get_map(0.8,0.3,-0.03) = get_map() # Initial state self.x0 = np.array([x0,y0,theta0]) # Particle filter self.ekf = EKF_SLAM(x0, y0, theta0, odom_lin_sigma, odom_ang_sigma, meas_rng_noise, meas_ang_noise)
#!/usr/bin/env python import rospy import sys import os import numpy as np from std_msgs.msg import String from nav_msgs.msg import Odometry from marker_msgs.msg import MarkerDetection from tf.transformations import euler_from_quaternion sys.path.insert(1, '/home/ros/catkin_ws/src/moro_g12/src/') from ekf_slam import EKF_SLAM from csv_writer import csv_writer previous_timestamp = None ekf = EKF_SLAM(5, 3, 2, 2) def get_rotation(quaternion): global roll, pitch, yaw orientation_list = [quaternion.x, quaternion.y, quaternion.z, quaternion.w] (roll, pitch, yaw) = euler_from_quaternion(orientation_list) return wrap_to_pi(yaw) def odom_callback(msg): timestamp = msg.header.stamp x = msg.pose.pose.position.x y = msg.pose.pose.position.y theta = get_rotation(msg.pose.pose.orientation) v = msg.twist.twist.linear.x
from importlib import reload # import sys # sys.path.append("../") import params as P from dynamics import Dynamics from animation import Animation from plotData import plotData from ekf_slam import EKF_SLAM from copy import deepcopy dynamics = Dynamics() dataPlot = plotData() ekf_slam = EKF_SLAM() animation = Animation(ekf_slam) estimate = np.array([]) actual = np.array([]) t = P.t_start while t < P.t_end: t_next_plot = t + P.t_plot while t < t_next_plot: t = t + P.Ts vc = 1.25 + 0.5 * np.cos(2 * np.pi * (0.2) * t) omegac = -0.5 + 0.2 * np.cos(2 * np.pi * (0.6) * t) noise_v = vc + np.random.normal( 0, np.sqrt(P.alpha1 * vc**2 + P.alpha2 * omegac**2)) noise_omega = omegac + np.random.normal(
class CustomController(BaseController): def __init__(self, trajectory): super().__init__(trajectory) # Define constants # These can be ignored in P1 = 1.39 self.lf = 1.55 self.Ca = 20000 self.Iz = 25854 self.m = 1888.6 self.g = 9.81 self.counter = 0 np.random.seed(99) # Add additional member variables according to your need here. self.integralXdotError = 0 self.previousXdotError = 0 def getStates(self, timestep, use_slam=False): delT, X, Y, xdot, ydot, psi, psidot = super().getStates(timestep) # Initialize the EKF SLAM estimation if self.counter == 0: # Load the map minX, maxX, minY, maxY = -120., 450., -500., 50. map_x = np.linspace(minX, maxX, 7) map_y = np.linspace(minY, maxY, 7) map_X, map_Y = np.meshgrid(map_x, map_y) map_X = map_X.reshape(-1, 1) map_Y = map_Y.reshape(-1, 1) = np.hstack((map_X, map_Y)).reshape((-1)) # Parameters for EKF SLAM self.n = int(len( / 2) X_est = X + 0.5 Y_est = Y - 0.5 psi_est = psi - 0.02 mu_est = np.zeros(3 + 2 * self.n) mu_est[0:3] = np.array([X_est, Y_est, psi_est]) mu_est[3:] = np.array( init_P = 1 * np.eye(3 + 2 * self.n) W = np.zeros((3 + 2 * self.n, 3 + 2 * self.n)) W[0:3, 0:3] = delT**2 * 0.1 * np.eye(3) V = 0.1 * np.eye(2 * self.n) V[self.n:, self.n:] = 0.01 * np.eye(self.n) # V[self.n:] = 0.01 print(V) # Create a SLAM self.slam = EKF_SLAM(mu_est, init_P, delT, W, V, self.n) self.counter += 1 else: mu = np.zeros(3 + 2 * self.n) mu[0:3] = np.array([X, Y, psi]) mu[3:] = y = self._compute_measurements(X, Y, psi) mu_est, _ = self.slam.predict_and_correct(y, self.previous_u) self.previous_u = np.array([xdot, ydot, psidot]) print("True X, Y, psi:", X, Y, psi) print("Estimated X, Y, psi:", mu_est[0], mu_est[1], mu_est[2]) print("-------------------------------------------------------") if use_slam == True: return delT, mu_est[0], mu_est[1], xdot, ydot, mu_est[2], psidot else: return delT, X, Y, xdot, ydot, psi, psidot def _compute_measurements(self, X, Y, psi): x = np.zeros(3 + 2 * self.n) x[0:3] = np.array([X, Y, psi]) x[3:] = p = x[0:2] psi = x[2] m = x[3:].reshape((-1, 2)) y = np.zeros(2 * self.n) for i in range(self.n): y[i] = np.linalg.norm(m[i, :] - p) y[self.n + i] = wrapToPi(np.arctan2(m[i, 1] - p[1], m[i, 0] - p[0]) - psi) y = y + np.random.multivariate_normal(np.zeros(2 * self.n), self.slam.V) # print(np.random.multivariate_normal(np.zeros(2*self.n), self.slam.V)) return y def update(self, timestep, driver): trajectory = self.trajectory lr = lf = self.lf Ca = self.Ca Iz = self.Iz m = self.m g = self.g # Fetch the states from the newly defined getStates method delT, X, Y, xdot, ydot, psi, psidot = self.getStates(timestep, use_slam=True) # You are free to reuse or refine your code from P3 in the spaces below. # ---------------|Lateral Controller|------------------------- """ Please design your lateral controller below. """ """ This controller is from project3 solution. """ A = np.array([[0, 1, 0, 0], [ 0, -4 * Ca / (m * xdot), 4 * Ca / m, 2 * Ca * (lr - lf) / (m * xdot) ], [0, 0, 0, 1], [ 0, (2 * Ca) * (lr - lf) / (Iz * xdot), (2 * Ca) * (lf - lr) / Iz, (-2 * Ca) * (lf**2 + lr**2) / (Iz * xdot) ]]) B = np.array([[0], [2 * Ca / m], [0], [2 * Ca * lf / Iz]]) C = np.eye(4) D = np.zeros((4, 1)) sysc = signal.StateSpace(A, B, C, D) sysd = sysc.to_discrete(delT) Ad = sysd.A Bd = sysd.B Q = np.array([[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0.1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0.1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0.01]]) R = 50 _, node = closestNode(X, Y, trajectory) forwardIndex = 150 try: psiDesired = np.arctan2( trajectory[node + forwardIndex, 1] - trajectory[node, 1], trajectory[node + forwardIndex, 0] - trajectory[node, 0]) e1 = (Y - trajectory[node + forwardIndex, 1]) * np.cos( psiDesired) - (X - trajectory[node + forwardIndex, 0]) * np.sin(psiDesired) except: psiDesired = np.arctan2(trajectory[-1, 1] - trajectory[node, 1], trajectory[-1, 0] - trajectory[node, 0]) e1 = (Y - trajectory[-1, 1]) * np.cos(psiDesired) - ( X - trajectory[-1, 0]) * np.sin(psiDesired) e1dot = ydot + xdot * wrapToPi(psi - psiDesired) e2 = wrapToPi(psi - psiDesired) e2dot = psidot states = np.array([e1, e1dot, e2, e2dot]) S = np.matrix(linalg.solve_discrete_are(Ad, Bd, Q, R)) K = np.matrix(linalg.inv(Bd.T @ S @ Bd + R) @ (Bd.T @ S @ Ad)) delta = wrapToPi((-K @ states)[0, 0]) # ---------------|Longitudinal Controller|--- ---------------------- """ Please design your longitudinal controller below. """ """ This controller is from project3 solution. """ kp = 200 ki = 10 kd = 30 desiredVelocity = 12 xdotError = (desiredVelocity - xdot) self.integralXdotError += xdotError derivativeXdotError = xdotError - self.previousXdotError self.previousXdotError = xdotError F = kp * xdotError + ki * self.integralXdotError * delT + kd * derivativeXdotError / delT # Setting brake intensity is enabled by passing # the driver object, which is used to provide inputs # to the car, to our update function # Using this function is purely optional. # An input of 0 is no brakes applied, while # an input of 1 is max brakes applied # driver.setBrakeIntensity(clamp(someValue, 0, 1)) # Return all states and calculated control inputs (F, delta) return X, Y, xdot, ydot, psi, psidot, F, delta
class CustomController(BaseController): def __init__(self, trajectory): super().__init__(trajectory) # Define Vehicle constants: = 1.39 self.lf = 1.55 self.Ca = 20000 self.Iz = 25854 self.m = 1888.6 self.g = 9.81 # B is constant: self.B = np.asarray([[0, 0], [2 * self.Ca / self.m, 0], [0, 0], [2 * self.Ca * self.lf / self.Iz, 0]]) #### # Vehicle Configuration Constants: #### self.F_max = 15737 # [N] Maximum vehicle thrust self.delta_max = np.pi / 6 # [rad] Maximum steering angle (symmetric about 0) self.decel_max = 9.08 # no brakes: 1.1 # [m/s/s] Maximum capable longitudinal deceleration rate under any condition (empirical from coasting down) self.accel_max = 1.01 * self.F_max / self.m # [m/s/s] Maximum vehicle acceleration #### # Track Configuration Constants: #### self.track_length = 1290.385282704354 # [m] Total path length of the track #### # Settings: #### self.target_time = 40 # [s] Target time to complete loop self.max_cornering_speed = 21.5 # [m/s] Maximum Cornering Speed (empirical) self.max_cornering_speed = min(self.max_cornering_speed, self.track_length / self.target_time) vcm = self.max_cornering_speed # short hand self.vmax = 90 # [m/s] Maximum allowable instantaneous speed (before system becomes unstable) # Velocity Waypoints (what speed should the car be going at key points along the track): self.vel_waypoints = [ (0, 0), (2100, vcm / 1.49), #(1700,vcm/1.38), (2200, vcm / 1.49 / 1.5), #(1700,vcm/1.38), #(2250,vcm),#(1700,vcm/1.38), #(2300,vcm/1.5),#(1700,vcm/1.38), #(2453,vcm/2.0/1.5), #(3236,2*vcm), # <- #(5217,vcm), (5735, vcm / 1.1), #(6574,2*vcm), #(7650,vcm/1.1), #(7799,vcm/1.42), (7800, vcm / 1.5), (7885, vcm / 1.5), (8203, self.vmax) # Floor it at the end ] #self.desired_poles = np.asarray([-2.5, -5.3, -0.5+1j, -0.5-1j]) # Base (unadjusted) LQR Matrices for Lateral Control: self.Q0 = np.diag( np.asarray([50, 10, 65, 15]) / np.asarray([6, 3.21, self.delta_max, np.sqrt(2) / 2])**2 ) # State Cost Weights (settings / max-values^2), rate maxes come from observation self.R0 = 110 / (2 * self.delta_max)**2 # Input Cost Weights #### # Setup: #### self.counter = 0 self.time = 0 # [s] Current time into trajectory execution np.random.seed(99) # Precompute Curvature Vector: self.curve = self.computeCurvature() # Velocity Trajectory (at each position point along the track, what's the target vehicle speed). Used to set xdot depending on track conditions. self.vel_traj, time_traj, dist_traj, tf, traj_info = self.s_traj_waypoints( pos_traj=self.trajectory, a=self.accel_max, d=self.decel_max, vel_waypoints=self.vel_waypoints) """ self.vel_traj, time_traj, v_ratio = self.fastest_trap_vel_traj( pos_traj = self.trajectory, vavg = self.track_length / self.target_time, amax = self.accel_max, dmax = self.decel_max, vel_waypoints = self.vel_waypoints ) print(r"Requested Avg. Velocity is {}% of max speed for given profile waypoints.".format(int(100*v_ratio))) """ print(r"Target Time: {}s, Expected Completion Time {}s".format( self.target_time, tf)) if True: # Plot Distance- and Time-Parameterized Velocity Trajectory: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.figure() plt.plot(dist_traj, self.vel_traj) for t0, s0, v0, tp, sp, vp, tf, sf, vf in traj_info: plt.axvline(s0, linestyle="--", color='blue') plt.axvline(sp, linestyle=":", color='black') plt.axvline(sf, linestyle="--", color='red') plt.axhline(v0, linestyle="--", color='blue') plt.axhline(vf, linestyle="--", color='red') plt.axhline(vp, linestyle=":", color='black') plt.xlabel('s') plt.ylabel('v(s)') plt.figure() plt.plot(time_traj, self.vel_traj) for t0, s0, v0, tp, sp, vp, tf, sf, vf in traj_info: plt.axvline(t0, linestyle="--", color='blue') plt.axvline(tp, linestyle=":", color='black') plt.axvline(tf, linestyle="--", color='red') plt.axhline(v0, linestyle="--", color='blue') plt.axhline(vf, linestyle="--", color='red') plt.axhline(vp, linestyle=":", color='black') plt.xlabel('t') plt.ylabel('v(t)') self.e1_last = 0 self.e2_last = 0 #### # Control Parameters: #### # Target Correction Time [s] (used to calibrate PID constants for each control loop) self.kt = 1 # note: this is a qualitative trimming factor # Core PID Constants (kp, ki, kd), adjusted (trimmed) for each controller via kt. #L_long = (12768 + 0.6*(13088-12768))/1000 # time for long controller to reach 10% SS with step input #T_long = (85824 + 0.4*(86720-85824))/1000 # time for long controller to reach 90% SS with step input Ku_long = 163500 # Lowest long gain causing rapid oscillation in speed under step input Tu_long = (0.096 / 2 + 0.032 / 2) # Period of that oscillation Ku_lat = 0.60 #*0.61 Tu_lat = 6 self.k_pid_longitudinal = np.asarray([ 0.60 * Ku_long, 1.2 * Ku_long / Tu_long, 3 * Ku_long * Tu_long / 40 ]).reshape( (1, 3) ) #np.asarray([163500,0,0]).reshape((1,3))#np.asarray([1.2*T_long/L_long, 1.2*T_long/L_long/(2.0*L_long), 1.2*T_long/L_long*0.5*L_long]).reshape((1,3))#np.asarray([0.60*Ku, 1.2*Ku/Tu, 3*Ku*Tu/40]).reshape((1,3)) self.k_pid_lateral = np.asarray([ 0.60 * Ku_lat, 1.2 * Ku_lat / Tu_lat, 3 * Ku_lat * Tu_lat / 40 ]).reshape( (1, 3) ) #np.asarray([500,0,0]).reshape((1,3))#np.asarray([1,0,0]).reshape((1,3))# self.look_ahead_multiple = 17.7 # How many car lengths to look ahead and average over when determining desired heading angle self.look_ahead_indices = int( self.look_ahead_multiple * 24.0 ) # Corresponding number of indices (note: car length is approx. equiv. to path length over 24 points) ### Time of Last Zero Crossing for Each Signal (for determining Ziegler-Nichols Tu): self.last_zero_crossing = np.zeros((3, 1)) self.oscillation_period = np.zeros((3, 1)) #### # Initialize Signals: #### # Initialize Error Signals as an Errors Matrix, E: # Rows are: (x,y,psi) = (alongtrack, crosstrack, heading), # Cols are: Position, Integral, Derivative self.E = np.zeros((3, 3)) self.decel_rate = 0 self.xdot_last = 0 # For determining max decel rate: self.applied_brakes_time = 0 self.applied_brakes_speed = float('inf') # Print Key Settings: print((self.max_cornering_speed, self.look_ahead_multiple, self.Q0, self.R0, self.vel_waypoints)) def getStates(self, timestep, use_slam=False): delT, X, Y, xdot, ydot, psi, psidot = super().getStates(timestep) # Initialize the EKF SLAM estimation if self.counter == 0: # Load the map minX, maxX, minY, maxY = -120., 450., -350., 50. #minX, maxX, minY, maxY = -120., 450., -500., 50. map_x = np.linspace(minX, maxX, 7) map_y = np.linspace(minY, maxY, 7) map_X, map_Y = np.meshgrid(map_x, map_y) map_X = map_X.reshape(-1, 1) map_Y = map_Y.reshape(-1, 1) = np.hstack((map_X, map_Y)).reshape((-1)) # Parameters for EKF SLAM self.n = int(len( / 2) X_est = X + 0.5 Y_est = Y - 0.5 psi_est = psi - 0.02 mu_est = np.zeros(3 + 2 * self.n) mu_est[0:3] = np.array([X_est, Y_est, psi_est]) mu_est[3:] = np.array( init_P = 1 * np.eye(3 + 2 * self.n) W = np.zeros((3 + 2 * self.n, 3 + 2 * self.n)) W[0:3, 0:3] = delT**2 * 0.1 * np.eye(3) V = 0.1 * np.eye(2 * self.n) V[self.n:, self.n:] = 0.01 * np.eye(self.n) # V[self.n:] = 0.01 print(V) # Create a SLAM self.slam = EKF_SLAM(mu_est, init_P, delT, W, V, self.n) self.counter += 1 else: mu = np.zeros(3 + 2 * self.n) mu[0:3] = np.array([X, Y, psi]) mu[3:] = y = self._compute_measurements(X, Y, psi) mu_est, _ = self.slam.predict_and_correct(y, self.previous_u) self.previous_u = np.array([xdot, ydot, psidot]) print("True X, Y, psi:", X, Y, psi) print("Estimated X, Y, psi:", mu_est[0], mu_est[1], mu_est[2]) print("-------------------------------------------------------") if use_slam == True: return delT, mu_est[0], mu_est[1], xdot, ydot, mu_est[2], psidot else: return delT, X, Y, xdot, ydot, psi, psidot def s_traj(self, t0, s0, v0, sf, vf, a, d): """ Computes the parameters for an s-parameterized pyramid trajectory which starts at (t0,s0,v0) and ends at (sf,vf) while accelerating at a and decelerating at d. If a speed is unreachable, this trajectory hits the closest possible speed. """ sf = sf - s0 # zero tp = (np.sqrt( (d * v0**2 + a * vf**2 + 2 * a * d * sf) / (a + d)) - v0) / a vp = v0 + a * tp sp = 0.5 * (v0 + vp) * tp tf = 2 * (sf - sp) / (vp + vf) + tp sp = sp + s0 # reoffset tp = tp + t0 # offset tf = tf + t0 # offset return tp, tf, vp, sp def s_traj_follow(self, s, a, d, t0, s0, v0, tp, sp, vp): """ For an s-parameterized pyramid trajectory with the given parameters produced by s_traj, this returns the target time and velocity at position s. """ if s <= sp: Dt = (np.sqrt(v0**2 + 2 * a * (s - s0)) - v0) / a t = t0 + Dt v = v0 + a * Dt else: Dt = (vp - np.sqrt(vp**2 - 2 * d * (s - sp))) / d t = tp + Dt v = vp - d * Dt return v, t def s_traj_waypoints(self, pos_traj, a, d, vel_waypoints): if vel_waypoints[0][0] != 0: vel_waypoints = [(0, 0)] + vel_waypoints if vel_waypoints[-1][0] != pos_traj.shape[0]: vel_waypoints = vel_waypoints + [(pos_traj.shape[0], 0)] traj_info = [] t0 = 0 s0 = 0 for w in range(1, len(vel_waypoints)): i_prev, v_prev = vel_waypoints[w - 1] i, vi = vel_waypoints[w] # Path length of section: Ds = self.path_length(pos_traj, i_prev, i) sf = s0 + Ds # Compute Trajectory Parameters: tp, tf, vp, sp = self.s_traj(t0, s0, v_prev, sf, vi, a, d) # Append info defining the sub trapezoidal trajectory: traj_info.append((t0, s0, v_prev, tp, sp, vp, tf, sf, vi)) # Update s0,t0 s0 = sf t0 = tf #print(vel_waypoints) #print(traj_info) dist_traj = np.zeros((pos_traj.shape[0], 1)) time_traj = np.zeros((pos_traj.shape[0], 1)) vel_traj = np.zeros((pos_traj.shape[0], 1)) vel_traj[0] = vel_waypoints[0][1] t = 0 # trajectory info index s = 0 # total distance into trajectory of current waypoint (t0, s0, v_prev, tp, sp, vp, tf, sf, vi) = traj_info[t] # parameters of current trapezoid for i in range(1, pos_traj.shape[0]): s = s + np.sqrt(np.sum((pos_traj[i] - pos_traj[i - 1])**2)) # If s is outside of pyramid, advance pyramid index t until it's inside while s > sf: t = t + 1 (t0, s0, v_prev, tp, sp, vp, tf, sf, vi) = traj_info[t] assert (s0 <= s <= sf) #assert(sm <= se) vel_traj[i], time_traj[i] = self.s_traj_follow( s, a, d, t0, s0, v_prev, tp, sp, vp) dist_traj[i] = s #print(vel_traj) return vel_traj, time_traj, dist_traj, tf, traj_info def fastest_trap_vel_traj(self, pos_traj, vavg, amax, dmax, vel_waypoints): """ Compute the fastest *max deceleration* velocity trajectory. NOTE: @TODO: This function is still very buggy (its computed trajectories don't meet the required constraints but it generally does something close to correct so for this assignment it is sufficient). The fastest velocity trajectory is an array consisting of a target (longitudinal) velocity for each point in the given position trajectory while ensuring that the vehicle hits each target velocity at each of the specified indices for each of the (waypoint_idx, target_velocity) tuples in the vel_waypoints array. That is, between each waypoint specified in vel_waypoints, a path-length parameterized trapezoidal velocity profile is computed which starts at the previous target velocity at the previous index and ends at the specified target velocity at the specified index while ensuring that the vehicle *decelerates at dmax*, doesn't exceed amax (or throws a warning if it does), and ensures that the average velocity of the entire trajectory is vavg. This is best used when you want to wait to brake until the last possible second (for drifting) or have very limited braking (i.e. you can only coast down from a speed and don't have real brakes). Returns the fastest *max deceleration* velocity trajectory as a numpy array as well as the ratio vavg to its maximum allowable value (the value above which the vehicle will have to exceed amax). Note: - If the index of the first waypoint isn't 0, (0,0) will get added to the beginning. - If the index of the last waypoint isn't pos_traj.shape[0], (pos_traj.shape[0], 0) will be added. - If amax is ever exceeded, a warning will be thrown but the trajectory will still be computed as normal (requiring the vehicle to exceed amax). This is useful if you want the vehicle to just floor it after a certain point by setting an unreachably high target velocity for the final waypoint. Parameters ---------- pos_traj Nx2 numpy array containing the [x,y] coordinates of each waypoint. vavg Target average velocity for the entire trajectory (used for tuning vehicle performance). amax Maximum allowable vehicle acceleration. dmax Maximum achievable vehicle deceleration (used for all decelerations). vel_waypoints List of tuples containing the index of a waypoint and the target vehicle velocity for that waypoint. Returns ------- vel_traj Computed velocity trajectory. time_traj The target time for arriving at each point in the trajectory. vavg_ratio_max Largest ratio of vavg to vavg_max. That is: how close is vavg to requiring one of the trapezoids to exceed amax """ if vel_waypoints[0][0] != 0: vel_waypoints = [(0, 0)] + vel_waypoints if vel_waypoints[-1][0] != pos_traj.shape[0]: vel_waypoints = vel_waypoints + [(pos_traj.shape[0], 0)] traj_info = [] vavg_ratio_max = 0 # How close is vavg to requiring one of the trapezoids to exceed amax for w in range(1, len(vel_waypoints)): i_prev, v_prev = vel_waypoints[w - 1] i, vi = vel_waypoints[w] # Path length of section: s = self.path_length(pos_traj, i_prev, i) sd = s * dmax # Peak velocity: vp = (vi**2 - v_prev * vi + 2 * sd - (sd * v_prev) / vavg) / (vi - v_prev + sd / vavg) # Required acceleration: a = (vavg * (vavg * v_prev**2 - 2 * vavg * v_prev * vi - 2 * sd * v_prev + vavg * vi**2 + 2 * sd * vavg)) / ( s * (-2 * vavg**2 + 2 * vi * vavg + sd)) if abs(a) > amax: warn( "Max acceleration of {}m/s/s being exceeded at {}m/s/s between {} and {} in fastest_trap_vel_traj" .format(amax, a, vel_waypoints[w - 1], vel_waypoints[w])) # Maximum allowable average velocity between these two waypoints: vavg_max = (sd * v_prev + np.sqrt( (sd + amax * s) * (sd * v_prev**2 + amax * s * vi**2 + 2 * amax * s * sd)) + amax * s * vi) / (v_prev**2 - 2 * v_prev * vi + vi**2 + 2 * sd + 2 * amax * s) # Ratio of requested vavg to vavg_max: vavg_ratio = vavg / vavg_max # Store the highest one: vavg_ratio_max = max(vavg_ratio, vavg_ratio_max) # Midpoint Distance: sm = (vp**2 - v_prev**2) / 2 / a # Endpoint Distance: se = sm + (vp**2 - vi**2) / 2 / dmax # Append info defining the sub trapezoidal trajectory: traj_info.append((vp, a, sm, se)) #print(vel_waypoints) #print(traj_info) time_traj = np.zeros((pos_traj.shape[0], 1)) vel_traj = np.zeros((pos_traj.shape[0], 1)) vel_traj[0] = vel_waypoints[0][1] t = 0 # trajectory info index s = 0 # total distance into trajectory of current waypoint t0 = 0 s0 = 0 # starting distance of current trapezoid vp, a, sm, se = traj_info[t] # parameters of current trapezoid v_prev = vel_waypoints[t][1] vi = vel_waypoints[t + 1][1] for i in range(1, pos_traj.shape[0]): s = s + np.sqrt(np.sum((pos_traj[i] - pos_traj[i - 1])**2)) # Ensure point is still in the trapezoid: while s > (se + s0): #print((t,s0,s,(se+s0))) t = t + 1 s0 = se + s0 t0 = (np.sqrt(v_prev**2 + 2 * a * sm) - v_prev) / a + (vp - np.sqrt(vp**2 - 2 * dmax * (se - sm))) / dmax + t0 vp, a, sm, se = traj_info[t] v_prev = vel_waypoints[t][1] vi = vel_waypoints[t + 1][1] assert (s0 <= s <= (se + s0)) #assert(sm <= se) if s < (sm + s0): # If in acceleration portion: time_traj[i] = (np.sqrt(v_prev**2 + 2 * a * (s - s0)) - v_prev) / a + t0 vel_traj[i] = np.sqrt(v_prev**2 + 2 * a * (s - s0)) #v_prev + np.sqrt(2*a*(s-s0)) else: # If in decelertion portion: time_traj[i] = (np.sqrt(v_prev**2 + 2 * a * sm) - v_prev) / a + ( vp - np.sqrt(vp**2 - 2 * dmax * (s - sm - s0))) / dmax + t0 vel_traj[i] = np.sqrt( vp**2 - 2 * dmax * (s - s0 - sm)) #vp - np.sqrt(2*dmax*(s-sm-s0)) #print(vel_traj) return vel_traj, time_traj, vavg_ratio_max def path_length(self, pos_traj, start, end): """ Compute the path distance between two points on a trajectory. Computes the path_length distance along the given position trajectory between the points at the given indices. If end < start, the distance will be negative. Parameters ---------- pos_traj Nx2 numpy array containing the [x,y] coordinates of each waypoint. start Index of the first point. end Index of the second point. Returns ------- path_distance Path length distance between points at given indices. """ idx_1, idx_2 = tuple(map(int, (start, end))) path_sign = 1.0 if idx_1 > idx_2: # Ensure proper ordering. Swap order and sign if necessary. path_sign = -1.0 idx_1, idx_2 = idx_2, idx_1 section = pos_traj[idx_1:( idx_2 + 1)] # Section of trajectory between idx_1 and idx_2, inclusive point_distances = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.diff( section, axis=0)**2, axis=1)) # Distances between each point path_distance = path_sign * np.sum(point_distances) return path_distance def computeCurvature(self): # Function to compute and return the curvature of a trajectory. sigmaGauss = 5 # We can change this value to increase filter strength trajectory = self.trajectory xp = gaussian_filter1d(input=trajectory[:, 0], sigma=sigmaGauss, order=1) xpp = gaussian_filter1d(input=trajectory[:, 0], sigma=sigmaGauss, order=2) yp = gaussian_filter1d(input=trajectory[:, 1], sigma=sigmaGauss, order=1) ypp = gaussian_filter1d(input=trajectory[:, 1], sigma=sigmaGauss, order=2) curve = np.zeros(len(trajectory)) for i in range(len(xp)): curve[i] = (xp[i] * ypp[i] - yp[i] * xpp[i]) / (xp[i]**2 + yp[i]**2)**1.5 return curve def dlqr(self, A, B, Q, R): """Solve the discrete time lqr controller. x[k+1] = A x[k] + B u[k] cost = sum x[k].T*Q*x[k] + u[k].T*R*u[k] """ S = np.matrix(linalg.solve_discrete_are(A, B, Q, R)) #compute the LQR gain K = np.matrix(linalg.inv(B.T @ S @ B + R) @ (B.T @ S @ A)) eigVals, eigVecs = linalg.eig(A - B @ K) return K, S, eigVals def _compute_measurements(self, X, Y, psi): x = np.zeros(3 + 2 * self.n) x[0:3] = np.array([X, Y, psi]) x[3:] = p = x[0:2] psi = x[2] m = x[3:].reshape((-1, 2)) y = np.zeros(2 * self.n) for i in range(self.n): y[i] = np.linalg.norm(m[i, :] - p) y[self.n + i] = wrapToPi(np.arctan2(m[i, 1] - p[1], m[i, 0] - p[0]) - psi) y = y + np.random.multivariate_normal(np.zeros(2 * self.n), self.slam.V) # print(np.random.multivariate_normal(np.zeros(2*self.n), self.slam.V)) return y def update(self, timestep, driver): trajectory = self.trajectory lr = lf = self.lf Ca = self.Ca Iz = self.Iz m = self.m g = self.g # Fetch the states from the newly defined getStates method delT, X, Y, xdot, ydot, psi, psidot = self.getStates(timestep, use_slam=False) self.time += delT # update total time into trajectory execution # Design your controllers in the spaces below. # Remember, your controllers will need to use the states # to calculate control inputs (F, delta). # Compute rotation matrix from world frame to local (vehicle) frame: rotation_mat = np.array([[np.cos(psi), np.sin(psi)], [-np.sin(psi), np.cos(psi)]]) #### # Compute Pose to Path Error: # This is what keeps the vehicle on track. #### ### Compute Vector from Vehicle COM to Nearest Waypoint in Local (Vehicle) Frame: # Get nearest waypoint to vehicle COM: _, nearest_waypoint_idx = closestNode(X, Y, trajectory) nearest_waypoint = trajectory[nearest_waypoint_idx] # Compute pose to path (waypoint) vector in world frame: p2p_world = nearest_waypoint - np.asarray([X, Y]) # Compute pose to path (waypoint) vector in local (vehicle) frame: p2p_local = rotation_mat @ p2p_world ### Primitive "Path-Aware" Lookahead: prev_idx = 0 if nearest_waypoint_idx > 1700: prev_idx, prev_lam = 1700, 17.7 targ_idx, targ_lam = 2100, 17.7 if nearest_waypoint_idx > 2100: prev_idx, prev_lam = 2100, 17.7 targ_idx, targ_lam = 2200, 17.7 if nearest_waypoint_idx > 2200: prev_idx, prev_lam = 2200, 17.7 targ_idx, targ_lam = 3000, 17.7 if nearest_waypoint_idx > 3000: prev_idx, prev_lam = 3000, 17.7 targ_idx, targ_lam = 5000, (48 - 17.7) / 3000 * 2000 + 17.7 if nearest_waypoint_idx > 5000: prev_idx, prev_lam = 5000, (48 - 17.7) / 3000 * 2000 + 17.7 targ_idx, targ_lam = 6000, 70 if nearest_waypoint_idx > 6000: prev_idx, prev_lam = 6000, 42 targ_idx, targ_lam = 7800, 12 if nearest_waypoint_idx > 7800: prev_idx, prev_lam = 7800, 8 targ_idx, targ_lam = 8203, 0 if prev_idx > 0: self.look_ahead_multiple = (targ_lam - prev_lam) / ( targ_idx - prev_idx) * (nearest_waypoint_idx - prev_idx) + prev_lam self.look_ahead_indices = int( self.look_ahead_multiple * 24.0 ) # Corresponding number of indices (note: car length is approx. equiv. to path length over 24 points) ### Compute Pose to Path Heading Angle Error: # Points that comes before and 2.5 car lengths later waypoint: nearest_waypoint_prev = trajectory[(nearest_waypoint_idx - 1) % trajectory.shape[0]] nearest_waypoint_fwd = trajectory[(nearest_waypoint_idx + self.look_ahead_indices) % trajectory.shape[0]] # Desired Trajectory Position Delta around Current Waypoint: nearest_waypoint_delta = nearest_waypoint_fwd - nearest_waypoint_prev # Compute Desired Heading: desired_heading = np.arctan2(nearest_waypoint_delta[1], nearest_waypoint_delta[0]) # Compute current heading of the vehicle (direction it's currently driving, not necessarily pointing direction if there's sideslip): Xdot, Ydot = np.linalg.inv(rotation_mat) @ np.asarray([xdot, ydot]) current_heading = np.arctan2(Ydot, Xdot) # Compute Heading Error: p2p_heading_error = desired_heading - current_heading p2p_heading_error = np.arctan2( np.sin(p2p_heading_error), np.cos(p2p_heading_error)) # Remap to atan2 space #### # Compute Alongtrack Error as longitudinal speed difference: #### speed_diff = clamp(self.vel_traj[nearest_waypoint_idx], 0, self.vmax) - xdot if False: # Print Deceleration Rate: decel = (xdot - self.xdot_last) / delT if decel < 0: print(decel) self.xdot_last = xdot """ # Second oldest alongtrack error: ### # Compute path length from the nearest waypoint to the desired waypoint based on desired completion time: # This is what propels the vehicle forward. ### ### Get The Waypoint Vehicle Should be at given the time into execution: target_waypoint_idx = clamp(np.round(self.time / self.target_time * trajectory.shape[0]), 0,trajectory.shape[0]-1) ### Compute the path distance between the waypoints: idx_1, idx_2 = tuple(map(int, (nearest_waypoint_idx, target_waypoint_idx))) path_sign = 1.0 if idx_1 > idx_2: # Ensure proper ordering. Swap order and sign if necessary. path_sign = -1.0 idx_1, idx_2 = idx_2, idx_1 section = trajectory[idx_1:(idx_2+1)] # Section of trajectory between idx_1 and idx_2, inclusive point_distances = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.diff(section, axis=0)**2, axis=1)) # Distances between each point path_distance = path_sign * np.sum(point_distances) """ """ ### Old alongtrack error (alongtrack distance from current position to target position): target_waypoint = trajectory[int(target_waypoint_idx)] # Compute pose to target waypoint vector in world frame: p2target_world = target_waypoint - np.asarray([X,Y]) # Compute pose to target waypoint vector in local (vehicle) frame: p2target_local = rotation_mat @ p2target_world path_distance = p2target_local[0] """ #### # Update Error Signals in an Errors Matrix, E: #### # Rows are: (x,y,psi) = (alongtrack, crosstrack, heading), # Cols are: Position, Integral, Derivative E = self.E E_prev = E.copy() ### Update Proportional Signals: # Alongtrack error (speed difference from required speed) E[0, 0] = speed_diff # Crosstrack error (from current position to nearest waypoint in trajectory): E[1, 0] = p2p_local[1] # Heading error (from current heading to heading implictly specified by trajectory at nearest waypoint): E[2, 0] = p2p_heading_error ### Update Integral Signals: E[:, 1] = E[:, 1] + E[:, 0] * delT # mult by timestep in case not uniform (not if Webots Fast changes dt) ### Update Derivative Signals: E[:, 2] = ( E[:, 0] - E_prev[:, 0] ) / delT # divide by timestep in case not uniform (not if Webots Fast changes dt) #### # Condition Error Signals: #### ### Prevent Integral Windup: # If error has crossed zero, zero it: zero_crossing = (np.sign(E[:, 0]) * np.sign(E_prev[:, 0])) <= 0.0 E[zero_crossing, 1] = 0.0 # If derivative is high (still driving towards equilibrium), reduce integral contribution: high_deriv_error = E[:, 2] * delT > np.asarray([ 0.5, (lf + lr) / 4, # High Y err deriv means > 1/4 car length 2 * np.pi / 6 / 4 # High TH err deriv means > 1/4 steering range ]) E[high_deriv_error, 1] -= E[ high_deriv_error, 0] * delT * 9.0 / 10.0 # only contribute 1/10th of what you would have to the integral ### Find and Print Oscillation Period (for determining Ziegler-Nichols Tu): if np.count_nonzero(zero_crossing): self.oscillation_period[ zero_crossing] = self.time - self.last_zero_crossing[ zero_crossing] self.last_zero_crossing[zero_crossing] = self.time #print(self.oscillation_period.T) #### # Compute PID Correction Factors (allow the same tuned constants to # drive each controller = fewer constants to tune overall). #### kt = self.kt kx = 1 / kt kth = 1 / kt V = np.abs(np.linalg.norm([xdot, ydot])) if V < 0.05: # Prevent from getting too large ky = 2 / 2 / 0.05 / (kt**2) else: ky = 2 / 2 / V / (kt**2) # Lessen impact of crosstrack error as velocity increases (to minimize wild swings) #### # Create a PID Constants Matrix, K: # Each row contains the (kp, ki, and kd) for the error terms # corresponding to that row (ex, ey, or eth). #### K_pid = np.asarray([ self.k_pid_longitudinal * kx, self.k_pid_lateral * ky, self.k_pid_lateral * kth ]).squeeze() #### # Compute Control Signals to Minimize Each Type of Error # (rows: x=alongtrack, y=crosstrack, th=heading) #### C = np.sum(E * K_pid, axis=1) # Extract Independent Control Signals for Minimizing Alongtrack, Crosstrack, and Heading Errors: (Cx, Cy, Cth) = C #print((np.round(E[0,0]), self.track_length / self.target_time, xdot, np.round(Cx), np.round(Cy), np.round(Cth))) #print((np.round(1000*self.time), np.round(speed_diff))) # ---------------|Lateral Controller|------------------------- # Note: Lateral controller consists of two PID subcontrollers working togther to minimize heading error and crosstrack error. # Using a heading control component allows for improved handling of turns (since its trying to point the car in the right direction) # Compute State Space: Vx = xdot A = np.asarray( [[0, 1, 0, 0], [0, -4 * Ca / m / Vx, 4 * Ca / m, -2 * Ca * (lf - lr) / m / Vx], [0, 0, 0, 1], [ 0, -2 * Ca * (lf - lr) / Iz / Vx, 2 * Ca * (lf - lr) / Iz, -2 * Ca * (lf**2 + lr**2) / Iz / Vx ]]) B = self.B[:, 0].reshape(-1, 1) # only consider delta as an input C = np.eye(A.shape[0]) D = np.zeros(B.shape) # Discretize System: ss_CT = signal.StateSpace(A, B, C, D) ss_DT = ss_CT.to_discrete(delT) # Perform IH-DT-LQR Control: Q = self.Q0 # State Cost Weights R = (xdot / self.max_cornering_speed + 1) * self.R0 # Input Cost Weights K, _, _ = self.dlqr(ss_DT.A, ss_DT.B, Q, R) # Calculate Appropriate States: e1 = -p2p_local[1] e1dot = (e1 - self.e1_last) / delT self.e1_last = e1 e2 = np.arctan2(np.sin(psi), np.cos(psi)) - desired_heading # TODO: Clean this up #e2 = -p2p_heading_error e2 = wrapToPi(psi) - wrapToPi(desired_heading) e2 = np.arctan2(np.sin(e2), np.cos(e2)) #print((psi, desired_heading, p2p_heading_error, psi-desired_heading, wrapToPi(psi)-wrapToPi(desired_heading))) #psidotDesired = xdot * self.curve[(nearest_waypoint_idx+self.look_ahead_indices) % trajectory.shape[0]] #e2dot = psidot - psidotDesired e2dot = (e2 - self.e2_last) / delT self.e2_last = e2 X_lat = np.asarray([e1, e1dot, e2, e2dot]).reshape(-1, 1) # Lateral States # Calculate Feedforward Steering Angle: kappa = self.curve[ int(nearest_waypoint_idx + 0 * self.look_ahead_indices / 10) % trajectory. shape[0]] # Signed path curvature at half lookahead distance L = lr + lf # wheel base (axle-to-axle separation) mr = m * lf / L # mass carried by rear wheel(s) mf = m * lr / L # mass carried by front wheel(s) Kv = mf / 2 / Ca - mr / 2 / Ca # understeer gradient ay = Vx**2 * kappa # lateral acceleration due to curvature e2_ss = ( lf * m * ay / 2 / Ca / L - lr * kappa ) # steady state heading error under minimized lateral position error k3 = K[0, 2] # Gain term affecting heading error print(np.sign(kappa)) deltaFF = L * kappa + Kv * ay + k3 * e2_ss # Implement Feedforward + Fullstate Feedback Control: delta = -K @ X_lat # delta = deltaFF - K@X_lat # use feedforward delta = delta[0, 0] # convert from 1x1 array to scalar delta = clamp(delta, -self.delta_max, self.delta_max) # ---------------|Longitudinal Controller|------------------------- F = np.sign(Cx) * np.abs(np.linalg.norm([ clamp(Cx, 0, self.F_max), Cy ])) # Allow crosstrack and alongtrack errors to drive the throttle F = F - np.abs( delta ) * 0.05 * self.F_max / self.delta_max # don't accelerate as much if you're actively turning the wheel F_w_steering_correction = F - np.abs( delta ) * 0.5 * self.decel_max * m / self.delta_max # brake if you're actively turning the wheel a lot print((F, F_w_steering_correction, -F_w_steering_correction / m / self.decel_max)) if F_w_steering_correction < 0: driver.setBrakeIntensity( clamp(-12.0 * F_w_steering_correction / m / self.decel_max, 0, 1)) F = 0 else: driver.setBrakeIntensity(0) # stop braking F = clamp( F, 0, self.F_max ) # Ensure appropriate bounds (main will otherwise treat negative F as positive) # Note: This approach is effectively equivalent to having one longitudinal pid controller which controls norm[ey/kt, eth/V/kt**2] but is just a cleaner representation # Todo: Slow down based on Cth? (slower when steering high to increase control authority) #print((int(100*delta*6/np.pi), int(100*F/15737)) ) #print((int(100*delta/self.delta_max),int(100*F/self.F_max))) # Return all states and calculated control inputs (F, delta) # Setting brake intensity is enabled by passing # the driver object, which is used to provide inputs # to the car, to our update function # Using this function is purely optional. # An input of 0 is no brakes applied, while # an input of 1 is max brakes applied # Determine max decel rate: run_braking_test = False if run_braking_test and nearest_waypoint_idx > 400 and F < 0.1 and self.applied_brakes_time == 0: # If running test and well into straight away and have already peeked speed and haven't applied brakes yet self.applied_brakes_time = self.time self.applied_brakes_speed = xdot driver.setBrakeIntensity(1) if run_braking_test and self.applied_brakes_time > 0 and xdot < self.max_cornering_speed: F = 0 driver.setBrakeIntensity(1) if xdot < 1: Dt = self.time - self.applied_brakes_time Dv = xdot - self.applied_brakes_speed decel = -Dv / Dt print("Max Decel Rate: {}".format(decel)) raise Exception("Max Decel Rate determined. Killing sim.") #driver.setBrakeIntensity(clamp(-F/m/self.decel_max, 0, 1)) # Return all states and calculated control inputs (F, delta) return X, Y, xdot, ydot, psi, psidot, F, delta
class LocalizationNode(object): ''' Class to hold all ROS related transactions to use split and merge algorithm. ''' #=========================================================================== def __init__(self, x0=0, y0=0, theta0=0, odom_lin_sigma=0.025, odom_ang_sigma=np.deg2rad(2), meas_rng_noise=0.2, meas_ang_noise=np.deg2rad(10), xs=0, ys=0, thetas=0, rob2sensor=[-0.087, 0.013, np.deg2rad(0)]): ''' Initializes publishers, subscribers and the particle filter. ''' # Transformation from robot to sensor self.robotToSensor = np.array([xs, ys, thetas]) # Publishers self.pub_lines = rospy.Publisher("ekf_lines", Marker, queue_size=0) self.pub_map = rospy.Publisher("map", Marker, queue_size=0) self.pub_map_gt = rospy.Publisher("map_gt", Marker, queue_size=0) self.pub_odom = rospy.Publisher("predicted_odom", Odometry, queue_size=0) self.pub_uncertainity = rospy.Publisher("uncertainity", Marker, queue_size=0) self.pub_laser = rospy.Publisher("ekf_laser", LaserScan, queue_size=0) # Subscribers self.sub_scan = rospy.Subscriber("scan", LaserScan, self.laser_callback) self.sub_odom = rospy.Subscriber("odom", Odometry, self.odom_callback) self.sub_scan = rospy.Subscriber("lines", Marker, self.lines_callback) # TF self.tfBroad = tf.TransformBroadcaster() # Incremental odometry self.last_odom = None self.odom = None # Flags self.new_odom = False self.new_laser = False = False # Ground truth map dataset = rospy.get_param("~dataset", None) if dataset == 1: = get_map() x0 = 0.8 - 0.1908 y0 = 0.3 + 0.08481 theta0 = -0.034128 elif dataset == 2: = np.array([]) elif dataset == 3: = get_dataset3_map() else: = np.array([]) # Initial state self.x0 = np.array([x0, y0, theta0]) # Particle filter self.ekf = EKF_SLAM(x0, y0, theta0, odom_lin_sigma, odom_ang_sigma, meas_rng_noise, meas_ang_noise) # Transformation from robot to sensor self.robot2sensor = np.array(rob2sensor) #=========================================================================== def odom_callback(self, msg): ''' Publishes a tf based on the odometry of the robot and calculates the incremental odometry as seen from the vehicle frame. ''' # Save time self.time = msg.header.stamp # Translation trans = (msg.pose.pose.position.x, msg.pose.pose.position.y, msg.pose.pose.position.z) # Rotation rot = (msg.pose.pose.orientation.x, msg.pose.pose.orientation.y, msg.pose.pose.orientation.z, msg.pose.pose.orientation.w) # Publish transform self.tfBroad.sendTransform(translation=self.robot2sensor, rotation=(0, 0, 0, 1), time=msg.header.stamp, child='/sensor', parent='/robot') self.tfBroad.sendTransform(translation=self.robot2sensor, rotation=(0, 0, 0, 1), time=msg.header.stamp, child='/camera_depth_frame', parent='/base_footprint') self.tfBroad.sendTransform(translation=trans, rotation=rot, time=msg.header.stamp, child='/base_footprint', parent='/odom') self.tfBroad.sendTransform( translation=(self.x0[0], self.x0[1], 0), rotation=tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler( 0, 0, self.x0[2]), time=msg.header.stamp, child='/odom', parent='/world') # Incremental odometry if self.last_odom is not None and not self.new_odom: # Increment computation delta_x = msg.pose.pose.position.x - self.last_odom.pose.pose.position.x delta_y = msg.pose.pose.position.y - self.last_odom.pose.pose.position.y yaw = yaw_from_quaternion(msg.pose.pose.orientation) lyaw = yaw_from_quaternion(self.last_odom.pose.pose.orientation) # Odometry seen from vehicle frame = np.array([ delta_x * np.cos(lyaw) + delta_y * np.sin(lyaw), -delta_x * np.sin(lyaw) + delta_y * np.cos(lyaw), angle_wrap(yaw - lyaw) ]) # Flag self.new_odom = True # For next loop self.last_odom = msg if self.last_odom is None: self.last_odom = msg #=========================================================================== def laser_callback(self, msg): ''' Republishes laser scan in the EKF solution frame. ''' msg.header.frame_id = '/sensor' self.pub_laser.publish(msg) #=========================================================================== def lines_callback(self, msg): ''' Function called each time a LaserScan message with topic "scan" arrives. ''' # Save time self.linestime = msg.header.stamp # Get the lines if len(msg.points) > 0: # Structure for the lines self.lines = np.zeros((len(msg.points) / 2, 4)) for i in range(0, len(msg.points) / 2): # Get start and end points pt1 = msg.points[2 * i] pt2 = msg.points[2 * i + 1] # Transform to robot frame pt1R = comp(self.robot2sensor, [pt1.x, pt1.y, 0.0]) pt2R = comp(self.robot2sensor, [pt2.x, pt2.y, 0.0]) # Append to line list self.lines[i, :2] = pt1R[:2] self.lines[i, 2:] = pt2R[:2] # Flag self.new_laser = True # Publish publish_lines(self.lines, self.pub_lines, frame='/robot', time=msg.header.stamp, ns='lines_robot', color=(0, 0, 1)) #=========================================================================== def iterate(self): ''' Main loop of the filter. ''' # Prediction if self.new_odom: self.ekf.predict( self.new_odom = False = True # Weightimg and resampling if self.new_laser: Innovk_List, H_k_List, Rk_List, idx_not_associated = self.ekf.data_association( self.lines.copy()) self.ekf.update_position(Innovk_List, H_k_List, Rk_List) self.ekf.state_augmentation(self.lines.copy(), idx_not_associated) self.new_laser = False = True # Publish results if self.publish_results() = False #=========================================================================== def publish_results(self): ''' Publishes all results from the filter. ''' # Ground turth of the map of the room publish_lines(, self.pub_map_gt, frame='/world', ns='gt_map', color=(0.3, 0.3, 0.3)) odom, ellipse, trans, rot, room_map = get_ekf_msgs(self.ekf) publish_lines(room_map, self.pub_map, frame='/world', ns='map', color=(0, 1, 0)) self.pub_odom.publish(odom) self.pub_uncertainity.publish(ellipse) self.tfBroad.sendTransform(translation=trans, rotation=rot, time=self.time, child='/robot', parent='/world')
def main(): args = get_cli_args() validate_cli_args(args) alphas = np.array(args.alphas) beta = np.array(args.beta) mean_prior = np.array([180., 50., 0.]) Sigma_prior = 1e-12 * np.eye(3, 3) initial_state = Gaussian(mean_prior, Sigma_prior) if args.input_data_file: data = load_data(args.input_data_file) elif args.num_steps: # Generate data, assuming `--num-steps` was present in the CL args. data = generate_input_data(, args.num_steps, args.num_landmarks_per_side, args.max_obs_per_time_step, alphas, beta, args.dt) else: raise RuntimeError('') store_sim_data = True if args.output_dir else False should_show_plots = True if args.animate else False should_write_movie = True if args.movie_file else False should_update_plots = True if should_show_plots or should_write_movie else False field_map = FieldMap(args.num_landmarks_per_side) fig = get_plots_figure(should_show_plots, should_write_movie) movie_writer = get_movie_writer(should_write_movie, 'Simulation SLAM', args.movie_fps, args.plot_pause_len) progress_bar = FillingCirclesBar('Simulation Progress', max=data.num_steps) if store_sim_data: if not os.path.exists(args.output_dir): os.makedirs(args.output_dir) save_input_data(data, os.path.join(args.output_dir, 'input_data.npy')) # slam object initialization slam = EKF_SLAM('ekf', 'known', 'batch', args, initial_state) mu_traj = mean_prior sigma_traj = [] theta = [] with movie_writer.saving( fig, args.movie_file, data.num_steps) if should_write_movie else get_dummy_context_mgr(): for t in range(data.num_steps): # Used as means to include the t-th time-step while plotting. tp1 = t + 1 # Control at the current step. u = data.filter.motion_commands[t] # Observation at the current step. z = data.filter.observations[t] # TODO SLAM predict(u) mu, Sigma = slam.predict(u) # TODO SLAM update mu, Sigma = slam.update(z) mu_traj = np.vstack((mu_traj, mu[:3])) sigma_traj.append(Sigma[:3, :3]) theta.append(mu[2]) if not should_update_plots: continue plt.cla() plot_field(field_map, z) plot_robot(data.debug.real_robot_path[t]) plot_observations(data.debug.real_robot_path[t], data.debug.noise_free_observations[t], data.filter.observations[t]) plt.plot(data.debug.real_robot_path[1:tp1, 0], data.debug.real_robot_path[1:tp1, 1], 'm') plt.plot(data.debug.noise_free_robot_path[1:tp1, 0], data.debug.noise_free_robot_path[1:tp1, 1], 'g') plt.plot([data.debug.real_robot_path[t, 0]], [data.debug.real_robot_path[t, 1]], '*r') plt.plot([data.debug.noise_free_robot_path[t, 0]], [data.debug.noise_free_robot_path[t, 1]], '*g') # TODO plot SLAM solution # robot filtered trajectory and covariance plt.plot(mu_traj[:, 0], mu_traj[:, 1], 'blue') plot2dcov(mu[:2], Sigma[:2, :2], color='b', nSigma=3, legend=None) # landmarks covariances and expected poses Sm = slam.Sigma[slam.iR:slam.iR + slam.iM, slam.iR:slam.iR + slam.iM] mu_M =[slam.iR:] for c in range(0, slam.iM, 2): Sigma_lm = Sm[c:c + 2, c:c + 2] mu_lm = mu_M[c:c + 2] plt.plot(mu_lm[0], mu_lm[1], 'ro') plot2dcov(mu_lm, Sigma_lm, color='k', nSigma=3, legend=None) if should_show_plots: # Draw all the plots and pause to create an animation effect. plt.draw() plt.pause(args.plot_pause_len) if should_write_movie: movie_writer.grab_frame() progress_bar.finish() # plt.figure(2) # plt.plot(theta) if store_sim_data: file_path = os.path.join(args.output_dir, 'output_data.npy') with open(file_path, 'wb') as data_file: np.savez(data_file, mean_trajectory=mu_traj, covariance_trajectory=np.array(sigma_traj))
class LocalizationNode(object): ''' Class to hold all ROS related transactions to use split and merge algorithm. ''' #=========================================================================== def __init__(self, x0=0,y0=0,theta0=0, odom_lin_sigma=0.025, odom_ang_sigma=np.deg2rad(2), meas_rng_noise=0.2, meas_ang_noise=np.deg2rad(10),xs = 0, ys = 0, thetas = 0, rob2sensor = [-0.087, 0.013, np.deg2rad(0)]): ''' Initializes publishers, subscribers and the particle filter. ''' # Transformation from robot to sensor self.robotToSensor = np.array([xs,ys,thetas]) # Publishers self.pub_lines = rospy.Publisher("ekf_lines", Marker, queue_size=0) self.pub_map = rospy.Publisher("map", Marker, queue_size=0) self.pub_map_gt = rospy.Publisher("map_gt", Marker, queue_size=0) self.pub_odom = rospy.Publisher("predicted_odom", Odometry, queue_size=0) self.pub_uncertainity = rospy.Publisher("uncertainity", Marker, queue_size=0) self.pub_laser = rospy.Publisher("ekf_laser", LaserScan, queue_size=0) # Subscribers self.sub_scan = rospy.Subscriber("scan", LaserScan, self.laser_callback) self.sub_odom = rospy.Subscriber("odom", Odometry, self.odom_callback) self.sub_scan = rospy.Subscriber("lines", Marker, self.lines_callback) # TF self.tfBroad = tf.TransformBroadcaster() # Incremental odometry self.last_odom = None self.odom = None # Flags self.new_odom = False self.new_laser = False = False # Ground truth map dataset = rospy.get_param("~dataset",None) if dataset == 1: = get_map() x0 = 0.8-0.1908 y0 = 0.3+0.08481 theta0 = -0.034128 elif dataset == 2: = np.array([]) elif dataset == 3: = get_dataset3_map() else: = np.array([]) # Initial state self.x0 = np.array([x0,y0,theta0]) # Particle filter self.ekf = EKF_SLAM(x0, y0, theta0, odom_lin_sigma, odom_ang_sigma, meas_rng_noise, meas_ang_noise) # Transformation from robot to sensor self.robot2sensor = np.array(rob2sensor) #=========================================================================== def odom_callback(self, msg): ''' Publishes a tf based on the odometry of the robot and calculates the incremental odometry as seen from the vehicle frame. ''' # Save time self.time = msg.header.stamp # Translation trans = (msg.pose.pose.position.x, msg.pose.pose.position.y, msg.pose.pose.position.z) # Rotation rot = (msg.pose.pose.orientation.x, msg.pose.pose.orientation.y, msg.pose.pose.orientation.z, msg.pose.pose.orientation.w) # Publish transform self.tfBroad.sendTransform(translation = self.robot2sensor, rotation = (0, 0, 0, 1), time = msg.header.stamp, child = '/sensor', parent = '/robot') self.tfBroad.sendTransform(translation = self.robot2sensor, rotation = (0, 0, 0, 1), time = msg.header.stamp, child = '/camera_depth_frame', parent = '/base_footprint') self.tfBroad.sendTransform(translation = trans, rotation = rot, time = msg.header.stamp, child = '/base_footprint', parent = '/odom') self.tfBroad.sendTransform(translation = (self.x0[0],self.x0[1],0), rotation = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0,0,self.x0[2]), time = msg.header.stamp, child = '/odom', parent = '/world') # Incremental odometry if self.last_odom is not None and not self.new_odom: # Increment computation delta_x = msg.pose.pose.position.x - self.last_odom.pose.pose.position.x delta_y = msg.pose.pose.position.y - self.last_odom.pose.pose.position.y yaw = yaw_from_quaternion(msg.pose.pose.orientation) lyaw = yaw_from_quaternion(self.last_odom.pose.pose.orientation) # Odometry seen from vehicle frame = np.array([delta_x * np.cos(lyaw) + delta_y * np.sin(lyaw), - delta_x * np.sin(lyaw) + delta_y * np.cos(lyaw), angle_wrap(yaw - lyaw)]) # Flag self.new_odom = True # For next loop self.last_odom = msg if self.last_odom is None: self.last_odom = msg #=========================================================================== def laser_callback(self, msg): ''' Republishes laser scan in the EKF solution frame. ''' msg.header.frame_id = '/sensor' self.pub_laser.publish(msg) #=========================================================================== def lines_callback(self, msg): ''' Function called each time a LaserScan message with topic "scan" arrives. ''' # Save time self.linestime = msg.header.stamp # Get the lines if len(msg.points) > 0: # Structure for the lines self.lines = np.zeros((len(msg.points) / 2, 4)) for i in range(0, len(msg.points)/2): # Get start and end points pt1 = msg.points[2*i] pt2 = msg.points[2*i+1] # Transform to robot frame pt1R = comp(self.robot2sensor, [pt1.x, pt1.y, 0.0]) pt2R = comp(self.robot2sensor, [pt2.x, pt2.y, 0.0]) # Append to line list self.lines[i, :2] = pt1R[:2] self.lines[i, 2:] = pt2R[:2] # Flag self.new_laser = True # Publish publish_lines(self.lines, self.pub_lines, frame = '/robot', time = msg.header.stamp, ns = 'lines_robot', color = (0,0,1)) #=========================================================================== def iterate(self): ''' Main loop of the filter. ''' # Prediction if self.new_odom: self.ekf.predict( self.new_odom = False = True # Weightimg and resampling if self.new_laser: Innovk_List, H_k_List, Rk_List,idx_not_associated = self.ekf.data_association(self.lines.copy()) self.ekf.update_position(Innovk_List, H_k_List, Rk_List) self.ekf.state_augmentation(self.lines.copy(),idx_not_associated) self.new_laser = False = True # Publish results if self.publish_results() = False #=========================================================================== def publish_results(self): ''' Publishes all results from the filter. ''' # Ground turth of the map of the room publish_lines(, self.pub_map_gt, frame='/world', ns='gt_map', color=(0.3,0.3,0.3)) odom, ellipse, trans, rot, room_map = get_ekf_msgs(self.ekf) publish_lines(room_map, self.pub_map, frame='/world', ns='map', color=(0,1,0)) self.pub_odom.publish(odom) self.pub_uncertainity.publish(ellipse) self.tfBroad.sendTransform(translation = trans, rotation = rot, time = self.time, child = '/robot', parent = '/world')
class LocalizationNode(object): ''' Class to hold all ROS related transactions to use split and merge algorithm. ''' #=========================================================================== def __init__(self, x0=0,y0=0,theta0=0, odom_lin_sigma=0.025, odom_ang_sigma=np.deg2rad(2), meas_rng_noise=0.2, meas_ang_noise=np.deg2rad(10),xs = 0, ys = 0, thetas = 0): ''' Initializes publishers, subscribers and the particle filter. ''' # Transformation from robot to sensor self.robotToSensor = np.array([xs,ys,thetas]) # Publishers self.pub_lines = rospy.Publisher("lines", Marker) self.pub_odom = rospy.Publisher("predicted_odom", Odometry) self.pub_uncertainity = rospy.Publisher("uncertainity", Marker) # Subscribers self.sub_scan = rospy.Subscriber("scan", LaserScan, self.laser_callback) self.sub_odom = rospy.Subscriber("odom", Odometry, self.odom_callback) # TF self.tfBroad = tf.TransformBroadcaster() # Incremental odometry self.last_odom = None self.odom = None # Flags self.new_odom = False self.new_laser = False = False # Ground truth map # = get_map(0.8,0.3,-0.03) = get_map() # Initial state self.x0 = np.array([x0,y0,theta0]) # Particle filter self.ekf = EKF_SLAM(x0, y0, theta0, odom_lin_sigma, odom_ang_sigma, meas_rng_noise, meas_ang_noise) #=========================================================================== def odom_callback(self, msg): ''' Publishes a tf based on the odometry of the robot and calculates the incremental odometry as seen from the vehicle frame. ''' # Save time self.time = msg.header.stamp # Translation trans = (msg.pose.pose.position.x, msg.pose.pose.position.y, msg.pose.pose.position.z) # Rotation rot = (msg.pose.pose.orientation.x, msg.pose.pose.orientation.y, msg.pose.pose.orientation.z, msg.pose.pose.orientation.w) # Publish transform self.tfBroad.sendTransform(translation = (self.robotToSensor[0],self.robotToSensor[1],0), rotation = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0,0,self.robotToSensor[2]), time = msg.header.stamp, child = '/openni_depth_frame', parent = '/robot') self.tfBroad.sendTransform(translation = trans, rotation = rot, time = msg.header.stamp, child = '/robot_original', parent = '/odom') self.tfBroad.sendTransform(translation = (self.x0[0]-0.1908,self.x0[1]+0.08481,self.x0[2]), rotation = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0,0,-0.034128), # rotation = (0,0,0,1), time = msg.header.stamp, child = '/odom', parent = '/world') # Incremental odometry if self.last_odom is not None and not self.new_odom: # Increment computation delta_x = msg.pose.pose.position.x - self.last_odom.pose.pose.position.x delta_y = msg.pose.pose.position.y - self.last_odom.pose.pose.position.y yaw = yaw_from_quaternion(msg.pose.pose.orientation) lyaw = yaw_from_quaternion(self.last_odom.pose.pose.orientation) # Odometry seen from vehicle frame = np.array([delta_x * np.cos(lyaw) + delta_y * np.sin(lyaw), - delta_x * np.sin(lyaw) + delta_y * np.cos(lyaw), angle_wrap(yaw - lyaw)]) # Flag self.new_odom = True # For next loop self.last_odom = msg if self.last_odom is None: self.last_odom = msg #=========================================================================== def laser_callback(self, msg): ''' Function called each time a LaserScan message with topic "scan" arrives. ''' # Save time self.time = msg.header.stamp # Project LaserScan to points in space rng = np.array(msg.ranges) ang = np.linspace(msg.angle_min, msg.angle_max, len(msg.ranges)) points = np.vstack((rng * np.cos(ang), rng * np.sin(ang))) # Filter long ranges points = points[:, rng < msg.range_max] # Use split and merge to obtain lines and publish self.lines = splitandmerge(points, split_thres=0.1, inter_thres=0.3, min_points=6, dist_thres=0.12, ang_thres=np.deg2rad(10)) # Have valid points if self.lines is not None: # Transform line to robot frame for i in range(0,self.lines.shape[0]): point1S = np.append(self.lines[i,0:2], 0) point2S = np.append(self.lines[i,2:4], 0) point1R = comp(self.robotToSensor, point1S) point2R = comp(self.robotToSensor, point2S) self.lines[i,:] = np.append(point1R[0:2],point2R[0:2]) # Publish results publish_lines(self.lines, self.pub_lines, frame='/robot', time=msg.header.stamp, ns='scan_lines_robot', color=(0,0,1)) # Flag self.new_laser = True #=========================================================================== def iterate(self): ''' Main loop of the filter. ''' # Prediction if self.new_odom: self.ekf.predict( self.new_odom = False = True # Weightimg and resampling if self.new_laser: Innovk_List, H_k_List, S_f_List, Rk_List,idx_not_associated = self.ekf.data_association(self.lines.copy()) self.ekf.update_position(Innovk_List, H_k_List, S_f_List, Rk_List) self.ekf.state_augmentation(self.lines.copy(),idx_not_associated) self.new_laser = False = True # Publish results if self.publish_results() = False #=========================================================================== def publish_results(self): ''' Publishes all results from the filter. ''' # Ground turth of the map of the room publish_lines(, self.pub_lines, frame='/world', ns='gt_map', color=(0.3,0.3,0.3)) msg_odom, msg_ellipse, trans, rot, room_map = get_ekf_msgs(self.ekf) publish_lines(room_map, self.pub_lines, frame='/world', ns='map', color=(0,1,0)) self.pub_odom.publish(msg_odom) self.pub_uncertainity.publish(msg_ellipse) self.tfBroad.sendTransform(translation = trans, rotation = rot, time = self.time, child = '/robot', parent = '/world')
scan_angle.set_theta1((twr.x_new[2, 0] - twr.fov / 2) * 180 / np.pi) scan_angle.set_theta2((twr.x_new[2, 0] + twr.fov / 2) * 180 / np.pi) fig.canvas.draw() plt.pause(0.01) if __name__ == "__main__": plot_live = True # Two-Wheeled Robot Init twr = TWR() # TWR model object # EKF SLAM filter Init ekf_slam = EKF_SLAM(twr) body_radius = 0.3 fig, lines, lines_est, mlandmarks, robot_body, robot_head, scan_angle = InitPlot( twr, body_radius) mu =[0:3].reshape([3, 1]) mu_landmarks =[3:].reshape([len([3:]), 1]) w_landmarks = np.zeros((, 1)) h_landmarks = np.zeros((, 1)) ang_landmarks = np.zeros((, 1)) K = ekf_slam.K two_sig_x = np.array([[2 * np.sqrt(ekf_slam.cov.item((0, 0)))], [-2 * np.sqrt(ekf_slam.cov.item((0, 0)))]]) two_sig_y = np.array([[2 * np.sqrt(ekf_slam.cov.item((1, 1)))], [-2 * np.sqrt(ekf_slam.cov.item((1, 1)))]]) two_sig_theta = np.array([[2 * np.sqrt(ekf_slam.cov.item((2, 2)))],