Beispiel #1
def library_autocomplete(request):
    'Live' search by name
    from search.helpers import package_query
    from elasticutils import F

    q = request.GET.get('q')
    limit = request.GET.get('limit')
        limit = int(limit)
        limit = settings.LIBRARY_AUTOCOMPLETE_LIMIT

    ids = (settings.MINIMUM_PACKAGE_ID, settings.MINIMUM_PACKAGE_ID - 1)
    notAddonKit = ~(F(id_number=ids[0]) | F(id_number=ids[1]))
    onlyMyPrivateLibs = (F(active=True) | F(

        qs = (
        found = qs[:limit]
    except Exception, ex:
        log.exception('Library autocomplete error')
        found = []
Beispiel #2
 def test_filter_or_3(self):
     eq_(len(self.get_s().filter(F(tag='awesome') | F(tag='boat') |
                                  F(tag='boring'))), 5)
     eq_(len(self.get_s().filter(or_={'foo': 'bar',
                                       'or_': {'tag': 'boat',
                                               'width': '5'}
                                       })), 3)
Beispiel #3
    def test_filter_or_3(self):
        s = self.get_s().filter(F(tag='awesome') | F(tag='boat') |
        eq_(s._build_query(), {
                'filter': {
                    'or': [
                        {'term': {'tag': 'awesome'}},
                        {'term': {'tag': 'boat'}},
                        {'term': {'tag': 'boring'}}
        eq_(s.count(), 5)

        # This is kind of a crazy case.
        s = self.get_s().filter(or_={'foo': 'bar',
                                     'or_': {'tag': 'boat', 'width': '5'}})
        eq_(s._build_query(), {
                'filter': {
                    'or': [
                        {'or': [
                                {'term': {'width': '5'}},
                                {'term': {'tag': 'boat'}}
                        {'term': {'foo': 'bar'}}
        eq_(s.count(), 3)
Beispiel #4
    def filter_username(self, value):
        username_lower = value.lower()

        username_filter = F(iusername__prefix=username_lower) | F(

        return self._filter_by_users(username_filter)
Beispiel #5
def package_search(searchq='', user=None, score_on=None, **filters):
    """This provides some sane defaults to filter on when searching Packages"""

    # This is a filtered query, that says we want to do a query, but not have
    # to deal with version_text='initial' or 'copy'
    notInitialOrCopy = ~(F(version_name='initial') | F(version_name='copy')) 

    qs ='copies_count','times_depended',

    # Add type facet (minus any type filter)
    facetFilter = dict((k, v) for k, v in filters.items() if k != 'type')
    if facetFilter:
        facetFilter = notInitialOrCopy & F(**facetFilter)
        facetFilter = notInitialOrCopy
    qs = qs.facet(types={'terms': {'field': 'type'},
                'facet_filter': facetFilter.filters})

    if searchq:
        qs = qs.query(or_=package_query(searchq))

    if user and user.is_authenticated():
        qs = qs.facet(author={'terms': {
            'field': 'author',
            'script':'term == %d ? true : false' %}
    return qs
Beispiel #6
    def test_f_mutation_with_or(self):
        """Make sure OR doesn't mutate operands."""
        f1 = F(fielda='tag', fieldb='boat')
        f2 = F(fieldc='car')

        f1 | f2
        # Should only contain f1 filters.
            sorted([('fielda', 'tag'), ('fieldb', 'boat')]))

        # Should only contain f2 filters.
        eq_(f2.filters, [('fieldc', 'car')])
Beispiel #7
    def test_f_mutation_with_or(self):
        """Make sure OR doesn't mutate operands."""
        f1 = F(fielda='tag', fieldb='boat')
        f2 = F(fieldc='car')

        f1 | f2
        # Should only contain f1 filters.
            sorted([{'term': {'fielda': 'tag'}},
                    {'term': {'fieldb': 'boat'}}]))

        # Should only contain f2 filters.
        eq_(f2.filters, {'term': {'fieldc': 'car'}})
Beispiel #8
    def _filter_by_users(self, users_filter, invert=False):
        users = UserMappingType.reshape(
            # Optimization: Filter out users that have never contributed.

        user_ids = [u["id"] for u in users]

        res = F(creator_id__in=user_ids)
        if invert:
            res = ~res
        return res
Beispiel #9
 def test_filter_f_and_ff(self):
     s = self.get_s().filter(F(tag='awesome') & F(foo='car', width='7'))
             'filter': {
                 'and': [
                     {'term': {'width': '7'}},
                     {'term': {'foo': 'car'}},
                     {'term': {'tag': 'awesome'}}
     eq_(s.count(), 1)
Beispiel #10
 def test_filter_not_not_f(self):
     f = F(tag='awesome')
     f = ~f
     f = ~f
     s = self.get_s().filter(f)
     eq_(s._build_query(), {'filter': {'term': {'tag': 'awesome'}}})
     eq_(s.count(), 3)
Beispiel #11
def get_facet_response_for_choice_fields(query_with_criteria, choice_fields,
    facet_results = []
    for field in choice_fields:
        field_name = es_questionnaire_field_name(field.code,
                                                 form_model_id) + "_exact"
        facet_response = query_with_criteria.facet(
            field_name, filtered=True).facet_counts()
        facet_result_options = []
        facet_result = {
            "es_field_name": field_name,
            "facets": facet_result_options,
            # find total submissions containing specified answer
            query_with_criteria.filter(~F(**{field_name: None})).count()
        for option, facet_list in facet_response.iteritems():
            for facet in facet_list:
                    "term": facet['term'],
                    "count": facet['count']

    return facet_results
Beispiel #12
    def filter_page(self, value):
        """Validate the page numbers, but don't return any filters."""
            page = fields.IntegerField().to_internal_value(value)
        except fields.ValidationError:
            page = 1

        if page < 1:
            page = 1

        self.query_values['page'] = page

        return F()
Beispiel #13
    def filter_page_size(self, value):
        """Validate the page sizes, but don't return any filters."""
            page_size = fields.IntegerField().to_internal_value(value)
        except fields.ValidationError:
            page_size = 20

        if not (1 <= page_size < 100):
            page_size = 100

        self.query_values['page_size'] = page_size

        return F()
Beispiel #14
    def test_f_mutation_with_not(self):
        """Make sure NOT doesn't mutate operands."""
        f1 = F(fielda='tag')
        f2 = ~f1

        # Change f2 to see if it changes f1.
        f2.filters['not']['filter']['term']['fielda'] = 'boat'

        # Should only contain f1 filters.
        eq_(f1.filters, {'term': {'fielda': 'tag'}})

        # Should only contain f2 tweaked filter.
        eq_(f2.filters, {'not': {'filter': {'term': {'fielda': 'boat'}}}})
Beispiel #15
    def test_f_mutation_with_not(self):
        """Make sure NOT doesn't mutate operands."""
        f1 = F(fielda='tag')
        f2 = ~f1

        # Change f2 to see if it changes f1.
        f2.filters[0]['not']['filter'] = [('fielda', 'boat')]

        # Should only contain f1 filters.
        eq_(f1.filters, [('fielda', 'tag')])

        # Should only contain f2 tweaked filter.
        eq_(f2.filters, [{'not': {'filter': [('fielda', 'boat')]}}])
Beispiel #16
def apply_reviewer_filters(request, qs, data=None):
    for k in ('has_info_request', 'has_editor_comment'):
        if data.get(k, None) is not None:
            qs = qs.filter(**{
                'latest_version.%s' % k: data[k]
    if data.get('is_escalated', None) is not None:
        qs = qs.filter(is_escalated=data['is_escalated'])
    is_tarako = data.get('is_tarako')
    if is_tarako is not None:
        if is_tarako:
            qs = qs.filter(tags='tarako')
            qs = qs.filter(~F(tags='tarako'))
    return qs
Beispiel #17
    def get_filter(self, f, term):
        # Action must be either None or one that can be handled by Elasticutils
        # According to Elasticutils
        # Available actions are : startswith, prefix, in, range and distance
        action = self.search_actions.get(f, self.default_action)

        if not action and f in self.prefix_fields:
            action = 'prefix'

        field_action = '{0}__{1}'.format(f, action) if action else f

        # If term is an empty string, we are looking for a missing relation
        if term == '':
            term = None
        return F(**{field_action: term})
Beispiel #18
    def get_filters(self):
        self.query_values = self.get_default_query()
        # request.GET is a multidict, so simple `.update(request.GET)` causes
        # everything to be a list. This converts it into a plain single dict.

        f = F()

        for key, value in self.query_values.items():
            filter_method = getattr(self, 'filter_' + key, None)
            if filter_method is None:
                self.warnings.append('Unknown filter {}'.format(key))
                f &= filter_method(value)

        return f
Beispiel #19
    def test_filter_not(self):
        s = self.get_s().filter(~F(tag='awesome'))
        eq_(s._build_query(), {
                'filter': {
                    'not': {
                        'filter': {'term': {'tag': 'awesome'}}
        eq_(s.count(), 3)

        s = self.get_s().filter(~(F(tag='boring') | F(tag='boat')))
        eq_(s._build_query(), {
                'filter': {
                    'not': {
                        'filter': {
                            'or': [
                                {'term': {'tag': 'boring'}},
                                {'term': {'tag': 'boat'}}
        eq_(s.count(), 4)

        s = self.get_s().filter(~F(tag='boat')).filter(~F(foo='bar'))
        eq_(s._build_query(), {
                'filter': {
                    'and': [
                        {'not': {'filter': {'term': {'tag': 'boat'}}}},
                        {'not': {'filter': {'term': {'foo': 'bar'}}}}
        eq_(s.count(), 4)

        s = self.get_s().filter(~F(tag='boat', foo='barf'))
        eq_(s._build_query(), {
                'filter': {
                    'not': {
                        'filter': {
                            'and': [
                                {'term': {'foo': 'barf'}},
                                {'term': {'tag': 'boat'}}
        eq_(s.count(), 6)
Beispiel #20
def issue_distribution(index):
    q = S().indexes(index).doctypes('IssueData') \
        .filter(state='open') \
        .filter(~F(assignee=None)) \
    q = all(q)
    # open, assigned
    issues = list(q)

    distribution = {}
    for issue in issues:
        login = issue['assignee']['login']
        if login not in distribution:
            distribution[login] = {
                'person': issue['assignee'],
                'issues': [issue]

    return distribution
Beispiel #21
    def filter_ordering(self, value):
        """Validate sort order, but don't return any filters."""
        if value not in self.get_allowed_orderings():
            self.warnings.append('Invalid sort order: {}'.format(value))

        return F()
Beispiel #22
 def get_filters(self):
     f = super(TopContributorsQuestions, self).get_filters()
     f &= F(by_asker=False)
     return f
Beispiel #23
    def get_data(self, request):
        super(TopContributorsQuestions, self).get_data(request)

        # This is the base of all the metrics. Each metric branches off from
        # this to get a particular metric type, since we can't do Aggregates.
        query =
        base_filters = self.get_filters()

        # This branch is to get the total number of answers for each user.
        answer_query = (
            .facet('creator_id', filtered=True, size=BIG_NUMBER))

        # This branch gets the number of answers that are solutions for each user.
        solutions_filter = base_filters & F(is_solution=True)
        solutions_query = (
            .facet('creator_id', filtered=True, size=BIG_NUMBER))

        # This branch gets the number of helpful votes across all answers for
        # each user. It is a raw facet because elasticutils only supports the
        # term facet type in non-raw facets. Because it is raw facet, we have
        # to also put the filter in the facet ourselves.
        helpful_query = (
                    'terms_stats': {
                        'key_field': 'creator_id',
                        'value_field': 'helpful_count',
                    'facet_filter': query._process_filters(base_filters.filters),

        # Collect three lists of objects that correlates users and the appropriate metric count
        creator_answer_counts = answer_query.facet_counts()['creator_id']['terms']
        creator_solutions_counts = solutions_query.facet_counts()['creator_id']['terms']
        creator_helpful_counts = helpful_query.facet_counts()['creator_id']['terms']

        # Combine all the metric types into one big list.
        combined = defaultdict(lambda: {
            'answer_count': 0,
            'solution_count': 0,
            'helpful_vote_count': 0,

        for d in creator_answer_counts:
            combined[d['term']]['user_id'] = d['term']
            combined[d['term']]['answer_count'] = d['count']

        for d in creator_solutions_counts:
            combined[d['term']]['user_id'] = d['term']
            combined[d['term']]['solution_count'] = d['count']

        for d in creator_helpful_counts:
            combined[d['term']]['user_id'] = d['term']
            # Since this is a term_stats filter, not just a term filter, it is total, not count.
            combined[d['term']]['helpful_vote_count'] = int(d['total'])

        # Sort by answer count, and get just the ids into a list.
        sort_key = self.query_values['ordering']
        if sort_key[0] == '-':
            sort_reverse = True
            sort_key = sort_key[1:]
            sort_reverse = False

        top_contributors = combined.values()
        top_contributors.sort(key=lambda d: d[sort_key], reverse=sort_reverse)
        user_ids = [c['user_id'] for c in top_contributors]
        full_count = len(user_ids)

        # Paginate those user ids.
        page_start = (self.query_values['page'] - 1) * self.query_values['page_size']
        page_end = page_start + self.query_values['page_size']
        user_ids = user_ids[page_start:page_end]

        # Get full user objects for every id on this page.
        users = UserMappingType.reshape(
            .values_dict('id', 'username', 'display_name', 'avatar', 'last_contribution_date')

        # For ever user object found, mix in the metrics counts for that user,
        # and then reshape the data to make more sense to clients.
        data = []
        for u in users:
            d = combined[u['id']]
            d['user'] = u
            d['last_contribution_date'] = d['user'].get('last_contribution_date', None)
            d.pop('user_id', None)
            d['user'].pop('id', None)
            d['user'].pop('last_contribution_date', None)

        # One last sort, since ES didn't return the users in any particular order.
        data.sort(key=lambda d: d[sort_key], reverse=sort_reverse)

        # Add ranks to the objects.
        for i, contributor in enumerate(data, 1):
            contributor['rank'] = page_start + i

        return {
            'results': data,
            'count': full_count,
            'filters': self.query_values,
            'allowed_orderings': self.get_allowed_orderings(),
            'warnings': self.warnings,
Beispiel #24
 def filter_last_contribution_date__lt(self, value):
     # This query usually covers a lot of users, so inverting it makes it a lot faster.
     date = fields.DateField().to_internal_value(value)
     dt = datetime.combine(date, datetime.max.time())
     return self._filter_by_users(~F(last_contribution_date__lt=dt), invert=True)
Beispiel #25
 def filter_product(self, value):
     return F(product=value)
Beispiel #26
 def filter_last_contribution_date__gt(self, value):
     date = fields.DateField().to_internal_value(value)
     dt = datetime.combine(date, datetime.max.time())
     return self._filter_by_users(F(last_contribution_date__gt=dt))
Beispiel #27
 def filter_locale(self, value):
     return F(locale=value)
Beispiel #28
 def filter_enddate(self, value):
     date = fields.DateField().to_internal_value(value)
     dt = datetime.combine(date, datetime.max.time())
     return F(created__lte=dt)
Beispiel #29
    def get_data(self, request):
        super(TopContributorsQuestions, self).get_data(request)

        # This is the base of all the metrics. Each metric branches off from
        # this to get a particular metric type, since we can't do Aggregates.
        query =
        base_filters = self.get_filters()

        # This branch is to get the total number of answers for each user.
        answer_query = query.filter(base_filters).facet("creator_id",

        # This branch gets the number of answers that are solutions for each user.
        solutions_filter = base_filters & F(is_solution=True)
        solutions_query = query.filter(solutions_filter).facet("creator_id",

        # This branch gets the number of helpful votes across all answers for
        # each user. It is a raw facet because elasticutils only supports the
        # term facet type in non-raw facets. Because it is raw facet, we have
        # to also put the filter in the facet ourselves.
        helpful_query = query.facet_raw(
                "terms_stats": {
                    "key_field": "creator_id",
                    "value_field": "helpful_count",
                "facet_filter": query._process_filters(base_filters.filters),

        # Collect three lists of objects that correlates users and the appropriate metric count
        creator_answer_counts = answer_query.facet_counts(
        creator_solutions_counts = solutions_query.facet_counts(
        creator_helpful_counts = helpful_query.facet_counts(

        # Combine all the metric types into one big list.
        combined = defaultdict(lambda: {
            "answer_count": 0,
            "solution_count": 0,
            "helpful_vote_count": 0,

        for d in creator_answer_counts:
            combined[d["term"]]["user_id"] = d["term"]
            combined[d["term"]]["answer_count"] = d["count"]

        for d in creator_solutions_counts:
            combined[d["term"]]["user_id"] = d["term"]
            combined[d["term"]]["solution_count"] = d["count"]

        for d in creator_helpful_counts:
            combined[d["term"]]["user_id"] = d["term"]
            # Since this is a term_stats filter, not just a term filter, it is total, not count.
            combined[d["term"]]["helpful_vote_count"] = int(d["total"])

        # Sort by answer count, and get just the ids into a list.
        sort_key = self.query_values["ordering"]
        if sort_key[0] == "-":
            sort_reverse = True
            sort_key = sort_key[1:]
            sort_reverse = False

        top_contributors = list(combined.values())
        top_contributors.sort(key=lambda d: d[sort_key], reverse=sort_reverse)
        user_ids = [c["user_id"] for c in top_contributors]
        full_count = len(user_ids)

        # Paginate those user ids.
        page_start = (self.query_values["page"] -
                      1) * self.query_values["page_size"]
        page_end = page_start + self.query_values["page_size"]
        user_ids = user_ids[page_start:page_end]

        # Get full user objects for every id on this page.
        users = UserMappingType.reshape(
                "id", "username", "display_name", "avatar",

        # For ever user object found, mix in the metrics counts for that user,
        # and then reshape the data to make more sense to clients.
        data = []
        for u in users:
            d = combined[u["id"]]
            d["user"] = u
            d["last_contribution_date"] = d["user"].get(
                "last_contribution_date", None)
            d.pop("user_id", None)
            d["user"].pop("id", None)
            d["user"].pop("last_contribution_date", None)

        # One last sort, since ES didn't return the users in any particular order.
        data.sort(key=lambda d: d[sort_key], reverse=sort_reverse)

        # Add ranks to the objects.
        for i, contributor in enumerate(data, 1):
            contributor["rank"] = page_start + i

        return {
            "results": data,
            "count": full_count,
            "filters": self.query_values,
            "allowed_orderings": self.get_allowed_orderings(),
            "warnings": self.warnings,
Beispiel #30
 def test_filter_raw_overrides_everything(self):
     s = self.get_s().filter_raw({'term': {'tag': 'awesome'}})
     s = s.filter(tag='boring')
     s = s.filter(F(tag='end'))
         {'filter': {'term': {'tag': 'awesome'}}})