def toggle_passphrase(self): if self.features.passphrase_protection: self.msg = _("Confirm on your {} device to disable passphrases") else: self.msg = _("Confirm on your {} device to enable passphrases") enabled = not self.features.passphrase_protection self.apply_settings(use_passphrase=enabled)
def __init__(self, parent): super(CharacterDialog, self).__init__(parent) self.setWindowTitle(_("KeepKey Seed Recovery")) self.character_pos = 0 self.word_pos = 0 self.loop = QEventLoop() self.word_help = QLabel() self.char_buttons = [] vbox = QVBoxLayout(self) vbox.addWidget(WWLabel(CHARACTER_RECOVERY)) hbox = QHBoxLayout() hbox.addWidget(self.word_help) for i in range(4): char_button = CharacterButton('*') char_button.setMaximumWidth(36) self.char_buttons.append(char_button) hbox.addWidget(char_button) self.accept_button = CharacterButton(_("Accept Word")) self.accept_button.clicked.connect(partial(self.process_key, 32)) self.rejected.connect(partial(self.loop.exit, 1)) hbox.addWidget(self.accept_button) hbox.addStretch(1) vbox.addLayout(hbox) self.finished_button = QPushButton(_("Seed Entered")) self.cancel_button = QPushButton(_("Cancel")) self.finished_button.clicked.connect(partial(self.process_key, Qt.Key_Return)) self.cancel_button.clicked.connect(self.rejected) buttons = Buttons(self.finished_button, self.cancel_button) vbox.addSpacing(40) vbox.addLayout(buttons) self.refresh()
def load_wallet(self, wallet, window): for keystore in wallet.get_keystores(): if not isinstance(keystore, self.keystore_class): continue if not self.libraries_available: if hasattr(self, 'libraries_available_message'): message = self.libraries_available_message + '\n' else: message = _("Cannot find python library for" ) + " '%s'.\n" % message += _("Make sure you install it with python3") window.show_error(message) return tooltip = self.device + '\n' + (keystore.label or 'unnamed') cb = partial(self.show_settings_dialog, window, keystore) button = StatusBarButton(QIcon(self.icon_unpaired), tooltip, cb) button.icon_paired = self.icon_paired button.icon_unpaired = self.icon_unpaired window.statusBar().addPermanentWidget(button) handler = self.create_handler(window) handler.button = button keystore.handler = handler keystore.thread = TaskThread(window, window.on_error) # Trigger a pairing keystore.thread.add(partial(self.get_client, keystore))
def task(): wallet.wait_until_synchronized() if wallet.is_found(): msg = _("Recovery successful") else: msg = _("No transactions found for this seed") self.synchronized_signal.emit(msg)
def set_pin(self, remove): if remove: self.msg = _("Confirm on your {} device to disable PIN protection") elif self.features.pin_protection: self.msg = _("Confirm on your {} device to change your PIN") else: self.msg = _("Confirm on your {} device to set a PIN") self.change_pin(remove)
def __init__(self, text="", allow_multi=False): ButtonsTextEdit.__init__(self, text) self.allow_multi = allow_multi self.setReadOnly(0) self.addButton(":icons/file.png", self.file_input, _("Read file")) icon = ":icons/qrcode.png" self.addButton(icon, self.qr_input, _("Read QR code")) run_hook('scan_text_edit', self)
def add_cosigner_dialog(self, run_next, index, is_valid): title = _("Add Cosigner") + " %d" % index message = ' '.join([ _('Please enter the master public key (xpub) of your cosigner.'), _('Enter their master private key (xprv) if you want to be able to sign for them.' ) ]) return self.text_input(title, message, is_valid)
def __init__(self, seed=None, title=None, icon=True, msg=None, options=None, is_seed=None, passphrase=None, parent=None): QVBoxLayout.__init__(self) self.parent = parent self.options = options if title: self.addWidget(WWLabel(title)) self.seed_e = CompletionTextEdit() if seed: self.seed_e.setText(seed) else: self.seed_e.setTabChangesFocus(True) self.is_seed = is_seed self.saved_is_seed = self.is_seed self.seed_e.textChanged.connect(self.on_edit) self.initialize_completer() self.seed_e.setMaximumHeight(75) hbox = QHBoxLayout() if icon: logo = QLabel() logo.setPixmap( QPixmap(":icons/seed.png").scaledToWidth( 64, Qt.SmoothTransformation)) logo.setMaximumWidth(60) hbox.addWidget(logo) hbox.addWidget(self.seed_e) self.addLayout(hbox) hbox = QHBoxLayout() hbox.addStretch(1) self.seed_type_label = QLabel('') hbox.addWidget(self.seed_type_label) if options: opt_button = EnterButton(_('Options'), self.seed_options) hbox.addWidget(opt_button) self.addLayout(hbox) if passphrase: hbox = QHBoxLayout() passphrase_e = QLineEdit() passphrase_e.setText(passphrase) passphrase_e.setReadOnly(True) hbox.addWidget(QLabel(_("Your seed extension is") + ':')) hbox.addWidget(passphrase_e) self.addLayout(hbox) self.addStretch(1) self.seed_warning = WWLabel('') if msg: self.seed_warning.setText(seed_warning_msg(seed)) self.addWidget(self.seed_warning)
def show_xpub_dialog(self, xpub, run_next): msg = ' '.join([ _("Here is your master public key."), _("Please share it with your cosigners.") ]) vbox = QVBoxLayout() layout = SeedLayout(xpub, title=msg, icon=False) vbox.addLayout(layout.layout()) self.exec_layout(vbox, _('Master Public Key')) return None
def restore_seed_dialog(self, run_next, test): options = [] if self.opt_ext: options.append('ext') if self.opt_bip39: options.append('bip39') title = _('Enter Seed') message = _( 'Please enter your seed phrase in order to restore your wallet.') return self.seed_input(title, message, test, options)
def create_password_layout(self, wallet, is_encrypted, OK_button): if not is_encrypted: msg = _('Your wallet file is NOT encrypted.') else: msg = _('Your wallet file is encrypted.') msg += '\n' + _( 'Note: If you enable this setting, you will need your hardware device to open your wallet.' ) msg += '\n' + _('Use this dialog to toggle encryption.') self.playout = PasswordLayoutForHW(wallet, msg, PW_CHANGE, OK_button)
def __init__(self, parent=None): MyTreeWidget.__init__(self, parent, self.create_menu, [ _('Address'), _('Label'), _('Amount'), _('Height'), _('Output point') ], 1) self.setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView.ExtendedSelection) self.setSortingEnabled(True)
def wipe_device(): wallet = window.wallet if wallet and sum(wallet.get_balance()): title = _("Confirm Device Wipe") msg = _("Are you SURE you want to wipe the device?\n" "Your wallet still has commercium coins in it!") if not self.question(msg, title=title, icon=QMessageBox.Critical): return invoke_client('wipe_device', unpair_after=True)
def create_toolbar_buttons(self): self.period_combo = QComboBox() self.start_button = QPushButton('-') self.start_button.pressed.connect(self.select_start_date) self.start_button.setEnabled(False) self.end_button = QPushButton('-') self.end_button.pressed.connect(self.select_end_date) self.end_button.setEnabled(False) self.period_combo.addItems([_('All'), _('Custom')]) self.period_combo.activated.connect(self.on_combo)
def dbb_erase(self): self.handler.show_message(_("Are you sure you want to erase the Digital Bitbox?") + "\n\n" + _("To continue, touch the Digital Bitbox's light for 3 seconds.") + "\n\n" + _("To cancel, briefly touch the light or wait for the timeout.")) hid_reply = self.hid_send_encrypt(b'{"reset":"__ERASE__"}') self.handler.finished() if 'error' in hid_reply: raise Exception(hid_reply['error']['message']) else: self.password = None raise Exception('Device erased')
def confirm_seed_dialog(self, run_next, test): title = _('Confirm Seed') message = ' '.join([ _('Your seed is important!'), _('If you lose your seed, your money will be permanently lost.'), _('To make sure that you have properly saved your seed, please retype it here.' ) ]) seed, is_bip39, is_ext = self.seed_input(title, message, test, None) return seed
def __init__(self, parent): MyTreeWidget.__init__(self, parent, self.create_menu, [ _('Expires'), _('Requestor'), _('Description'), _('Amount'), _('Status') ], 2) self.setSortingEnabled(True) self.header().setSectionResizeMode(1, QHeaderView.Interactive) self.setColumnWidth(1, 200)
def plot_history_dialog(self): if plot_history is None: self.parent.show_message( _("Can't plot history.") + '\n' + _("Perhaps some dependencies are missing...") + " (matplotlib?)") return try: plt = plot_history(self.transactions) except NothingToPlotException as e: self.parent.show_message(str(e))
def __init__(self, parent, seed, passphrase): WindowModalDialog.__init__(self, parent, ('cpwallet-cmm - ' + _('Seed'))) self.setMinimumWidth(400) vbox = QVBoxLayout(self) title = _("Your wallet generation seed is:") slayout = SeedLayout(title=title, seed=seed, msg=True, passphrase=passphrase) vbox.addLayout(slayout) vbox.addLayout(Buttons(CloseButton(self)))
def import_meta_gui(electrum_window, title, importer, on_success): filter_ = "JSON (*.json);;All files (*)" filename = electrum_window.getOpenFileName(_("Open {} file").format(title), filter_) if not filename: return try: importer(filename) except FileImportFailed as e: electrum_window.show_critical(str(e)) else: electrum_window.show_message(_("Your {} were successfully imported").format(title)) on_success()
def create_menu(self, position): item = self.currentItem() if not item: return is_server = not bool(, Qt.UserRole)) menu = QMenu() if is_server: server =, Qt.UserRole) menu.addAction(_("Use as server"), lambda: self.parent.follow_server(server)) else: index =, Qt.UserRole) menu.addAction(_("Follow this branch"), lambda: self.parent.follow_branch(index)) menu.exec_(self.viewport().mapToGlobal(position))
def export_meta_gui(electrum_window, title, exporter): filter_ = "JSON (*.json);;All files (*)" filename = electrum_window.getSaveFileName(_("Select file to save your {}").format(title), 'electrum_{}.json'.format(title), filter_) if not filename: return try: exporter(filename) except FileExportFailed as e: electrum_window.show_critical(str(e)) else: electrum_window.show_message(_("Your {0} were exported to '{1}'") .format(title, str(filename)))
def __init__(self, parent): MyTreeWidget.__init__(self, parent, self.create_menu, [ _('Date'), _('Address'), '', _('Description'), _('Amount'), _('Status') ], 3) self.currentItemChanged.connect(self.item_changed) self.itemClicked.connect(self.item_changed) self.setSortingEnabled(True) self.setColumnWidth(0, 180) self.hideColumn(1)
def update(self): host, port, protocol, proxy_config, auto_connect = self.server_host.setText(host) self.server_port.setText(port) self.autoconnect_cb.setChecked(auto_connect) host = if else _('None') self.server_label.setText(host) self.set_protocol(protocol) self.servers = self.servers_list.update(self.servers, self.protocol, self.tor_cb.isChecked()) self.enable_set_server() height_str = "%d "%( + _('blocks') self.height_label.setText(height_str) n = len( status = _("Connected to {0} nodes.").format(n) if n else _("Not connected") self.status_label.setText(status) chains = if len(chains)>1: chain = checkpoint = chain.get_checkpoint() name = chain.get_name() msg = _('Chain split detected at block {0}').format(checkpoint) + '\n' msg += (_('You are following branch') if auto_connect else _('Your server is on branch'))+ ' ' + name msg += ' (%d %s)' % (chain.get_branch_size(), _('blocks')) else: msg = '' self.split_label.setText(msg) self.nodes_list_widget.update(
def backup_password_dialog(self): msg = _("Enter the password used when the backup was created:") while True: password = self.handler.get_passphrase(msg, False) if password is None: return None if len(password) < 4: msg = _("Password must have at least 4 characters.") \ + "\n\n" + _("Enter password:"******"Password must have less than 64 characters.") \ + "\n\n" + _("Enter password:") else: return password.encode('utf8')
def update(features): self.features = features set_label_enabled() bl_hash = bh2u(features.bootloader_hash) bl_hash = "\n".join([bl_hash[:32], bl_hash[32:]]) noyes = [_("No"), _("Yes")] endis = [_("Enable Passphrases"), _("Disable Passphrases")] disen = [_("Disabled"), _("Enabled")] setchange = [_("Set a PIN"), _("Change PIN")] version = "%d.%d.%d" % (features.major_version, features.minor_version, features.patch_version) coins = ", ".join(coin.coin_name for coin in features.coins) device_label.setText(features.label) pin_set_label.setText(noyes[features.pin_protection]) passphrases_label.setText(disen[features.passphrase_protection]) bl_hash_label.setText(bl_hash) label_edit.setText(features.label) device_id_label.setText(features.device_id) initialized_label.setText(noyes[features.initialized]) version_label.setText(version) coins_label.setText(coins) clear_pin_button.setVisible(features.pin_protection) clear_pin_warning.setVisible(features.pin_protection) pin_button.setText(setchange[features.pin_protection]) pin_msg.setVisible(not features.pin_protection) passphrase_button.setText(endis[features.passphrase_protection]) language_label.setText(features.language)
def password_dialog(self, msg): while True: password = self.handler.get_passphrase(msg, False) if password is None: return False if len(password) < 4: msg = _("Password must have at least 4 characters.") + \ "\n\n" + _("Enter password:"******"Password must have less than 64 characters.") + \ "\n\n" + _("Enter password:") else: self.password = password.encode('utf8') return True
def __init__(self, main_window, exctype, value, tb): self.exc_args = (exctype, value, tb) self.main_window = main_window QWidget.__init__(self) self.setWindowTitle('cpwallet-cmm - ' + _('An Error Occurred')) self.setMinimumSize(600, 300) main_box = QVBoxLayout() heading = QLabel('<h2>' + _('Sorry!') + '</h2>') main_box.addWidget(heading) main_box.addWidget(QLabel(_('Something went wrong while executing cpwallet-cmm.'))) main_box.addWidget(QLabel( _('To help us diagnose and fix the problem, you can send us a bug report that contains useful debug ' 'information:'))) collapse_info = QPushButton(_("Show report contents")) collapse_info.clicked.connect( lambda: self.msg_box(QMessageBox.NoIcon, self, "Report contents", self.get_report_string())) main_box.addWidget(collapse_info) main_box.addWidget(QLabel(_("Please briefly describe what led to the error (optional):"))) self.description_textfield = QTextEdit() self.description_textfield.setFixedHeight(50) main_box.addWidget(self.description_textfield) main_box.addWidget(QLabel(_("Do you want to send this report?"))) buttons = QHBoxLayout() report_button = QPushButton(_('Send Bug Report')) report_button.clicked.connect(self.send_report) report_button.setIcon(QIcon(":icons/tab_send.png")) buttons.addWidget(report_button) never_button = QPushButton(_('Never')) never_button.clicked.connect(self.show_never) buttons.addWidget(never_button) close_button = QPushButton(_('Not Now')) close_button.clicked.connect(self.close) buttons.addWidget(close_button) main_box.addLayout(buttons) self.setLayout(main_box)
def show_network_dialog(self, parent): if not parent.show_warning(_( 'You are using cpwallet-cmm in offline mode; restart cpwallet-cmm if you want to get connected' ), title=_('Offline')) return if self.nd: self.nd.on_update() self.nd.raise_() return self.nd = NetworkDialog(, self.config, self.network_updated_signal_obj)
def build_tray_menu(self): # Avoid immediate GC of old menu when window closed via its action if self.tray.contextMenu() is None: m = QMenu() self.tray.setContextMenu(m) else: m = self.tray.contextMenu() m.clear() for window in submenu = m.addMenu(window.wallet.basename()) submenu.addAction(_("Show/Hide"), window.show_or_hide) submenu.addAction(_("Close"), window.close) m.addAction(_("Dark/Light"), self.toggle_tray_icon) m.addSeparator() m.addAction(_("Exit cpwallet-cmm"), self.close)