Beispiel #1
def get_video_to_watch_gym_render():
    import cv2  # pip3 install opencv-python
    import gym  # pip3 install gym==0.17 pyglet==1.5.0  # env.render() bug in gym==0.18, pyglet==1.6
    import torch

    '''choose env'''
    # from elegantrl.env import PreprocessEnv
    env = PreprocessEnv(env=gym.make('BipedalWalker-v3'))

    '''choose algorithm'''
    from elegantrl.agent import AgentPPO
    agent = AgentPPO()
    net_dim = 2 ** 8
    cwd = 'AgentPPO/BipedalWalker-v3_2/'
    # from elegantrl.agent import AgentModSAC
    # agent = AgentModSAC()
    # net_dim = 2 ** 7
    # cwd = 'AgentModSAC/BipedalWalker-v3_2/'

    '''initialize agent'''
    state_dim = env.state_dim
    action_dim = env.action_dim
    agent.init(net_dim, state_dim, action_dim)
    agent.save_load_model(cwd=cwd, if_save=False)

    '''initialize evaluete and env.render()'''
    device = agent.device
    save_frame_dir = 'frames'
    save_video = 'gym_render.mp4'

    os.makedirs(save_frame_dir, exist_ok=True)

    state = env.reset()
    for i in range(1024):
        frame = env.render('rgb_array')
        cv2.imwrite(f'{save_frame_dir}/{i:06}.png', frame)
        # cv2.imshow('', frame)
        # cv2.waitKey(1)

        s_tensor = torch.as_tensor((state,), dtype=torch.float32, device=device)
        a_tensor = agent.act(s_tensor)
        action = a_tensor.detach().cpu().numpy()[0]  # if use 'with torch.no_grad()', then '.detach()' not need.
        # action = gym_env.action_space.sample()

        next_state, reward, done, _ = env.step(action)

        if done:
            state = env.reset()
            state = next_state

    '''convert frames png/jpg to video mp4/avi using ffmpeg'''
    os.system(f"| Convert frames to video using ffmpeg. Save in {save_video}")
    os.system(f'ffmpeg -r 60 -f image2 -s 600x400 -i {save_frame_dir}/%06d.png '
              f'-crf 25 -vb 20M -pix_fmt yuv420p {save_video}')
Beispiel #2
def get_video_to_watch_gym_render():
    import cv2  # pip3 install opencv-python
    import gym  # pip3 install gym==0.17 pyglet==1.5.0  # env.render() bug in gym==0.18, pyglet==1.6
    import torch
    '''choose env'''
    import pybullet_envs  # for python-bullet-gym

    # from elegantrl.env import PreprocessEnv
    env_name = [
        'BipedalWalker-v3', 'AntBulletEnv-v0', 'KukaBulletEnv-v0',
        'ReacherBulletEnv-v0', 'PusherBulletEnv-v0', "ThrowerBulletEnv-v0",
    env = PreprocessEnv(env=gym.make(env_name))
    '''initialize agent'''
    agent = None

    from elegantrl.agent import AgentPPO
    agent = AgentPPO()
    agent.if_use_dn = True
    net_dim = 2**8
    cwd = f'./{env_name}_4/'

    # from elegantrl.agent import AgentModSAC
    # agent = AgentModSAC()
    # agent.if_use_dn = True
    # net_dim = 2 ** 8
    # cwd = f'./{env_name}_2/'

    device = None
    if agent is not None:
        state_dim = env.state_dim
        action_dim = env.action_dim
        agent.init(net_dim, state_dim, action_dim)
        agent.save_load_model(cwd=cwd, if_save=False)
        device = agent.device
    '''initialize evaluete and env.render()'''
    save_frame_dir = 'frames'

    if save_frame_dir:
        os.makedirs(save_frame_dir, exist_ok=True)

    state = env.reset()
    episode_return = 0
    step = 0
    for i in range(2**9):
        print(i) if i % 128 == 0 else None
        for j in range(1):
            if agent is not None:
                s_tensor = torch.as_tensor((state, ),
                a_tensor = agent.act(s_tensor)
                action = a_tensor.detach().cpu().numpy(
                )[0]  # if use 'with torch.no_grad()', then '.detach()' not need.
                action = env.action_space.sample()
            next_state, reward, done, _ = env.step(action)

            episode_return += reward
            step += 1

            if done:
                    f'{i:>6}, {step:6.0f}, {episode_return:8.3f}, {reward:8.3f}'
                state = env.reset()
                episode_return = 0
                step = 0
                state = next_state

        frame = env.render('rgb_array')
        frame = frame[50:210, 50:270]  # (240, 320) AntPyBulletEnv-v0
        # frame = cv2.resize(frame[:, :500], (500//2, 720//2))
        cv2.imwrite(f'{save_frame_dir}/{i:06}.png', frame)
        cv2.imshow('', frame)
    # exit()
    '''convert frames png/jpg to video mp4/avi using ffmpeg'''
    if save_frame_dir:
        frame_shape = cv2.imread(f'{save_frame_dir}/{3:06}.png').shape
        print(f"frame_shape: {frame_shape}")

        save_video = 'gym_render.mp4'
            f"| Convert frames to video using ffmpeg. Save in {save_video}")
            f'ffmpeg -r 60 -f image2 -s {frame_shape[0]}x{frame_shape[1]} '
            f'-i ./{save_frame_dir}/%06d.png '
            f'-crf 25 -vb 20M -pix_fmt yuv420p {save_video}')