def send_to_capsule(filename, exclude, send, send_from, send_to, smtp_host, smtp_port, smtp_username, smtp_password):
    archive = mbox(filename)
    messages = []
    for message in archive:
        should_exclude = False
        for excluded_to in exclude:
            if excluded_to in message['to']:
                should_exclude = True
                print 'excluding message to {0}'.format(message['to'])
        if should_exclude:


    if len(messages) > 0 and send and send_to:
        smtp = smtplib.SMTP(smtp_host, int(smtp_port))
        smtp.login(smtp_username, smtp_password)

        for message in reversed(messages):
            forward = MIMEBase("multipart", "mixed") 
            forward["Subject"] = "FW: %s" % message['subject']
            forward["From"] = send_from
            forward["To"] = send_to
            forward['bcc'] = None

            rfcmessage = MIMEBase("message", "rfc822") 

            smtp.sendmail(message['from'], message['to'], forward.as_string(unixfrom=0))
    def test_seq_parts_in_a_multipart(self):
        outer = MIMEBase('multipart', 'mixed')
        outer['Subject'] = 'A subject'
        outer['To'] = '*****@*****.**'
        outer['From'] = '*****@*****.**'
        outer.preamble = ''
        outer.epilogue = ''
        msg = MIMEText('hello world')
        self.assertEqual(outer.as_string(), '''\
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="BOUNDARY"
MIME-Version: 1.0
Subject: A subject
To: [email protected]
From: [email protected]

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

hello world

Beispiel #3
 def __sendMail(self, to, title, sMail):
     if self.m_SMTPServer == None:
         self.m_SMTPServer = SMTPServer
     if self.m_SMTPPort == None:
         self.m_SMTPPort = SMTPPort
     if self.m_SMTPUser == None:
         self.m_SMTPUser = SMTPUser
     if self.m_SMTPPass == None:
         self.m_SMTPPass = SMTPPass
     if self.m_mailFrom == None:
         self.m_mailFrom = SMTPFrom
         smtp = smtplib.SMTP()
         msgRoot = MIMEBase('multipart', 'mixed', boundary='BOUNDARY')
         msgRoot['Subject'] = title
         msgRoot['From'] = self.m_mailFrom
         msgRoot['To'] = to
         rcpts = to.split(";")
         msgAlternative = MIMEBase('multipart',
         msgText = MIMEText(sMail, 'html')
         #            smtp.set_debuglevel(1)
         if self.m_SMTPUser != None and len(self.m_SMTPUser) > 0:
             smtp.login(self.m_SMTPUser, self.m_SMTPPass)
         smtp.sendmail(self.m_mailFrom, rcpts, msgRoot.as_string())
         return True
     except Exception, e:
         WBXTF.WBXTFOutput("Fail to send mail:%s" % (e), WBXTF.typeWarning)
         return False
Beispiel #4
    def run(self):
            subject = 'Answering machine message'
            txt = 'See audio attachment'
            if self.cli:
                subject = 'Answering machine message from %s' % self.cli
                subject, txt = self.name_lookup(subject, txt)

            msg = MIMEBase('multipart', 'mixed')
            msg['Subject'] = subject
            msg['Date'] = email.Utils.formatdate()
            msg['From'] = smtp_from
            msg['To'] = ', '.join(smtp_to)
            # this is not normally visible
            msg.preamble = 'This is a message in MIME format.\r\n'
            # Guarantees the message ends in a newline
            msg.epilogue = ''

            # attach text comment

            if self.file:
                d =
                att = MIMEAudio(wav_header(d, WAVE_FORMAT_ALAW) + d, 'x-wav',
                                name=time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S') + '.wav')

                # close the file opened in the recording
                self.file = None

                # disconnect the call
       = None
            smtp = smtplib.SMTP(smtp_server)
            smtp.sendmail(smtp_from, smtp_to, msg.as_string(unixfrom=0))

            log.warn('answering machine email failed', exc_info=1)
            return'answering machine mail sent from %s' % self.cli)
def send_i18n_digests(mlist, mboxfp):
    mbox = Mailbox(mboxfp)
    # Prepare common information (first lang/charset)
    lang = mlist.preferred_language
    lcset = Utils.GetCharSet(lang)
    lcset_out = Charset(lcset).output_charset or lcset
    # Common Information (contd)
    realname = mlist.real_name
    volume = mlist.volume
    issue = mlist.next_digest_number
    digestid = _('%(realname)s Digest, Vol %(volume)d, Issue %(issue)d')
    digestsubj = Header(digestid, lcset, header_name='Subject')
    # Set things up for the MIME digest.  Only headers not added by
    # CookHeaders need be added here.
    # Date/Message-ID should be added here also.
    mimemsg = Message.Message()
    mimemsg['Content-Type'] = 'multipart/mixed'
    mimemsg['MIME-Version'] = '1.0'
    mimemsg['From'] = mlist.GetRequestEmail()
    mimemsg['Subject'] = digestsubj
    mimemsg['To'] = mlist.GetListEmail()
    mimemsg['Reply-To'] = mlist.GetListEmail()
    mimemsg['Date'] = formatdate(localtime=1)
    mimemsg['Message-ID'] = Utils.unique_message_id(mlist)
    # Set things up for the rfc1153 digest
    plainmsg = StringIO()
    rfc1153msg = Message.Message()
    rfc1153msg['From'] = mlist.GetRequestEmail()
    rfc1153msg['Subject'] = digestsubj
    rfc1153msg['To'] = mlist.GetListEmail()
    rfc1153msg['Reply-To'] = mlist.GetListEmail()
    rfc1153msg['Date'] = formatdate(localtime=1)
    rfc1153msg['Message-ID'] = Utils.unique_message_id(mlist)
    separator70 = '-' * 70
    separator30 = '-' * 30
    # In the rfc1153 digest, the masthead contains the digest boilerplate plus
    # any digest header.  In the MIME digests, the masthead and digest header
    # are separate MIME subobjects.  In either case, it's the first thing in
    # the digest, and we can calculate it now, so go ahead and add it now.
    mastheadtxt = Utils.maketext(
        {'real_name' :        mlist.real_name,
         'got_list_email':    mlist.GetListEmail(),
         'got_listinfo_url':  mlist.GetScriptURL('listinfo', absolute=1),
         'got_request_email': mlist.GetRequestEmail(),
         'got_owner_email':   mlist.GetOwnerEmail(),
         }, mlist=mlist)
    # MIME
    masthead = MIMEText(mastheadtxt, _charset=lcset)
    masthead['Content-Description'] = digestid
    # RFC 1153
    print >> plainmsg, mastheadtxt
    print >> plainmsg
    # Now add the optional digest header but only if more than whitespace.
    if re.sub('\s', '', mlist.digest_header):
        headertxt = decorate(mlist, mlist.digest_header, _('digest header'))
        # MIME
        header = MIMEText(headertxt, _charset=lcset)
        header['Content-Description'] = _('Digest Header')
        # RFC 1153
        print >> plainmsg, headertxt
        print >> plainmsg
    # Now we have to cruise through all the messages accumulated in the
    # mailbox file.  We can't add these messages to the plainmsg and mimemsg
    # yet, because we first have to calculate the table of contents
    # (i.e. grok out all the Subjects).  Store the messages in a list until
    # we're ready for them.
    # Meanwhile prepare things for the table of contents
    toc = StringIO()
    print >> toc, _("Today's Topics:\n")
    # Now cruise through all the messages in the mailbox of digest messages,
    # building the MIME payload and core of the RFC 1153 digest.  We'll also
    # accumulate Subject: headers and authors for the table-of-contents.
    messages = []
    msgcount = 0
    msg =
    while msg is not None:
        if msg == '':
            # It was an unparseable message
            msg =
        msgcount += 1
        # Get the Subject header
        msgsubj = msg.get('subject', _('(no subject)'))
        subject = Utils.oneline(msgsubj, lcset)
        # Don't include the redundant subject prefix in the toc
        mo = re.match('(re:? *)?(%s)' % re.escape(mlist.subject_prefix),
                      subject, re.IGNORECASE)
        if mo:
            subject = subject[:mo.start(2)] + subject[mo.end(2):]
        username = ''
        addresses = getaddresses([Utils.oneline(msg.get('from', ''), lcset)])
        # Take only the first author we find
        if isinstance(addresses, ListType) and addresses:
            username = addresses[0][0]
            if not username:
                username = addresses[0][1]
        if username:
            username = '******' % username
        # Put count and Wrap the toc subject line
        wrapped = Utils.wrap('%2d. %s' % (msgcount, subject), 65)
        slines = wrapped.split('\n')
        # See if the user's name can fit on the last line
        if len(slines[-1]) + len(username) > 70:
            slines[-1] += username
        # Add this subject to the accumulating topics
        first = True
        for line in slines:
            if first:
                print >> toc, ' ', line
                first = False
                print >> toc, '     ', line.lstrip()
        # We do not want all the headers of the original message to leak
        # through in the digest messages.  For this phase, we'll leave the
        # same set of headers in both digests, i.e. those required in RFC 1153
        # plus a couple of other useful ones.  We also need to reorder the
        # headers according to RFC 1153.  Later, we'll strip out headers for
        # for the specific MIME or plain digests.
        keeper = {}
        all_keepers = {}
        for header in (mm_cfg.MIME_DIGEST_KEEP_HEADERS +
            all_keepers[header] = True
        all_keepers = all_keepers.keys()
        for keep in all_keepers:
            keeper[keep] = msg.get_all(keep, [])
        # Now remove all unkempt headers :)
        for header in msg.keys():
            del msg[header]
        # And add back the kept header in the RFC 1153 designated order
        for keep in all_keepers:
            for field in keeper[keep]:
                msg[keep] = field
        # And a bit of extra stuff
        msg['Message'] = `msgcount`
        # Get the next message in the digest mailbox
        msg =
    # Now we're finished with all the messages in the digest.  First do some
    # sanity checking and then on to adding the toc.
    if msgcount == 0:
        # Why did we even get here?
    toctext = to_cset_out(toc.getvalue(), lcset)
    # MIME
    tocpart = MIMEText(toctext, _charset=lcset)
    tocpart['Content-Description']= _("Today's Topics (%(msgcount)d messages)")
    # RFC 1153
    print >> plainmsg, toctext
    print >> plainmsg
    # For RFC 1153 digests, we now need the standard separator
    print >> plainmsg, separator70
    print >> plainmsg
    # Now go through and add each message
    mimedigest = MIMEBase('multipart', 'digest')
    first = True
    for msg in messages:
        # MIME.  Make a copy of the message object since the rfc1153
        # processing scrubs out attachments.
        # rfc1153
        if first:
            first = False
            print >> plainmsg, separator30
            print >> plainmsg
        # Use Mailman.Handlers.Scrubber.process() to get plain text
            msg = scrubber(mlist, msg)
        except Errors.DiscardMessage:
            print >> plainmsg, _('[Message discarded by content filter]')
        # Honor the default setting
        for h in mm_cfg.PLAIN_DIGEST_KEEP_HEADERS:
            if msg[h]:
                uh = Utils.wrap('%s: %s' % (h, Utils.oneline(msg[h], lcset)))
                uh = '\n\t'.join(uh.split('\n'))
                print >> plainmsg, uh
        print >> plainmsg
        # If decoded payload is empty, this may be multipart message.
        # -- just stringfy it.
        payload = msg.get_payload(decode=True) \
                  or msg.as_string().split('\n\n',1)[1]
        mcset = msg.get_content_charset('')
        if mcset and mcset <> lcset and mcset <> lcset_out:
                payload = unicode(payload, mcset, 'replace'
                          ).encode(lcset, 'replace')
            except (UnicodeError, LookupError):
                # TK: Message has something unknown charset.
                #     _out means charset in 'outer world'.
                payload = unicode(payload, lcset_out, 'replace'
                          ).encode(lcset, 'replace')
        print >> plainmsg, payload
        if not payload.endswith('\n'):
            print >> plainmsg
    # Now add the footer but only if more than whitespace.
    if re.sub('\s', '', mlist.digest_footer):
        footertxt = decorate(mlist, mlist.digest_footer, _('digest footer'))
        # MIME
        footer = MIMEText(footertxt, _charset=lcset)
        footer['Content-Description'] = _('Digest Footer')
        # RFC 1153
        # MAS: There is no real place for the digest_footer in an RFC 1153
        # compliant digest, so add it as an additional message with
        # Subject: Digest Footer
        print >> plainmsg, separator30
        print >> plainmsg
        print >> plainmsg, 'Subject: ' + _('Digest Footer')
        print >> plainmsg
        print >> plainmsg, footertxt
        print >> plainmsg
        print >> plainmsg, separator30
        print >> plainmsg
    # Do the last bit of stuff for each digest type
    signoff = _('End of ') + digestid
    # MIME
    # BAW: This stuff is outside the normal MIME goo, and it's what the old
    # MIME digester did.  No one seemed to complain, probably because you
    # won't see it in an MUA that can't display the raw message.  We've never
    # got complaints before, but if we do, just wax this.  It's primarily
    # included for (marginally useful) backwards compatibility.
    mimemsg.postamble = signoff
    # rfc1153
    print >> plainmsg, signoff
    print >> plainmsg, '*' * len(signoff)
    # Do our final bit of housekeeping, and then send each message to the
    # outgoing queue for delivery.
    mlist.next_digest_number += 1
    virginq = get_switchboard(mm_cfg.VIRGINQUEUE_DIR)
    # Calculate the recipients lists
    plainrecips = []
    mimerecips = []
    drecips = mlist.getDigestMemberKeys() + mlist.one_last_digest.keys()
    for user in mlist.getMemberCPAddresses(drecips):
        # user might be None if someone who toggled off digest delivery
        # subsequently unsubscribed from the mailing list.  Also, filter out
        # folks who have disabled delivery.
        if user is None or mlist.getDeliveryStatus(user) <> ENABLED:
        # Otherwise, decide whether they get MIME or RFC 1153 digests
        if mlist.getMemberOption(user, mm_cfg.DisableMime):
    # Zap this since we're now delivering the last digest to these folks.
    # MIME
    # RFC 1153
    rfc1153msg.set_payload(to_cset_out(plainmsg.getvalue(), lcset), lcset)
Beispiel #6
def send_i18n_digests(mlist, mboxfp):
    mbox = Mailbox(mboxfp)
    # Prepare common information (first lang/charset)
    lang = mlist.preferred_language
    lcset = Utils.GetCharSet(lang)
    lcset_out = Charset(lcset).output_charset or lcset
    # Common Information (contd)
    realname = mlist.real_name
    volume = mlist.volume
    issue = mlist.next_digest_number
    digestid = _('%(realname)s Digest, Vol %(volume)d, Issue %(issue)d')
    digestsubj = Header(digestid, lcset, header_name='Subject')
    # Set things up for the MIME digest.  Only headers not added by
    # CookHeaders need be added here.
    # Date/Message-ID should be added here also.
    mimemsg = Message.Message()
    mimemsg['Content-Type'] = 'multipart/mixed'
    mimemsg['MIME-Version'] = '1.0'
    mimemsg['From'] = mlist.GetRequestEmail()
    mimemsg['Subject'] = digestsubj
    mimemsg['To'] = mlist.GetListEmail()
    mimemsg['Reply-To'] = mlist.GetListEmail()
    mimemsg['Date'] = formatdate(localtime=1)
    mimemsg['Message-ID'] = Utils.unique_message_id(mlist)
    # Set things up for the rfc1153 digest
    plainmsg = StringIO()
    rfc1153msg = Message.Message()
    rfc1153msg['From'] = mlist.GetRequestEmail()
    rfc1153msg['Subject'] = digestsubj
    rfc1153msg['To'] = mlist.GetListEmail()
    rfc1153msg['Reply-To'] = mlist.GetListEmail()
    rfc1153msg['Date'] = formatdate(localtime=1)
    rfc1153msg['Message-ID'] = Utils.unique_message_id(mlist)
    separator70 = '-' * 70
    separator30 = '-' * 30
    # In the rfc1153 digest, the masthead contains the digest boilerplate plus
    # any digest header.  In the MIME digests, the masthead and digest header
    # are separate MIME subobjects.  In either case, it's the first thing in
    # the digest, and we can calculate it now, so go ahead and add it now.
    mastheadtxt = Utils.maketext(
        'masthead.txt', {
            'real_name': mlist.real_name,
            'got_list_email': mlist.GetListEmail(),
            'got_listinfo_url': mlist.GetScriptURL('listinfo', absolute=1),
            'got_request_email': mlist.GetRequestEmail(),
            'got_owner_email': mlist.GetOwnerEmail(),
    # MIME
    masthead = MIMEText(mastheadtxt, _charset=lcset)
    masthead['Content-Description'] = digestid
    # RFC 1153
    print >> plainmsg, mastheadtxt
    print >> plainmsg
    # Now add the optional digest header but only if more than whitespace.
    if re.sub('\s', '', mlist.digest_header):
        headertxt = decorate(mlist, mlist.digest_header, _('digest header'))
        # MIME
        header = MIMEText(headertxt, _charset=lcset)
        header['Content-Description'] = _('Digest Header')
        # RFC 1153
        print >> plainmsg, headertxt
        print >> plainmsg
    # Now we have to cruise through all the messages accumulated in the
    # mailbox file.  We can't add these messages to the plainmsg and mimemsg
    # yet, because we first have to calculate the table of contents
    # (i.e. grok out all the Subjects).  Store the messages in a list until
    # we're ready for them.
    # Meanwhile prepare things for the table of contents
    toc = StringIO()
    print >> toc, _("Today's Topics:\n")
    # Now cruise through all the messages in the mailbox of digest messages,
    # building the MIME payload and core of the RFC 1153 digest.  We'll also
    # accumulate Subject: headers and authors for the table-of-contents.
    messages = []
    msgcount = 0
    msg =
    while msg is not None:
        if msg == '':
            # It was an unparseable message
            msg =
        msgcount += 1
        # Get the Subject header
        msgsubj = msg.get('subject', _('(no subject)'))
        subject = Utils.oneline(msgsubj, lcset)
        # Don't include the redundant subject prefix in the toc
        mo = re.match('(re:? *)?(%s)' % re.escape(mlist.subject_prefix),
                      subject, re.IGNORECASE)
        if mo:
            subject = subject[:mo.start(2)] + subject[mo.end(2):]
        username = ''
        addresses = getaddresses([Utils.oneline(msg.get('from', ''), lcset)])
        # Take only the first author we find
        if isinstance(addresses, ListType) and addresses:
            username = addresses[0][0]
            if not username:
                username = addresses[0][1]
        if username:
            username = '******' % username
        # Put count and Wrap the toc subject line
        wrapped = Utils.wrap('%2d. %s' % (msgcount, subject), 65)
        slines = wrapped.split('\n')
        # See if the user's name can fit on the last line
        if len(slines[-1]) + len(username) > 70:
            slines[-1] += username
        # Add this subject to the accumulating topics
        first = True
        for line in slines:
            if first:
                print >> toc, ' ', line
                first = False
                print >> toc, '     ', line.lstrip()
        # We do not want all the headers of the original message to leak
        # through in the digest messages.  For this phase, we'll leave the
        # same set of headers in both digests, i.e. those required in RFC 1153
        # plus a couple of other useful ones.  We also need to reorder the
        # headers according to RFC 1153.  Later, we'll strip out headers for
        # for the specific MIME or plain digests.
        keeper = {}
        all_keepers = {}
        for header in (mm_cfg.MIME_DIGEST_KEEP_HEADERS +
            all_keepers[header] = True
        all_keepers = all_keepers.keys()
        for keep in all_keepers:
            keeper[keep] = msg.get_all(keep, [])
        # Now remove all unkempt headers :)
        for header in msg.keys():
            del msg[header]
        # And add back the kept header in the RFC 1153 designated order
        for keep in all_keepers:
            for field in keeper[keep]:
                msg[keep] = field
        # And a bit of extra stuff
        msg['Message'] = ` msgcount `
        # Get the next message in the digest mailbox
        msg =
    # Now we're finished with all the messages in the digest.  First do some
    # sanity checking and then on to adding the toc.
    if msgcount == 0:
        # Why did we even get here?
    toctext = to_cset_out(toc.getvalue(), lcset)
    # MIME
    tocpart = MIMEText(toctext, _charset=lcset)
    tocpart['Content-Description'] = _(
        "Today's Topics (%(msgcount)d messages)")
    # RFC 1153
    print >> plainmsg, toctext
    print >> plainmsg
    # For RFC 1153 digests, we now need the standard separator
    print >> plainmsg, separator70
    print >> plainmsg
    # Now go through and add each message
    mimedigest = MIMEBase('multipart', 'digest')
    first = True
    for msg in messages:
        # MIME.  Make a copy of the message object since the rfc1153
        # processing scrubs out attachments.
        # rfc1153
        if first:
            first = False
            print >> plainmsg, separator30
            print >> plainmsg
        # Use Mailman.Handlers.Scrubber.process() to get plain text
            msg = scrubber(mlist, msg)
        except Errors.DiscardMessage:
            print >> plainmsg, _('[Message discarded by content filter]')
        # Honor the default setting
        for h in mm_cfg.PLAIN_DIGEST_KEEP_HEADERS:
            if msg[h]:
                uh = Utils.wrap('%s: %s' % (h, Utils.oneline(msg[h], lcset)))
                uh = '\n\t'.join(uh.split('\n'))
                print >> plainmsg, uh
        print >> plainmsg
        # If decoded payload is empty, this may be multipart message.
        # -- just stringfy it.
        payload = msg.get_payload(decode=True) \
                  or msg.as_string().split('\n\n',1)[1]
        mcset = msg.get_content_charset('')
        if mcset and mcset <> lcset and mcset <> lcset_out:
                payload = unicode(payload, mcset,
                                  'replace').encode(lcset, 'replace')
            except (UnicodeError, LookupError):
                # TK: Message has something unknown charset.
                #     _out means charset in 'outer world'.
                payload = unicode(payload, lcset_out,
                                  'replace').encode(lcset, 'replace')
        print >> plainmsg, payload
        if not payload.endswith('\n'):
            print >> plainmsg
    # Now add the footer but only if more than whitespace.
    if re.sub('\s', '', mlist.digest_footer):
        footertxt = decorate(mlist, mlist.digest_footer, _('digest footer'))
        # MIME
        footer = MIMEText(footertxt, _charset=lcset)
        footer['Content-Description'] = _('Digest Footer')
        # RFC 1153
        # MAS: There is no real place for the digest_footer in an RFC 1153
        # compliant digest, so add it as an additional message with
        # Subject: Digest Footer
        print >> plainmsg, separator30
        print >> plainmsg
        print >> plainmsg, 'Subject: ' + _('Digest Footer')
        print >> plainmsg
        print >> plainmsg, footertxt
        print >> plainmsg
        print >> plainmsg, separator30
        print >> plainmsg
    # Do the last bit of stuff for each digest type
    signoff = _('End of ') + digestid
    # MIME
    # BAW: This stuff is outside the normal MIME goo, and it's what the old
    # MIME digester did.  No one seemed to complain, probably because you
    # won't see it in an MUA that can't display the raw message.  We've never
    # got complaints before, but if we do, just wax this.  It's primarily
    # included for (marginally useful) backwards compatibility.
    mimemsg.postamble = signoff
    # rfc1153
    print >> plainmsg, signoff
    print >> plainmsg, '*' * len(signoff)
    # Do our final bit of housekeeping, and then send each message to the
    # outgoing queue for delivery.
    mlist.next_digest_number += 1
    virginq = get_switchboard(mm_cfg.VIRGINQUEUE_DIR)
    # Calculate the recipients lists
    plainrecips = []
    mimerecips = []
    drecips = mlist.getDigestMemberKeys() + mlist.one_last_digest.keys()
    for user in mlist.getMemberCPAddresses(drecips):
        # user might be None if someone who toggled off digest delivery
        # subsequently unsubscribed from the mailing list.  Also, filter out
        # folks who have disabled delivery.
        if user is None or mlist.getDeliveryStatus(user) <> ENABLED:
        # Otherwise, decide whether they get MIME or RFC 1153 digests
        if mlist.getMemberOption(user, mm_cfg.DisableMime):
    # Zap this since we're now delivering the last digest to these folks.
    # MIME
    # RFC 1153
    rfc1153msg.set_payload(to_cset_out(plainmsg.getvalue(), lcset), lcset)
Beispiel #7
 def report(self, toMail, title = "Case Report"):
     Send a report by mail
     @type toMail: string
     @param toMail: the mail address of the receivers
                 for example, "[email protected];[email protected]"
     @type title: string
     @param title: the mail title
     @see: WBXTFConfigMail
     if self.m_SMTPServer == "":
         self.m_SMTPServer = os.environ.get("WBXTF_MAIL_SERVER")
     if self.m_SMTPUser == "":
         self.m_SMTPUser = os.environ.get("WBXTF_MAIL_USER")
     if self.m_SMTPPass == "":
         self.m_SMTPPass = os.environ.get("WBXTF_MAIL_PASSWORD")
     if self.m_Sender == "":
         self.m_Sender = os.environ.get("WBXTF_MAIL_SENDER")
     if self.m_SMTPServer == None or len(self.m_SMTPServer) == 0:
         WBXTFOutput("Please indicate the mail server")
     if self.m_SMTPServer == None or len(self.m_Sender) == 0:
         WBXTFOutput("Please indicate the mail sender")
     # Convert Text
     sMail = ""
     data = {}
     data["checkpoint_pass"] = 0
     data["checkpoint_fail"] = 0
     for log in self.m_log.getLog():
         type = log["type"]
         if not data.has_key(type):
             data[type] = 0
         data[type] = data[type] + 1                    
         if type == typeCheck:
             if log["more"]:
                 data["checkpoint_pass"] = data["checkpoint_pass"] + 1
                 data["checkpoint_fail"] = data["checkpoint_fail"] + 1 
     sMail = sMail + "<H3>Report</H3>"
     bPass = True
     if data.has_key(typeError) and data[typeError] > 0:
         bPass = False
     if data.has_key("checkpoint_fail") and data["checkpoint_fail"] > 0:
         bPass = False       
     sMail = sMail + '<table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">'
     sMail = sMail + "<tr><td>Total Logs</td><td width=50>%d</td></tr>" % len(self.m_log.getLog())
     if data.has_key(typeInfo) and data[typeInfo] > 0:
         sMail = sMail + "<tr><td>Information Logs</td><td>%d</td><tr>" % data[typeInfo]
     if data.has_key(typeWarning) and data[typeWarning] > 0:
         sMail = sMail + "<tr><td>Warning Logs</td><td>%d</td><tr>" % data[typeWarning]
     if data.has_key(typeError) and data[typeError] > 0:
         sMail = sMail + '<tr><td><font color="red">Error Logs</font></td><td><font color="red">%d</font></td><tr>' % data[typeError]
     if data.has_key(typeDebug) and data[typeDebug] > 0:
         sMail = sMail + "<tr><td>Debug Logs</td><td>%d</td><tr>" % data[typeDebug]        
     if data.has_key(typeCheck) and data[typeCheck] > 0:
         sMail = sMail + "<tr><td>Check Point Logs</td><td>%d</td><tr>" % data[typeCheck]           
     if data.has_key("checkpoint_pass") and data["checkpoint_pass"] > 0:
         sMail = sMail + '<tr><td><font color="green">Check Point Logs (Passed)</font></td><td><font color="green">%d</font></td><tr>' % data["checkpoint_pass"]
     if data.has_key("checkpoint_fail") and data["checkpoint_fail"] > 0:
         sMail = sMail + '<tr><td><font color="red">Check Point Logs (Failed)</font></td><td><font color="red">%d</font></td><tr>' % data["checkpoint_fail"]
     if bPass:
         sMail = sMail + '<tr><td><font color="green">Passed!</td><td></td></tr>'
         sMail = sMail + '<tr><td><font color="red">Failed!</td><td></td></tr>'      
     sMail = sMail + '</table>'          
     sMail = sMail + "<br><hr><p><H3>Logs</H3>"    
     for log in self.m_log.getLog():
         sHead = ""
         sEnd = ""
         sBody = ""
         color = ""
         type = log["type"]
         if not data.has_key(type):
             data[type] = 0
         data[type] = data[type] + 1                    
         if type == typeError:
             color = "red"
         elif type == typeWarning:
             color = "yellow"
         elif type == typeCheck:
             if log["more"]:
                 data["checkpoint_pass"] = data["checkpoint_pass"] + 1
                 color = "green"
                 data["checkpoint_fail"] = data["checkpoint_fail"] + 1
                 color = "red"
         elif type == typeDebug:
             color = "#666666"                                     
         if color != "":             
             sHead = '<font color = "%s">' % (color)
             sEnd = '</font>'                            
         sBody = self.m_log.formatLog(log)
         sMail = sMail + sHead
         sMail = sMail + sBody
         sMail = sMail + sEnd              
         sMail = sMail + "<br>"             
     strFrom = self.m_Sender
     strTo = toMail
     smtp = smtplib.SMTP()
     msgRoot = MIMEBase('multipart', 'mixed', boundary='BOUNDARY')
     msgRoot['Subject'] = title
     msgRoot['From'] = strFrom
     msgRoot['To'] = strTo
     msgAlternative = MIMEBase('multipart', 'mixed', boundary='BOUNDARY')
     msgText = MIMEText(sMail, 'html')
     if self.m_SMTPUser != None and len(self.m_SMTPUser) > 0:
         smtp.login(self.m_SMTPUser, self.m_SMTPPass)
     smtp.sendmail(strFrom, strTo, msgRoot.as_string())