def main(): init_logging() logging.debug("Starting at: " +"%c")) data = load_json(JSON_FILE) try: check_data(data) except AssertionError: logging.error("Data error! Sending email...") sendemail('Cryptotraitor ERROR', "Unexpected json data:\n%s" % data) return last_order = data[-1] action = last_order[0] price = last_order[2] time = parser.parse(last_order[3]) now = logging.debug("Now: " + now.strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")) logging.debug("Last order time: " + time.strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")) logging.debug("Last order action: " + action + " @ " + price) # Test send an email if (now - time) <= timedelta(minutes = TRADE_THRESHOLD): logging.debug("Ready to " + action) try: createOrder(action) except: logging.error("Order failed! Sending email...") e = sys.exc_info()[0] sendemail('Cryptotraitor ERROR', e) return else: logging.debug('Order stale, exiting...')
def send_email(directory): email_name, email_user, email_pswd, mailto, body = get_vars(droid) subject = 'Break-in attempt at %s - sending now that I have interwebs' % directory images = os.listdir(os.path.join(BACKUP_IMAGES_PATH, directory)) images = [os.path.join(BACKUP_IMAGES_PATH, directory, x) for x in images] try: emailer.sendemail(email_name, email_user, email_pswd, mailto, subject, body, images) except Exception as err: with open(os.path.join(LOG_PATH, FAILED_EMAIL_LOG), 'a') as f: f.write('%s\n' % str(err)) droid.makeToast('email failed')
def createOrder(action): # Load keys and create an API object handler = btceapi.KeyHandler() nonce = random.randint(0, 100000000) handler.addKey(BTCE_KEY, BTCE_SECRET, nonce) key = handler.getKeys()[0] if LIVE_TRADING: logging.debug("**LIVE TRADING**") else: logging.debug("**SIMULATED TRADING**") logging.debug("Trading with key %s" % key) api = btceapi.TradeAPI(key, handler) # Create a trader that handles BTC/USD trades in the given range. trader = orderbot.CryptoTrader(api, "btc_usd", action, logging.debug, LIVE_TRADING) # Create a bot and add the trader to it. bot = btcebot.Bot() bot.addTrader(trader) # Add an error handler so we can print info about any failures bot.addErrorHandler(onBotError) # Update every 10 seconds bot.setCollectionInterval(10) bot.start() print "Running; press Ctrl-C to stop" if action == "SELL": curr = "btc" elif action == "BUY": curr = "usd" try: while 1: bal = trader.getBal(curr) logging.debug("Balance is %s " % bal + curr.upper()) if bal < btceapi.min_orders['btc_usd']: logging.debug(action + " complete!") sendemail('Cryptotraitor order - ' + action, 'BTC: ' + str(trader.getBal('btc')) + '\nUSD: ' + str(trader.getBal('usd'))) bot.stop() break time.sleep(10) except KeyboardInterrupt: print "Stopping..." finally: bot.stop()
def initializescan(url, email): report = Report(url) scanner = Scanner() try: results = scanner.scan(url) report.update_results(str(results)) except Exception as e: report.update_results(str(e)) with app.app_context(): emailtext = f''' Your report is ready.\n Simply follow the link below to see your website's results. \n\n{report.hashid} \n\n ''' sendemail(f'Your scan is ready! - {str(}', recipients=[email], email_text=emailtext) return
''' If we don't have an internet connection, we can backup the images so that a second task that runs every 10 minutes can check for unsent images, and send when a connection is available ''' curr_time ='%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S') backup_path = os.path.join(BACKUP_IMAGES_PATH, curr_time) os.makedirs(backup_path) for image in images: file_name = os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(image)) new_image_path = os.path.join(backup_path, file_name) os.rename(image, new_image_path) if __name__ == '__main__': if os.path.exists(LOG_PATH) == False: os.makedirs(LOG_PATH) droid = android.Android() email_name, email_user, email_pswd, mailto, subject, body, attachments_list = get_vars(droid) if(emailer.internet_is_on()): try: emailer.sendemail(email_name, email_user, email_pswd, mailto, subject, body, attachments_list) except Exception as err: with open(os.path.join(LOG_PATH, FAILED_EMAIL_LOG), 'a') as f: f.write(str(err)) droid.makeToast('email failed') sys.exit(1) else: curr_time ='%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S') with open(os.path.join(LOG_PATH, MAIN_LOG), 'a') as f: f.write('%s -- No internet connection. Backing up images for later sending.\n' % curr_time) backup_images(attachments_list)
db ='addresses', writeback=True) # Initial populating database # db['alice'] = {'email': '*****@*****.**', 'chores': []} # db['ben'] = {'email': '*****@*****.**', 'chores': []} # db['david'] = {'email': '*****@*****.**', 'chores': []} # db['shawn'] = {'email': '*****@*****.**', 'chores': []} chores = ['dishes', 'bathroom', 'vacuum', 'walk dog'] # Loop through addresses for name in db: # Choose a random chore. If chore done before, choose another one. while True: randomChore = random.choice(chores) if randomChore not in db[name]['chores']: break # Record down chore in chores list for person, & remove chore from chores list db[name]['chores'].append(randomChore) chores.remove(randomChore) print("{} will do {}.".format(name, randomChore)) # Send email to person with assigned chore message = "Subject: Chore for the Week\nDear {}, you are chosen to do the chore: {}. Enjoy and work hard!".format( name, randomChore) emailer.sendemail(smtpObj, db[name]['email'], message) # Closing db, logging out of gmail db.close() emailer.logout(smtpObj)