def check_gauss(self):
     # Function to check if gaussian algorithm was used to pick and is so
     # ask user if she wants to perform an automatic picking for the remaining micrographs
     gaussJsonFile = join("e2boxercache", "gauss_box_DB.json")
     # Check if gauss json file exists and load it
     if os.path.exists(gaussJsonFile):
         jsonGaussDict = loadJson(gaussJsonFile)
         gaussParsDict = None
         micList = [os.path.relpath(mic.getFileName(), self.workingDir.get()) for mic in self.inputMics]
         # Go over the list of input micrographs and see if gaussian was used to pick any of them
         for mic in micList:
             if mic in jsonGaussDict:
                 gaussParsDict = jsonGaussDict[mic]
         if gaussParsDict is not None:
             # If found ask user if she wats to perform an automatic gaussian picking for the rest of mics
             # if askYesNo(Message.TITLE_PICK_GAUSS, Message.LABEL_PICK_GAUSS, None):
             self._params['boxSize'] = gaussParsDict['boxsize']
             # Run to store parameters
             program = eman2.getEmanProgram("")
             argsList = ["'%s'=%s:" %(key, val) for (key, val) in gaussParsDict.iteritems()]
             args = 'demoparms --makedb ' + "".join(argsList)
             # Remove last ":" to avoid error
             args = args[:-1]
             # Run the command with formatted parameters
   'Launching: ' + program + ' ' + args)
             self.runJob(program, args)
             # Now run with stored parameters
             #arguments = "--gauss_autoboxer=demoparms --write_ptcl --boxsize=%(boxSize)s --norm=normalize.ramp.normvar" + arguments
             arguments = "--gauss_autoboxer=demoparms --write_dbbox --boxsize=%(boxSize)s " + "%(inputMics)s"
             program = eman2.getEmanProgram("")
   'Launching: ' + program + ' ' + arguments % self._params)
             self.runJob(program, arguments % self._params)
    def createInitialModelStep(self, args):
        """ Run the EMAN program to create the initial model. """
        if self._isHighSym():
            program = eman2.getEmanProgram('')
            program = eman2.getEmanProgram('')

        self.runJob(program, args, cwd=self._getExtraPath())
    def launchBoxingGUIStep(self):
        # Print the eman version, useful to report bugs
        self.runJob(eman2.getEmanProgram(''), '')
        # Program to execute and it arguments
        program = eman2.getEmanProgram("")
        arguments = "%(inputMics)s"
        # Run the command with formatted parameters'Launching: ' + program + ' ' + arguments % self._params)
        self.runJob(program, arguments % self._params)

        # Open dialog to request confirmation to create output
        if askYesNo(Message.TITLE_SAVE_OUTPUT, Message.LABEL_SAVE_OUTPUT, None):
            self._leaveDir()# going back to project dir
Beispiel #4
    def launchBoxingGUIStep(self):
        # First we go to runs directory (we create if it does not exist)
        # Program to execute and it arguments
        program = eman2.getEmanProgram("")
        arguments = "%(inputMics)s"
        # Run the command with formatted parameters'Launching: ' + program + ' ' + arguments % self._params)
        self.runJob(program, arguments % self._params)

        # Open dialog to request confirmation to create output
        if askYesNo(Message.TITLE_SAVE_OUTPUT, Message.LABEL_SAVE_OUTPUT, None):
            self._leaveDir()# going back to project dir
 def createInitialModelStep(self, args):
     """ Run the EMAN program to create the initial model. """
     program = eman2.getEmanProgram('')
     self.runJob(program, args, cwd=self._getExtraPath())