def snow_and_ndsi_locations(src_info, no_data_value):
    """Generate Landsat snow locations and NDSI nodata locations

        src_info <SourceInfo>: Information about the source data
        no_data_value <int>: No data (fill) value to use

        list(<int>): Locations where we decided snow exists
        list(<int>): Locations containing no data (fill) values

    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)'Building TOA based NDSI band for Landsat data')

    # GREEN --------------------------------------------------------------
    green_data = emis_util.extract_raster_data(, 1)
    green_no_data_locations = np.where(green_data == no_data_value)
    green_data = green_data *

    # SWIR1 --------------------------------------------------------------
    swir1_data = emis_util.extract_raster_data(, 1)
    swir1_no_data_locations = np.where(swir1_data == no_data_value)
    swir1_data = swir1_data * src_info.toa.swir1.scale_factor

    # NDSI ---------------------------------------------------------------
    with np.errstate(divide='ignore'):
        ndsi_data = ((green_data - swir1_data) / (green_data + swir1_data))

    # Cleanup no data locations
    ndsi_data[green_no_data_locations] = no_data_value
    ndsi_data[swir1_no_data_locations] = no_data_value

    # Memory cleanup
    del green_data
    del swir1_data
    del green_no_data_locations
    del swir1_no_data_locations

    # Capture ndsi no data locations
    ndsi_no_data_locations = np.where(ndsi_data == no_data_value)

    # Save the locations for the specfied snow pixels'Determine snow pixel locations')
    snow_locations = np.where(ndsi_data > 0.4)

    # Memory cleanup
    del ndsi_data

    return (snow_locations, ndsi_no_data_locations)
def extract_warped_data(ls_emis_stdev_warped_name, no_data_value, intermediate):
    """Retrieves the warped image data

        ls_emis_stdev_warped_name <str>: Path to warped emissivity stdev file
        no_data_value <float>: Value to use for fill
        intermediate <bool>: Keep any intermediate products generated

        <numpy.2darray>: Emissivity standard deviation data
        list(<int>): Emissivity stdev locations containing no data (fill) values

    # Load the warped estimated Landsat EMIS stdev into memory
    ls_emis_stdev_data = emis_util.extract_raster_data(
        ls_emis_stdev_warped_name, 1)
    ls_emis_stdev_no_data_locations \
        = np.where(ls_emis_stdev_data == no_data_value)

    if not intermediate:
        # Cleanup the intermediate files since we have them in memory
        if os.path.exists(ls_emis_stdev_warped_name):

    return (ls_emis_stdev_data, ls_emis_stdev_no_data_locations)
def generate_landsat_ndvi(src_info, no_data_value):
    """Generate Landsat NDVI

        src_info <SourceInfo>: Information about the source data
        no_data_value <int>: No data (fill) value to use

        <numpy.2darray>: Generated NDVI band data
        list(<int>): Locations containing no data (fill) values

    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)'Building TOA based NDVI band for Landsat data')

    # NIR ----------------------------------------------------------------
    nir_data = emis_util.extract_raster_data(, 1)
    nir_no_data_locations = np.where(nir_data == no_data_value)
    nir_data = nir_data * src_info.toa.nir.scale_factor

    # RED ----------------------------------------------------------------
    red_data = emis_util.extract_raster_data(, 1)
    red_no_data_locations = np.where(red_data == no_data_value)
    red_data = red_data *

    # NDVI ---------------------------------------------------------------
    ndvi_data = ((nir_data - red_data) / (nir_data + red_data))

    # Cleanup no data locations
    ndvi_data[nir_no_data_locations] = no_data_value
    ndvi_data[red_no_data_locations] = no_data_value

    # Memory cleanup
    del red_data
    del nir_data
    del nir_no_data_locations
    del red_no_data_locations

    # Capture these before less than zero operation
    no_data_locations = np.where(ndvi_data == no_data_value)

    # Turn all negative values to zero
    # Use a realy small value so that we don't have negative zero (-0.0)
    ndvi_data[ndvi_data < 0.0000001] = 0

    return (ndvi_data, no_data_locations)
def extract_warped_data(ls_emis_warped_name, aster_ndvi_warped_name,
                        no_data_value, intermediate):
    """Retrieves the warped image data with some massaging of ASTER NDVI

        ls_emis_warped_name <str>: Path to the warped emissivity file
        aster_ndvi_warped_name <str>: Path to the warped ASTER NDVI file
        no_data_value <float>: Value to use for fill
        intermediate <bool>: Keep any intermediate products generated

        <numpy.2darray>: Emissivity data
        list(<int>): Emissivity locations where gap data exists
        list(<int>): Emissivity locations containing no data (fill) values
        <numpy.2darray>: Emissivity standard deviation data
        <numpy.2darray>: ASTER NDVI data
        list(<int>): ASTER NDVI locations where gap data exists
        list(<int>): ASTER NDVI locations containing no data (fill) values

    # Load the warped estimated Landsat EMIS into memory
    ls_emis_data = emis_util.extract_raster_data(ls_emis_warped_name, 1)
    ls_emis_gap_locations = np.where(ls_emis_data == 0)
    ls_emis_no_data_locations = np.where(ls_emis_data == no_data_value)

    # Load the warped ASTER NDVI into memory
    aster_ndvi_data = emis_util.extract_raster_data(aster_ndvi_warped_name, 1)
    aster_ndvi_gap_locations = np.where(aster_ndvi_data == 0)
    aster_ndvi_no_data_locations = np.where(aster_ndvi_data == no_data_value)

    # Turn all negative values to zero
    # Use a realy small value so that we don't have negative zero (-0.0)
    aster_ndvi_data[aster_ndvi_data < 0.0000001] = 0

    if not intermediate:
        # Cleanup the intermediate files since we have them in memory
        if os.path.exists(ls_emis_warped_name):
        if os.path.exists(aster_ndvi_warped_name):

    return (ls_emis_data, ls_emis_gap_locations, ls_emis_no_data_locations,
            aster_ndvi_data, aster_ndvi_gap_locations,
def main():


    object_store_url = str(get_env_var('OBJECT_STORE_URL', None))
    sleep_range_min = int(get_env_var('SLEEP_RANGE_MIN', 1))
    sleep_range_max = int(get_env_var('SLEEP_RANGE_MAX', 5))
    data_range_min = int(get_env_var('DATA_RANGE_MIN', 0))
    data_range_max = int(get_env_var('DATA_RANGE_MAX', 24872))
    # We have 24873 items in our list so 0-24872 index range


    data = list()

    with open(FILENAME, 'r') as fd:
        data = [x.strip() for x in fd]

    while True:

        index = random.randint(data_range_min, data_range_max)
        sleep_seconds = random.randint(sleep_range_min, sleep_range_max)

        # Add the bucket and filename to the url
        url_path = ''.join([object_store_url, '/AG100.003/', data[index]])

        status_code = Web.http_transfer_file(url_path, data[index])

        if status_code !=['ok']:
            if status_code !=['not_found']:
                raise Exception('HTTP - Transfer Failed')

        # Define the sub-dataset names
        emis_ds_name = ''.join(['HDF5:"', data[index], '"://Emissivity/Mean'])
        emis_sdev_ds_name = ''.join(['HDF5:"', data[index], '"://Emissivity/SDev'])
        ndvi_ds_name = ''.join(['HDF5:"', data[index], '"://NDVI/Mean'])
        lat_ds_name = ''.join(['HDF5:"', data[index], '"://Geolocation/Latitude'])
        lon_ds_name = ''.join(['HDF5:"', data[index], '"://Geolocation/Longitude'])

        aster_b13_data = emis_util.extract_raster_data(emis_ds_name, 4)
        aster_b14_data = emis_util.extract_raster_data(emis_ds_name, 5)
        aster_b13_sdev_data = emis_util.extract_raster_data(emis_sdev_ds_name, 4)
        aster_b14_sdev_data = emis_util.extract_raster_data(emis_sdev_ds_name, 5)
        aster_ndvi_data = emis_util.extract_raster_data(ndvi_ds_name, 1)
        aster_lat_data = emis_util.extract_raster_data(lat_ds_name, 1)
        aster_lon_data = emis_util.extract_raster_data(lon_ds_name, 1)


def extract_aster_data(url, filename):
    """Extracts the internal band(s) data for later processing

        url <str>: URL to retrieve the file from
        filename <str>: Base HDF filename to extract from

        <numpy.2darray>: Mean Band 13 data
        <numpy.2darray>: Mean Band 14 data
        <numpy.2darray>: NDVI band data
        <int>: Samples in the data
        <int>: Lines in the data
        <2x3:float>: GDAL Affine transformation matrix
                     [0] - Map X of upper left corner
                     [1] - Pixel size in X direction
                     [2] - Y rotation
                     [3] - Map Y of upper left corner
                     [4] - X rotation
                     [5] - Pixel size in Y direction
        <bool>: True if the ASTER tile is available, False otherwise

    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    # Build the HDF5 filename for the tile
    h5_file_path = ''.join([filename, '.h5'])

    emis_util.download_aster_ged_tile(url=url, h5_file_path=h5_file_path)

    # There are cases where the emissivity data will not be available
    # (for example, in water regions).
    aster_b13_data = []
    aster_b14_data = []
    aster_ndvi_data = []
    samps = 0
    lines = 0
    geo_transform = []
    if not os.path.exists(h5_file_path):
        # The ASTER tile is not available, so don't try to process it
        return (aster_b13_data, aster_b14_data, aster_ndvi_data, samps, lines,
                geo_transform, False)

    # Define the sub-dataset names
    emis_ds_name = ''.join(['HDF5:"', h5_file_path,
    ndvi_ds_name = ''.join(['HDF5:"', h5_file_path,
    lat_ds_name = ''.join(['HDF5:"', h5_file_path,
    lon_ds_name = ''.join(['HDF5:"', h5_file_path,


    aster_b13_data = emis_util.extract_raster_data(emis_ds_name, 4)
    aster_b14_data = emis_util.extract_raster_data(emis_ds_name, 5)
    aster_ndvi_data = emis_util.extract_raster_data(ndvi_ds_name, 1)
    aster_lat_data = emis_util.extract_raster_data(lat_ds_name, 1)
    aster_lon_data = emis_util.extract_raster_data(lon_ds_name, 1)

    # Determine the minimum and maximum latitude and longitude
    x_min = aster_lon_data.min()
    x_max = aster_lon_data.max()
    y_min = aster_lat_data.min()
    y_max = aster_lat_data.max()

    del aster_lon_data
    del aster_lat_data

    # Determine the resolution and dimensions of the ASTER data
    (x_res, y_res, samps, lines) = (
                                           x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max))

    # Build the geo transform
    geo_transform = [x_min, x_res, 0, y_max, 0, -y_res]

    return (aster_b13_data, aster_b14_data, aster_ndvi_data, samps, lines,
            geo_transform, True)