def make_player(canvas, engine="gstreamer"): def stop(player): player.file = "" def play(player, media): stop(player) player.file = join_path(DATA_DIR, media) = True def replay(player): fname = player.file stop(player) play(player, fname) sfx_player = Emotion(canvas, module_filename=engine) bgm_player = Emotion(canvas, module_filename=engine) bgm_player.on_playback_finished_add(replay) add_hook('play:sfx', play, sfx_player) add_hook('game:end', stop, sfx_player) add_hook('play:bgm', play, bgm_player) add_hook('game:over', stop, bgm_player) add_hook('game:end', stop, bgm_player)
def _load_emotions(self, wn_domains_dir): """Loads the hierarchy of emotions from the WordNet-Affect xml.""" tree = ET.parse("{0}/a-hierarchy.xml".format(wn_domains_dir)) root = tree.getroot() for elem in root.findall("categ"): name = elem.get("name") if name == "root": Emotion.emotions["root"] = Emotion("root") else: Emotion.emotions[name] = Emotion(name, elem.get("isa"))
def __init__(self, label, clf): self.frame = None self.thread1 = None self.thread2 = None self.stopEvent1 = None self.stopEvent2 = None self.started = None self.captured = None self.label = label self.vs = VideoStream().start() self.fa = Face() self.emotion = Emotion(clf) self.outputPath = None
def main(path, friend, limit): print('Loading sentences...') sentences = load_sentences(path=path, friend=friend, limit=limit) print('Inferring emotions...') labels = Emotion().predict(sentences) print('Grouping sentences and labels...') emotion_dict = group_sentences_and_labels(sentences, labels) print('Creating wordclouds...') wordclouds = create_wordclouds(emotion_dict) print('Plotting wordclouds...') plot_wordclouds(wordclouds)
def compute_emotions(self, emo_labels, fps=4): #import video video = Video([], self.duration, path=self.front_video, name=self.ID, fps=fps) if video.successful_loading: #Detect and crop the face of the user video.face_detect(mode='crop', model='both') #Predict emotions with the CNN with the cropped face as input video.emotions_prediction() #7 predicitons outputed from the NN for each timestamp (4 fps) along the video #contenated with the winning emotion for each timestamp preds7 = np.asarray(video.emotions.preds7) best_guess7 = np.asarray(np.expand_dims(video.emotions.best_guess7, axis=1)) concat = np.concatenate((preds7, best_guess7), axis=1) df = pd.concat([pd.Series(x) for x in concat], axis=1).T #Create an emotion class for further processing self.emotion = Emotion(df, emo_labels, fps=fps) return 1 else: print('Front video of clip {} not found.' .format(self.ID)) return 0
class Capture: def __init__(self, label, clf): self.frame = None self.thread1 = None self.thread2 = None self.stopEvent1 = None self.stopEvent2 = None self.started = None self.captured = None self.label = label self.vs = VideoStream().start() self.fa = Face() self.emotion = Emotion(clf) self.outputPath = None def start(self): #setting started to true to set it is started in the train function. #Because None type cannot be set self.started = True #Erasing stopEvent value (if any) to loop in the function self.stopEvent1 = None #checking if train thred is started #if started close it if (self.captured): self.stopEvent2.set() #initialize the thread self.stopEvent1 = threading.Event() self.thread1 = threading.Thread(target=self.videoLoop, args=()) self.thread1.start() def close(self): #initiallly checking if the threads have been started and then closing #if started if (self.started): self.stopEvent1.set() if (self.captured): self.stopEvent2.set() # self.vs.stop() def exit(self): if (self.started): self.stopEvent1.set() print "closing thread 1" if (self.captured): self.stopEvent2.set() print "closing thread 2" self.vs.stop() VideoStream().stop() def capture(self, emotion): #setting the trained variable to true for same reason as started self.captured = True # self.emo = emotion self.outputPath = "Dataset" + os.sep + emotion if os.path.exists(self.outputPath): pass else: os.mkdir(self.outputPath) #Setting StopEvent to None to loop self.stopEvent2 = None #stopping started thread if running if (self.started): self.stopEvent1.set() #initializing the train thred self.stopEvent2 = threading.Event() self.thread2 = threading.Thread(target=self.captureLoop, args=()) self.thread2.start() def snapshot(self): ts = filename = "{}.jpg".format(ts.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S")) output = os.path.sep.join((self.outputPath, filename)) cv2.imwrite(output, self.frame.copy()) self.showInfo() def showInfo(self): def videoLoop(self): try: #loop until the stopEvent is not set while not self.stopEvent1.is_set(): self.frame = gray = cv2.cvtColor(self.frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) image = cv2.cvtColor(self.frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) faces = self.fa.detect(gray) image = self.emotion.getLandmarks(image, faces) image = Image.fromarray(image) image = ImageTk.PhotoImage(image) self.label.configure(image=image) self.label.image = image except RuntimeError, e: print "Error"
print('Negative_feedback Count : {}'.format(len(negative_feedbacks))) print(negative_feedbacks) print() print() print() print() # emotion wna = WNAffect('emotion_analyzer/wordnet-1.6/', 'emotion_analyzer/wn-domains-3.2/') # part-of-speech tag for f in feedbacks: ws = f.split(" ") for w in ws: word = w tokens = nltk.word_tokenize(word) post_tag = nltk.pos_tag(tokens=tokens) print(word) print(post_tag[0][1]) emo = wna.get_emotion(str(word), str(post_tag[0][1])) print("Emotion for *{}*: {}".format(word, emo)) if emo: parent = emo.get_level(emo.level - 1) print("Parent: {}".format(parent)) e = Emotion.emotions[str(parent)] # print(e.nb_children()) Emotion.printTree(e)
#!/usr/bin/env python # Playing a radio stream with EFL (Emotion) import ecore import ecore.evas from emotion import Emotion DSIZE = 320, 240 FILENAME = '' ee = ee.size = DSIZE canvas = ee.evas em = Emotion(canvas, module_filename='generic') em.file = FILENAME em.size = DSIZE = True if __name__ == '__main__': m = ecore.MainLoop() m.begin()