Beispiel #1
class LVAP:
    """ The EmPOWER Light Virtual Access Point

    One LVAP is created for every station probing the network (unless the MAC
    was blocked or if the MAC was not in the allowed list). An LVAP can be
    hosted by multiple WTPs. More preciselly an LVAP can be scheduled on one,
    and only one resource block in the downlink direction and on multiple
    resource blocks in the uplink direction. The downlink resource block is
    automatically also the default uplink resource block. The default uplink
    resource block is the resource block in charge of generating WiFi acks.
    Additional uplink resource blocks do not generate acks but can
    opportunistically receive and forward traffic. An unbound LVAP, i.e. an
    LVAP not hosted by any  WTP, is not admissible. The association between
    LVAP and ResourceBlock(s) is called TX Policy and models the parameters of
    the link between WTP and LVAP. The TX Policy abstraction is used to specify
    control policies at the WTP level. Example are the rate control algorithm
    which cannot be managed at the controller level due to timing constraints.

    Handover can be performed by setting the wtp property of an lvap object to
    another wtp, e.g.:

      lvap.wtp = new_wtp

    where lvap is an instance of LVAP object and new_wtp is an instance of wtp
    object. The controller takes care of removing the lvap from the old wtp and
    spawing a new lvap on the target wtp. Stats are cleared on handovers. The
    new_wtp must support the same channel and band of the old wtp otherwise no
    handover is performed.

    An handover can also be perfomed by assigning a valid list of
    ResourceBlocks to the blocks property of an LVAP object. The first block in
    the list will be the downlink block while the other (if any) will be uplink

      lvap.blocks = blocks

    Notice how the blocks variable must be either a non empty list of
    ResourceBlocks or it must be a single ResourceBlock.

    The TX Polocy configuration the downlink resource block can be changed in
    the following way:

      port = lvap.downlink[block]
      port.mcs = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]

    Where block is the ResourceBlock previously assigned. A new port
    configuration can be assigned in a single step with:

      lvap.downlink[block] = port

    where port is an instance of the RadioPort class.

    The last line will trigger a Port update message if the entry already
    exists. If the entry does not exists a ValueError message will be
    triggered. This is because the property blocks cannot be empty, then if
    the block is not found it means that the LVAP already has a downlink
    block and a second one cannot be created.

        addr: The client's MAC Address as an EtherAddress instance.
        tx_samples: array of 2-tuples of the TX'ed packets
        rx_samples: array of 2-tuples of the RX'ed packets
        net_bssid: The LVAP's MAC Address as an EtherAddress instance. This
          address is dynamically generated by the Access Controller.
          The BSSID is supposed to be unique in the entire network.
        lvap_bssid: The LVAP's active bssid as EtherAddress instance. This is
          the same of the net_bssid if the client is attached to a Unique Lvap
          tenant. If the client is attached to a Shared Lvap Tenant (i.e. to a
          VAP), then the lvap_bssid is the bssid of the VAP.
        ssids: The list of SSIDs to be broadcasted for this LVAP.
        assoc_id: association id for this LVAP (this cannot change
          after the LVAP has been spawned
        authentication_state: set to True if the LVAP has already completed
          the open authentication handshake .
        association_state: set to True if the LVAP has already completed
          the association handshake.
        ssid: The currently associated SSID.
        tx_samples: the transmitted packets
        rx_samples: the received packets
        encap: encapsulate data traffic into an ethernet frame with the
          specified destationation address
        tenant: the tenant to which this LVAP is associate (can be None)
        supported: the resource block advertised by the LVAP during the
          attachment procedure
        target_block: the target block of an handover procedure
        pending: the list of pending handover operations
        blocks: the concatenation of the downlink and uplink blocks (settable)
        downlink: the downlink block (as a dictionary, cannot be set)
        uplink: the uplink blocks (as a dictionary, cannot be set)
    def __init__(self, addr, net_bssid_addr, lvap_bssid_addr):

        # read only params
        self.addr = addr
        self.net_bssid = net_bssid_addr

        # lvap bssid, this is the bssid to which the client is currently
        # attached, it can only be updated as a result of an auth request
        # message
        self._lvap_bssid = lvap_bssid_addr

        # the following parameters are only updated upon RX of a lvap status
        # update message from an agent
        self.authentication_state = False
        self.association_state = False

        # the following parameters are only updated by the controller, which
        # will then dispatch an add lvap message in order to propagate the
        # change to the agent
        self._ssids = []
        self._encap = None

        # the following parameters can be updated by both agent and
        # controller. The controller sets them when a client successfully
        # associate. The agent sets them upon disassociation.
        self._assoc_id = 0
        self._tenant = None

        # only one block supported, default block points to this
        self._downlink = DownlinkPort()

        # multiple blocks supported, no port configuration supported
        self._uplink = UplinkPort()

        # counters
        self.tx_samples = []
        self.rx_samples = []

        # virtual ports (VNFs)
        self.ports = {}

        # downlink intent uuid
        self.poa_uuid = None

        # supported resource blocks
        self.supported_band = None

        # this is set before clearing the DL blocks, so that the del_lvap
        # message can be filled with the target block information
        self.target_block = None

        # module id incremental counter
        self.__module_id = 0

        # pending ids
        self.pending = []

    def module_id(self):
        """Return new sequence id."""

        self.__module_id += 1

        return self.__module_id

    def __set_ports(self):
        """Set virtual ports.

        This method is called everytime an LVAP is moved to another WTP. More
        preciselly it is called every time an assignment to the downlink
        property is made.

        # Delete all outgoing virtual link and then remove the entire port
        if self.ports:
            del self.ports[0]

        # Create a new port from scratch
        self.ports[0] = VirtualPortLvap(phy_port=self.wtp.port(),

        # set/update intent
        intent = {
            'version': '1.0',
            'dpid': self.ports[0].dpid,
            'port': self.ports[0].ovs_port_id,
            'hwaddr': self.addr

        intent_server = RUNTIME.components[IntentServer.__module__]

        if self.poa_uuid:
            intent_server.update_poa(intent, self.poa_uuid)
            self.poa_uuid = intent_server.add_poa(intent)

    def refresh_lvap(self):
        """Send add lvap message on the selected port."""

        for port in self._downlink.values():
  , port.block,

        for port in self._uplink.values():
  , port.block,

    def encap(self):
        """Get the encap."""

        return self._encap

    def encap(self, encap):
        """ Set the encap. """

        if self._encap == encap:

        self._encap = encap

    def assoc_id(self):
        """Get the assoc_id."""

        return self._assoc_id

    def assoc_id(self, assoc_id):
        """Set the assoc id."""

        if self._assoc_id == assoc_id:

        self._assoc_id = assoc_id

    def lvap_bssid(self):
        """Get the lvap_bssid."""

        return self._lvap_bssid

    def lvap_bssid(self, lvap_bssid):
        """Set the assoc id."""

        if self._lvap_bssid == lvap_bssid:

        self._lvap_bssid = lvap_bssid

    def ssids(self):
        """Get the ssids assigned to this LVAP."""

        return self._ssids

    def ssids(self, ssids):
        """Set the ssids assigned to this LVAP."""

        if self._ssids == ssids:

        self._ssids = ssids

    def set_ssids(self, ssids):
        """Set the ssids assigned to this LVAP without seding messages."""

        self._ssids = ssids

    def ssid(self):
        """ Get the SSID assigned to this LVAP. """

        if not self._tenant:
            return None

        return self._tenant.tenant_name

    def tenant(self):
        """ Get the tenant assigned to this LVAP. """

        return self._tenant

    def tenant(self, tenant):
        """ Set the SSID. """

        if self._tenant == tenant:

        self._tenant = tenant

    def downlink(self):
        """ Get the resource blocks assigned to this LVAP in the downlink. """

        return self._downlink

    def uplink(self):
        """ Get the resource blocks assigned to this LVAP in the uplink. """

        return self._uplink

    def blocks(self):
        """ Get the resource blocks assigned to this LVAP in the uplink. """

        return list(self._downlink.keys()) + list(self._uplink.keys())

    def blocks(self, blocks):
        """Assign a list of block to the LVAP.

        Assign a list of block to the LVAP. Accepts as input either a list or
        a ResourceBlock. If the list has more than one ResourceBlocks, then the
        first one is assigned to the downlink and the remaining are assigned
        to the uplink.

            blocks: A list of ResourceBlocks or a ResourceBlock

        if self.pending:
            raise ValueError("Handover alredy in progress")

        if not blocks:

        if isinstance(blocks, list):
            pool = blocks
        elif isinstance(blocks, ResourceBlock):
            pool = []
            raise TypeError("Invalid type: %s", type(blocks))

        for block in pool:
            if not isinstance(block, ResourceBlock):
                raise TypeError("Invalid type: %s", type(block))

        # Set downlink block if different.

        # set uplink blocks

        # send intents

    def __assign_downlink(self, dl_block):
        """Set the downlink block.

        Set the downlink block. Notice how this is always called before
        assigning the uplink and that if the specified dl_block is already
        defined as uplink then the agent will automatically promote the block
        to downlink."""

        # null operation
        if self.blocks and self.blocks[0] == dl_block:

        # If LVAP is associated to a shared tenant, then reset LVAP
        if self._tenant and self._tenant.bssid_type == T_TYPE_SHARED:

            # check if tenant is available at target block
            base_bssid = self._tenant.get_prefix()
            net_bssid = generate_bssid(base_bssid, dl_block.hwaddr)

            # if not ignore request
            if net_bssid not in self._tenant.vaps:

            # otherwise reset lvap
            self._tenant = None
            self.association_state = False
            self.authentication_state = False
            self._assoc_id = 0
            self._lvap_bssid = net_bssid

        # save target block
        self.target_block = dl_block

        # clear downlink blocks
        for block in list(self._downlink.keys()):
            # this will add a new id to pending
            del self._downlink[block]

        # reset target block
        self.target_block = None

        # assign default port policy to downlink resource block, this will
        # trigger a send_add_lvap and a set_port (radio) message
        # this will add a new id to pending
        self._downlink[dl_block] = RadioPort(self, dl_block)

    def reset_downlink_port(self):
        """Reset downlink radio port."""

        dl_block = self.blocks[0]
        self._downlink[dl_block] = RadioPort(self, dl_block)

    def __assign_uplink(self, ul_blocks):
        """Set the downlink blocks."""

        # this will remove duplicate blocks
        ul_blocks = set(ul_blocks)

        # clear uplink blocks
        for block in list(self._uplink.keys()):
            # this will add a new id to pending
            del self._uplink[block]

        if self.blocks and self.blocks[0]:
            ul_blocks = ul_blocks - set([self.blocks[0]])

        # assign uplink blocks
        for block in ul_blocks:
            # this will add a new id to pending
            self._uplink[block] = RadioPort(self, block)

    def wtp(self):
        """Return the wtp on which this LVAP is scheduled on."""

        if self.blocks and self.blocks[0]:
            return self.blocks[0].radio

        return None

    def wtp(self, wtp):
        """Assigns LVAP to new wtp."""

        for block in wtp.supports:
            if self.blocks and != self.blocks[0].channel:
            if self.blocks and != self.blocks[0].band:
            self.blocks = block

        self.block = []

    def clear_lvap(self):
        """Clear all downlink blocks."""

        # remove downlink
        for block in list(self._downlink.keys()):
            del self._downlink[block]

        for block in list(self._uplink.keys()):
            del self._uplink[block]

        # remove intent
        if self.poa_uuid:
            intent_server = RUNTIME.components[IntentServer.__module__]

    def to_dict(self):
        """ Return a JSON-serializable dictionary representing the LVAP """

        return {
            'addr': self.addr,
            'net_bssid': self.net_bssid,
            'lvap_bssid': self.lvap_bssid,
            'ports': self.ports,
            'wtp': self.wtp,
            'blocks': self.blocks,
            'downlink': [k for k in self._downlink.keys()],
            'uplink': [k for k in self._uplink.keys()],
            'supported_band': BANDS[self.supported_band],
            'ssids': self.ssids,
            'assoc_id': self.assoc_id,
            'ssid': self.ssid,
            'pending': self.pending,
            'encap': self.encap,
            'tx_samples': self.tx_samples,
            'rx_samples': self.rx_samples,
            'authentication_state': self.authentication_state,
            'association_state': self.association_state

    def __str__(self):

        accum = []
        accum.append("addr ")
        accum.append(" net_bssid ")
        accum.append(" lvap_bssid ")
        accum.append(" ssid ")

        if self.ssids:

            accum.append(" ssids [ ")

            for ssid in self.ssids[1:]:
                accum.append(", ")

            accum.append(" ]")

        accum.append(" assoc_id ")

        if self.association_state:
            accum.append(" ASSOC")

        if self.authentication_state:
            accum.append(" AUTH")

        return ''.join(accum)

    def __hash__(self):
        return hash(self.addr)

    def __eq__(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, LVAP):
            return self.addr == other.addr
        return False

    def __ne__(self, other):
        return not self.__eq__(other)
Beispiel #2
class LVAP(object):
    """ The EmPOWER Light Virtual Access Point

    One LVAP is created for every station probing the network (unless the MAC
    was blocked or if the MAC was not in the allowed list). An LVAP can be
    hosted by multiple WTPs. More preciselly an LVAP can be scheduled on one,
    and onyl one resource block on the downlink direction and on multiple
    resource blocks on the uplink direction. The downlink resource block is
    automatically also the default uplink resource block. The default uplink
    resource block is the resource block in charge of generating WiFi acks.
    Additional uplink resource blocks do not generate acks but can
    opportunistically receive and forward traffic. An unbound LVAP, i.e. an
    LVAP not hosted by any  WTP, is not admissible. The association between
    LVAP and ResourceBlock(s) is called Port and models the parameters of the
    link between WTP and LVAP. The Port abstraction is used to specify control
    policies at the WTP level. Example are the rate control algorithm which
    cannot be managed at the controller level due to timing constraints. Due
    to implementation constraints uplink ports CAN be define but are ignored.

    Handover can be performed by setting the wtp property of an lvap object to
    another wtp, e.g.:

      lvap.wtp = new_wtp

    where lvap is an instance of LVAP object and new_wtp is an instance of wtp
    object. The controller takes care of removing the lvap from the old wtp and
    spawing a new lvap on the target wtp. Stats are cleared on handovers. The
    new_wtp must support the same channel and band of the old wtp otherwise no
    handover is performed.

    An handover can also be perfomed by assigning a valid RasourcePool to an
    LVAP block property. First build the intersection and available
    resource pools

      pool = wtp.supports & lvap.supports
      lvap.block = pool

    This results in one resource block in the pool to be configured as
    downlink resource block (and thus also as default uplink resource block)
    while the others will be configured as uplink resource blocks.

    A short cut is also provided:

      lvap.scheduled_on = block

    The operation above will assign the default port policy to the LVAP.

    To change the port configuration the downlink resource block property must
    be used:

      port = lvap.downlink[block]
      port.tx_power = 20

    Where block is the ResourceBlock previously assigned. A new port
    configuration can be assigned in a single step with:

      lvap.downlink[block] = port

    where port is an instance of the RadioPort class.

    The last line will trigger a Port update message if the entry already
    exists. If the entry does not exists and there are no other entries in
    the structure, then a new entry will be created and an add LVAP massage
    will be sent before sending the port update message. If an entry is
    already available in the structure then a ValueError is raised.

    Applications can also manually delete resource blocks (this will trigger a
    del lvap message) and create new ones (this will trigger an add lvap

      del lvap.downlink[old_block]
      lvap.downlink[new_block] = port

        addr: The client's MAC Address as an EtherAddress instance.
        tx_samples: array of 2-tuples of the TX'ed packets
        rx_samples: array of 2-tuples of the RX'ed packets
        net_bssid: The LVAP's MAC Address as an EtherAddress instance. This
          address is dynamically generated by the Access Controller.
          The BSSID is supposed to be unique in the entire network.
        lvap_bssid: The LVAP's active bssid as EtherAddress instance.
        ssids: The list of SSIDs to be broadcasted for this LVAP.
        assoc_id: association id for this LVAP (this cannot change
          after the LVAP has been spawned
        authentication_state: set to True if the LVAP has already completed
          the open authentication handshake .
        association_state: set to True if the LVAP has already completed
          the association handshake.
        ssid: The currently associated SSID.
        tx_samples: the transmitted packets
        rx_samples: the received packets
        block: the resource blocks to which this LVAP is assigned.
        downlink: the resource block assigned to this LVAP on the downlink
        uplink: the resource block assigned to this LVAP on the uplink
        scheduled_on: union of the downlink and uplink resource blocks
    def __init__(self, addr, net_bssid_addr, lvap_bssid_addr):

        # read only params
        self.addr = addr
        self.net_bssid = net_bssid_addr

        # lvap bssid, this is the bssid to which the client is currently
        # attached, it can only be updated as a result of an auth request
        # message
        self._lvap_bssid = lvap_bssid_addr

        # the following parameters are only updated upon RX of a lvap status
        # update message from an agent
        self.authentication_state = False
        self.association_state = False

        # the following parameters are only updated by the controller, which
        # will then dispatch an add lvap message in order to propagate the
        # change to the agent
        self._ssids = []
        self._encap = None
        self._group = 6000

        # the following parameters can be updated by both agent and
        # controller. The controller sets them when a client successfully
        # associate. The agent sets them upon disassociation.
        self._assoc_id = 0
        self._tenant = None

        # only one block supported, default block points to this
        self._downlink = DownlinkPort()

        # multiple blocks supported, no port configuration supported
        self._uplink = UplinkPort()

        # counters
        self.tx_samples = []
        self.rx_samples = []

        # rates statistics
        self.rates = {}

        # virtual ports (VNFs)
        self.__ports = {}

        # downlink intent uuid
        self.poa_uuid = None

        # supported resource blocks
        self.supported = ResourcePool()

    def set_ports(self):
        """Set virtual ports.

        This method is called everytime an LVAP is moved to another WTP. More
        preciselly it is called every time an assignment to the downlink
        property is made.

        # Delete all outgoing virtual link and then remove the entire port
        if self.__ports:
            del self.__ports[0]

        if not self.wtp:

        self.__ports[0] = VirtualPortLvap(phy_port=self.wtp.port(),

        # set/update intent
        intent = {
            'version': '1.0',
            'dpid': self.__ports[0].dpid,
            'port': self.__ports[0].ovs_port_id,
            'hwaddr': self.addr

        intent_server = RUNTIME.components[IntentServer.__module__]

        if self.poa_uuid:
            intent_server.update_poa(intent, self.poa_uuid)
            self.poa_uuid = intent_server.add_poa(intent)

    def ports(self):
        """Get the virtual ports."""

        return self.__ports

    def refresh_lvap(self):
        """Send add lvap message on the selected port."""

        for port in self.downlink.values():
  , port.block,

        for port in self.uplink.values():
  , port.block,

    def group(self):
        """Get the group."""

        return self._group

    def group(self, group):
        """ Set the group. """

        if self._group == group:

        self._group = group

    def encap(self):
        """Get the encap."""

        return self._encap

    def encap(self, encap):
        """ Set the encap. """

        if self._encap == encap:

        self._encap = encap

    def assoc_id(self):
        """Get the assoc_id."""

        return self._assoc_id

    def assoc_id(self, assoc_id):
        """Set the assoc id."""

        if self._assoc_id == assoc_id:

        self._assoc_id = assoc_id

    def lvap_bssid(self):
        """Get the lvap_bssid."""

        return self._lvap_bssid

    def lvap_bssid(self, lvap_bssid):
        """Set the assoc id."""

        if self._lvap_bssid == lvap_bssid:

        self._lvap_bssid = lvap_bssid

    def ssids(self):
        """Get the ssids assigned to this LVAP."""

        return self._ssids

    def ssids(self, ssids):
        """Set the ssids assigned to this LVAP."""

        if self._ssids == ssids:

        self._ssids = ssids

    def set_ssids(self, ssids):
        """Set the ssids assigned to this LVAP without seding messages."""

        self._ssids = ssids

    def ssid(self):
        """ Get the SSID assigned to this LVAP. """

        if not self._tenant:
            return None

        return self._tenant.tenant_name

    def tenant(self):
        """ Get the tenant assigned to this LVAP. """

        return self._tenant

    def tenant(self, tenant):
        """ Set the SSID. """

        if self._tenant == tenant:

        self._tenant = tenant

    def downlink(self):
        """ Get the resource blocks assigned to this LVAP in the downlink. """

        return self._downlink

    def downlink(self, blocks):
        """Set downlink block.

        Set the downlink block. Must receive as input a single resource block.

        if isinstance(blocks, ResourcePool):
            pool = blocks
        elif isinstance(blocks, ResourceBlock):
            pool = ResourcePool()
            raise TypeError("Invalid type: %s", type(blocks))

        if len(pool) > 1:
            raise ValueError("Downlink, too many blocks (%u)", len(blocks))

        current = ResourcePool(list(self._downlink.keys()))

        # Null operation, just return, but before re-send intent configuration
        if current == pool:

        # clear downlink blocks
        for block in list(self._downlink.keys()):
            del self._downlink[block]

        # downlink block
        default_block = pool.pop()

        # check if block is also in the uplink, if so remove it
        if default_block in self._uplink:
            del self._uplink[default_block]

        # If lvap is associated to a shared tenant. I need to reset the lvap
        # before moving it.
        if self._tenant and self._tenant.bssid_type == T_TYPE_SHARED:

            # check if tenant is available at target block
            base_bssid = self._tenant.get_prefix()
            net_bssid = generate_bssid(base_bssid, default_block.hwaddr)

            # if not ignore request
            if net_bssid not in self._tenant.vaps:
                LOG.error("VAP %s not found on tenant %s", net_bssid,

            # check if vap is available at target block
            if net_bssid != self._tenant.vaps[net_bssid].net_bssid:
                LOG.error("VAP %s not available at target block %s", net_bssid,

            # otherwise reset lvap
            self._tenant = None
            self.association_state = False
            self.authentication_state = False
            self._assoc_id = 0
            self._lvap_bssid = net_bssid

        # assign default port policy to downlink resource block, this will
        # trigger a send_add_lvap and a set_port (radio) message
        self._downlink[default_block] = RadioPort(self, default_block)

        # set ports

    def uplink(self):
        """ Get the resource blocks assigned to this LVAP in the uplink. """

        return self._uplink

    def uplink(self, blocks):
        """Set downlink block.

        Set the downlink block. Must receive as input a single resource block.

        if isinstance(blocks, ResourcePool):
            pool = blocks
        elif isinstance(blocks, ResourceBlock):
            pool = ResourcePool()
            raise TypeError("Invalid type: %s", type(blocks))

        if len(pool) > 5:
            raise ValueError("Downlink, too many blocks (%u)", len(blocks))

        current = ResourcePool(list(self._uplink.keys()))

        # Null operation, just return
        if current == pool:

        # make sure we are not overwriting a downlink block
        downlink = ResourcePool(list(self._downlink.keys()))
        pool = pool - downlink

        # clear uplink blocks
        for block in list(self._uplink.keys()):
            del self._uplink[block]

        # assign uplink blocks
        for block in pool:
            self._uplink[block] = RadioPort(self, block)

    def scheduled_on(self):
        """ Get the resource blocks assigned to this LVAP in the uplink. """

        return ResourcePool(
            list(self._downlink.keys()) + list(self._uplink.keys()))

    def scheduled_on(self, blocks):
        """Assign default resource block to LVAP.

        Assign default resource block to LVAP. Accepts as input either a
        ResourcePool or a ResourceBlock. If the resource pool has more than
        one resource block then one random resource block is assigned as both
        downlink and default uplink. The remaining resource blocks are
        assigned as uplink only.

            downlink: A ResourcePool or a ResourceBlock

        if not blocks:

        if isinstance(blocks, ResourcePool):
            pool = blocks
        elif isinstance(blocks, ResourceBlock):
            pool = ResourcePool()
            raise TypeError("Invalid type: %s", type(blocks))

        # set downlink block
        self.downlink = pool.pop()

        # set uplink blocks
        self.uplink = pool

    def default_block(self):
        """Return the default block on which this LVAP is scheduled on."""

        if not self.downlink:
            return None

        default_block = next(iter(self.downlink.keys()))
        return default_block

    def wtp(self):
        """Return the wtp on which this LVAP is scheduled on."""

        if not self.default_block:
            return None


    def wtp(self, wtp):
        """Assigns LVAP to new wtp."""

        if not self.default_block:
            return None

        matching = wtp.supports & self.supported
        self.scheduled_on = matching.pop() if matching else None

    def clear_downlink(self):
        """ Clear all downlink blocks."""

        # remove downlink
        for block in list(self._downlink.keys()):
            del self._downlink[block]

        # remove intent
        if self.poa_uuid:
            intent_server = RUNTIME.components[IntentServer.__module__]

    def clear_uplink(self):
        """ Clear all downlink blocks."""

        for block in list(self._uplink.keys()):
            del self._uplink[block]

    def to_dict(self):
        """ Return a JSON-serializable dictionary representing the LVAP """

        return {
            'addr': self.addr,
            'net_bssid': self.net_bssid,
            'lvap_bssid': self.lvap_bssid,
            'ports': self.ports,
            'wtp': self.wtp,
            'scheduled_on': self.scheduled_on,
            'downlink': [k for k in self._downlink.keys()],
            'uplink': [k for k in self._uplink.keys()],
            'supported': self.supported,
            'ssids': self.ssids,
            'assoc_id': self.assoc_id,
            'ssid': self.ssid,
            'encap': self.encap,
            'tx_samples': self.tx_samples,
            'rx_samples': self.rx_samples,
            'rates': self.rates,
            'authentication_state': self.authentication_state,
            'association_state': self.association_state

    def __str__(self):

        accum = []
        accum.append("addr ")
        accum.append(" net_bssid ")
        accum.append(" lvap_bssid ")
        accum.append(" ssid ")

        if self.ssids:

            accum.append(" ssids [ ")

            for ssid in self.ssids[1:]:
                accum.append(", ")

            accum.append(" ]")

        accum.append(" assoc_id ")

        if self.association_state:
            accum.append(" ASSOC")

        if self.authentication_state:
            accum.append(" AUTH")

        return ''.join(accum)

    def __hash__(self):
        return hash(self.addr)

    def __eq__(self, other):
        if isinstance(other, LVAP):
            return self.addr == other.addr
        return False

    def __ne__(self, other):
        return not self.__eq__(other)