def put(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Update a component.


            [0]: the component id


            version: protocol version (1.0)
            params: dictionary of parametes supported by the component
                    as reported by the GET request

        Example URLs:

            PUT /api/v1/components/empower.apps.mobilitymanager.mobilitymanager
              "version" : 1.0,
              "params": {
                "every": 1000

        components = RUNTIME.load_main_components()
        component = components[args[0]]

        for param in kwargs['params']:

            if "params" not in component or param not in component['params']:
                msg = "Cannot set %s on compoment %s" % (param, args[0])
                raise ValueError(msg)

            setattr(component, param, kwargs['params'][param])
    def get(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Lists components.


            [0]: the component id (optional)

        Example URLs:

            GET /api/v1/components
            GET /api/v1/components/empower.apps.mobilitymanager.mobilitymanager

        components = RUNTIME.load_main_components()

        return components.values() if not args else components[args[0]]
    def get(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Lists the components.


            [0]: the id of a component

        Example URLs:

            GET /api/v1/components
            GET /api/v1/components/<component>

        components = RUNTIME.load_main_components()

        return components.values() if not args else components[args[0]]