Beispiel #1
    def add_interface(self, type, id, mac=None, model_type='virtio'):
        :param type:' bridge' OR 'network' .
                     If bridge inserts xml code for bridge,
                     If network insert xml code for virtual network
        if mac is None:
            mac = randomMAC()

        if type == 'bridge':
            interface_etree = etree.parse(StringIO(XML_SNIPPET_BRIDGE))
            interface_etree.xpath('/interface')[0].xpath('source')[0].set('bridge', id)

        elif type == 'network':
            interface_etree = etree.parse(StringIO(XML_SNIPPET_NETWORK))
            interface_etree.xpath('/interface')[0].xpath('source')[0].set('network', id)

            log.error('type of interface incorrect when adding interface in xml')
            return -1

        interface_etree.xpath('/interface')[0].xpath('mac')[0].set('address', mac)
        interface_etree.xpath('/interface')[0].xpath('model')[0].set('type', model_type)

        new_interface = interface_etree.xpath('/interface')[0]

        xpath_same = '/domain/devices/interface'
        xpath_next = '/domain/devices/input'
        xpath_previous = '/domain/devices/controller'

        self.add_device(xpath_same, new_interface, xpath_next=xpath_next, xpath_previous=xpath_previous)
Beispiel #2
    def add_interface(self, type, id, mac=None, model_type='virtio'):
        :param type:' bridge' OR 'network' .
                     If bridge inserts xml code for bridge,
                     If network insert xml code for virtual network
        if mac is None:
            mac = randomMAC()

        if type == 'bridge':
            interface_etree = etree.parse(StringIO(XML_SNIPPET_BRIDGE))
            interface_etree.xpath('/interface')[0].xpath('source')[0].set('bridge', id)

        elif type == 'network':
            interface_etree = etree.parse(StringIO(XML_SNIPPET_NETWORK))
            interface_etree.xpath('/interface')[0].xpath('source')[0].set('network', id)

            log.error('type of interface incorrect when adding interface in xml')
            return -1

        interface_etree.xpath('/interface')[0].xpath('mac')[0].set('address', mac)
        interface_etree.xpath('/interface')[0].xpath('model')[0].set('type', model_type)

        new_interface = interface_etree.xpath('/interface')[0]

        xpath_same = '/domain/devices/interface'
        xpath_next = '/domain/devices/input'
        xpath_previous = '/domain/devices/controller'

        self.add_device(xpath_same, new_interface, xpath_next=xpath_next, xpath_previous=xpath_previous)
Beispiel #3
    def reset_mac_address(self, dev_index=0, mac=None):
        '''delete the mac address from xml. In the next boot libvirt create a random mac
         If you want to fix mac address mac parameter is optional.
         If there are more than one network device, the dev_index indicates the network device position
         in the xml definition. dev_index = 0 is the first network interface defined in xml.'''

        if mac is None:
            mac = randomMAC()

        self.tree.xpath('/domain/devices/interface')[dev_index].xpath('mac')[dev_index].set('address', mac)
Beispiel #4
    def reset_mac_address(self, dev_index=0, mac=None):
        '''delete the mac address from xml. In the next boot libvirt create a random mac
         If you want to fix mac address mac parameter is optional.
         If there are more than one network device, the dev_index indicates the network device position
         in the xml definition. dev_index = 0 is the first network interface defined in xml.'''

        if mac is None:
            mac = randomMAC()

        self.tree.xpath('/domain/devices/interface')[dev_index].xpath('mac')[dev_index].set('address', mac)
Beispiel #5
 def new_random_mac(self):
     new_mac = randomMAC()
     return new_mac
Beispiel #6
 def new_random_mac(self):
     new_mac = randomMAC()
     return new_mac